Guidelines for: The Management of Turfgrass Disease on NZ ... · Guidelines for the Management of...

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Guidelines for:

The Management of Turfgrass Disease

on NZ Cricket Blocks

NZ Cricket


Guidelines for the Management of Turfgrass Disease on New Zealand Cricket Blocks Page | 2 ©Sports Surface Design & Management 2016v.1


1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 3

2. MAJOR TURFGRASS DISEASES AFFECTING NEW ZEALAND ............................................................. 4

3. PREVENTATIVE STRATEGIES .......................................................................................................... 18

3.1 The disease cycle ................................................................................................................... 18

3.2 Contributing factors of turfgrass disease .............................................................................. 20

4. TURF DISORDERS ........................................................................................................................... 21

5. CURRENT CHEMICAL OPTIONS FOR TURFGRASS DISEASE ............................................................ 24


Limitation: This document has been produced by Sports Surface Design & Management (SSDM) solely for New Zealand

Cricket in good faith with a view to providing a set of recognised ‘Guidelines’ focussed upon the control and

management of turfgrass diseases in New Zealand cricket blocks. Sports Surface Design & Management accepts no

liability or responsibility whatsoever in respect of any use or application of the information and recommendations

contained in this report by any third party.

Copyright: The contents of this report remain copyright to Sports Surface Design & Management who request that no

part of this document be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form to any third party without

prior written permission.


Sports Surface Design & Management

Postal address: PO Box 33-127, Takapuna, Auckland, 0740

Physical address: 64 Porana Road, Hillcrest Auckland 0627


Contact: Will Bowden, Sports Turf Consultant

T 09 442 0275, M 021 475 941


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1. Introduction

Cricket Turf Managers across New Zealand are faced with a number of significant challenges with

regards to the preparation and management of natural turf cricket blocks (at all levels). One of the

most significant issues faced by managers is that of controlling and minimising the occurrence and

severity of various turfgrass diseases. This challenge tends to be site specific and on a region-by-

region basis, with a variety of climatic, geographical and resource factors contributing to the

complexity of each scenario.

This ‘Guidelines Document’ has been produced by Sports Surface Design & Management (SSDM) in

synergy with New Zealand Cricket (NZC) in order to provide the New Zealand Turf Manager with a

resource for future reference, based upon the best practice guidelines and most recent research

regarding turfgrass disease management on cricket clays.

The information provided within this document is designed to be used in conjunction with latest

(updated) New Zealand Cricket guidelines and refers to the most recent international research and

findings relating to turfgrass disease management. Due to the nature of the topic recommendations

and best practice treatments are forever evolving and changing, SSDM recommends that in

conjunction with this document the Turf Manager proactively keeps up-to-date with latest research

and turfgrass disease control strategies in order to make the best decisions based upon independent

research and experiences.

To assist in this, the following links to independent sites and applications are recommended: (excellent App for information regarding turfgrass diseases) (turfgrass disease tool)

_Microscopic_Identification_of_Turfgrass_Diseases_STMA.pdf (manual on turfgrass disease) (turfgrass disease tool)

Note: The recommendations within this document have been independently written and do not

propose to direct the Turf Manager towards specific chemical products for the treatment of turfgrass


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2. Major Turfgrass Diseases Affecting New Zealand

Due to the geographical range of cricket venues across New Zealand, a number of environmental

factors need to be considered when establishing a site-specific turfgrass disease management


Figure 1 (below) identifies the variances in terms of annual median rainfall and temperature on a

regional basis across New Zealand. Consideration of factors such as this data will influence the

prevalence and nature of turfgrass disease infestations and should form the foundation of future

management strategies.

Figure 1: Climatic variances across New Zealand (1981-2010) NIWA.

The term ‘Turfgrass disease’ refers primarily to a fungal, bacterial or viral (pathogen) infestation of

the turf plant which results in some level of visible plant injury. Depending upon the mode of action

of the pathogen the target area for treatment of the disease will vary i.e. Pythium sp. requires

targeting the base or crown of the turfgrass plant, Sclerotinia homoeocarpa (dollar spot) will require

targeting the leaf tissue of the plant and so on.

Contributing factors that may encourage or initiate a disease outbreak include:

Inappropriate chemical use/selection

Poor soil conditions (i.e. excessive compaction, poor drainage pH etc.)

Plant injury (i.e. scalping, tearing or fertiliser burn)

Nutrient deficiencies



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Where any number of these (and other) factors exist then disease occurrence will tend to form ‘patterns’ i.e. at certain times of each year and as

environmental conditions allow then specific turfgrass disease pathogens will become more active. In such instances chemical treatment will serve to

offer a level of superficial treatment of the issue but investigations should take place in order to identify (and remedy) the deeper cause of the

problem. More often than not repeatedly occurring turfgrass disease issues provide the Turf Manager with a ‘bio-indication’ of a deeper unresolved

problem that needs investigation.

The information in Table 1. is designed to form part of a quick reference guide for the cricket Turf Manager when it comes to identifying the key

factors associated with each (major) turfgrass disease pathogen.

Table 1: Reference guide to major turfgrass disease affecting NZ cricket blocks.


(botanical &

common name)


(Fungal or


Favoured conditions

(turf species, time of year etc.)


(surface, leaf and microscopic)

Recommended treatment plan(s)

leaf spot/melting

out diseases



Curvularia sp.)

Fungal All year round on all turfgrass species. Actively manage spore counts at key times of

year i.e. when covers will be most frequently

used and/or when leaf wetness is most likely

for periods of time >8 hours

Focus chemical treatment upon achieving

good contact with leaf tissue. Recommended

chemicals: Chlorothalonil & Mancozeb

(750g/kg) at 20 L/ha. Medium droplet size.

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Pythium sp. Fungal Primarily spring and early autumn (when temps are mid 20°c to

low 30°c).

Relies on leaf wetness to spread across surface of turf sward.

Disease widespread across all parts of New

Zealand, perhaps less prevalent in south

island due to generally lower humidity.

Maintain effective preventative fungicide

programme during the spring and summer

months when disease pressures are high.

‘Drench in’ systemic fungicides i.e.

Azoxystrobin and Propiconazole at 9L/ha. If

symptoms persist, alternate with Metalaxyl

Mefenoxam at 10L/ha, (in addition to

Mancozeb at 20L/ha).

Pythium sp. will sit ‘dormant’ within the soil

environment. SSDM recommends carrying

out a drenching application of Azoxystrobin

and Propiconazole (as above) in early spring,

mid-summer and again in early autumn.

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take-all patch

disease & take-all

root rot


graminis sp.)

Fungal Most prevalent in autumn and winter months when the soil is

wet and the temps are around 10-15°c.

Gaeumannomyces graminis has been observed on couchgrass

and is associated with the complex; Ectotrophic root-infecting

fungi (ERI).

Particularly prevalent when soil microbiological diversity is low

or fungal dominated.

pH >6.5 will increase disease occurrence and severity

Check to ensure irrigation water is not at a high pH.

Soil-based fungal pathogen.

Optimise the efficacy of chemical treatment

by needle-tining prior to applying

Azoxystrobin and Propiconazole at 9L/ha.

Water (drench) in the above fungicide


Apply Manganese and a biological mix (i.e.

Superzyme and Trichoderma sp.) 10 days

following the application of fungicide.

During summer apply monthly applications of ‘Superzyme’ (or approved equivalent). Ideally the selected product will contain: Trichoderma harzianum, Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus subtilis. Apply at 1Kg/ha (this product should be tank mixed to existing feed programme) Note: These products will not cause any increase in the % organic matter of the clay.

Aim to stabilise the pH of the soil at < 6.5

Carry out a soil nutrient analysis to identify the existing level of available Manganese within the rootzone. Manganese levels should be maintained at > 10 me/100g if possible.

Consider incorporating an amendment of ‘Mycormax’ (or an approved equivalent) at time of seeding the block. Application rate: 40-50Kg/ha. This product should be appliedjust prior to seeding.

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fusarium patch



Fungal Cold wet weather and shaded conditions i.e. drizzly and

overcast for many days.

Temperatures consistently below 15°c.

Limited light and air flow.

Infestations will be most severe when plant has been overfed

(i.e. ‘soft growth’) and/or pH is too high.

Disease most likely to occur in south island

and inland locations. Relatively scarce from

Auckland north.

Treat curatively with applications of either

Chlorothalonil or Iprodione at an application

rate of 20L/ha.

Where fusarium is considered a chronic issue

SSDM recommends an early autumn

application of Chlorothalonil and Thiophanate

Methyl at an application rate of 20L/ha,

followed by applications of the appropriate

contact fungicide until environmental

conditions no longer favour disease activity.

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dollar spot



Fungal Prolonged leaf wetness and humidity (particularly at night).

Prevalent on ryegrass swards, especially if over-fed with

Nitrogen. Appearing initially as small (dollar-sized) tan spots and

often accompanied by cottony mycelium (spider web-like) that

enlarge, coalesce and form bleached areas of turfgrass loss.

Note: symptoms likely to be less obvious on cricket blocks.

Can remain active in NZ at a wide temperature range: 15°c to


Most likely to occur in North island locations

(Central north island and northwards).

Turf Manager should aim to prevent an

infestation of dollar spot rather than apply

curative chemical treatments. In particular if

it is known the block will be regularly covered

for prolonged periods of time. Dew control

measures will be beneficial.

In early spring apply Azoxystrobin and

Propiconazole at 9L/ha. Every 3 weeks (or as

symptoms and/or environmental conditions

demand) continue to apply Mancozeb

(750g/kg) at a preventative rate of 20L/ha.

Maintain this programme until environmental

conditions no longer favour the disease

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spring dead spot



Fungal Spring dead spot (SDS) can occur on couchgrass cricket blocks

during early spring and persist throughout the summer until

dormancy. Although visual symptoms may appear reduced

during dormancy, the pathogen is soil-borne and if not

appropriately treated through the spring, summer and early

autumn will return the following year (in many cases increasing

in severity).

Due to the host species being couchgrass this

disease will be exclusive to couchgrass cricket


Long-term strategy:

Upon positive identification of SDS:

1) Ensure any applications of Nitrogen are

made in advance of winter dormancy.

The couchgrass plant should not ‘take’

excessive Nitrogen into dormancy.

2) Make 2 x applications of Potassium

sulphate in the months prior to

dormancy. The application rate should

be: around 0.8Kg/100m² per application.

3) Carry out soil testing to ensure that a pH

of between 5.5-6.0 is targeted.

4) Apply autumn fungicide application of

Fenarimol at 1-1.5Kg/ha rate.

5) As soon as couchgrass comes out of

dormancy apply 3-4 weekly applications

of Propiconazole, Myclobutanil and

Fenarimol (as appropriate) throughout

the summer.

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Rhizoctonia sp. Fungal Rhizoctonia pathogens cover such “patch” diseases as: brown

patch, leaf spot and yellow patch. The pathogen is also

associated with other root-rot infections, damping off and leaf


The disease pathogen occurs primarily on ryegrass during

periods of warm and humid weather. Infected hyphae from

affected plants will contact the soil around the base of the

turfgrass crown and spread towards neighbouring turf plants

when environmental conditions are conducive.

Present throughout New Zealand (most likely

to occur central to north, north island).

The nature of cricket block preparation (i.e.

compaction and relatively high soil moisture)

provides an ideal environment for the

development of Rhizoctonia sp. Care should

be taken to avoid prolonged periods of ‘High’

soil moisture content (i.e. >60%) at times of

the year when humidity is highest or covers

are likely to be in place for extended periods

of time. Soil moisture will need to be

managed around emerging seedlings or

young turfgrass plants whilst avoiding seed

germination and high Nitrogen feeding during

periods of high humidity.

Chemical treatment: In New Zealand’s

temperate climate curative applications are

most commonly employed. Chemicals from

the following groups are effective:

carboxamides, benzimidazoles, carbamates,

dicarboximides, DMI fungicides, nitriles, and


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red thread and pink



fuciformis and



Fungal Prevalent during periods of moist weather (usually cool

temperatures 18°c - 20°c). Generally most active around the

times of seasonal change (spring & autumn). Red thread in

particular can be associated with a low availability of Nitrogen

or Potassium. Turf Managers should be aware that autumn

applications of Nitrogen are not recommended to reduce red

thread persistence.

Present throughout New Zealand.

Maintain a ‘clean’ sward i.e. attempt to

remove majority of desiccated leaf tissue

accumulations around the base of the sward

– this is where Laetisaria fuciformis and

Limonomyces roseipellis spores will reside.

Chemical control only necessary in extreme

situations: Chlorothalonil at 20L/ha or

Azoxystrobin at 2.4L/ha can be used.

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bacterial wilt



Etiolation (ETS).

Bacterial First observed incidence of bacterial wilt on ryegrass in 2013

(USA). Prevalent in hot and humid weather conditions. Bacterial

wilt on Poa annua turf was recently identified by SSDM in


Symptoms range from desiccation and wilt of turfgrass plants to

etiolation of individual plants (the latter being most likely to

occur on cricket blocks)

Most likely in central to north, north Island.

Unlikely to be a significant issue for NZ cricket

Turf Managers.

Applications of Copper hydroxide (500 g/Kg

copper, as copper hydroxide) at the labelled

rate for use on fruit crops can be made to the

affected turf (each application should be

thoroughly watered in and carried out at a

time when heat and UV stress on the turf is

minimal i.e. early morning or late afternoon).

Three applications of Copper should be made

at 2 week intervals after which time an

evaluation can be made regarding the extent

of disease control.

Where etiolation is the main symptom: SSDM

recommends the Turf Manager carry out a

soil nutrient analysis to identify existing levels

of pH and available Calcium and Magnesium

as these can be contributing factors to leaf

etiolation if limited in availability.

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(Puccinia spp.)


Late summer to early autumn (especially in warmer/wetter


Ryegrass is particularly susceptible to rust.

Present throughout New Zealand.

Generally symptoms shall not be severe

enough to require chemical treatment on a

cricket block. However, if symptoms do

require treatment an application of

Azoxystrobin at 2.4L/ha is recommended

(note: this will need to be followed up with

an application of Tebuconazole at 4L/ha if

environmental conditions continue for a

number of weeks following initial treatment).

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powdery mildew

(Erysiphe graminis


Fungal Occurs primarily in autumn on areas of turf that struggle to

receive sufficient light and where turf canopy is dense.

Present throughout New Zealand.

If symptoms appear persistent and severe

enough to justify chemical application: Apply

Propiconazole at 4L/ha and if symptoms and

environmental conditions persist for several

weeks, follow up with an application of

Trifloxystrobin at 0.75L/ha (2-3 weeks later).

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cereale sp.)

Fungal Low light, leaf wetness and low fertility are major contributors

to the occurrence of anthracnose.

Active in a broad temperature range: 15°c to 25°c.

Primarily a disease of Poa annua, anthracnose will also infest

ryegrass and couchgrass cricket blocks if conditions are


Occurrence is widespread across New

Zealand regions due to broad temperature

range of activity.

Persistent disease that may be either basal

(rot) or plant (blight) based. Depending upon

the nature of the infection the best course of

treatment may involve spiking and drenching

with a broad spectrum fungicide or a leaf


If applying fungicides preventatively (i.e.

before any symptoms have been observed)

then a foliar application will be appropriate. A

suitable product is: Chlorothalonil (20 L/ha),

Mancozeb (20 L/ha) or Propiconazole (5L/ha).

Where a curative programme is being

established then systemic fungicides are

required i.e. products containing:

Chlorothalonil, Propiconazole and Fludioxinil

at an application rate of 18L/ha.

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(Cyanobacteria etc.)

Fungal Prolonged soil/surface wetness. Overcast and mild days in

particular early spring and late autumn when turfgrass growth is

slow and the sward coverage likely to be sparse.

High soil pH will increase the persistence of many slimes (i.e.

alkaline clays opposed to those that are more acidic).

Slimes can also be ‘artificially’ brought about as a result of high

NPK fertilisers being applied inappropriately.

Chemical treatment: Apply Mancozeb and

Chlorothalonil every 10 to 14 days leading up

to and during periods of humid, moist


Application rates:

Mancozeb = 200ml/100 m²

Chlorothalonil = 300ml/100m²

Note: if weather is conducive to slimes and

algae development, these applications will

need to be followed up within 1-2 weeks and

repeated up to 3 times.

Control of an existing algae/slime issue may

also be gained from applying Iron Sulphate at

a rate of 80ml/100m²

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3. Preventative Strategies

In most cases the occurrence of turfgrass disease occurs at a point when environmental conditions

are conducive to infestation and is to some extent unavoidable. In these scenarios the onus is upon

the Turf Manager to have strategies in pace that control or limit the extent and severity of such

turfgrass disease infections.

In order that the Turf Manager is able to mitigate and minimise disease severity an appreciation of

the key factors that contribute to turfgrass disease infection is important. This Section identifies the

major factors that contribute to the plants susceptibility to pathogen infestation and consequently

the severity of disease infection.

3.1 The disease cycle

No single turfgrass disease pathogen acts in exactly the same way. The mode of action of fungal

pathogens will differ significantly from those of Bacterial and Viral; however a fundamental

awareness of the ‘typical’ disease cycle for turfgrass diseases is valuable for the Turf Manager to


Figure 2 illustrates the principle of a fungal pathogen lifecycle:

Figure 2: Turfgrass disease cycle- dollar spot


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As highlighted in figure 2, prevention of serious disease infestation should be focussed upon reducing

the opportunity for pathogen ‘stroma’ (spores) to enter the turfgrass plant. Primarily, entry to the

plant will be through some form of turfgrass injury or creation of an artificial environment conducive

to turfgrass disease.

Commonly opportunities for pathogen infestation will be caused as a result of:

Mowing turf with dull/blunt cutting units (figure 3).

Carrying out abrasive cultural practices such as topdressing and/or brushing when the

weather is too hot, too dry or plant is too wet (soft).

Excessive wear and tear on the turf. (i.e. poor machine operation or carrying out

maintenance tasks when ground conditions or environmental conditions are inappropriate

[too dry or too soft]).

Creating ‘artificial’ conditions around the turf (i.e. a humid micro-climate beneath covers).

Damaging the turfgrass plant with inappropriate applications of chemicals and/or fertilisers.

(i.e. avoid applying chemicals and fertilisers during periods of prolonged heat or leaf


Fungal pathogens in particular are highly opportunistic and will rapidly infest a damaged turfgrass

plant. The extent of potential infestation will depend upon how the Turf Manager mitigates against

providing further opportunities for fungal pathogens to spread and cause serious harm.

Figure 3: Example of turfgrass mown with blunt cutting units.

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3.2 Contributing factors of turfgrass disease

Understanding how best to limit the opportunities for pathogen infestation of turf requires the Turf

Manager to have a basic understanding of the key factors that can work in association to effectively

create a ‘perfect storm’ for a severe turfgrass disease outbreak.

These key factors are described graphically in figure 4.

Figure 4: Key factors contributing to severe turfgrass disease infestations.

As illustrated in figure 4, where environmental conditions support pathogen occurrence and turfgrass

injury occurs through any of the opportunities identified in Section 3.1 a ‘perfect storm’ for turfgrass

disease infestation occurs.

Although many of the factors leading to turfgrass disease infection can be avoided through following

‘best practice’ management techniques and not adversely injuring or compromising the integrity of

the turfgrass plant, there are occasions when it is necessary to ensure a preventative chemical

programme is in place in order to limit the opportunities for turfgrass infection. Most commonly

these will be during preparations for match fixtures where covers may be required along with the

manipulation of soil moisture content.

In such circumstances the Turf Manager should aim to apply a preventative broad spectrum fungicide

(i.e. Azoxystrobin) a minimum of 2 days in advance of having to cover the pitch for prolonged periods

of time.

This application will be made in conjunction with a basic understanding of the key ‘cultural’ factors

that encourage disease infestation (as outlined within this Section of the guidelines).

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4. Turf Disorders

A range of turf ‘disorders’ that can mimic the visual symptoms of turfgrass disease include:

1. Chemical or Fertiliser burn:

Caused by a number of factors: leaking equipment, inappropriate application rates, applying

chemical at the wrong time of year/day, and not understanding the ‘burn potential’ of a particular

product etc.

Figure 5: Chemical burn on a golf green.

2. Chemical tracking through groundwater:

Some chemicals have a residual mode of action (i.e. the active ingredient remains active within the

soil profile for a number of days or weeks). When using such chemicals the Turf Manager should

ensure that a) weather conditions are appropriate for use of the particular product and b)

appropriate measures have been taken to limit the potential ‘tracking’ of the chemical through the

soil to wider areas of turf. This may be particularly relevant where managing multiple turfgrass blocks

of different species i.e. couchgrass and ryegrass. Where any risk of chemicals tracking through the

soil profile exists, the Turf Manager must ensure that soil moisture content is managed and no

rainfall or irrigation is likely to occur over the week (or so) following the chemical application.

Understanding the life of chemicals within the soil is very important. Most turfgrass chemicals will

have some form of “half-life” (the half-life of an herbicide in soil is the time it takes

for 50% of the chemical to degrade or break down within the soil) after which point the active

ingredient will be unlikely to have any adverse effects upon adjacent areas. By means of example,

Amitrole has a half-life in the soil of approximately 40 days, and MCPA may still be ‘active’ within the

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soil for up to 5 weeks. A further example (particularly relevant to use on couchgrass cricket pitches)

will be Simazine. This is a soil-based herbicide that remains active within the soil for long periods of

time; it is also liable to track through soil ground water/moisture and has the potential to damage

surrounding (non-target) areas.

When using chemicals that have a significant half-life within the soil it is important to apply these

when environmental conditions a favourable (i.e. no forecast rain) and also understanding that it

may be preferable to use less residual foliar-based alternatives.

3. Dull mower blades:

Figure 6: ‘Whitening of turf’ caused from mowing with a dull blade.

Mowing with a dull blade will effectively tear the turfgrass plant, leaving the tip of the plant torn and

desiccated. Not only does this create an opportunity for turfgrass disease infestation, but sometimes

the appearance of the sward can be so ‘off colour’ that the Turf Manager can assume the turf is

under attack from a disease pathogen. Where this has happened it is recommended to apply a

contact fungicide as soon as possible (avoiding the heat of the day if in summer). A broad spectrum

contact such as Dithane Rainshield (Mancozeb) at 20 L/ha is recommended.

5. Plant nutrient deficiency:

SSDM recommends that the Turf Manager submit representative samples of their soils for basic

nutrient analysis on an annual basis. This information will provide some objective measurements to

assist in the setting up of on-going fertiliser plans for the year ahead. The recommended Laboratory

in New Zealand to provide this service is: Hill laboratories, Hamilton (

Interpretation of these results should be made by an independent turf agronomist.

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Figure 7 (below) provides an example of how a nutrient deficiency can often appear.

Figure 7: Nutrient deficiency of turf.

Carrying out an annual soil test will also identify whether your soil is deficient in any key nutrient

groups or whether there might be accumulations in potentially damaging factors such as Sodium or a

high pH etc. Without this background information sometimes the wrong diagnosis can be made

without successful resolution.

Where your facility may be connected to a private water source (i.e. not town supply) it may also be

worthwhile analysing the irrigation water every few years to ensure key criteria such as Sodium, pH

and Calcium etc. are in balance.

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5. Current Chemical Options for Turfgrass Disease

The efficacy of fungicides will depend greatly upon the methodology and calibration of use. It is recommended to identify the pH (ideally 6.5-7.0) of

your water source prior to mixing chemicals as in order to encourage efficacy a pH buffer solution may be required. Timing of applications is also

critical, i.e. early morning or late evening is generally the optimum times to apply fungicides. DMI fungicides should not be applied when weather

conditions are hot and/or dry as these can result in significant turfgrass injury.

Table 2: Inventory of the current chemicals available in New Zealand to manage fungal and bacterial turfgrass issues.

Active Ingredient Chemical group

(fungicides only)

Trade name


include but are

not limited to)

Chemical control Rate of


Comments: ‘Burn potential’ use on

seedling/establishing turf




QoI, Strobilurin Amistar Systemic

Broad spectrum

2.4L/ha Suitable for use as a seasonal ‘protectant’ i.e.

following renovation and during spring and autumn


Do not use on dollar spot as can worsen symptoms.

Medium – High risk of resistance. Do not apply more

than 6 applications of Azoxystrobin in any single year.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low

Azoxystrobin 62

g/L &


104 g/L

DMI, Strobilurin Headway MAXX Systemic

Broad spectrum

9 L/ha As above (added cost implication of combined


As with all DMI grouped fungicides, a high risk of

resistance exists. This can be managed by applying no

Guidelines for the Management of Turfgrass Disease on New Zealand Cricket Blocks Page | 25 ©Sports Surface Design & Management 2016v.1

more than 3 consecutive applications of DMI grouped

fungicides before changing and applying no more

than 5 applications of DMI grouped fungicides per

‘active turf growing season’.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low



Benzimidazole Prolific¹, Protek Broad spectrum 20L/ha¹ Not effective on diseases such as; Pythium, leaf

spot/damping off/melting out or take-all-patch.

Offers some control over worm casting.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low


250g/L and


Methyl 250g/L

DMI Tratek 5F Broad spectrum 15-20L/ha As above.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low (Note: DMI fungicides can have

a growth regulating effect during periods of hot


Chlorothalonil 362

g/L, Propiconazole

57 g/L & Fludioxinil


DMI, Strobilurin Instrata Broad spectrum

systemic and


9-18L/ha As above.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low (Note: DMI fungicides can have

a growth regulating effect during periods of hot




DMI Cavalary, Bravo


Broad spectrum

contact and


14-20L/ha Suitable for the majority of turfgrass diseases (apart

from Pythium and take-all-patch).

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low (Note: DMI fungicides can have

a growth regulating effect during periods of hot


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Triazole Alto Broad spectrum

contact and


4L/ha Particularly effective on dollar spot

Do not tank mix with copper fungicides.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = High



Triazole Aliette Broad spectrum

contact and


20L/ha Primarily used when Pythium sp. is considered a high


Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Moderate

Iprodione 250g/L Dicarboximide Rovral Flo Contact and


10-20L/ha Particularly effective on melting out diseases.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low

Mancozeb Dithiocarbamates Dithane


Protectant 6-20L/ha Ensure leaf is well coated, this works well as an on-

going protectant against leaf spot and melting out

diseases (apply every 2-3 weeks during main growth


Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low



40g/Kg &

Mancozeb 640g/Kg

Benzimidazole Ridomil Gold Broad spectrum

systemic and


10-20L/ha Primarily used for control of Pythium sp. and root rot

Can be washed in (drenched) in order to increase

efficacy at the base/crown of the turf plant.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low

Prochloraz 450g/L DMI Mirage, Sportak Broad spectrum

systemic and


2-7L/ha Leaf spot control i.e. dollar spot, Bipolaris sp. and


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Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low (Note: DMI fungicides can have

a growth regulating effect during periods of hot




DMI Tilt, Aurora Broad spectrum

systemic and


2-10L/ha² ²Dependent upon target pest. Suitable for control of

dollar spot, leaf spots, fusarium etc. Can be watered

in for treatment of soil-borne pathogens.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low (Note: DMI fungicides can have

a growth regulating effect during periods of hot




Triazole Axis Gold Broad spectrum

systemic and


2-6L/ha Particularly effective on anthracnose, when used in

conjunction with Propiconazole.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low

Thiram 400g/L DMI Thiram 40F Protectant 15-20L/ha


1L per pitch


breakout is


Effective on dollar spot and when mixed with a

systemic fungicide.

Also used as a slime control on cricket blocks at


Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low (Note: DMI fungicides can have

a growth regulating effect during periods of hot




Triazole Cereous Systemic and


3-6L/ha Control of powdery mildew and rust.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Moderate

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Strobilurin Twist, Flint Broad spectrum

systemic and




Control of powdery mildew, rust and leaf spot


Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Low

Fenarimol DMI Pyrimidine Rubigan Protectant See



Reduced likelihood of resistance (in comparison to

other DMI grouped fungicides). For control of dollar


Suggested in use with a surfactant.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Moderate (Note: DMI fungicides can

have a growth regulating effect during periods of hot


Phosphite NA Phoscare Biological


5L/ha Apply every 2 weeks during main growing season.

Thought to assist the turfs natural defence systems

against anthracnose and root rot fungi.

Safe for use during turfgrass establishment.

Burn potential = Moderate


Amitrole 400g/L Zelam Non-selective 16 ml/L Short life within soil (4-6 weeks) can be used to

‘cleanout’ areas prior to re-seeding in spring

Should not be used on seedling turfgrass

Burn potential = HIGH (particularly phytotoxic to

couch upon repeated application)

Picloram 100g/L &

Triclopyr 300g/L





2L/ha Broad selective, particularly good on Oxalis and will

assist in Poa annua control also.

Should not be used on seedling turfgrass.

Burn potential = Moderate (Triclopyr has HIGH burn

Guidelines for the Management of Turfgrass Disease on New Zealand Cricket Blocks Page | 29 ©Sports Surface Design & Management 2016v.1

potential on Poa annua and couchgrass)

Triclopyr 600g/L Grazon Selective


2L/ha Good control of Hydrocotyle and Poa annua (not

advisable to apply to couchgrass).

Provides control of summer grasses in cool season


Should not be used on seedling turfgrass.

Burn potential (See above)

Mecoprop 600g/L,

MCPA 150g/L &

Dicamba 18.7g/L

Trimec Selective (broad



3L/ha Excellent control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds,

in particular good control on toad rush.

Should not be used on seedling turfgrass.

Burn potential = Low to Moderate

MCPA 750g/L Maestro Selective


3L/ha Broad range of control, including starweed (will

require multiple applications).

Should not be used on seedling turfgrass.

Burn potential = Moderate

Ethofumesate Nortron Pre-emergent


2L/ha Good all round control of weed species. Should be

applied at the time of seeding turfgrass.

Should be used at time of seeding turf as a pre-


Burn potential = Moderate (best applied to

couchgrass swards during dormancy as a pre-

emergent to combat spring growth of Poa annua and


Oxadiazon 380g/L Oracle Pre-emergent


2L/ha Up to 6 weeks protection from pre-emergent weed

species. Note: product forms a ‘skin’ over the surface

of the soil and will lose efficacy if disturbed through

cultural practices during this time.

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Should not be used on seedling turfgrass.

Burn potential = Low



Kerb Selective

herbicide (for


1.2L/ha Excellent control of weed species on couchgrass


Safe to use on seedling turf (2-leaf stage of growth)

Burn potential = Low (effective for control of

Paspalum in couchgrass)


Ethyl 69g/L

Puma Selective


750ml/ha Best applied in springtime on ryegrass blocks for

control over broad leaf weds and invasive summer


Should not be used on seedling turfgrass.

Burn potential = Low (cool-season) Moderate to High

(warm-season) grasses.



Monument 100-


Application rate will depend upon target species.

Trifloxysulfuron will control winter grass species in

the couchgrass cricket block as well as broad leaf

weeds. Applications should be made as plants are

actively growing, targeting stem and crown of

undesirable turfgrass plants.

Should not be used on seedling turfgrass.

Burn potential = Low

Wetting agents/dew control

Polyether 1020g/L Breakthru Gold Penetrant/surfact


Varies 1) Initial early season application = 3L/ha

2) Bi-weekly applications (thereafter) =


3) Dew suppressant = 3L/ha

Note: apply only in early evening or early morning

when dew is still present on the ground.

Oxirane- DewCure Surfactant 6L/ha Can last up to 1 week of dew control (ideal for ‘match

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day’ situations).

Moss/algae control



Smackdown Selective


(additional moss-

control benefits)

500 ml/ha Important: This product is an accelerant and

therefore all equipment used to apply Carfentrazone

must be triple rinsed and thoroughly cleaned post


Will require follow-up application within 14 days of

initial application.



Mostox Selective biocide 500ml/L


chloride 500g/L

Surrender Algaecide 250ml/10L

Iron Sulphate Iron Sulphate 100g/ha in

600 L or


Apply 2-3 times during the autumn or early spring to

sliver moss and algae etc. The action of the Sulphate

Iron may also be enhanced by the addition of 200-

250ml of Acid (i.e. white vinegar) to every 5L of tank


Important Notes:

1. Where ‘Burn Potential’ is described as being ‘Low’ to ‘Moderate’ the product can be applied adhering to manufacturer’s guidelines and

GROWSAFE best practice, throughout the day. Where ‘Burn Potential’ has been described as ‘High’ the product should only be applied early

morning or later in the evening and may require some washing off the leaf.

2. DMI fungicides have the potential to stunt growth and act as a ‘growth retardant’ during periods of environmental stress i.e. heat or drought.

The use of DMIs should be carefully considered during such times.