Habemus Papam! - st-als.org · Pope Benedict XVI Habemus Papam! We Have a Pope! Prayer for the Pope...

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Transcript of Habemus Papam! - st-als.org · Pope Benedict XVI Habemus Papam! We Have a Pope! Prayer for the Pope...


Benedict XVI

Habemus Papam!

We Have a Pope!

Prayer for the Pope Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to your shepherd Benedict XVI a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he, as successor to the Apostle Peter and Vicar of Christ, build your Church into a sacrament of unity, love and peace for all the world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Two April 24, 2005

St. Alphonsus Catholic Church

210 E. Logan, Lemont Parish Staff

Pastor: Rev. Frank Jenks Weekend Celebrants: Fr. Robert Rohrich

Fr. Noel Wall Fr. Ron Scarlata

Diaconal Ministry: Deacon Terry McGuire

Pastoral Associate: Sr. Sandra Zorko DRE: Mr. Kevin Cody

School Principal: Mrs. Jacki Chiaramonte

Youth Ministry: Diane Herman Office Coordinator: Mrs. Dorothy Lafin Property Manager:

Mr. Thomas Manzella Accountant: Ms. Carol Levas

Records Coordinator: Mrs. Jody Sternat

SPRED: Ms. Carol Levas Music Director:

Mr. Joe Martorano, Music Coordinators: Ms. Christina Grinius

Mr. John Devona Ms. Maureen McCoy

Business Hours Monday-Friday�9:00 am-4:00 pm

Phone Numbers Office Center�257-2414

Fax�257-2476 RE Office�257-2371

School Office�783-2220 Youth Ministry�257-0158

Mass Schedules Weekends�Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 am

5:00 pm at St. Pat�s Monday�Friday 7:30 am in the chapel

Holy Days�to be announced Eucharistic Adoration

Tuesday�8:00 am�8:00 pm, chapel Parish Web Site www.st-als.org

Fifth Sunday Of Easter Have you ever noticed the progress of a house under construction? If it's on a route you go by regularly, you can learn much about the routine of new construction. There has to be leadership--usually a general contractor. It is this person's responsibility to coordinate all the work. Each person brings his/her own gifts to the job site. First the foundation is built. Block by block it rises, each block depending on the previous one--each one bound distantly to the first block. Once the foundation is done, frames for subse-quent rooms are nailed and filled with wires, pipes, and insulation. Drywall covers the inte-rior as the house heads toward decoration and ultimate completion. Today's readings show us a similar construction plan. The construction crew for the early Church was established in Acts. Some dispute arose about who would do what and who did more than someone else. The Hellenists accused the Hebrews of shortchanging their widows. The disciples stepped in to help the com-munity determine who the leaders would be and what their responsi-bilities were to be. In his letter, Peter further shows that the foundation is poured. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Church. He is a precious stone to those who believe. For them, he will be the foundation. For those who reject the stone, however, he will be the rock that causes them to stumble. The construction continues as John describes in the Gospel how Jesus goes before all of us to prepare our rooms. We can only imag-ine what the room will look like and how its construction takes place, but we know for sure that God has called us to come to that room if only we accept the Son, the cornerstone. We are the living stones of the Church. We bring new life day after day, generation after genera-tion, century after century. When we run into obstacles in life--at work, with our families, in volunteer work--we look for a new and creative approach to solve the problem. This involves looking at the situation in a new way. It seems that musicians are among some of the most creative people we know--and they should be. After all, they only have twelve notes to work with, but look at all they do with them! They look at these same notes differently each time they create a new composition. As living stones of the Church, we are invited to look at things in a new way. We are called to be open and creative in our view of the world, to be enthusiastic about our mission. Our mission is but one block in the construction of the whole Church, small and inconse-quential when we view it individually; but an integral part of a sig-nificant structure. If we accept our place in this foundational struc-ture, we are promised a room in the Father's house.

Copyright (c) 2004, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Please Pray For

Kyle Holley Mason Briese

John Bush Pete Pasiewicz Dawn Candela

Richard Rohrich Julia Ginner Joanne Pick

Bonnie Posey

Reconciliation Saturday, 4:00 pm or by


Baptisms Baptisms are usually celebrated the second and third Sundays of every month. No Baptisms during Lent.

Marriage Prospective bride and groom must be registered parishioners at least 6


Sick and Homebound Contact Sr. Sandra, 257-2414 to re-ceive a visit from a Minister of Care.

Parish Registration Everyone 18 years and older

should register for the parish. To register for the parish, please call the

Office Center, 257-2414

Parish Pastoral Council Members Ralph Schobert

Bev Malak Tom Culcasi Renate Meyer Carol Ricken Ali Tucker Pat Urban

Michelle Salazar

From the Pastor’s Desk

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Three April 24, 2005

My Brothers and Sisters, We have a new Pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now known as Pope Benedict XVI. The announcement was made shortly after Noon, Chicago time. It was far sooner than many pundits had predicted, though some thought the election would take only one ballot. So much for the pundits. Now comes the speculation about what kind of a Pope he will be. Yet another exercise in futility. He will be the Pope, the leader of the world�s Catholic population. How he will ex-ercise that office will be worked out in time, capitalizing on his own unique strengths. Several facts emerge from the events of the past few weeks. The first two are obvious. We have a Pope. The �inter-regnum,� the time between Popes is always difficult. We now have a person whom we will refer to as our Holy Father. The second fact is that he needs and deserves our prayers. I will pray for him every day as I recite the Eucharistic prayer, as I have prayed daily for his prede-cessors. I urge you to pray for him daily. He has a difficult, and sometimes lonely job. Knowing that the world�s Catholics are pray-ing for him will be one of his greatest consolations. The third fact that emerges from the experience of the last few weeks is less obvious. I have been amazed at the media coverage of the last days of the life of John Paul II, the �inter-regnum� and the election of Benedict XVI. The soul of the Catholic Church has been exposed to the world in unprecedented ways, much to the chagrin of many non-Catholics, as well as some Catholics, I am sure. We have been in the spot light, and with notoriety comes responsibility. We must lead just and loving lives. We must be �the light of the world� as Jesus, Himself, has instructed us. And we must pray for the world. Within that world, we must pray for Pope Benedict XVI, we must pray for our Church, we must pray for the many people who have be-come estranged from the Church of their birth, we must pray for non-Catholic Christians, and we must pray for the people of other faith traditions to whom John Paul II so lovingly reached out. We should have faith that God will help us do the rest, and place what is out of our control in God�s loving hands. Moving on to local news, we had our Fashion Show/Luncheon, �High Tea at the Races� last Sunday. The event was a great success. I want to thank the Planning Team for their dedication and hard work. I will list them alphabetically, since they did work as a team. Special thanks, then to Jean Blum, Carol Levas, Dorothy Lafin, Barb Harper, April Padalik, Michelle Salazar, Melanie Terrazas, and Ali Tucker. The main benefit of the Show was to bring people together to cele-brate. We will inform you of the financial benefits to our parish after the final accounting is completed. Let us continue to celebrate Easter and Springtime together. Be assured of my continued love and prayers, for I am your brother,

News and Happenings

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Four April 24, 2005

Religious Education


Registration For 2005-2006 Program Year

Returning families will receive a registration packet at their 15th session in May. Registra-tion forms should be returned at the 16th and final session.

What’s Happening In... 4th Grade?

We are blessed to have creative catechists in Kathleen Collins, Debbie Schmidt, and Sr. Anne Marie Knawa, along with their assistants: Karin Gory and Judy Bezjak. Lately, 4th Grad-ers have been proudly reciting the Nicene Creed by memory and discussing it�s meaning. Other facts of our faith that they have been learning more about include the structure of the Bible, liturgy as the work of worshipping God, the sacra-ments of initiation and healing, the Beatitudes, Command-ments 5-10, and conscience. Each track has experi-enced putting their faith in ac-tion through service projects. In the spirit of ecumenism, they sponsored a Jewish child in the Chanukah Book Club; they put together a basket of �necessities� for the Daybreak Shelter (they had the Easter Egg coloring event with the children of the shelter can-celled at the last minute be-cause of a schedule conflict at the shelter), and they adopted a soldier to correspond with and send much needed boots. Fol-lowing is an e-mail received

Melanoma Benefit Walk The Fifth Annual Melanoma Benefit Walk , in memory of Beverly Nickleski Maske, will take place Friday, April 29th. Registration will take place at 6:30 pm and the one mile walk begins at 7:00 pm. It will take place at the Le-mont Township High School, 800 Porter Street in Lemont at the indoor/outdoor track. Registration fee is a minimum of $10.00 per person. You can walk individually or as a group. 100% of all donations go di-rectly to the Melanoma Re-search Fund at Lutheran Gen-eral Hospital. For further infor-mation contact Lori Olkiewicz at 630-257-3932

Mother’s Day Flower Sale

Show how much you appreciate your Mom

by giving her a beautiful bouquet of roses, carnations or mixed flowers. We will sell Mother�s Day flowers after all Masses on Sat-urday May 7 and Sunday May 8th. Proceeds from the sale will help support the life saving work of the Women's Centers of Greater Chicagoland. The money raised by this sale will be used to help teens and women facing crisis pregnan-cies. Sponsored by the Respect Life Committee.

from their soldier: “Hello to Mrs. Schmidt and the 4th Grade Religious Ed Class, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for all of the wonderful Christmas cards...it brought a smile to my face and they were very thoughtful. All of the gifts were nice too....and the boots were a perfect fit - thank-you. I must say that you all had made my deployment worth while. To see such young students taking time out to show us your support was a terrific Christ-mas present, better yet it was the best Christmas I have ever received.....Thank-you all!!!” Sr. Anne Marie recently hosted her class at Our Lady of Victory Convent in Lemont. Her class enjoyed learning how religious women live in com-munity. They visited a mu-seum on premises that gave them a history of the order, the chapel, and the infirmary. And they ended the evening with an ice cream treat provided by the sisters who enjoyed seeing such �wonderful children�.

Parent University The Family School Association is proud to sponsor an exciting program at St. Al�s/St. Pat�s School, �Parent University.� Over the course of the year vari-ous speakers will be invited to

discuss topics of interest to parents. This month�s topic will be �Internet Safety For Your Children.� The guest speaker will be an internet investigator from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Most internet crime occurs with sub-urban children. Won�t you join us at school on Wednesday, April 27th, at 7:00 pm for a very in-formative evening.

Around St. Al’s

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Five April 24, 2005

St. Al's St. Pat's

Weekly Offering April 16th & 17th

Weekly Need $10,843.00 Weekly Received $ 9,377.02 Surplus (Deficit) ($ 1,465.98)

Fiscal Year-to-date Surplus (Deficit) $9,624.89

Thank you to all our parishioners who give their share to support our parish.

Help Wanted Mr. Assisi Academy High School has an immedi-ate need for a Maintenance Supervisor. If you are interested or know someone who may be a candi-date, please contact Ed McKernin at 630-257-7844.

Think Spring The robins are back, the grass is turning green and the daffo-dils are sprouting. Spring! This past year many parish-ioners remarked how nice the parish grounds were looking and once again we are in need of volunteers to help plant and maintain our flower beds and areas around the church. Most of these areas were marked last fall and we have some volunteers already. Please contact Tom, Property Manager, for details on how to adopt an area that you and your family might maintain for our parish. He can be reached at 257-2414x231.

High School Honor Roll Congratulations to the following parishioners who have been named to the Joliet Catholic Academy Honor Roll: Briana Fleener and Andrew Pellegrini to the A Honor Roll and Jacoby Fleener to the B Honor Roll. Once again, congratulations.

“Golf On The Hill” Mount Assisi Academy and Alver-nia Manor once again are sponsor-ing the 11th Annual �Golf on the Hill� Charity Golf Tournament on Monday, May 16th. The exciting event will be held at Cog Hill Golf Course with a new �scramble format" this year. The traditional �Beat the Nun� special event where Sr. Mary Ann Dosen is available to be challenged on a par 3 will once again be one of the many highlights. The cost of golf and dinner is $125 or come for dinner and silent auction for $35. Proceeds from this event go directly to the De-velopment Funds that are sponsored by the Fran-ciscan School Sisters of Christ the King. For information and/or reservations please call 257-7495. Reservation deadline is May 6th.

Planning Tropical Nights Planning for the August 13th Tri-parish Tropical Nights is underway. In our third year of this event, we are looking forward to another fabulous sum-mer gathering. The committee is seeking a parish-ioner who may wish to donate the printing of the invitations or contribute to the cost of printing. For information, please call Carol Ricken at 815-838-2194.

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Six April 24, 2005

EVERY Friday at 6:30-7:15 am Scripture Study for HIGH SCHOOL teens at American Bagel EVERY Friday at 6:30 pm -9:00 pm OPEN GYM for Jr. High moved to St. Matthews Lu-theran enter North side EVERY Sunday: LIFE TEEN mass at 5:00 pm at St. Pat�s with Teen LIFE TEEN Musicians TBA � SOFTBALL MTG � 7:30-8:30 pm at the Teen Center for High School teens (and 8th grade graduates) April 29 - High School and � Day Break SOUP Kitchen -5:00 pm-9:00 pm May 7 – Spring FLOWER SALE � 9:00 am -2:00 pm at (tentative). May 7 – High School Port Ministries: Deliver lunches to children in parks on Bread Truck 9:30-2:30 pm May 8 Happy Mother�s Day Mom! May 15 � High School & 8th grade �Pentecost Picnic� (site TBA) May 16 � MISSION TRIP Mtg - 7:00 pm at Teen Center MANDATORY for teens, but par-ents also welcome

May 18 � World Youth Day Catechetical Meet-ing at St. Michael May 22� High School Social (location TBD) June 3- Jr. High � Open Gym LAST NIGHT (resumes 9/9) June 5 High School Teen CORE Meeting 12:00 NOON - 1:00 pm at Teen Center June 4 � CARWASH � ( Summer trip Fundraiser at Lemont Express Car Wash �8:00 am to noon (TENTATIVE) June 11 � High School Port Ministries: Deliver lunches to children in parks on Bread Truck 9:30-2:30 pm June (TBA) - World Youth Day Commissioning Mass at Our Lady of the Woods June 12 - Summer Mission Trip commissioning Mass � 5:00 pm at St. Pats (teens & parents) June 12 - High School � �TOPICS NIGHT” 6:00-7:30 pm and Game Time at Teen Center� LAST FOR YEAR

Electronic Fund Transfer Electronic Fund Transfer, (EFT), is the process of automatically having your contribution offering transferred from your checking or saving account to St. Al�s account.

What will EFT do for you? ● No more check writing ● No more remembering your envelope ● No more looking for the correct currency ● Automated record keeping

What will EFT do for St. Al�s? ● Your offering arrives even when you are not

able to attend mass ● You help us simplify our record keeping ● We are better able to plan and budget Once you have signed up for Electronic Fund Transfer, you will no longer need envelopes except for special second collections. If your financial situation changes, you may change or stop your payment at any time by calling the parish office. To sign up for Electronic Fund Transfer, com-plete the request for an EFT form. Return the completed form by mail or place in the collection basket marked ATTN Jody Sternat. You will be sent an EFT form with more information about the EFT process. If you have any questions or con-cerns, please call the parish office, 630-257-2414.

Electronic Funds Transfer Request Form

Name:__________________________________ Address:________________________________ City/Zip:_______________________________ Phone :________________________________ Envelope Number:_______________________

High School Teens: Looking for some summer fun???

WELL. . . . PLAY BALL!!!

It's Our 2nd year for Lemont Youth Ministry's Softball Team and you can be part of it !

COST: $40.00 for active teens in Lemont Youth Ministry

$55.00 non-active teens� includes team jersey, & league fees Practices: Beginning late May, time TBD

Games: 2 times weekly, mid June to first week of August League Tournament�First week of August

Home games & Traveling games�dates will vary FORMS on the web: lemontyouthministry.com

SIGN-UP deadline: May 15 Our team is part of a league of area suburban churches!

INFO contact: Diane Herman 257-0158

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Seven April 24, 2005

New Life At Epiphany School This Easter is a wonderful celebration of new life for the parents and students of Epiphany School. In late February we were told that we would be closing our doors at the end of this school year after 94 years of quality education in west Little Village. This sad news was widely broadcasted throughout the archdiocese and beyond. Today, what is little known is the Epiphany School will indeed stay open for many years due to the intense work of the parents and alumni. They petitioned the superintendent to grant a reprieve based on two major factors. The enrollment is significantly increased and pledges of financial support are being received from several key sources. Epiphany parents and students are very grateful to you for your support throughout these past few years. Your financial assistance in the form of supplies, gifts and money has helped us in many ways. Your prayers and friendship are what count the most for us. Please know that we continue to hold you in prayer. Should you have any questions or would like to visit us please contact J. Breezer Rickey, our sharing par-ish coordinator at 773-521-1112 x 224. Sister Elizabeth Pardo Principal

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Eight April 24, 2005

Daybreak Soup Kitchen Once again the Lemont Tri-Parishes will be preparing dinner for the homeless at the Joliet Soup Kitchen on Friday, April 29th, 6:00-8:00 pm. Anyone interested in preparing and serving contact Jeanne at 257-8908. As always items listed below are needed. Thank you to all for the generosity shown in previous moths.

Taco Dinner 18 lbs. ground beef (can be donated in any quantity) 1 (9x12) aluminum pans with 8 cans refried beans per pan (unopened cans) 1 large pan lipton Taco or Spanish Rice (holds about 10 packages) 14 bags flour totillas (12 per bag) 2 boxes hard taco shells 3 (3lb. Bags) shredded cheddar cheese 14 packs taco seasoning mix 5 (lrg. Jars) salsa, medium 3 Jars jalapeno peppers 5 pints sour cream 2 lrg. Bags tortilla chips 3 heads lettuce 25 plum tomatoes 2 containers presweetened kool-aid or lemonade Home baked desserts (cookies, cakes, brownies, cupcakes, jello jigglers etc) Any item donated should be dropped off at 605 Ledochowski between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm on April 28th or call to make other arrangements.

Senior Kindred Spirits The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 26th at 11:15 am in the St. Al�s Parish Center. If you wish to join us for the $5.00 lunch, please submit pay-ment by Friday, April 22nd by contacting Dottie Holdsworth at 257-2682 or the St. Al�s Parish Office at 257-2414. Mary Paxson SKS President

Avon Walk This June 4 & 5 marks my 7th year walking to raise money to support finding a cure for breast cancer. When I hit the road this summer, I will know that you are with me and others on this pas-sionate journey. Your dedicated support is making an extraordi-nary difference in the fight to find a cure for breast cancer. Please consider making a dona-tion by contacting me at 257-2008 or via e-mail at rae.dyer@kmzr.com. Thank you from the bottom of my soles! Rae Dyer Parishioner & walker #901091

Treasures From Our Tradition If there is such a thing as a Catholic "trademark" it is the sign of the cross, first traced on the senses of catechumens as they begin the jour-ney to baptism, or on the forehead of an infant who is brought to the doors of the church at baptism. As early as the third century, Christians were tracing the sign of the cross on their bodies. At first, the cross was traced on the forehead during times of prayer and daily occupations. We use a similar small cross today as we trace the cross over on the forehead, lips, and heart at the Gospel during Mass. Much later, the full-body sign traced from forehead to heart to shoulders took shape, perhaps copying the priest's gesture of blessing with the consecrated host during Mass. Today, this superb baptismal gift is a sign of belonging to Christ and the community, a way of focusing our attention, of asking for God's blessing, of tracing on our shoulders a willingness to find meaning in life's burdens. In the sign of the cross, we have an ever-available means of expressing gratitude for our baptism.

--James Field, (c) Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

Bilingual Counselor Needed

The Women�s Center currently has an opening for a full time paid bilingual (Spanish) coun-selor at our south side location. If you have a degree in counsel-ing, psychology or a related so-cial service field and would like to apply your professional skills to a life-saving ministry, fax your resume to Judy at 773-794-1622. Any questions that you might have, please call 773-794-3292.

Remember In Your Prayers... Joshua Nelson, USMC, Middle East;

Ryan Meder, USMC, Iraq, Russell Neal, USA, Fort Campbell;

Scott Bosco, USA, Kuwait; Lance W. Harlan, USMC, Camp LeJune N.C.; Derek R. Harlan, USMC,Camp LeJeune, N.C.;

Rich Brija, USMC, Iraq; Robert McKinney, USAF Afghanistan;

Mark Giancarol, USA, Iraq, Mark Anderer, USMC, Jerry Sharp, USN, Iraq

Greg Adamiec, USMC, Camp Pendleton and all who serve our country.

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Nine April 24, 2005

National Donate Life Month—April 2005 April is National Donate Life Month. More than 87,000 United States citizens are in need of vital organs and tis-sues. For many, the chance to live a full life won�t come unless many more of us con-

sider organ and tissue donation. Please take a moment to sign the back of your driver�s license of donor card and discuss organ and tissue donation with your family�since they are the ones who will follow through on your wishes upon your death. Please consider making this great gift. For infor-mation contact Gift of Hope Organ &Tissue Donor Network at 888-307-DON8 or www.giftofhope.org.

Misericordia Candy Days Volunteer for the 20th annual Misericordia Candy Days, Friday and Saturday, April 29th and 30th. By giving just a couple hours of your time, you will make a difference for more than 500 children and adults with developmental disabilities who en-joy challenging lives in an environment of dignity, beauty and respect at Misericordia. In 2005, Misericordia must raise almost $10 million for program costs not covered the the government. You can help Misericordia raise these funds by volunteering for Misericordia Candy Days. Call 773-273-2768 or visit www.misericordia.org for more information.

Our New Catholics Want To Tell You...

I was overjoyed being baptized at Easter. Not only am I closer to God, my family and I are united in one faith. The two most important things in my life are God and my family. Marla Aguinaga

My journey of faith has allowed me to grow closer spiritually to my sponsor who is also my wife. This has allowed us to discover love and under-standing on a much deeper level. It has taught me to take time during my busy workday to pause, re-flect and pray on my actions and decisions. I�ve also learned the truth regarding some commonly held misconceptions about Catholics. John Barnes

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Ten April 24, 2005

Presents the

Friday May 20th 8 am – 4 pm Saturday May 21st 8 am – 2 pm


Donations of Clean, Useable, Wearable Items, Baby Clothes, Toys, Small Furniture,

Tools, Jewelry, Small Kitchen Appliances, Etc. Will be Greatly Appreciated


Drop Off Days at the Meeting Center (STATE ST. DOOR) are:

May 14th 8 am – 3 pm May 15th 12:30 pm – 3 pm May 16 – 19th 2 pm – 7 pm

Volunteers are needed to help with set up and sale.

Any Questions: Call Jody Sternat at 257-2414

Senior Kindred Spirits

Red, White and Blue Rummage Sale

Date Time Presider Lector Ministers & Sacristan Servers Ushers Music April 30 *

5:00 pm Fr. Bob Rohrich

B. Kaufman R. Kalchbrenner R. Kalchbrenner J. August B. Malak (C) P. Malak (S/C)

Hoster Family N. Theodore

J. August G. August J. Nemeth


May 1

7:00 am Fr. Noel Wall

B. Betley D. Betley D. Dabney (S)

M. Byerley

G. Bozych B. Erickson J. Counter J. Bannon


8:30 am Fr. Frank Jenks

L. Jankowski

C. Cacciato J. Cacciato P. Perkey (S)

Driscoll Family D. Balinski

C. Miklos B. Bruno T. Armijo D. Garvey J. Cacciato

Youth Choir

10:00 am Fr. Frank Jenks

K. Scott

R. Haubner (S) J. Brennan J. Bannes

J. Harper C. Bryant

B. Litborski T. Dalton R. Burke M. Mars M. Kardas J. Latz J. Goushas

Family Choir

11:30 am Fr. Bob Rohrich

J. Blum G. Missaggia (S) M. Missaggia M. Drew

C. Bialek B. Ternes

B. Lindauer C. Rutkowski D. Harkins D. Drew K. Harper K. Shupe

Classical Choir

St. Alphonsus Bulletin is a weekly publication of St. Alphonsus Catholic Community of Lemont, Illinois. All rights reserved. Printing by J. S. Paluch Co., Inc., Schiller Park, Illinois. All items for publication must be at the Parish Center no later than 9:00 am Thursday, ten days prior to publication.

Liturgical Ministers Schedule

* Communion under both species

Fifth Sunday of Easter Page Eleven April 24, 2005

Mass Intentions Saturday, April 23 5:00 pm Anna Cericola & Edith Fabis�Mary & Joe Fabis Sunday, April 24 7:00 am Connie Shourek�Jack & Char Counter & Rose Nelson 8:30 am Satina Buggemi�Carmela Cochrane 10:00 am Louis Esposito�Swann Family 11:30 am Patricia Goode�Joanne Begeske Monday April 25 7:30 am Jerome Adams�Family Tuesday, April 26 7:30 am Dennis Mannix�Kathleen Mannix Wednesday April 27 7:30 am Paul T. Radou�Ron & Dorothy Lafin Thursday, April 28 7:30 am William Freehauf�Ruth & Alan Freehauf

Friday April 29 7:30 am Parishioners of St. Alphonsus Saturday, April 30 5:00 pm Joseph Serio�Family Daniella Zanin—Family Sunday, May 1 7:00 am Bob Michalek�Ralph & Bonnie Shroyer George Jr., Betty & George F. Jedlicka—Estelle Kogut 8:30 am Jean Klos & Estelle Cacciato�Carol & John Cacciato Frances LaBuz—Daughter 10:00 am James Hadley Jr.�Anne & Jerry Lichtenwalter 11:30 am Nancy Goreham�Resurrection & Classical Choir Larry Scialabba�Anna Scialabba & Family