Guidance on the preparation of dossiers for harmonised … · 2012-04-18 · DRAFT GUIDANCE ON THE...

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Transcript of Guidance on the preparation of dossiers for harmonised … · 2012-04-18 · DRAFT GUIDANCE ON THE...

Guidance on the preparation of dossiers for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) under Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008









This document contains guidance to the preparation of dossiers for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) under Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). However, users are reminded that the text of the CLP Regulation is the only authentic legal reference and that the information in this document does not constitute legal advice.

Please note that this document is a draft guidance document which the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is preparing in cooperation with Member States and relevant stakeholders in accordance with ECHA’s Consultation Procedure on Guidance. It does not constitute or represent a formal view of ECHA and may still be subject to amendments. ECHA does not accept any liability with regard to the contents of this document.

ISBN: from OP ECHA Reference: ECHA-09-G-03-EN Date: xx/xx/2009 Language: EN

© European Chemicals Agency, 2009 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.







[In square brackets are issues that need further discussion and final decision before they can be incorporated into the guidance document and things that will be revised later, e.g. links to documents that are not yet finalised.]








ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... 6

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 8

2. ABOUT THIS GUIDANCE............................................................................... 8

2.1. Links to other guidance documents........................................................................................... 9

3. SCOPE AND LEGAL BASIS ............................................................................ 9

3.1. Harmonised classification and labelling ................................................................................... 9

3.2. Legal basis for proposals on harmonised classification and labelling of substances........... 10

3.3. Who can submit a CLH dossier?............................................................................................. 10

3.4. For which substances can a CLH dossier be submitted? ...................................................... 11 3.4.1. General provisions ................................................................................................................. 11 3.4.2. Active substances in plant protection and biocidal products.................................................. 11 3.4.3. Revision of an existing entry in Annex VI............................................................................. 12

4. HOW TO PREPARE A CLH DOSSIER ........................................................ 12

4.1. Overview of the process............................................................................................................ 12

4.2. The Registry of Intentions........................................................................................................ 14

4.3. Possible starting points for preparing a CLH dossier ........................................................... 14 4.3.1. Possible starting points for an MSCA.................................................................................... 14 4.3.2. Possible starting points for a manufacturer, importer or downstream user ............................ 15

4.4. Information collection .............................................................................................................. 15 4.4.1. Registration dossiers .............................................................................................................. 16 4.4.2. Other available information ................................................................................................... 17 4.4.3. Information on related substances and from (Q)SARs .......................................................... 17 4.4.4. Substances undergoing new testing ....................................................................................... 17

4.5. Review of the available information and comparison with the classification criteria ........ 18

4.6. Classification based on impurities ........................................................................................... 19

4.7. Use of confidential information ............................................................................................... 20

4.8. Preparation and creation of the CLH dossier ........................................................................ 20 4.8.1. Structure of a CLH dossier..................................................................................................... 20 The technical dossier .................................................................................................... 20 The CLH report ............................................................................................................ 22

4.8.2. Where to provide information................................................................................................ 22 4.8.3. Creation of the CLH dossier in IUCLID 5............................................................................. 23

4.9. Justification demonstrating the need for action at European Community level................. 24 杭州瑞欧科技有限公司






4.10. What should an MSCA do if it considers that a CLH dossier is not appropriate?............. 24

5. PROCESSING OF THE SUBMITTED CLH DOSSIER ............................... 25

5.1. Accordance check ..................................................................................................................... 25

5.2. Public consultation and response to comments ...................................................................... 25

5.3. The RAC opinion ...................................................................................................................... 26

5.4. Commission decision ................................................................................................................ 26

6. TRANSITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS........................................................... 26

6.1. Transitional provisions............................................................................................................. 26

6.2. Substances where a harmonised C&L has been agreed by the Technical Committee on Classification and Labelling and hand-over dossiers ............................................................ 27

6.3. Active substances in plant protection and biocidal products ................................................ 27







Abbreviations BD Background document BP Biocidal product(s) BP Directive Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

of 16 February 1998 concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market

C&L inventory Classification and labelling inventory CAR Competent authority report CLH dossier Dossier with proposal for harmonised classification and labelling CLP Regulation Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and

of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006

CMR Carcinogenicity, germ cell mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity CSA Chemical safety assessment CSR Chemical safety report DAR Draft assessment report DPD Dangerous preparations directive; Directive 1999/45/EC of the

European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 1999 concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations

DSD Dangerous substances directive; Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances

EC European Community ECETOC European centre for ecotoxicology and toxicology of chemicals ECHA European Chemicals Agency (The Agency) EEA European Economic Area EFTA European Free Trade Association ESR Existing substance review GCL Generic concentration limit IR/CSA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety

assessments M-factor Multiplying factor MSCA Member State competent authority NONS Notification of new substances OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development PPP Plant protection product(s) PPP Directive Council Directive 91/414/EEC of 15 July 1991 concerning the

placing of plant protection products on the market (Q)SAR (Quantitative) structure-activity relationships RAC Committee for Risk Assessment RAR Risk assessment report RCOM Response to comments 杭







REACH Regulation Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC

RoI Registry of intentions RS Respiratory sensitiser (R)SS (Robust) study summary SCL Specific concentration limit SIEF Substance Information Exchange Forum Substance ID Substance identity TC C&L Technical Committee on Classification and Labelling The Agency European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) WHO World Health Organisation







1. Introduction Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (the CLP Regulation) entered into force on 20 January 20091. Title V of the CLP Regulation contains provisions for submission of proposals for harmonised classification & labelling.

The CLP Regulation specifies that Member State2 competent authorities (MSCAs) as well as manufacturers, importers and downstream users may submit proposals for harmonised classification and labelling of substances to the European Chemicals Agency3 (ECHA, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Agency’). Such proposals would normally pertain to either of the carcinogenicity, germ cell mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity (CMR) or respiratory sensitisers (RS) hazard classes and/or differentiations4, but also to any other hazard classes and/or differentiations on a case-by-case basis if justification for action at European Community level is provided in the proposal. The dossier for submitting a proposal for harmonised classification and labelling (hereinafter referred to as ‘CLH dossier’) shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the CLP Regulation. The provisions of Title V of the CLP Regulation on the harmonisation of classification and labelling also apply to active substances contained in plant protection products (PPP) and biocidal products (BP) that are regulated by Directive 91/414/EEC (PPP Directive) and Directive 98/8/EC (BP Directive), respectively. With regard to these substances the harmonisation of classification and labelling shall normally apply to all hazard classes and/or differentiations.

2. About this guidance

This document provides technical guidance for MSCAs and manufacturers, importers and downstream users on preparing a CLH dossier under the CLP Regulation. The relationship between this guidance and other guidance documents relevant to both the CLP and REACH Regulations is described, as well as the possible contribution of other activities under the REACH Regulation to the CLH dossier. It gives an overview of the general process for the preparation of a CLH dossier, as well as detailed information on the different steps in the process of preparing a CLH dossier, and information about the processing of the dossier once it has been submitted to the Agency. There is also

1 Title XI of the REACH Regulation has been deleted with effect from 20 January 2009. Title VII repeals Directives 67/548/EEC (Dangerous substances directive, DSD) and 1999/45/EC (Dangerous preparations directive, DPD) with effect from 1 June 2015. Transitional provisions apply as laid down in Article 61 and 62 of the CLP Regulation. 2 “The Members States” refers to the 25 Member States of the European Union (EU). Once the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states that are signatories to the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement (these are currently Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) have incorporated the CLP Regulation into their national legislation, references in this guidance to “the Member States” should be read to include Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. 3 The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is a European Community body which was established for the purpose of managing REACH to ensure consistency throughout the European Community. It is central to the implementation of both the REACH and the CLP Regulation. ECHA, through its secretariat and specialised committees, provides Member States and the institutions of the European Community with scientific and technical advice on questions relating to chemicals which fall within its remit. 4 Differentiation is a distinction depending on the route of exposure or the nature of the effects.







information on transitional arrangements outlined in Section 6 of this guidance document.

2.1. Links to other guidance documents This guidance document provides overall guidance for the preparation of CLH dossiers and is complemented by other guidance documents. In the text it is indicated when to refer to other relevant guidance. Each of the guidance documents mentioned below is accessible via the Agency’s website:

� Guidance on the basic features and procedures of the CLP Regulation can be found in the Introductory guidance on the CLP Regulation (ECHA, 2009).

� Detailed guidance on how to use relevant information for classification purposes is provided in the Guidance on the application of the CLP Criteria (ECHA, 2009).

� Guidance on how to gather information, how to evaluate the available information etc. can be found in Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment (IR/CSA, ECHA 2008).

The relevant parts of the latter for preparing a CLH dossier are mainly found in Volume 2 (Part F), Volume 3 (Chapters R.2, R.3, R.4 and R.6) and Volume 5 (Chapter R.7). Please note that these documents have not been updated after the adoption of the CLP Regulation. Guidance given in these documents, including its suitability for classification and labelling, may therefore not be fully consistent with the CLP criteria.

� Guidance on substance identification (Substance ID) can be found in Guidance for identification and naming of substances under REACH.

� A User manual with detailed technical guidance on how to prepare the technical dossier in IUCLID 5 and how to prepare the CLH report [will be] is available. [A separate User manual for CLH dossiers will be prepared.]

� Further guidance on the use of IUCLID 5 (e.g. IUCLID 5 End user manual and IUCLID 5 Getting started guidance) can be found on the IUCLID 5 Documentation website.

� A User manual with detailed technical guidance on how to submit the CLH dossier via REACH-IT [will be] is available and can be found [The work on this User manual is ongoing and when finalised it will be found at]

3. Scope and legal basis

3.1. Harmonised classification and labelling Harmonised classification and labelling means that the decision to classify and label a substance in a particular hazard class and/or differentiation has been taken at the European Community level. The harmonised classification and labelling is included as an entry in Part 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation. A harmonised classification, including any specific concentration limits (SCLs) and Multiplying (M-) factors of a substance shall be used by all suppliers of that substance within the European Community. This means that self classification of a substance for the specific hazard







class or differentiation for which a harmonised classification exists shall not be performed5. For hazard classes and/or differentiations not covered by an entry in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation, suppliers are responsible for the classification before placing the substance on the market (Article 4(3) of the CLP Regulation) (see also Guidance on the application of the CLP criteria).

3.2. Legal basis for proposals on harmonised classification and labelling of substances

Proposals for harmonisation of classification and labelling of substances are governed by Article 37 of the CLP Regulation which provides that:

1. A competent authority may submit to the Agency a proposal for harmonised classification and labelling of substances and, where appropriate, specific concentration limits or M-factors, or a proposal for a revision thereof.

The proposal shall follow the format set out in Part 2 of Annex VI and contain the relevant information provided for in Part 1 of Annex VI.

2. A manufacturer, importer or downstream user of a substance may submit to the Agency a proposal for harmonised classification and labelling of that substance and, where appropriate, specific concentration limits or M-factors, provided that there is no entry in Part 3 of Annex VI for such a substance in relation to the hazard class or differentiation covered by that proposal.

The proposal shall be drawn up in accordance with the relevant Parts of sections 1, 2 and 3 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and it shall follow the format set out in Part B of the Chemical Safety Report of section 7 of that Annex. It shall contain the relevant information provided for in Part 1 of Annex VI to this Regulation. Article 111 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 shall apply.’

3. Where the proposal of the manufacturer, importer or downstream user concerns the harmonised classification and labelling of a substance in accordance with Article 36(3), it shall be accompanied by the fee determined by the Commission in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 54(2).

Further, Part 2 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation:

‘ lays down general principles for preparing dossiers to propose and justify harmonised classification and labelling.

The relevant parts of sections 1, 2 and 3 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 shall be used for the methodology and format of any dossier.’

3.3. Who can submit a CLH dossier? A proposal for harmonised classification and labelling, including SCLs and/or M- factors, if appropriate, can be submitted by an MSCA, or by a manufacturer, importer or downstream user of a substance established in any of the Member States under the conditions laid down in Articles 36(2), 36(3), 37(2) and (3) of the CLP Regulation. They will hereinafter be referred to as the ‘dossier submitter’.

5 Note that self-classification for hazard classes where no harmonised classification is yet included in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation shall be performed.







3.4. For which substances can a CLH dossier be submitted?

3.4.1. General provisions A proposal for harmonised classification and labelling shall normally be submitted for a substance fulfilling the criteria for classification set out in Annex I to the CLP Regulation in one or more of the following hazard classes and/or differentiations (Article 36(1) of the CLP Regulation)6:

� Carcinogenicity, category 1A, 1B or 2;

� Germ cell mutagenicity, category 1A, 1B or 2;

� Reproductive toxicity, category 1A, 1B or 2;

� Respiratory sensitisation, category 1.

Harmonised classification and labelling for other hazard classes and/or differentiations than CMR and RS may be proposed on a case-by-case basis if it is justified that action is needed at a European Community level (Section 4.9). Proposals for harmonised classification for other hazard classes and/or differentiations submitted by a manufacturer, importer or downstream user shall be accompanied by a fee laid down in a separate regulation7 determined by the Commission (Article 37(3) of the CLP Regulation).

Proposals for harmonised classification and labelling according to the CLP Regulation can only be submitted for substances, and not for mixtures. As alloys (Article 2(27) of the CLP Regulation) are considered to be mixtures for the purposes of this Regulation, proposals for harmonised classification and labelling cannot be submitted for alloys.

3.4.2. Active substances in plant protection and biocidal products For active substances defined in the PPP and BP Directives, proposals for harmonised classification and labelling normally addresses all hazard classes and differentiations. The proposal for classification for other hazard classes/differentiations than CMR and RS can be made without a specific justification that action is needed at European Community level (Article 36(2) of the CLP Regulation and Section 4.9).

As a consequence, any proposal for harmonised classification and labelling for active substances in PPP and BP should include the available information related to all hazard classes and differentiations covered by the CLP Regulation, including those hazard classes and differentiations for which, based on the evaluation on existing data, no classification is proposed.

Proposals for classification of active substances in PPP and BP can only be submitted by an MSCA (Article 36(2) of the CLP Regulation).

6 The hazard classes in this document refer to those specified in the CLP Regulation. However, until 1 June 2015 proposals for harmonised C&L should also include the classification in accordance with the DSD criteria (Section 6.1). 7 A fee regulation for the CLP Regulation is currently under preparation by the Commission.







3.4.3. Revision of an existing entry in Annex VI Proposals for revision or removal of a specific hazard class and/or differentiation from an existing entry in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation or removal of the entire entry can only be submitted by an MSCA (Article 37(1) of the CLP Regulation).

Whenever new information is available demonstrating the need to revise a specific hazard class and/or differentiation of an existing harmonised entry in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation, a CLH dossier with a proposal for a revision of the entry may be submitted to the Agency. It could also be that due to changes in the classification criteria, the CLP Regulation may trigger classification for certain hazards which were not required by DPD or DSD. The proposal shall include a justification of how the new information supports the proposed revision.

If a manufacturer, importer or downstream user has new information that could lead to a revision of the harmonised classification and labelling of a substance, he shall submit a proposal to the MSCA in one of the Member States in which the substance is placed on the market (Article 37(6) of the CLP Regulation). The MSCA will then decide if it is appropriate to prepare and submit to the Agency a CLH dossier in order to revise the existing harmonised classification.

The work of MSCAs and the Agency (including its Committees) should focus on substances of the highest concern with regard to human health and the environment and it is therefore not advisable to submit proposals for ‘no classification’ as a means to obtain a scientific opinion on such a conclusion. However, if new information becomes available on a substance that is already classified (and included as an entry in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation) and this new information shows that the criteria for classification are no longer fulfilled, an MSCA may submit a proposal for removal of a specific hazard class and/or differentiation from an entry or removal of the entire entry.

4. How to prepare a CLH dossier

4.1. Overview of the process The following sections explain in detail the different steps in the process up to the inclusion of the harmonised classification and labelling in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation. The flow chart below gives an overview of the process for preparing a CLH dossier, indicates the parties involved in each step and the processing of the dossier once it has been submitted to the Agency.













4.2. The Registry of Intentions The Registry of intentions (RoI) is a list held by the Agency containing information from parties who intend to submit a CLH dossier to the Agency. The RoI is published on the Agency’s website and should be checked before starting to prepare a proposal to avoid two parties submitting a CLH dossier for the same substance at the same time. Annex VI to the CLP Regulation should also be checked to make sure that there is not already an existing harmonised classification for the substance in that specific hazard class and/or differentiation and category.

When a potential dossier submitter intends to prepare a CLH dossier for a specific substance, it is recommended to inform the Agency in advance, as this will both inform MSCAs and industry on the intention and allow all parties to prepare for the forthcoming discussions. It is suggested to send the information well in advance of the intended submission date in order to allow sufficient time for planning the processing of the dossier by the Agency and the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC). The dossier submitter should include the following information in their intention to the RoI:

� Name of the dossier submitter;

� Information on the substance (IUPAC name, EC number, CAS number and purity range);

� Information on impurities (including IUPAC name, EC number, CAS number and concentration range for each), if appropriate;

� Information on which hazard classes and/or differentiations the proposal concerns; and

� Expected date of submission.

Any confidential information included in the RoI shall be flagged as such and will then not be included in the part of RoI that is publicly available.

It should also be indicated whether it is an active substance in PPP or BP, and whether the substance is subject to transitional arrangements (Sections 6.2 and 6.3).

It is essential for the further development and processing of a CLH dossier that the substance is identified and described correctly. Potential dossier submitters are therefore requested to provide as much detail as possible on the substance itself and any impurities and/or other constituents of the substance. The Agency’s substance ID experts will check this information and support the potential dossier submitter in solving any uncertainties on this issue. In case uncertainties arise before the dossier is submitted, dossier submitters from industry can refer to their national helpdesks for advice.

4.3. Possible starting points for preparing a CLH dossier

4.3.1. Possible starting points for an MSCA There are several potential starting points for an MSCA to prepare a CLH dossier. For example that an MSCA:

� Carries out a substance evaluation under the REACH Regulation and concludes that the substance is a CMR or RS or that classification and labelling in another hazard class and/or differentiation may be justified; 杭







� Discovers that new information on an already classified substance is available, e.g. via a registration submitted in accordance with the REACH Regulation, that could justify a revision of the current harmonised classification and labelling;

� Carries out an evaluation on an active substance in PPP or BP and the evaluation shows that the classification criteria are met;

� Receives a proposal (Article 37(6) of the CLP Regulation) from industry which has new information that could lead to a change in the current harmonised classification and labelling;

� Receives information from someone in industry who is about to start manufacture of a substance that may be a CMR or RS substance, but who does not intend to submit a proposal for harmonised classification and labelling; or

� Discovers that there are different entries in the Classification and labelling (C&L) inventory8 for the same substance.

4.3.2. Possible starting points for a manufacturer, importer or downstream user

If a harmonised classification for a substance exists and is included in Annex VI of the CLP Regulation, this classification must be followed and no self-classification shall be done for the specific hazard classes and/or differentiations included in that entry (Article 4(3) of the CLP Regulation). If no harmonised classification for a hazard class and/or differentiation exists as an entry in Annex VI, self-classification shall be done for substances that are placed on the market and for substances that are not placed on the market but are subject to registration or notification according to the REACH Regulation. The self-classification shall be done by manufacturers, importers and downstream users9 of the substance (Article 1(1) of the CLP Regulation) in accordance with the criteria for classification as laid out in Annex I to the CLP Regulation. If the substance meets the criteria for classification in one or more hazard classes and/or differentiations a self-classification and labelling shall be proposed. If it is concluded that the substance should be classified, a CLH dossier may be prepared and submitted to the Agency in order for RAC to give its opinion on a harmonised classification of the substance (for more information see Section 3). Guidance on how to carry out the self-classification can be found in the Introductory guidance on the CLP Regulation and in the Guidance on the application of the CLP Criteria.

4.4. Information collection In order to propose a harmonised classification and labelling of a substance, information about the substance needs to be collected. According to Part 2 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation and as outlined in the subsequent sections, for all dossiers any 8 The C&L inventory is a database [which will be] established and maintained by the Agency. It [will] contains basic classification and labelling information on notified and registered substances. It [will] also contains the harmonised classifications in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation. The obligations for the information to be included in the notification to the C&L inventory are set out in Article 40 of the CLP Regulation. 9 NB: “Only Representatives”, as defined in the REACH Regulation, cannot submit a proposal for harmonised classification and labelling according to the CLP Regulation.







relevant information from registration dossiers shall be considered for the preparation of a CLH dossier. In addition, other available information may be used.

The information available to a dossier submitter when beginning the preparation of a CLH dossier will, for instance, depend on the status of the substance following the provisions of the REACH Regulation regarding if and when the substance has to be registered, and this may have an influence on the development of the dossier. For example, depending on the tonnage level in which the substance is manufactured or imported or the classification of the substance, different registration deadlines apply to the so-called ‘phase-in substances’ (Article 23 of the REACH Regulation).

4.4.1. Registration dossiers Unless explicitly exempted under the REACH Regulation, a registration dossier shall be submitted for all substances manufactured or imported in quantities of one tonne or more per year. If there is more than one registrant for a substance, most parts of the dossier, including the classification and labelling and the (robust) study summaries ((R)SS) for relevant hazard classes and differentiations as required in accordance with Annexes VII-XI to the REACH Regulation, should be submitted in a joint dossier unless companies demonstrate their need to submit parts individually. The registration dossiers shall be submitted in IUCLID 5 format via the REACH-IT system made available by the Agency, and shall consist of a technical dossier and, depending on the tonnage band of the substance, a chemical safety report (CSR). The information that shall be included in the technical dossier for registrations is stated in Articles 10 and 12 of the REACH Regulation and the minimum required information depends e.g. on the quantity manufactured or imported per year (for detailed information on information requirements, see Annexes VII-XI to the REACH Regulation).

For substances manufactured or imported in quantities of ten tonnes or more per year, the chemical safety assessment (CSA) has to be documented in the form of a CSR which shall be attached to the registration dossier. Any relevant information provided there can also be used when preparing a CLH dossier. The CSA shall include hazard assessments for human health, physicochemical properties and the environment and conclude on the classification and labelling.

Further information can be generated as a result of dossier or substance evaluation under the REACH Regulation. Under the compliance check, which is part of the registration dossier evaluation at the Agency, registrants may be required to submit information needed to bring the registration(s) in compliance with the requirements under the REACH Regulation. Following examination of testing proposals, which is another part of dossier evaluation, more information may have to be generated and submitted.

As mentioned in Section 4.3.1 the substance evaluation of a substance can be a starting point for an MSCA for preparing a proposal for harmonised classification and labelling. Substance evaluation is the procedure by which an MSCA evaluates the registration dossiers. As an outcome of the substance evaluation, further information, such as testing or exposure and use information, may be requested to clarify risks from substances (Article 46 of the REACH Regulation). After the generation and submission of any requested information, conclusions will be drawn and documented by the MSCA. The relevant information retrieved under this evaluation should be used when preparing the CLH dossier. 杭







4.4.2. Other available information In addition to using information from registration dossiers, other available information may be used (Part 2 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation). Information required for other regulatory purposes, e.g. from data submitted under the PPP and BP Directives, concerning active substances in PPP and BP, can be used for the CLH dossier. Other useful information sources, in particular for substances not (yet) registered under the REACH Regulation, can for instance be databases and published literature such as scientific journals, books etc. Information generated under internationally recognised chemical programmes may exist, for example reviews performed under the preceding European Community legislation (e.g. Regulation (EEC) No 793/93), by OECD, WHO, IARC, ECETOC, or by Member States (eChemPortal). These reviews can be useful to identify the information that is available. New studies may be available in the literature or new research reports. Epidemiological data and experience on the effects in humans, such as occupational data and data from accident databases may exist. A more detailed search of the literature could help to identify relevant information where there are significant gaps in any available reviews, or where there are no reviews. When using this kind of information it is recommended that the primary sources of information, for example the full study reports where available to the dossier submitter, should be reviewed, particularly for the studies considered as key studies. Information from secondary sources, for example reviews, should be considered on a case-by-case basis for the proposal. There should be a high confidence in the robustness of the approach used to review the information from the secondary source, for example where documentation that the secondary source had reviewed the original full study report against known and acceptable criteria.

For further information see IR/CSA (Chapters R.2 and R.3) and Introductory guidance on the CLP Regulation where guidance on information sources and gathering is provided.

4.4.3. Information on related substances and from (Q)SARs Information on structural analogues may also be relevant and useful when preparing the CLH dossier (Points 1.3 and 1.5 of Annex XI to the REACH Regulation). The dossier submitter will then need to explain how this information relates to the substance being assessed, how this justifies the use of the information and in what way it supports the proposed classification.

Guidance on the use of information from structural analogues, e.g. using (qualitative or quantitative) structure-activity relationships ((Q)SARs), read-across approach and grouping of substances, is provided in the IR/CSA (Chapter R.6) and Guidance on the application of the CLP Criteria.

4.4.4. Substances undergoing new testing It may be the case that the substance is undergoing testing, for example as a consequence of a testing proposal included in the registration dossier. If this testing is thought to be of relevance for the proposed harmonised classification and labelling it 杭







should be considered carefully whether to proceed with the CLH dossier or to await the result of the testing.

4.5. Review of the available information and comparison with the classification criteria

When the available information on the substance (and related substances if appropriate) has been collected, the information needs to be reviewed in order to determine:

� Which information is relevant, adequate and reliable?

� Is there sufficient information to allow a conclusion to be drawn on the proposed classification?

� Is there a need to search for more information?

� Are there ongoing studies that can result in useful information?

Even where a full dataset is not available, sufficient information may be available for classification according to the criteria specified in Annex I to the CLP Regulation10.

Not only studies directly related to the specific hazard class(es) and/or differentiations that the proposal concerns should be considered, but also other information may be useful to give a better understanding of the properties of the substance. For example, for health hazard classification, physicochemical data and toxicokinetic data can form the basis for a better understanding of the behaviour of the substance in the body and its relation to the (adverse) effects seen in other hazard classes. Data from repeated dose toxicity studies may give supportive evidence for hazard classes such as carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity. For environmental hazard classification, knowledge of certain physicochemical properties such as water solubility, stability data, hydrolysis data, molecular weight and size information is important. These should only be seen as examples, and which information to consider as supporting information needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Further guidance on the subsequent evaluation of available information is given in IR/CSA (Chapter R.4) and detailed guidance on how to use relevant information for classification purposes is provided in the Guidance on the application of the CLP Criteria.

The dossier submitter may also wish to consult external experts. This may be especially useful and important where there are data gaps or the available information is less consistent.

The available information should be systematically evaluated in order to derive a classification. The information shall be compared with the criteria for classification for each hazard class, or differentiation within the hazard class, and a decision should be made as to whether the substance meets the criteria for classification. In some cases the classification decision may be straightforward, requiring only an evaluation of whether the substance gave a positive or negative result in a specific test that can be directly compared with the classification criteria. In other cases, for example where the criteria cannot be applied directly to the available information, a weight of evidence approach

10 And Annex VI to the DSD until 1 June 2015 (Section 6.1).







may be used (Point 1.1.1 of Annex I to the CLP Regulation and Point 1.2 of Annex XI to the REACH Regulation). Expert judgement may therefore be needed to decide whether the results of a particular test meet the criteria laid down in Annex I to the CLP Regulation. When there is not enough information from each single source to conclude on whether the classification criteria are met, there may be evidence from several independent sources of information which, if using a weight of evidence approach, is sufficient to draw a conclusion. More guidance on the use of weight of evidence for classification purposes can be found in IR/CSA (Chapter R.4) and Guidance on the application of the CLP Criteria.

4.6. Classification based on impurities Article 10(1) of the CLP Regulation) provides that:

‘Specific concentration limits and generic concentration limits are limits assigned to a substance indicating a threshold at or above which the presence of that substance in another substance or in a mixture as an identified impurity, additive or individual constituent leads to the classification of the substance or mixture as hazardous.’

This means that if there is a harmonised classification for a substance included as an entry in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation, and that substance is present in another substance as an identified impurity, additive or individual constituent in concentrations at or above the SCL or generic concentration limit (GCL), this other substance should be classified as hazardous accordingly. However, it does not mean that a proposal for harmonised classification shall be submitted for the substance in which the classified substance is present if this substance in itself does not fulfil the criteria for classification.

Furthermore, Article 11(1) of the CLP Regulation lays out that:

‘Where a substance contains another substance, itself classified as hazardous, whether in the form of an identified impurity, additive or individual constituent, this shall be taken into account for the purposes of classification, if the concentration of the identified impurity, additive or individual constituent is equal to, or greater than, the applicable cut-off value in accordance with paragraph 3.’

If a substance, for which a harmonised classification included as an entry in Annex VI exists, is present in another substance in the form of an identified impurity, additive or individual constituent, in concentrations at or above the relevant cut-off value this shall be taken into account for the purpose of classification. On the other hand, if the classified substance is only present in concentrations below the relevant cut-off value it does not have to be taken into account for the purpose of classification. The wording “taken into account” should be understood as meaning that classification is not obligatory, but may be possible on the scientific evidence available.

In either case, if there is no harmonised classification for the impurity, additive or individual constituent, but only a self-classification, a proposal for harmonised classification can be submitted (see Section 3). As pointed out in Section 4.9, priority for harmonised classification should be given to those hazard classes and differentiations of highest concern, i.e. the CMR and RS hazard classes/differentiations.

In conclusion, if a substance is subject to classification under Title V of the CLP Regulation only due to the presence of an impurity, additive or other constituent for which a harmonised classification exists in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation, the substance should not be listed in Annex VI. If there is no harmonised classification in







Annex VI for the impurity, additive or identified constituent and it fulfils the criteria for classification, a proposal for harmonised classification can be submitted (see Section 3).

4.7. Use of confidential information [There is an ongoing discussion on the use of confidential information in CLH dossiers, and this section will be finalised at a later stage.]

4.8. Preparation and creation of the CLH dossier This section gives an overview of how to prepare and create a CLH dossier. Detailed guidance on how to insert the information into a IUCLID 5 substance dataset, how to create the CLH report and how to create the final CLH dossier [will be] is provided in the User manual supplementing this document. This User manual can be downloaded from the Agency’s website [insert link when available].

4.8.1. Structure of a CLH dossier For MSCAs, the proposal for harmonised classification and labelling shall follow the format set out in Part 2 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation, where it, among other things, is stated that relevant parts of sections 1, 2 and 3 of Annex I of the REACH Regulation shall be used for the methodology and format for any dossier. The dossier shall contain the relevant information provided in Part 1 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation (Article 37(1) of the CLP Regulation).

For manufacturers, importers or downstream users, the proposal shall be drawn up in accordance with the relevant parts of sections 1, 2 and 3 of Annex I to the REACH Regulation. The format should follow that for Part B of the CSR (Point 7 in Annex I of the REACH Regulation). The dossier shall contain the relevant information provided for in Part 1 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation. Article 111 of the REACH Regulation, in which it, among other things, is stated that the Agency shall specify and make available the formats and software packages for submissions to the Agency, shall apply (Article 37(2) of the CLP Regulation).

The CLH dossier shall consist of a technical dossier (prepared in IUCLID 5) and a CLH report attached to it, prepared in a format specified by the Agency to be downloaded from the Agency’s website [insert link when available]. The technical dossier [The issue on MSCAs’ access to registration dossiers is under discussion and this section will be amended accordingly after the final decision on this issue. The text in square brackets will be confirmed/revised after that.]

The technical dossier shall be prepared in IUCLID 5, which is the international standard database for capturing, managing and exchanging data on properties of chemicals. The technical dossier is created starting from a substance dataset, which is the core of information in IUCLID 5. The substance dataset is the ‘raw data layer’ in IUCLID 5 into which all information shall be inserted (Section 4.1 in IUCLID 5 End user manual).

The substance dataset shall contain data related to the substance, including:

� Substance ID: Information on substance ID is crucial for evaluation of the CLH proposal and for eventual inclusion in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation.







Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the substance dataset in IUCLID 5 shall always be filled in and must include the IUPAC name or chemical name, CAS number, EC number, registration number (if available), molecular and structural formulae (if applicable), purity and impurities;

� Information on classification and labelling in section 2.1 and 2.2 in the substance dataset in IUCLID 5; and

� Endpoint study records with RSS under the relevant sections 4 to 7 in the substance dataset. The identity of the tested substance should be included for each RSS, indicating any difference with the Substance ID in Section 1.1 and 1.2 in IUCLID 5.

An endpoint study record contains all the pieces of information related to one study. It provides a template with predefined fields and free text prompts, which helps the user summarise a study. An RSS is a detailed summary of the objectives, methods, results and conclusions of a full study report and should provide sufficient information to make an independent assessment of the study, minimising the need to consult the full study report (Article 3(28) of the REACH Regulation and Sections, 4.7.1 and 4.7.7 in IUCLID 5 End user manual).

A new substance dataset in IUCLID 5 needs to be created for each substance for which a CLH dossier is going to be submitted. For hazard information that has not previously been submitted to the Agency, an RSS shall be included in the relevant section of the technical dossier in IUCLID 5 (Part 2 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation). [MSCAs will have access to registration dossiers and can use the information from these dossiers when preparing a CLH dossier. If the hazard information has been submitted to the Agency before, reference can be made to that information (e.g. RSS from a submitted registration dossier), but MSCAs can also decide to copy relevant RSS from existing registration dossiers, or to fill in the relevant information in the new substance dataset manually. This may require that they have access to the full study report. It has to be noted that a IUCLID dossier is a read-only snap-shot of the raw data which does not allow editing of data copied from the dossier.] Industry does not have [the same access to registration dossiers via REACH-IT as MSCAs.] Hence, they will not be able to use the data from registration dossiers unless they are the owner of the registration dossier from which the relevant information is going to be used. In this case the importer or manufacturer has the substance dataset in IUCLID 5 available for subsequent creation of the CLH dossier. If the potential dossier submitter is part of the same Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF) the substance dataset can be requested from the lead registrant. The latter also applies to downstream users, which may either fill in the data from existing registration dossiers manually or request the relevant information from the registrant of the substance of concern. [When the hazard information has not previously been submitted to the Agency, the dossier submitter must fill in all relevant information on the substance, and related substances if appropriate, manually.] In some cases transitional arrangements apply regarding the information required to be filled into the substance dataset in IUCLID 5. These arrangements are outlined in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 of this guidance document.






22 The CLH report The CLH report should be a ‘stand-alone’ report. It should not contain any confidential information, but confidential information should instead be given in the IUCLID 5 dossier in the corresponding chapters and should be flagged as confidential accordingly. If a confidential attachment is provided, it should also be flagged as confidential.

In the CLH report the available information should be systematically evaluated in order to derive a classification and the report should provide a concise and comprehensive overview of the scientific evidence. The information shall be compared with the criteria for classification for each hazard class, or differentiation within the hazard class, and a decision should be made as to whether the substance meets the criteria for classification.

The CLH reports as provided by MSCA or industry will be published by the Agency on its website for comments by parties concerned.

The CLH report will be used as a basis for RAC to prepare its opinion and the background document, which in turn may be used by the Commission for its decision- making.

[ECHA is currently working on a new format for the CLH report and this section will be completed when this is finalised. The CLH report shall comply with the criteria for the CSR report (Section 4.8.1). Currently ECHA is also working on a CLH specific tool for extraction of data from IUCLID 5 to the CLH report. There is a difference between Part A and B of the CLH report when it comes to extracting data – this will be described briefly here and in more detail in the CLH report format and in the User manual on IUCLID 5. If reference is made to RSS from IUCLID dossiers that have already been submitted to the Agency, e.g. registration dossiers, this information cannot be extracted from IUCLID 5 into the CLH report since the complete RSS is then not in the IUCLID 5 dossier, but only in the original dossier. Extraction is only possible when the RSS are copied from registration dossiers or filled in manually into the substance dataset in IUCLID 5.]

4.8.2. Where to provide information Overall, the CLH dossier shall contain (Part 2 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation):

� A proposal, with the identity of the substance concerned and the harmonised classification and labelling proposed; and

� A scientific justification for the proposed harmonised classification and labelling with an evaluation of the available information and a comparison with the criteria set out in Annex I to CLP Regulation; and

� A justification that action is needed at European Community level for other hazard classes and/or differentiations than CMR and RS, unless the substance is an active substance in PPP or BP (Section 4.9).

The CLH report should also contain a short description of the (main) uses of the substance as this is needed for the purposes of the public consultation on the Agency’s website.

All information on the substance that is considered adequate, reliable and relevant for the proposal should be inserted into the substance dataset in IUCLID 5. The dossier







submitter should reflect carefully on which information to provide. It may be that RAC during the accordance check of the dossier requests clarification of part of the information provided if they consider this necessary to give an opinion on the proposed classification. For active substances within the meaning of the PPP and BP Directives, proposals for harmonised classification and labelling normally addresses all hazard classes and differentiations, and hence information on all hazard classes and/or differentiations should normally be included in the CLH dossier, regardless of whether a classification is proposed or not. For the hazard classes where no classification is proposed, a justification of why the classification criteria are not considered to be fulfilled shall be included.

The key information related to the proposed classification and labelling should, in addition to in the substance dataset in IUCLID 5, be provided in the CLH report. However, there may also be other information, not directly related to the proposed classification that is considered relevant for the understanding of, and as support of, the proposed classification. Hence, the dossier submitter should carefully consider whether to provide such information only in the technical dossier in IUCLID 5 or additionally also in the CLH report.

When preparing the CLH report, the dossier submitter should consider the IR/CSA guidance (Part F) as the level of detail in the CLH report is required to be consistent with the level of detailed specified for the CSR report (Annex I specifications of REACH to be followed). The information in the CLH report should enable all users to understand the proposal and the scientific arguments that support the conclusions for the proposed classification. Key hazard information in the CLH report must be clearly presented and justified and must be traceable back to its sources. Key information that is presented in the technical dossier in IUCLID 5 should be presented in a brief table format and referenced, rather than repeat the details.

In some cases, information that is included as supporting data for harmonised classification in a particular hazard class or differentiation, e.g. reproductive toxicity, might indicate classification for a hazard class or differentiation for which harmonised classification is not being proposed, e.g. repeated dose toxicity. The dossier submitter should make clear for which purpose the information is included (‘key study’, ‘supporting study’ etc.; Section in IUCLID 5 End user manual) and for which hazard classes and/or differentiations harmonised classification is being proposed.

It should be noted that it is only the CLH report that will be published for the public consultation. The full CLH dossier, including the CLH report and the technical dossier in IUCLID 5, will be made available to the MSCAs for their consideration and commenting.

4.8.3. Creation of the CLH dossier in IUCLID 5 The finalised CLH report shall be attached to the substance dataset in IUCLID 5 (in Section 13). The report shall be attached both as a word file to enable commenting and editing in the further process, and as a PDF file to be used for the public consultation on the Agency’s website. Other documents considered relevant for the proposal, e.g. Risk Assessment Reports (RARs), other references used and attachments containing confidential information may also be attached. When all information has been included in the substance dataset a CLH dossier shall be created by using the dossier creation functionality of IUCLID 5. The final CLH dossier to be submitted to the Agency is read-only and hence no changes can be made to it.







If a revision of the CLH dossier is needed (e.g. resulting from feedback from the accordance check; Section 5.1), any changes need to be made in the IUCLID 5 substance data set, and thereafter a new CLH dossier has to be created.

For further guidance on how to create the CLH dossier in IUCLID 5, see User manual [insert link when available].

4.9. Justification demonstrating the need for action at European Community level

The primary reason for proposing a harmonised classification and labelling is that harmonisation is necessary to ensure adequate risk management throughout the European Community. In adopting the CLP Regulation, and before that, the REACH Regulation, the legislators decided that the resources of the authorities would be best spent on those hazard classes and differentiations of highest concern, i.e. the CMR and RS hazard classes/differentiations. Harmonised classification and labelling for other hazard classes/differentiations than CMR and RS can be proposed, but the proposal shall then include a justification demonstrating the need for action at European Community level (Article 36(3) of the CLP Regulation) unless the substance is an active substance used in PPP and BP, in which case no justification is needed.

One example of when a harmonised classification and labelling in other hazard classes and/or differentiations may be justified is when the proposed self-classifications for a substance differ between registration dossiers and/or notifications. This would then result in different entries in the C&L inventory for that substance and a proposal for harmonised classification and labelling can be submitted.

The justification that a harmonised classification and labelling is needed for other hazard classes/differentiations than CMR and RS should clearly indicate why the dossier submitter considers that there is a need for action at European Community level. This information should be inserted in the relevant section of the CLH report.

4.10. What should an MSCA do if it considers that a CLH dossier is not appropriate?

There may be cases where an MSCA carries out work to prepare a CLH dossier but concludes at some point that there is no need to progress with the work, e.g. because it is concluded that the substance does not fulfil the criteria for classification as CMR, RS or other hazard classes and/or differentiations. In this case, the conclusions should be documented since it is important that the work that has already been undertaken is not lost but is made available for future work.

It is up to the MSCA to decide how much of the work that they have done needs to be documented, and this will be done on a case-by-case basis. It could be for example information they have inserted into the IUCLID 5 substance dataset, and/or the (draft) CLH report with the appropriate conclusions that led the MSCA to stop further work on the dossier. The key outcome must be that the work undertaken by one MSCA should be made known and available to the Agency and other MSCAs so that the process works efficiently and without undue duplication of work.







5. Processing of the submitted CLH dossier The finalised CLH dossier should be submitted to the Agency for further processing. Detailed guidance on how to submit the dossier to the Agency via REACH-IT can be found in [insert reference and link when available]. After the submission, each submitter will receive a confirmation that the Agency has received the dossier and a submission number which should be used in all further communication with the Agency on the dossier.

5.1. Accordance check For each CLH dossier submitted to the Agency, one rapporteur and possibly a co-rapporteur from RAC will be appointed. The rapporteur(s), supported by the Agency Secretariat, will perform the so-called accordance check of the dossier. The purpose of the accordance check is to ensure that the dossier has been prepared in accordance with the requirements as specified in the legal text and by the Agency. In other words, that it includes all the information needed for RAC to discuss the proposal and to deliver an opinion, and that the information is correctly presented in both the CLH report and the technical dossier in IUCLID 5. The dossier submitter will be informed of the outcome of the accordance check, and if the proposal is considered to be ‘in accordance’ the Agency will issue a formal letter of receipt with the date from which the 18 months deadline for RAC to issue an opinion is derived. Furthermore, the Agency will publish the CLH report for consultation by parties concerned and MSCAs.

If the dossier is considered to be ‘not in accordance’, the dossier submitter can decide to either:

� Revise the dossier according to the comments and recommendations received in the accordance check report and resubmit it to the Agency;

� Request the Agency to proceed with the proposal without any revisions; or

� Withdraw the proposal.

However, the second option could substantially prolong the process in RAC as RAC via its rapporteur(s) has expressed concerns about the content of the dossier which might hamper the successful evaluation of the proposal and reaching of an opinion. In any case, the dossier submitter should inform the Agency about their intentions on how to proceed. If the dossier submitter decides to revise the dossier they should also provide the Agency with an expected date for re-submission, if possible.

After revision, the CLH dossier should be re-submitted to the Agency for further processing and the CLH report will be published for public consultation. The Agency will issue a formal letter of receipt with the date from which the 18 months deadline for RAC to issue an opinion is derived.

5.2. Public consultation and response to comments During the public consultation, concerned parties (e.g. industry, Member States, the general public and other stakeholders) are invited to comment on the proposal. The comments from the public consultation will be collected by the Agency and sent to the dossier submitter who will be asked to provide, within a set deadline, a response to comments (RCOM). Also a draft background document (BD) will be sent to the dossier submitter. If the dossier submitter finds that the comments and information received lead to a need to revise the CLH dossier, the relevant comments and information should







be integrated in the BD (which is the CLH report revised according to the relevant comments received). The RCOM and the draft BD prepared by the dossier submitter shall then be returned to the Agency, who will forward them to RAC, including rapporteur(s), for the consideration of the RAC members (and observers from stakeholder organisations) and to allow the rapporteur(s) to begin to formulate an opinion.

5.3. The RAC opinion RAC shall adopt an opinion on CLH proposals sent to the Agency within 18 months of receipt of a proposal (Article 37(4) of the CLP Regulation). The minimum requirements for the content of this opinion are laid down in the CLP Regulation (Article 38(1)). The RAC opinion on the proposal may be adopted either by consensus or by simple majority. The RAC opinion, including minority positions where relevant, the final BD, the comments submitted during the public consultation with the RCOM from the dossier submitter, and possibly those from the rapporteurs, are forwarded to the Commission to support the further decision-making process.

The RAC opinion, including minority positions where relevant, the BD and RCOM are published on the Agency’s website.

5.4. Commission decision The Commission shall consider whether harmonised classification and labelling of the substance concerned is appropriate, taking the RAC opinion into account. In justified cases, it shall prepare a draft decision concerning the inclusion of the substance in Table 3.1 of Part 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation (Article 37(5) of the CLP Regulation). The draft decision shall also include the relevant classification and labelling elements and, where appropriate, the SCLs and/or M-factors. The decision shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny (by the European Parliament) referred to in Article 54(4) of the CLP Regulation (referring to the so-called Comitology procedure under Decision 1999/468/EC, ‘comitology procedure’). The minimum content of this decision is described in detail in the CLP Regulation (Article 38).

The information that will be listed for each entry can be found in Part 1 to Annex VI to the CLP Regulation.

During the period for which the transitional provisions apply (Section 6.1) a corresponding entry shall be included in Table 3.2 of Part 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation.

6. Transitional arrangements

6.1. Transitional provisions The CLP Regulation (Article 61) specifies the transitional provisions that affect the classification, labelling and packaging of hazardous substances and mixtures previously covered by DSD and DPD. Substances shall be classified, labelled and packaged in accordance with the criteria specified in Annex VI to DSD until 1 June 2010. From 1 December 2010 until 1 June 2015 substances shall be classified in accordance with both DSD and the CLP Regulation, but labelled and packaged in accordance with the CLP Regulation. The CLH dossiers shall therefore, until 1 June 2015, in addition to the







proposed classification according to CLP criteria, also contain the proposed classification according to DSD criteria.

6.2. Substances where a harmonised C&L has been agreed by the Technical Committee on Classification and Labelling and hand-over dossiers

The Technical Committee on Classification and Labelling11 (TC C&L) at Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) adopted during 2006 and 2007 final recommendations for classification and labelling of 87 substances which due to legal considerations have not been included in the 1st ATP to the CLP Regulation. These should nevertheless be considered for future inclusion in Annex VI to the CLP Regulation.

Special arrangements apply for these substances, as well as for the so called ‘hand-over dossiers’, i.e. dossiers that concern substances from the Existing substance review (ESR) and Notification of new substances (NONS) programmes as well as other substances for which classification proposals were submitted to the TC C&L, but where discussions were not finalised. It has been agreed with the MSCAs that the CLH dossier for these substances does not need to include the RSS in IUCLID 5 as long as similarly detailed summaries of the information on the substance are provided in the CLH report. However, information on Substance ID and Classification and labelling (Sections 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 2.2 in the substance dataset) has to be included in IUCLID 5 as usual.

6.3. Active substances in plant protection and biocidal products For the submission of a CLH dossier the format and software that shall be used is IUCLID 5. In addition to the format, also the information requirements of the CLH proposal are specified, while this was not the case under the previous legislation (DSD). Under DSD, for proposals for classification of active substances in PPP and BP, relevant parts of the Draft assessment report (DAR) and competent authority report (CAR), were submitted by the MSCAs to the TC C&L. In order to facilitate the change over to the new system using IUCLID 5, an interim solution for the submission of CLH proposals for these substances has been agreed between the Agency, the Commission and the MSCAs. For proposals submitted in the interim period, the following should apply:

[This section will be revised when this interim solution is finally agreed.

CLH dossiers submitted before 1 January 2011: The dossier shall be prepared in IUCLID 5 format, but the substance dataset has to include only information on Substance ID in sections 1.1 and 1.2 and information on classification and labelling in sections 2.1 and 2.2. A CLH report shall be attached to the substance dataset and the report shall clearly indicate the proposed C&L and scientific documentation [corresponding to the RSSs, needs clarification] relevant for the proposal. In the format for the CLH report there is guidance and indications of which sections of the plant protection and biocidal products assessment reports that might contain the relevant information.

11 In the TC C&L, proposals for harmonised classification and labelling submitted by MSCAs for substances to be included in Annex I to DSD were discussed. All conclusions reached by the TC C&L were recommendations to the Commission for possible inclusion in an ATP of DSD.







For CLH dossiers submitted from 1 January 2011 onwards the CLH dossier shall include all the information required for full CLH dossiers.]















