GVU Brown Bag Seminar, Georgia Tech 12/6 - munmundGVU Brown Bag Seminar, Georgia Tech 12/6 . emotion...

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Transcript of GVU Brown Bag Seminar, Georgia Tech 12/6 - munmundGVU Brown Bag Seminar, Georgia Tech 12/6 . emotion...

GVU Brown Bag Seminar, Georgia Tech 12/6

emotion (Golder & Macy,

2011; De Choudhury et al,



diffusion (Kempe,

Kleinberg, 2003; Sun, Marlow,

2009; De Choudhury et al.



social roles (Agarwal et

al, 2008; Naaman et al, 2010)

network structure (Leskovec et al 2010)

crisis management (Starbird et al 2010)

social influence (Bakshy et al, 2011)

social ties (Gilbert & Karahalios,





groups and

communities (Kumar et al, 2006; Burke

et al, 2009; De

Choudhury et al. 2010)

citizen journalism (Diakopoulos & Shamma, 2010;

De Choudhury et al 2012)

urban informatics (Crandall et al, 2009; Cranshaw

et al, 2012)

what I have been doing

human behavior

online o how people spread


o how people form groups

o how shared social

artifacts evolve

o how people express


o mining frameworks

for deciphering

human behavior

o predictive models

o analytic insights

from big data

o improve the

experience of the


o understand the

impact of these

technologies on

their behavior

understanding individual behavior

examine patterns of activity and

emotional correlates for childbirth

and postnatal course leveraging

activity in social media

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

low-cost, privacy-preserving

mechanisms to identify new mothers’

behavior can improve social support

and encourage postpartum wellness

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(1) birth, weigh*, pounds/lbs, inches, length/long,


(2) announc*, birth of, son/daughter/brother/sister

(3) announc*, arrival of, son/daughter/brother/sister

(4) are the parents of, son/daughter/boy/girl/baby

(5) welcome* home by, brother/sister/sibling*

(6) is the proud big brother/sister

(7) after, labor, born

(8) it’s a boy/girl, born

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

prenatal-postnatal comparison

blue line represents approximate time of childbirth.

The beige line represents mothers and the green line

represents the background cohort

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

Mothers after childbirth (MA)

[high NA] Ugh, my daughter hates her bassinet. I hate disappointing her. What a miserable day.

[low activation] My baby is only catnapping during the day. That’s so sad and depressing. I feel


[low dominance] Anxiety/panic attacks need to eff off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m trying to lead a somewhat

normal life with my baby!!!! #frustrated #miserable

[high 1st person pronoun use] No lie I fuckin miss all socializing..... my daughter keeps me

occupied and exhausted. I have all my moments of the day

Mothers before childbirth (MP)

Derek & I sat on our screened in back porch listening to the thunderstorm & rain! So peaceful!

Just to think in 35 hours we’ll be parents!

Pregnant for the first time and I’m afraid I won’t be able to stand the labor pain. Husband trying

to reassure me, but he seems scared too. Thoughts????

I’m completely thrilled at the prospect of becoming a mother but the weight gain is bothering

me :(:(. Do I just need to get over myself'? Am I the only one :S

Days are getting busy!!! Need to start packing for the hospital, in case the baby is coming early!

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

Microsoft Research

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

measure small effect medium effect large effect

activity 38 29 20

emotion 17 4 12

style 43 3 18

effect sizes (based on Cohen’s d) over the three types of measures.

Numbers indicate the number of new mothers showing changes following

childbirth of each effect size.

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

Mothers w/ small effects

I know some drs say it’s ok to be on meds while breastfeeding but it kind of freaks me out cause it

isn't proven longterm for baby's health.

Days are passing by as I watch my son grow! Can’t wait for more and get together with the daddy!!

Wish he was here

Just adjusting to having a new baby, new job and we just moved town. Need to calm down.

Tips/suggestions on parenting, mothers??

I'm taking expressed breastmilk from the fridge on outings in the diaper bag and keeping it cool with

an ice pack. Someone tried it?

Mothers w/ large effects

Starting to feel lost. I’m missing my love, my baby. Feel angry n disappointed in myself. Idk what to

think or do....

My first time being alone with my baby and I cant stop crying. What is wrong with me? Am I

depressed? Im just over here balling my eyes out

My DS doesnt sleep more than 3 hrs at a time and cries often and is so difficult to calm down. Cant

remember when was the last time I slept

Feel like having a breakdown! ...like the WORST mother... feel so terribly that this poor child is stuck

with this horrible monster mother..

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

size of vocabulary


percentage of unigrams

w/ p < .01

mothers w/ large effects 17,117 27.65%

mothers w/ small effects 33,785 19.74%

background cohort 47,214 3.86%

percent of all unigrams in the language vocabulary used that changed significantly in usage frequency

after childbirth, i.e. with p < .01 based on paired sample t-tests

background cohort mothers w/ small effects mothers w/ large effects

now (↓), shit (↑), back (↑), that (↑), day

(↓), life (↑), time (↓), them (↑), me (↑),

you (↑), fuck (↑), today (↓), sleep (↑),

tonight (↓), love (↓), good (↓), here(↓),

her (↓), morning (↑), tomorrow (↑), go

(↑), know (↑), him (↓), people (↓)

#past (↑), duh (↑), people (↓),

photo (↑), post (↑), decision (↓),

reunite (↓), women (↑), story (↑),

time (↑), asap (↓), do (↑), life (↓),

wait (↑), fired (↑), days (↑), happy


haha (↓), blessed (↑), lol (↓),

#lifecangetbetter (↑), awesome

(↓), monthly (↑), fantastic (↓),

cuddle (↑), home (↑), love (↓), sick

(↑), aww (↑), scary (↑)

top unigrams showing the most change (in usage frequency) in the postnatal period, compared to the

prenatal phase

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)


(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

Measures C1 C0 Measures C1 C0

volume -0.878 0.838 verbs -0.911 0.951

Replies -0.983 1.417 aux-verbs -0.889 0.914

RT -0.847 2.188 adverbs 3.025 -0.678

Links -0.791 2.347 preposition -0.899 1.020

Questions 2.110 -0.749 conjunction -0.890 1.042

PA -0.798 0.428 negate 2.867 -0.690

NA 1.726 -0.593 quantifier -0.896 0.950

activation -0.743 0.525 swear 3.258 -0.751

dominance -0.717 0.543 tentative 3.710 -0.700

Followers -0.941 1.451 certain -0.997 1.386

Followees -0.928 1.013 inhibition 3.425 -0.722


words 4.574 -0.865 inclusive -0.914 1.048

1st pp. 1.924 -0.426 exclusive -0.822 2.304

2nd pp. -0.901 0.872 assent -0.904 1.073

3rd pp. -0.894 0.990 non-fluency 3.028 -0.724


pronoun -0.810 2.082 filler 2.929 -0.786

article 3.940 -0.701

Median changes in different measures for the two classes of new mothers with

C1 corresponding to extreme-changing mothers and C0 corresponding to

mothers showing smaller changes

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

Measures % Acc. Prec. Recall F1 Spec. AUC

engagement 71.70% 0.757 0.708 0.727 0.742 0.734

Mean accuracy of extreme-change mothers (eng) 74.21%

emotion 71.21% 0.696 0.740 0.714 0.688 0.689

Mean accuracy of extreme-change mothers (emo) 70.94%

ego-net. 68.63% 0.725 0.797 0.757 0.510 0.633

Mean accuracy of extreme-change mothers (ego-net) 69.25%

style 72.90% 0.738 0.713 0.722 0.743 0.712

Mean accuracy of extreme-change mothers (style) 74.30%

Mean 71.11% 0.729 0.740 0.730 0.671 0.692

Std. dev. 0.023 0.032 0.020 0.075 0.075 0.032

Mean accuracy for predicting extreme changers 71.46%

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Hoff, Rosaway, Horvitz, TechFest 2013)

understanding organizational behavior

Sharing affect-bearing content

(De Choudhury, Counts, CSCW 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, CSCW 2013)

understanding population behavior

(Sadilek et al, 2012)

(Fowler & Christakis, 2011)

o negative, low to moderate

activation moods are most


o a few positive, high

activation moods also show

considerable usage

o positive, moderate to high

activation moods tend to

be from more active

individuals (Lykken, 2000)

o negative, low and high

activation moods tend to

be used by fairly low

activity individuals

(De Choudhury, Counts, Gamon, ICWSM 2012)





joviality, fatigue, hostility and sadness are the best performing affects; guilt, shyness and attentiveness are the worst

(De Choudhury, Gamon, Counts, ICWSM 2012)

(Kicïman, De Choudhury, Rothschild, Gamon, Counts, Thiesson 2012)

we are attracted to social

media, in part due to

large-scale datasets

Is there something more

fundamental happening

here than just scale?

inferring meaningful social

ties in a network

(De Choudhury, Mason, Hofman, Watts, 2010)

@ Yahoo! Research

(De Choudhury, Lin, Sundaram, Candan, Xie, ICWSM 2010)

predicting information diffusion

in sampled networks

(De Choudhury, Counts, Czerwinski, ICWSM 2011)

Sampling high quality content

in social media leveraging

human cognition

the road ahead

o how can we motivate people to be more

conscious of the environment?

o how can social platforms be leveraged to help

under-privileged kids in education?