Growth and Expansion of Rome World History A Forest Lake High School Mr. Koch.

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Transcript of Growth and Expansion of Rome World History A Forest Lake High School Mr. Koch.

Growth and Expansion of Rome

World History AForest Lake High School

Mr. Koch


• Republic – officials chosen by people• keep individual from gaining too much power


• Early government based around Senate (life term)

– Patricians – landholding upper class– Consuls (2) – supervise govt/command armies (1


– Dictator – if necessary, rule very short (6 months)

– Plebians – “common folk” (farmers, merchants, etc)

– Tribunes – officials elected by plebians– Protect their interests– Gained power over time

MilitaryMilitary•Army comprised of legions of citizen-soldiers

•Allowed conquered areas to maintain way of life

•In return:•Must acknowledge Roman rule•Pay taxes

•Offer soldiers

•Some become citizens

Punic WarsPunic Wars• Series of 3 wars fought with Carthage

• 1st – Romans win Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia

Punic WarsPunic Wars

• 2nd – Hannibal marches elephants from north

– Rome victorious – take all Carthage, except Africa

Punic WarsPunic Wars

• 3rd – Rome completely destroys Carthage

• Rome continues to expand and build its empire– Eventually controls most of Mediterranean region

• Captured peoples forced to work as slaves

Power StrugglesPower Struggles

• Rome begins declining into civil war

• Julius Caesar– One of many

powerful generals– After conquering Gaul,

returned to Rome anddefeated Pompey

Crossing the Rubicon

Power StrugglesPower Struggles• Julius Caesar (cont’d)

– Eventually forced senate to name him dictator• Senate remains, but powerless

– Afraid of his power, he’s assassinated in senate

Power StrugglesPower Struggles

• Rome slides back into civil war – renewed power struggles

– Octavian eventually emerges – renamed Augustus• Set up many lasting reforms• Series of good & bad rulers follow him

• Period of “Pax Romana” (“Roman Peace”)