Growth & Development - 4-6 months

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Growth & Development - 4-6 months

My Child

4-6 months

It is very exciting for

parents to watch their babies become social beings that can interact with

others. The baby begins to interact with persons

other than parents as his or her awareness of

surrounding environment and people increases. While babies may grow and develop

different skills at different rates, the

following are some of the common

milestones in this age group.



Head Circumference

Average growth of about ½ inch each month.

Average growth of ½ to 1 inch each month.




• Start balancing head well.

• Reflexive behaviors start changing

• Blinking reflex is well established

•Sucking reflex becomes voluntary.

•Swallowing reflex appears and allows infant to move solid foods from front of mouth to the back for swallowing.

•Sits with support.

•Begins to support body with legs when held in standing position

•Rolls over one way, usually from stomach to back.

•Moves object from one hand to other

•Grabs feet and toes when lying on back

•Makes "swimming" motions with arms and legs when placed on abdomen

•Naps two to three times a day, for one to three hours each (on average)

•Begins to sleep longer at night

•Has full color vision, able to see at longer distances

•May accidentally begin scooting backwards when placed on stomach; soon will begin to crawl forward

• Plays a Peek -a -boo game.


• Coos and gurgles when talked to, or in response to toys

• Babbles, imitates sounds

• By 6 months, makes single syllable sounds (da, ma, ba)

• Laughs

• Squeal

• Blows bubbles.


• Recognises familiar things and people

• May hold out arms to be picked up

• May show displeasure when object or person goes away

• Responds to his or her own name

• Understands “no"

• Begins to understand cause and effect (the sound a toy makes when it is dropped)

Dr. Peddi’s tips for your baby's

development and emotional security

• Repeat sounds and smile when your baby makes sounds.

• Laugh with your baby.

• Talk to and imitate your baby during feeding, dressing, changing diapers, and bath time.

• Show your baby bright picture books and interesting objects.

• Show your baby his or her reflection in a mirror.

• Encourage laughing and play by making funny faces or sounds or blowing on baby's belly and laughing.

• Play peek-a-boo games to help develop object permanence, the understanding that objects are still present even though they cannot be se

• Dance with your baby and do other rhythmic movements.

• Introduce your baby to other children.

• Place safe toys near your baby to encourage reaching and grasping.

• Read books and stories to your baby, and point out pictures.

• Take your baby outside to different places to see new things and people.

• Hold and cuddle a lot when the baby is awake or unhappy