Growth & Demographic Characteristics of Seoul’s Population International Forum on Metropolitan...

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Growth & Demographic Characteristics of Seoul’s Population

International Forum on Metropolitan Statistics, 19 -21 October 2008, Beijing

Bongho Choi

Korea National Statistical Office

Urban Population and Contribution of Net Migration

Whole Country

Urban population (in thousand, %)

Inter-censal increase of u

rban population

Due to net migrants (%)

1955 21,502 5,263 24.5 %

1960 24,989 6,997 28.0 % 1,734 -

1966 29,160 9,798 33.6 % 2,801 52.0 %

1970 31,435 12,929 41.1 % 3,131 75.0 %

1975 34,679 16,770 48.4 % 3,841 58.0 %

1980 37,407 21,409 57.2 % 4,639 52.0 %

1985 40,448 26,418 65.3 % 5,009 53.0 %

1990 43,410 32,290 74.4 % 5,872 less than 50

1995 44,609 - around 80 - -

2000 46,136 - more than 80 % - -

2005 47,279 - more than 80 % - -

Trend of Population for Whole Country and Urban












1955 1960 1966 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Whole Country Urban population

Population for Seoul and Metropolitan Area


City of Seoul (A) Gyeonggi Province (B)

Seoul Metropolitan Area (A+B)

1955 21,502 1,569 7.3 % 2,360 11.0 % 3,929 18.3 %

1960 24,989 2,445 9.8 2.749 11.0 5,194 20.8

1966 29,160 3,793 13.0 3.102 10.6 6,895 23.6

1970 31,435 5,525 17.6 3,353 10.7 8,878 28.3

1975 34,679 6,879 19.8 4,035 11.6 10,914 31.4

1980 37,407 8,364 22.3 4,934 13.2 13,298 35.5

1985 40,448 9,639 23.8 6,181 15.3 15,820 39.1

1990 43,410 10,613 24.4 7,974 18.4 18,587 42.8

1995 44,609 10,231 22.9 9,958 22.3 20,189 45.2

2000 46,136 9,895 21.4 11,459 24.8 21,354 46.2

2005 47,279 9,820 20.8 12,946 27.4 22,766 48.2

Seoul’s Population and Contribution of Net Migration

Period Inter-censal increase of Seoul’s population

Due to net migrants (Numbers, %)

1955-60 876 … …

1960-66 1,348 553 41.0

1966-70 1,732 935 54.0

1970-75 1,354 529 39.1

1975-80 1,485 479 37.6

1980-85 1,275 264 20.7

1985-90 974 -62 …

1990-95 -382 … …

1995-2000 -336 -685 …

2000-2005 -75 -456 …

Net Migration Rate in Korea for 2000-05 and 2025-30

Number of CEB per Married Woman, 2005

Age ofmarried women

Whole country Seoul

% Married Women

CEB per married woman

% Married Women

CEB per married woman

15-19 0.4 0.36 0.3 0.47

20-24 6.3 0.66 3.5 0.56

25-29 40.9 0.92 29.2 0.92

30-34 81.0 1.54 70.7 1.56

35-39 92.4 1.90 87.2 1.86

40-44 96.4 1.98 94.4 1.90

45-49 97.6 2.05 96.5 1.99

15-49 63.0 1.77 56.1 1.67

% Married Women in Korea, 2005








20- 24 25- 29 30- 34 35- 39 40- 44 45- 49

Whole country Seoul

Mean Number of CEB per Married Woman

Mean Number of CEB, Whole Country, 1966 and 2005









20- 24 25- 29 30- 34 35- 39 40- 44 45- 49

1966 2005

Total Fertility Rate in Korea for 2000-05 and 2025-30

Age Structure for Whole Country & Seoul, 2005

Age groups Whole country Seoul

Total 100.0 100.0

0-14 19.1 16.6

15-64 72.5 76.1

65+ 9.3 7.3

Economic Participation Rates in Seoul by Sex, 2005

Total Males Females

(Whole Country)Population aged 15+

39,170 (100.0) 19,084 (100.0) 20,086 (100.0)

in economic activities 24,216 ( 61.8) 14,124 ( 74.0) 10,092 ( 50.2)

not in economic activities 14,954 ( 38.2) 4,960 ( 26.0) 9,994 ( 49.8)

(Seoul)Population aged 15+

8,187 (100.0) 3,972 (100.0) 4,215 (100.0)

in economic activities 5,148 ( 62.9) 2,969 ( 74.7) 2,179 ( 51.7)

not in economic activities 3,040 ( 37.1) 1,003 ( 25.3) 2,036 ( 48.3)

(Seoul Metropolitan Area)Population aged 15+

19,290 (100.0) 9,454 (100.0) 9,837 (100.0)

in economic activities 12,044 ( 62.4) 7,104 ( 75.1) 4,942 ( 50.2)

not in economic activities 7,247 ( 37.6) 2,350 ( 24.9) 4,895 ( 49.8)

Monthly Household Income & Expenditure, 2007

Whole country Seoul

Household income (in Korean Won)

3,310,555 3,387,026

Household expenditure(in Korean Won)

2,699,644 2,665,246

Framework for Development of Regional Statistics

  Development by KNSO and/or Central Governments  

Development by KNSO's Technical Assistance to Local Governments

Demandfor Regional


Identification of data gaps · Efforts are being made through    seminars,  individual contacts  

  Conduct of demand survey· Survey is done through provincial   governments

Developing of

Regional Statistics



KNSO's selection of local governments for providing technical assistance

Expansion of sample sizes and/or utilization of administrative data, etc.  · KNSO and central governments  

      Division of roles· KNSO : Provision of technical            assistance · Local governments : Maintaining            statistical surveys


Dissemination of regional statistics

Construction of Database (by the end of 2008)                   · e- indicator system for local governments

Regional Statistics Needed: Example of Australian Bureau of Statistics

• Demography (size & structure of population, migration)• Quality of Life - Services (demand, availability, accessibility, affordability, quality) - Well-being (employment, health, housing, income, assets) - Specific population groups (foreign laborers, youth, older persons, women, persons with a disability) • Community Strength - Human capital (education, skills, leadership, training infrastructure) - Social capital (social networks, community activities, trust, safety, sense of belonging) - Information networks• Economic Growth - Structure (industry, labor market, turnover, journey to work) - Performance (production, consumption, turnover, employment, investment, income and earnings) - Links (imports, exports) - Barriers (labor force skills, infrastructure, innovation, environment)• Environmental Issues

Regional Statistics Needed: Example of Statistics New Zealand

Area Indicators

Output- GRDP- Number of establishments by industry

Education - Illiteracy rate, Educational attainment, Teacher/Pupil ratio

Employment- Employment by industry and occupation- Labor force projection

Use of Energy

- Production of energy by type (electricity, gas)- Use of energy for heating and cooking - Use of energy by kinds and industry- Turnover and consumption of energy by type

Environment- Expenditure for environmental protection by institutions- Statistics on commuting- Sewage by kinds and statistics on renewal - Statistics on air, land and water

Population & Public Health

-Internal migration, population projection, life expectancy, IMR, In-patients and discharge by major diseases

Regional Statistics Needed: Example of Statistics New Zealand

Area Indicators

Social Cohesion- Participation in community and leisure activities- Utilization of social welfare facilities, use of Internet- An agreed set of quality of life  indicators

Tourism- Number of local and foreign visitors, duration of stay, impact on local economy

Housing- Number of houses by type, number of beds- Household projection

Income and Welfare

- House price per income- Household expenditure - Household income by source of income - Household income by demographic characteristics

Transportation- Commuters by origin-destination- Means of transportation- Accidents and casualties by causes

Agriculture - Production by crops, living stocks by kinds- Turnover by type of farms

e – indicators for local governments


How each indicator is represented


Tables of StatisticsTables of Statistics

Explanations & analysesExplanations & analyses

Remarks, Terms and methodRemarks, Terms and method

Posted opinions or commentsPosted opinions or comments

- definition - how to interpret it

- main influencing factors - future expectation

- trends


Why did KNSO develop this system?

★ All Local Government Agencies need Good Statistics

to tell the current status- how we are doing

to show the direction we should go

★ Good statistics

provide evidences for good policy processing

help governments to identify the best courses of action in

dealing with complex situations

Q & A

Thank you !!