Gulf- a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed by land.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Gulf- a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed by land.

Gulf- a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed by land

Delta- the fan-shaped area at the mouth or lower end of a river formed by eroded material (sediment)

Isthmus- a narrow strip of land, bordered on two sides by water and connecting two larger landmasses

Strait- a narrow channel of the sea joining tow larger bodies of water

Bay- an indentation of shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf

Canyon- a deep valley with very steep sides- often carved in the Earth by a river

Swamp- a generally wet, wooded area where standing water occurs for at least part of the year

Peninsula- is a piece of land that is bordered on three sides by water and is still attached to the mainland

Desert- is a landscape form or region that receives very little rain

Cape- a strip of land projecting into a body of water

Lake- a body of water that is completely surrounded by land

River- a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea or lake

Mountain- a large natural elevation of the Earth’s surface rising abruptly from the surrounding land

Volcano- is an opening in the Earth’s surface which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from below the surface

Plateau- an area of fairly level high ground

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