Habakkuk Week 4 Hmwk Print[1]

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Habakkuk Week 4 Hmwk Print[1]

  • 8/4/2019 Habakkuk Week 4 Hmwk Print[1]


    Habakkuk Week 4

    Day 1

    *What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

    *What has God impressed upon your heart today?

    1. As we begin week 4 of homework, its important to look back over

    where we have been in the book of Habakkuk. Briefly summarize what

    has happened so far and be sure to mention where we have left off.

    2. Who was the last to speak?

    3. What do you think he is waiting to hear?

    4. Read Habakkuk 2:1-11.

    Memory Verse-

    So much of this week will be spent focusing on a life of faith verses a

    life without faith. Faith can really only be seen in the way that is it

    lived out. The way a person lives- not whether they have good

    behavior or bad behavior- but whether or not they trust the Lord shows

    what a person believes. The Lord says that it is your faith that makes

    you righteous. Its at the heart of our Christian walk. The memory

    verse this week focuses on our faith. It is Romans 1:17 in the NIV



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    Write out Romans 1:17 (NIV).

    5. Look closely at Habakkuk 2:1. What are your initial thoughts on the


    As we begin chapter 2, note that some time has passed. It is

    suggested that the Babylonians have actually taken over Judah at this

    point. Habakkuk has been waiting to hear from the Lord once again,


    Notice the position that Habakkuk takes in Habakkuk 1a. Many

    scholars believe this to be more of a figurative positioning than a literal

    one, but it is a great picture nonetheless. The idea is that Habakkuk

    will do whatever he needs to do in order to hear from the Lord. It is an

    intentional withdrawing, a strategic repositioning. Its a critical move

    for a person wanting to hear from God. He is taking his listening


    John Calvin says that it is as if Habakkuk is saying though no

    hope should soon appear, I shall not despond; nor shall I

    forsake my station; but I shall remain constantly in that tower,

    to which I wish now to ascend: I will watch then to see what he

    may say to me.

    6. As you seek the Lord, how can you- literally or figuratively- stand

    upon the watch and station yourself upon the rampart?


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    Look at the second part of the verse. The ESV reads, and look out to

    see whathe will say to me. Notice that the text says what, not if.

    Habakkuk is expecting to hear from God. Just as we noted before

    beginning in Habakkuk 1:5, the Lord speaks. As children of God, we

    can expect to hear from Him.

    7. Read Psalm 5:3. How should we wait to hear from the Lord?

    8. Find another verse that speaks to hearing from the Lord and write it


    The NASB translates the last part of this verse as, and how I may

    reply when I am reproved. Theres a wonderful humility in this

    approach to questioning the Lord. Habakkuk knows that Gods ways

    are good and right. He knows that his own thoughts, concerns,

    confusion are the products of a lack of Holy understanding. Habakkuk

    is expecting to be corrected or admonished. He is in the place of

    accepting Gods will, though it is beyond his understanding. This is

    something that can only happen through knowing God. As you grow in

    your intimacy with Him, he refines you and gives you faith to trust His

    ways. As one commentary states, When you behold the glory of God

    and believe the Word of God, it gives you faith to accept the will of


    9. Write a prayer asking the Lord to help you come to know Him in a

    way that you are able to trust Him more and more each day.


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    What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be

    sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.


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    Day 2

    *What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

    *What has God impressed upon your heart today?

    1. Read Habakkuk 2:1-11.

    Memory Verse-

    Write out Romans 1:17 (NIV).

    2. Look closely at Habakkuk 2:2-3. What are your initial thoughts on

    the passage?

    Then the Lord answered me Arent you thankful for a God whoanswers prayer even if it takes longer than you think it should, even

    if its not the answer you would like to hear? He answers. We worship

    a God who cares about a relationship with us.

    The first thing the Lord tells Habakkuk to do is to write down what he

    will tell him.

    3. Why do you think the Lord has him do this?

    4. Read the following passages and state the reasons given for writing

    down what God speaks:


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    Romans 15:4

    Jeremiah 30:2-3

    Isaiah 30:8

    Psalm 77:11-12

    Is there anything that you are writing now? Prayer requests? A

    journal? We know that the Lord is faithful to speak and faithful to act.

    Sometimes the best way to see this is by recording what youve been

    talking to Him about. Have you ever written a prayer down and later

    been able to see how God answered your prayer?

    5. What is something, right now, that you want to make sure you write

    down to preserve until its fulfillment can be demonstrated

    historically, as one commentator puts it?

    In verse 3, we revisit the theme of waiting.

    Just as Judah would wait, with great desperation, for salvation from the

    Babylonians, Christians in the New Testament would be given the

    same verse as it relates to the return of Christ. The Lord is alwayschallenging us to rest in His perfect timing to trust His appointed


    6. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, 3:17, and 8:6. What do these verses say

    about timing?


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    7. Why should you trust Gods timing?

    Just as we are individually are waiting for different things, we, as

    Christians are waiting for something collectively Christs return.

    Habakkuk 2:3 is written about in reference to the Babylonian captivity,

    but it is later used in Hebrews 10:37 in reference to the return of

    Christ. We are meant to be encouraged as we wait for resolution in our

    immediate circumstances and we are to be encouraged as we step

    back and look at the big picture Christ is coming back to make all

    things right. Just as the Lords timing is perfect for all of our day-to-

    day issues, His timing will be perfect in His return as well. It is an

    exciting thought!

    8. Read Hebrews 10:37. What does it say?


    What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be

    sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.


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    Day 3

    *What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

    *What has God impressed upon your heart today?

    1. Read Habakkuk 2:1-11.

    Memory Verse-

    Write out Romans 1:17 (NIV).

    2. Look closely at Habakkuk 2:4. What are your initial thoughts on the



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    3. We may have landed at the heart of the book of Habakkuk

    in this passage. The Righteous will live by his faith.

    What do you think it means to live by faith?

    This verse is critical. In fact, it is so important that the New Testament

    quotes this verse three times- Romans 1:17 (the memory verse for this

    week), Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:38.

    4. Look up each of the verses in The Message version of the Bibleand put each of them into your own words.

    Romans 1:17

    Galatians 3:11

    Hebrews 10:38

    5. What does living by faith look like?

    6. What are some ways that you fail to live by faith?


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    7. Read Psalm 131. How does Psalm 131 demonstrate a heart of



    What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be

    sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.


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    Day 4

    *What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

    *What has God impressed upon your heart today?

    1. Read Habakkuk 2:1-11.

    Memory Verse-

    Write out Romans 1:17 (NIV).

    2. Look closely at Habakkuk 2:5-8. What are your initial thoughts on

    the passage?

    Look at Habakkuk 2:5. Just like in verse 4, God addresses the haughty

    one. Its part of our fallen nature. Its in all of us and God hates it, so

    we pay attention when the Scriptures speak to it.


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    3. Look at the following verses about pride. What does Gods word

    say about pride, or haughtiness?

    Isaiah 2:17

    Jeremiah 49:16

    Romans 12:16

    4. Find another verse on pride and write it here


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    Pride is selfish. It is inwardly focused, it is greedy and it creates an

    insatiable appetite. It is worship of self. It is worshipping something

    that cannot sustain and will only disappoint, thus requiring the

    worshipper to pursue harder, with more determination, anything that

    looks like it might satisfy an empty soul. The fact is that only God can

    satisfy a human soul. Our pride makes us think that we can do that for


    CS Lewis in Mere Christianity says, If I find in myself a desire

    which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most

    probable explanation is that I was made for another world.

    5. In what ways are you trying to meet desires or needs that only God

    can meet?

    Habakkuk 2:6 begins with a list of five woes, or sins, for which the Lord

    will bring judgment upon the Babylonians. They will serve his purpose

    now, but when he is finished with them, He will punish them for theirGodless lives. The Lord is using this time of captivity to show the

    Israelites the very worst of human nature. Its the direction Judah was

    headed before the Lord brought captivity upon them. The Lord shows

    them what humanity without faith looks like.

    The first of the five woes is self-ambition. Habakkuk 2:6-8 discusses

    this offense. The Babylonians trampled over anything they wanted to

    further themselves. Just as the Babylonians were guilty of this sin, it is

    rampant in the world today.

    The Babylonians increased what was not theirs and made themselves

    rich. True position and security can only be established in the Lord.

    Read Psalm 75:6-7. Where does position come from?


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    Read 1 Samuel 7-10. Who does the Lord exult?

    In what ways are you trying to get ahead to the detriment of yourself

    or others?

    What does Habakkuk 2:5-8 say to you regarding your own self-



    What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be

    sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.


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    Day 5

    *What Scriptures did you read in your time alone with God today?

    *What has God impressed upon your heart today?

    1. Read Habakkuk 2:1-11.

    Memory Verse-

    Write out Romans 1:17 (NIV).

    2. Look closely at Habakkuk 2:9-11. What are your initial thoughts on

    the passage?

    The second, of the five sins condemned in this chapter, iscovetousness. Coveting is defined as desiring what belongs to

    another. Its a form of greed.


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    The Babylonians were being called out for wanting the best of

    everything so that they could make themselves secure or to put their

    nest on high. Remember Habakkuk 1:7? Their authority originates

    with them. They truly believe that they are sovereign, not the Lord.

    The book of Daniel is written during Babylonia captivity. Read Daniel

    4:30 to see the mentality of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.

    3. What does the verse say?

    4. The Babylonians are covetous and greedy for the purpose of

    security and glorifying themselves. What reasons do you find yourself

    being covetous or greedy?

    5. Just as the Babylonians did not believe that the God of Judah was in

    fact the sovereign Lord of the earth, there is probably a truth that you

    do not believe if you find yourself greedy or covetous. Ask the Lord to

    show you truth about His character and your circumstances with

    regard to your desires. Write your prayer here.


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    Read 1 Timothy 6:6-11.

    6. According to this verse, why should we be content?

    7. How can we be content?

    Read Luke 12:22-34.

    8. What does this passage say about worry about the things that you

    think you need or that you think you should have?

    9. What does Jesus say to do in order to not be concerned about such


    10. According to Luke 12:34, what is the key to it all? Write about

    what that looks like in your life?

    Not wanting what is not yours to have is a decision that you make. It is

    a reordering of your priorities. If you are a Christ-follower, you have

    been given the greatest gift anyone could ever be given. You have

    been chosen. You have been bought with the death and resurrection

    of the Son of God. You have given abundant life on earth and eternal

    life with God. What is your response to that? Is that enough for you?

    If you never received another thing that you wanted, would you have

    enough? The obvious response is gratitude. We decide to be

    grateful for what we have been given in Christ and then for any


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    teeny thing that the Lord has blessed us with on top of that. We are

    grateful and we order our priorities as an expression of that.

    11. In what ways do you think the Lord would have you reorder your

    priorities as you decide to be grateful?


    What has the Lord shown you today as you have studied His Word? Be

    sure to discuss at least one verse in particular.
