Guide to straight teeth in 6 months

Post on 07-May-2015

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Learn how to get straight teeth in 6 months with cosmetically focused orthodontics. The guide from the cosmetic teeth straightening experts.

Transcript of Guide to straight teeth in 6 months

Get Straight Teeth in

6 Months with


Focused Orthodontics

Fed Up Of Crooked Teeth?

by Dr Aalok Y Shukla BDS(Lon)

Clinical Director

“I got straight teeth in 6 months just in time for my holiday in Croatia” - Carly



Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

Straight teeth in 6 months.

What is the Goal?

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

A Beautiful Healthy Smile

The 3 Keys to a Beautiful Smile:

Focused On:

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

What are the Goals of Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics?

(this is to correct the teeth which bother you in your smile)

To Correct the Chief Complaint

What Can We Do?

Movements possible, are as follows:

•  We can move teeth forwards and backwards

•  We can move teeth up and down

•  We can rotate teeth

•  We can close spaces

•  We can uncross teeth

3 Ways: Arch expansion - to create space

I.P.R smoothing - to create space

Dynamic contraction - to close spaces

Dynamic light forces - to move teeth into space

How does is Work?

Thinking of straightening your teeth?

Confused about all the options?

Want to straighten your whole smile?

Want to straighten 4 front teeth only?


Want to change your bite or jaw

relationship (back teeth)?

Comprehensive Orthodontics (2yrs)

+/- surgery

Cosmetically focused Orthodontics

Braces (4-9 months)

Invisible Treatment

Braces behind teeth

Clear Removable Braces

Brace treatment

Discrete Treatment

Accelerated Removable


Clear Fixed Braces (White Brace


Cosmetic Orthodontic Options

Braces behind teeth

Cosmetically Focused Orthodontics

braces (4-9months)

Invisible Treatment

Braces behind teeth

Clear Removable Braces

Brace treatment

Discrete Treatment

Accelerated Removable


Clear Fixed Braces (White Brace


Faster Results

Cosmetic Orthodontic Options

Clear Fixed Braces (White Brace


Accelerated Removable


Whole smile or key teeth?

Better than now,

Best result possible

or Perfection?

Teeth edges chipped?

Some gaps too wide?

Teeth too short / long?

A little whiter?

Specific teeth whiter?

Whitest smile naturally possible?

Whitest media smile possible?

Any Special occasion /

Absolute Deadline?

Must you hide your

treatment completely?

Or is a fast discreet

treatment ideal?

£50-£120 / month

£120 - £200 / month

£200 - £350 / month

Choosing Your New Smile

Position Shape Colour

Time? Social? Budget?

Straight Teeth Journey

Cost Comfort Timeline Types of movement

Braces Behind Teeth

Straighten Your Teeth Invisibly

Clear Removable Braces

Brace Treatment




Types of movement

Accelerated Removeable Brace





Types of movement

Straighten Your Teeth Invisibly

Straighten Your Teeth Invisibly

Clear Fixed braces white

(Whitbrace treatment)




Types of movement

Retainers & Aftercare

“Will my teeth stay straight?”

Teeth move in response to forces.

This is how orthodontics works, by applying

controlled forces.

❝However, there are a constant forces on the teeth from the

tongue pushing forwards, the lip muscles pulling backwards, the forces from the

teeth biting together & the growth of the lower jaw throughout life.❞

Retainers & Aftercare

These forces need to be managed

This is why we recommend lifetime retention.

Millions of people wear their retainers without disruption or inconvenience.

To keep things simple we recommend a

Fixed Retainer & a Removable Retainer.

Retainers & Aftercare

Retainers & Aftercare

The Fixed Retainer is a thin wire bonded behind

the front 6 teeth.

The Removable Retainer is a rigid plastic appliance to be worn at

nighttime and during the day

immediately following brace removal.

All Inclusive Straightening

Fee Guide

Brace - orthodontic appliance used to move teeth

Upper jaw, upper arch, maxilla - the bone to which the upper teeth are anchored

Lower jaw, lower arch, mandible - the bone to which the lower teeth are anchored

Fixed brace - A brace bonded to the surfaces of the teeth. This can be fixed in front of or behind the teeth.

Removable brace - An appliance that moves teeth that is removable.

Orthodontic Relapse - The movement of teeth out of their final position back to the position they were in before. This

is caused by forces on the teeth from the lips, tongue, habits such as musical instrument practice and thumb sucking, and

wisdom tooth pressure, and jaw growth throughout life. Prevented by Fixed & Removable retainers.

Invisible / Clear Aligner - A rigid plastic brace that fits intimately over the tooth surface that causes gradual tooth

movement. Typically 0.5mm per aligner.

Straight White Teeth Glossary

Clear fixed brace - A series of tooth coloured or transparent brackets (squares) that are bonded to the front of the

teeth which are used to direct the forces from a tooth coloured orthodontic wire.

Lingual brace - This is a brace that is bonded behind the tooth surface, it uses brackets and wires which are specially

designed for this.

Accelerated removable brace - A brace that can be removed that causes the rapid movement of teeth.

Invisalign - A brand of clear aligner

Inman aligner - A brand of accelerated removable brace

Fixed retainer - A thin wire that is bonded to the back surface of the front 6 teeth which is used to hold the teeth to

prevent orthodontic relapse.

Removable retainer - A rigid plastic appliance that is worn to help the teeth to set in the final position needed.

Expansion - The process of creating space for tooth movement by increasing the width of the jaw. Either done with a

special removable brace with a mid-line expansion screw.

Straight White Teeth Glossary

Midline expansion screw - a screw in the middle of a brace which when turned increases the width of the appliance.

When this is worn in the mouth it will create

a corresponding increase in the jaw width.

IPR - Inter-proximal Reduction - the smoothing of the side surfaces of a tooth’s enamel using a smoothing strip or a

bur.Typically done up to 0.4mm.

Extraction - The surgical removal of a tooth.

Enamel - The hard protective covering of the tooth.

Dentine - The hard but sensitive inner structure of the tooth

Anterior Open bite - This where when the teeth are fully closed in the normal position there is a visible space

between the edges of the lower teeth and the edges

of the upper teeth, meaning an inability to incise (cut) food.

Orthognathic Surgery, Jaw surgery - This is a surgery to correct a discrepancy in the shape / relationship of the jaws.

Straight White Teeth Glossary

Attachments - These are tooth coloured small squares / triangles that are used by removable braces to grip onto teeth

so that they can be moved up/down and rotated.

Crossbite - This is where the lower teeth meet on the outside of the upper teeth.

The normal bite is the other way around.

Diastemma - A space between the teeth

Toothwear - The loss of tooth structure caused by grinding, bruxing and chewing.

Incisors - The front 4 teeth. There are 2 central incisors (2 front teeth) , and 2 lateral incisors (2 front side teeth)

Canines - The fangs or pointy teeth to the side of the lateral incisors.

Premolars - The biting teeth behind the canines. Typically most people have 4 of these in each jaw .

Molars - The square heavier back teeth.

Canine guidance - The way the teeth slide over each other when guided by the canines (pointy teeth). This should

cause the back teeth to separate.

Straight White Teeth Glossary

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Free Straight teeth guide:

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To Get Straighter, Whiter, Teeth Fast!

For your personal assessment email: or call 02087888588