Grove High...

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Transcript of Grove High...

Contents AP EURO: Summer Assignment ................................................... 2

AP English Language .................................................................... 3

AP Chemistry Summer Packet ..................................................... 9

Ap United States History ........................................................... 20

AP Earth Science! ..................................................................... 23

AP EURO: Summer Assignment

The Prince: By Niccolo Machiavelli

This is considered one of the earliest written works on political science (the art of ruling)

Though Machiavelli does not stress one type of government over another, he attempts to establish some of

the universal truths about governing by analyzing HUMAN NATURE.

With the above information in mind (good to use in your introductory paragraph) complete the following


Write a letter (in that form) to a political leader (real or imagined)

Example: Dear Captain Kangaroo,

The purpose of this letter is to inform that politician how to be a STRONG leader, based upon the

information and insights provided by Niccolo Machiavelli. (Remember strength is not correlated with

goodness---BIG DIFFERENCE)

For the three body paragraphs of your letter use any three of the following eight concepts/ideas.

1. the role of virtue

2. the role of fortune

3. the role of fear and cruelty

4. his view of human nature

5. the role of military in ruling well

6. the role of treaties and agreements

7. money, taxes, revenue, mercenaries

8. morality and ethics

Key points to remember:

-Introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion

-Do not use many direct quotes, but when you do, keep them brief and put the page number in parentheses

following it's usage.

-Do not simply give a plot summary, focus on details for each individual paragraph. When you think your

specific enough, get even more specific with your details.

Due Date:

1st Day of School: Fall Semester

Book may be purchased but can also be found on various reading apps, such as Ebooks, for free

AP English Language Prior to the first day of school in August, all juniors enrolled in A.P. English Language and Composition at

Providence Grove High School must read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and must complete the

assignments which accompany the reading.

All summer packets must be turned in on the first day of school in August.

This is a required assignment which will count as 10% of the first nine-weeks grade. Low grades on

this assignment could greatly affect a student’s overall course average.

This is an independent assignment. Cheating or copying another student’s work may result in zeroes

and/or removal from an advanced placement course.

The PGHS media center has electronic copies of The Scarlet Letter available for check out if students

wish to read the novel on personal technological devices. Students interested in checking out an

electronic copy of The Scarlet Letter need to see Mrs. Snyder in the media center.

The ScArlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne

DIRECTIONS: Some of the questions ask you to respond using the format of a dialectical journal; a sample

dialectical journal is included on the final page for reference.

INTRODUCTORY: “The Custom-House”

1. The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850, yet the novel’s setting is 1642-1649. Despite being set 200+

years prior to its date of publication, The Scarlet Letter is not a historical novel; instead, The Scarlet

Letter is a prose romance. In “The Custom-House—Introductory,” Hawthorne provides the reader

with a slight glimpse of what to expect from The Scarlet Letter as a prose romance. Study the

paragraph beginning “If the imaginative faculty refused to act at such an hour, it might well be

deemed a hopeless case . . .” (paragraph 44 in standard copies of the novel), and explain the role of

“a romance-writer” as Hawthorne defines it.

2. What change does the author Nathaniel Hawthorne admit to making in his telling of the story contained

in Surveyor Jonathan Pue’s diary, which he found in the Custom-House attic on a rainy day? Using

the format of the dialectical journal, provide the SPECIFIC PASSAGE (quoted from the text,

including page number references) in which Hawthorne states the change he made to the narrative

format; then provide reader analysis which explores the potential impact this change will have on the


CHAPTER 1: “The Prison-Door”

3. What does the wild rosebush that grows beside the prison door suggest about Nature’s sympathies

toward human frailty and imperfection versus man’s sympathies toward human frailty and

imperfection? Using the format of the dialectical journal, provide 1 SPECIFIC EXAMPLE

(quoted from the text, including page number references) which addresses Nature’s sympathies

toward human frailty and 1 SPECIFIC EXAMPLE (quoted from the text, including page number

references) which addresses man’s sympathies toward human frailty.

CHAPTER 2: “The Market-Place”

4. What do Hester’s deportment and actions show about her character as she emerges from the prison

and/or stands upon the public scaffold? Using the format of the dialectical journal, provide 1

SPECIFIC EXAMPLE (quoted from the text, including page number references) of Hester’s

deportment/actions as she emerges from the prison and/or stands upon the public scaffold, and

analyze what this shows about her character.

CHAPTER 3: “The Recognition”

5. At the beginning of chapter 3, what narrative purpose does the conversation between the townsman and

the stranger serve?

CHAPTER 4: “The Interview”

6. In chapter 3, Chillingworth condemns the practice of lying to protect oneself, saying, “It irks me,

nevertheless, that the partner of [Hester’s] iniquity should not, at least, stand on the scaffold by her

side.” What is ironic about this statement given the context of chapter 4?

CHAPTER 5: “Hester at Her Needle”

CHAPTER 6: “Pearl”

7. Who are Pearl’s playmates? What does Hawthorne signify about Pearl’s character based on her relation

to nature? Frame your response in the context of the theme of Human/Civic Law versus Natural

Law (question #3).

CHAPTER 7: “The Governor’s Hall”

8. Hawthorne uses The Scarlet Letter to expose the flaws—as he saw them—in early Puritan society.

Provide an example from chapter 7 of Puritan hypocrisy as portrayed by Hawthorne, and explain the

hypocrisy exemplified in this example.

CHAPTER 8: “The Elf-Child and the Minister”

9. Physiognomy is the assessment of a person’s inner character or personality based on his or her outer

appearance. What is Hawthorne suggesting about the characters of Roger Chillingworth and Arthur

Dimmesdale based on their physiognomic descriptions? Using the format of a dialectical journal,

provide 1 SPECIFIC EXAMPLE (quoted from the text, including page number references) of

Chillingworth’s internal character based on his external physiognomy and 1 SPECIFIC

EXAMPLE (quoted from the text, including page number references) of Dimmesdale’s internal

character based on his external physiognomy.

CHAPTER 9: “The Leech”

CHAPTER 10: “The Leech and His Patient”

10. Hawthorne establishes several metaphors for Chillingworth’s probe into Dimmesdale’s illness. Use the

format of a dialectical journal to provide 1 SPECIFIC METAPHOR (quoted from the text,

including page number references) for Chillingworth’s probe into Dimmesdale’s illness. Use the

reader analysis section of the dialectical journal to analyze what this metaphor suggests about

Chillingworth’s character.

CHAPTER 11: “The Interior of a Heart”

CHAPTER 12: “The Minister’s Vigil”

CHAPTER 13: “Another View of Hester”

CHAPTER 14: “Hester and the Physician”

11. What is Hester’s response when she learns that the town leaders are debating allowing her to remove

the scarlet letter? Use the format of a dialectical journal to provide 1 SPECIFIC PASSAGE

(quoted from the text, including page number references) which shows Hester’s response to the

possibility of the town leaders allowing her to remove the scarlet letter. Use the reader analysis

section of the dialectical journal to explain what Hester’s response shows about her sorrow and

repentance regarding the sin she committed.

CHAPTER 15: “Hester and Pearl”

12. Instead of her adultery with Dimmesdale, what is Hester coming to realize is the true sin she has

committed? Frame your response in the context of the theme of Human/Civic Law versus Natural

Law (question #3).

CHAPTER 16: “A Forest Walk”

13. Notice the sunlight imagery in chapter 16. Whom will the sun shine on? Why? Whom will the sun not

shine on? Why (you may need to read chapter 18 before you can fully understand why the sun will

not shine on this person at this time)?

CHAPTER 17: “The Pastor and His Parishioner”

14. The first women’s-rights convention was held at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848, two years before

The Scarlet Letter was published. During this time period, suffragists like Susan B. Anthony and

Elizabeth Cady Stanton were encouraging women to challenge the firmly-established male

patriarchy. Use the format of a dialectical journal to provide 1 SPECIFIC EXAMPLE (quoted

from the text, including page number references) of Hawthorne’s commentary on the traditional

male/females roles of the time period.

15. According to Hawthorne (through the voice of Dimmesdale), which character in the novel has

committed the worst sin? What is this character’s sin? Why is this character’s sin the worst

(according to Hawthorne)? Frame your response in the context of the theme of Human/Civic Law

versus Natural Law (question #3).

16. Dimmesdale says, “Of penance, I have had enough! Of penitence, there has been none!” Explain how

penance and penitence are different. What does this quote reveal about Dimmesdale’s mindset

regarding the sin he committed?

CHAPTER 18: “A Flood of Sunshine”

17. Notice the sunlight imagery in chapter 18. Why will the sun now shine on Hester?—remembering that

the sun would not shine on Hester in chapter 16.

CHAPTER 19: “The Child at the Brook-Side”

18. Pearl’s refusal to return to Hester (who is no longer wearing the scarlet letter) suggests that sin (the

scarlet letter) cannot just be thrown away—cannot just be run away from. What does Pearl’s

behavior foreshadow about the plans which Hester and Dimmesdale have made together while in the

forest (chapters 17 and 18)?

CHAPTER 20: “The Minister in a Maze”

19. After Dimmesdale’s discussion with Mistress Hibbins, Hawthorne states, “Tempted by a dream of

happiness, he had yielded . . . to what he knew was a deadly sin.” Why is going to Bristol, England,

with Hester a worse sin for Dimmesdale than was his aiding of Hester in the committing of adultery?

CHAPTER 21: “The New England Holiday”

20. In chapter 21, the Puritans of Boston gather in the market square for the inauguration of the new

governor. During this celebratory gathering, how do the Puritans treat outsiders and those who are

different from themselves? Consider Jesus’ dictate in the Gospel of Matthew as you frame your

response: “Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me” (Matthew 25: 40).

CHAPTER 22: “The Procession”

21. Hawthorne uses The Scarlet Letter to expose the flaws—as he saw them—in early Puritan society.

What does Mistress Hibbins say about “[m]any a church-member” who are walking in the Election

Day Parade? Use the format of a dialectical journal to provide 1 SPECIFIC PASSAGE (quoted

from the text, including page number references) from the novel of what Mistress Hibbins says about

“[m]any a church-member” who are walking in the Election Day Parade. Use the reader analysis

section of the dialectical journal to explain how this is an example of Puritan hypocrisy as portrayed

by Hawthorne.

CHAPTER 23: “The Revelation”

22. Hester’s final question for her lover, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, before he dies is, “Shall we not

meet again?” Interpret Dimmesdale’s final words to his lover, Hester Prynne.

CHAPTER 24: “Conclusion”

23. Interpret Hester’s reason for returning to Boston and wearing the scarlet letter until her death: “Here

had been her sin; here, her sorrow; and here was yet to be her penitence.” Frame your interpretation

in regard to Hester’s response in chapter 14 when Chillingworth tells her that the magistrates have

discussed allowing her to remove the scarlet letter from her chest and Dimmesdale’s distinction

between penance and penitence in chapter 17.


The dialectical journal is a double-entry note-taking system. It helps one to read critically and encourages the

habit of reflective questioning. It is a place to record and explore ideas, using writing as a tool for learning.

Below is a sample dialectical journal entry analyzing how Hawthorne uses figurative language in Chapter 5

“Hester at Her Needle” to reinforce rhetorically one of main themes of the novel.



“Women derive a pleasure,

incomprehensible to the other sex, from

the delicate toil of the needle. To Hester

Prynne it might have been a mode of

expressing, and therefore soothing, the

The passage is an example of paradox:

women love sewing and to Hester sewing

is “the passion of her life,” yet Hester

rejects sewing as being a sin. Hester

sacrifices her enjoyment of sewing for

passion of her life. Like all other joys,

she rejected it as sin. This morbid

meddling of conscience with an

immaterial matter betokened, it is to be

feared, no genuine and steadfast

penitence, but something doubtful,

something that might be deeply wrong


the sake of charity and punishes herself

by vilifying the act of sewing. Yet

ironically, Hester says that sewing for

charity is no penance for her.



WHOLE BOOK—her sin actually makes

her stronger; she is never truly repentant

because she sinned out of love (false love

vs. true love)


“she stood apart from moral interests, yet

close beside them, like a ghost that

revisits the familiar fireside”

This line shows the paradoxical nature of

Hester’s position and situation in society

due to her sin and the consequences of

her sin

The simile is used by Hawthorne to show

that no matter how much she grows and

moves on, Hester is continually reminded

of her sin—she returns to where she


AP Chemistry Summer Packet

State how many significant figures are in the following numbers: (6)

720, 340 _____ 247.450 ____

0.00350 _____ 25300 ____

67.00 _____ 20.35 ____

Write each of the following numbers in scientific notation (4)

2300 0.003

0.12345 4532

Use calculator to solve the following to the correct number of significant figures. (4)

27.8 cm + 0.235 cm

153.247 g – 14.82 g

(56.8 m) x (0.37 m)

(4.76) ÷ (2.1)

Convert the following: (4)

25°C = ___________ K 300 cm = _________m

22.45 g = _________ mg 0.034 kg = ________ g


1. A sample of hydrogen gas has a volume of 5.0L and a pressure of 1.0 atm. What is the new pressure if the

volume is decreased to 2.0L at constant temperature?

2. A balloon contains 2.50L of Helium at 75°C. What is the new volume of the gas when the temperature

changes to 680K?

3. A gas sample has a pressure of 1200 torr at 155°C. What is the final pressure of the gas after the

temperature has dropped to 0°C?

4. A sample of gas has a volume of 6.50L at a pressure of 845 mmHg and a temperature of 25°C. What is the

pressure of the gas in atm when the volume and temperature are changed to 1.85L and 325K?

Specific Heat

Q = mc∆T, where Q = heat energy, m = mass, and ∆T = change in temp.

Remember, ∆T = (Tfinal – Tinitial). Show all work and proper units.

1. A 15.75-g piece of iron absorbs 1086.75 joules of heat energy, and its temperature changes from 25°C

to 175°C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of iron.

2. How many joules of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 10.0 g of aluminum from 22°C to 55°C,

if the specific heat of aluminum is 0.90 J/g°C?

3. Calculate the specific heat capacity of a piece of wood if 1500.0 g of the wood absorbs 67,500 joules of

heat, and its temperature changes from 32°C to 57°C.

4. 100.0 g of 4.0°C water is heated until its temperature is 37°C. If the specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g°C,

calculate the amount of heat energy needed to cause this rise in temperature.


Write the abbreviated electron configurations for the following:

1. Na

2. F

3. Hg

4. Cu

5. Sb


Draw the lewis dot structure, give the shape, polarity and intermolecular forces for the following

a. CH3Cl

b. CH4

c. CCl4

d. SO2

e. CO2

f. H2O

g. NH3

h. CH3–CH3

i. CH2=CH2

j. CH3OH

k. CH3NH2

Properties of Solutions

1. Why do the temperatures on the graph only go from 0º C to 100º C ?

2. Which substance is most soluble

at 60º C ?

3. Which two substances have the

same solubility at 80º C ?

4. Which substance’s solubility

changes the most from 0º C to

100º C ?

5. Which substance’s solubility

changes the least from 0º C to

100º C ?

6. What is the solubility of potassium nitrate at 90º C ?

7. At what temperature does potassium iodide have a solubility of 150 g/ 100 cm3 water ?

8. You have a solution of sodium nitrate containing 140 g at 65º C. Is the solution saturated, unsaturated, or

supersaturated ?

9. You have a solution of potassium chlorate containing 4 g at 65º C. How many additional grams of solute must

be added to it, to make the solution saturated ?


1. Calculate the molarity, M, of the following solutions:

a. 3.0 moles of NaCl are dissolved in 1 liter of solution.

b. 0.5 moles of MgF2 are dissolved in 2 liters of solution.

c. 3 moles of NaOH are dissolved in 0.25 liters of solution.

2. How many liters of a 4.0 M CaCl2 solution would contain 2 moles of CaCl2?

3. How many liters of a 0.5 M CaCl2 solution would contain 3.5 moles of CaCl2?

4. How many liters of a 2.5 M CaCl2 solution would contain 1.0 mole of CaCl2?

5. How many moles of KCl are there in 2 liters of a 3.0 M solution?

6. What is the molarity, M, of a solution in which 116 grams of KF are dissolved in 2 liters of solution?

7. How many grams of KF are in 2 liters of a 3.0 M solution of KF?

8. How many grams of NH3 are dissolved in 85 mL of a 0.75 M solution?


The following atoms all undergo alpha particle emission. Write the complete nuclear equation.


84Po → ___________ + ____________


92U → ___________ + ____________

The following atoms all undergo beta decay. Write the complete nuclear equation.


6C → ___________ + ____________


38Sr → ___________ + ____________


19K → ___________ + ____________

Reactions and stoichiometry

Aqueous sodium carbonate reacts with aqueous magnesium nitrate to produce solid magnesium carbonate and aqueous

sodium nitrate

1. Write the complete balanced equation for this reaction.

2. What type of reaction is it?

3. If 2.5 g of sodium carbonate is reacted how many grams of magnesium carbonate is formed?

4. If 2.5 grams of sodium carbonate is reacted with 2.5 grams of magnesium nitrate, how many grams of

magnesium carbonate are formed?

5. What is the limiting reactant?

6. What is the %yield of magnesium carbonate if only 1.00 grams was actually produced?

7. How much of the excess reactant is left over after the reaction is completed?

8. Write the complete ionic and net ionic equations for the reaction.

1. Complete and balance the following equations:

a. CaI2 + NaNO3

b. Al + Cl2

c. MgCl2

d. Li + O2

e. K + HCl

1. How many molecules of ammonia. NH3 are present in 2.45 moles of ammonia?

2. How many moles of aspirin, C9H8O4 are present in 3.57 x 105 molecules of aspirin?

3. A bag of sugar contains 45.4 g of sucrose, C12H22O11. How many moles of sugar are in the bag?

4. How many grams are in 1.25 mol of CO2

5. A balloon contains 4.35 L of helium at STP. How many moles of helium does it contain?

6. How many liters does 3.47 moles of O2 occupy?

7. How much does a sample of 1.45 x 1024 atoms of Zinc weigh?

8. How many liters does a 86.5 g sample of N2 gas occupy?

9. What is the percent composition of all elements in carbon dioxide?

10. What is the percent composition of carbon in glucose, C6H12O6? 11. Melamine, which is used to make plastic dishes, contains 28.57% C, 4.80% H and 66.4% N. It has a molecular

mass of 126.13 g. Calculate the empirical and molecular formula of melamine.


Calculate the following

1. What is the pH of 0.004569 M HCl?

2. What is the pH of 0.0002354 M Ba(OH)2?

3. What is the pH of 0.001945 M KOH?

4. What is the pH of 0.0000239 M HI?

5. What is the pH of 0.00000827 M HNO3?

6. What is the pH of 0.000608 M LiOH?

Ap United States History All students enrolled in AP US History at Providence Grove High School are expected to have read, 10 Days

That Unexpectedly Changed America by Steven M. Gillon. Students will also be required to write a paper

based on their reading of the book.

Students are responsible for obtaining a copy of the assigned novel themselves, either

from the PGHS library, a public library, a bookstore, or online.

ISBN: 9780307339348 Cost: $12.95

This is a required assignment. A low grade on this assignment could greatly impact a student’s overall

course average.

This is an independent assignment. Cheating or copying another student’s work may result in zeroes,

discipline referral and/or removal from the AP course.

Assignment Details

Upon reading the entire book, each student must choose three topics from the book, listed below:

Massacre at Mystic

Shays’ Rebellion

Gold Rush


The Homestead Strike

McKinley Assassination

Scopes Trial

Einstein’s Letter

When America was Rocked

Freedom Summer

All summer reading papers must be turned in by the first day of school on August

29th. The paper may be submitted via email to Mrs. Ingram:

There are no exceptions to this requirement. This assignment will count as a test


Each student must write a two to three page, double spaced paper for each chosen topic. The rubric for the

paper is on the back of this page. The paper should include detailed information about their chosen topics.

The reading should be the basis for the paper. The paper should include the historical account of the event but

focus on the impact it had on American history, socially, economically, and politically.

Your paper must have a unique title, all relevant information and a works cited section (MLA format). Any

additional sources must be credible books, websites, or journals (Wikipedia, Spark Notes, etc. does not count).

The paper is to be graded based on the accuracy of information, your analysis of each topic’s impact and the

quality of your writing. The paper must be free of grammatical errors and formatted correctly. Your paper

should show that you have thoroughly read the book and developed a deep understanding of the content and

how the events left a lasting impact on American history. This is not a book report; analysis is giving your

thoughts on the subject, not just repeating other people’s thoughts.

Additional Information About AP U.S. History

This course is designed to provide a college-level experience and preparation for the AP Exam. An

importance is placed on understanding and interpreting documents, mastering substantial amounts of

information, and writing critical and analytical essays. Topics include life and thought in colonial America,

revolutionary philosophy, constitutional development, Jeffersonian and Jacksonian democracies, nineteenth-

century reform movements, and Manifest Destiny. Other topics include the Civil War and Reconstruction,

immigration, industrialism, the Gilded Age, Populism, Progressivism, World War I, the Harlem Renaissance,

1920’s, the Great Depression, the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, the post-Cold War era, and the

United States up through current events.

In addition to the topics listed, the course will emphasize a series of key themes throughout the year.

These themes have been determined as essential to a complete study of United States history. The themes will

include discussions of American diversity, the development of a unique American identity, the evolution of

Length Paper must be 2 - 3 pages per topic, minimum of 6 pages total. This does not

include title page or works cited.

Sources You must accurately use at least one source other than the reading. You may

NOT use encyclopedias or your textbook. Do NOT use Spark Notes,

Wikipedia or other similar websites.


Documentation You must include in-text citations within your paper for any quotes.


Paper must be typed

Normal 12-point font

1” margins


Pages numbered

Cover page

Works Cited page

American culture, demographic changes over the course of America’s history, economic trends and

transformations, environmental issues, the development of political institutions and the components of

citizenship, social reform movements, the role of religion in the making of the United States and its impact in a

multicultural society, the history of slavery and its legacies in this hemisphere, war and diplomacy, and finally,

the place of the United States in international politics and economics. The course will trace these themes

throughout the year, emphasizing the ways in which they are interconnected and examining the ways in which

each helps to shape the United States over time that are so important in understanding United States history.

This course should develop your ability to assess historical materials—their relevance to a given

interpretive problem, their reliability and their importance—and to weigh the evidence and interpretations

presented in historical scholarship.

Welcome to APES! APES should NOT be considered “college prep.” This is a COLLEGE

course, with college level expectations for behavior, attendance,

participation and effort. The goal of AP Environmental Science is to

provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and

methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the

natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both

natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated

with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for

resolving and/or preventing them. APES is an interdisciplinary field of

study, and you will have to integrate what you know about Biology,

Chemistry, Math, History, Sociology, etc., to come to an understanding of the natural world and the forces that affect it.


Your Assignment:

1. We will engage in a great deal of collaborative learning. I will frequently use Google Drive (and other electronic

means) to communicate with you. It is important that you now, as a young adult getting ready to enter college,

create a PROFESSIONAL e-mail account. may be cool, but not good for your future endeavors

in the academic arena or placing on a job application!!!

o I need a clear, easy to understand e-mail address for you. . . don’t have one? . . create a Gmail account now.

It is great for sharing information and documents.

o Once you have an account, email me to introduce yourself by June 30, 2017 (a quiz grade). My email is and I will be checking it during the summer. If you encounter problems with

your summer assignment, please contact me through that email as well.

Subject Line: APES 17-18, Your Name

Body: Your full name (& nickname that you go by if you have one) & stuff about you!

• What other science classes have you taken? Are planning to?

• What do you like to do (hobbies, sports, music, interests, etc.)?

• Was there anything that you really liked or really disliked about your earlier science


• What are you looking forward to the most in APES?

• What are you most anxious about in APES?

• Why are you taking APES? What do you hope to accomplish/gain?

o Once I have your email, I'll add you to the APES group and this

document (and the rest of the summer assignment) will be available on

Google drive. The documents will also be available on my website

2. To help you keep up with due dates and to disseminate important information, I have created a Remind account for APES. This will allow me to communicate quick updates and reminders. I know that you are much more likely to check your text messages than your email. Many times my message will be to check your email! To join the APES Remind class: text @hh78k to 81010.

3. Before the new year begins, you need to gather the supplies needed to ensure success in AP

Required supplies

Binder (1½ -2”) with paper for class notes

Composition journal – graphing paper for lab activities

Pens (blue/black) Pencils

Recommended, but not required

Highlighters Colored pencils Sticky notes


4. Be Aware of and Enjoy Nature!

o Environmental Science, while an academic discipline, is also an experience. My hope is that through

this class, you will become more aware of your environment, the challenges we face as a society to

preserve the environment, and maybe some potential solutions for environmental problems.

o Visit a natural area, go for a walk, sit in your backyard, go to a park or the beach or anywhere

outside (get the point?) and make some observations!

o Some places you may consider visiting include any of the nearby state parks (Hanging Rock, Pilot

Mountain, Eno River, Marrow Mountain). Neighborhood parks, forests, and open grasslands are also

great places to visit!

o The complete assignment is attached.

o Your observations and reaction (a quiz grade) are due on Monday, August 28, 2017. You may

complete this assignment electronically and share or email the assignment no later than 5:00 on

August 28.

5. APES Reading Journal:

o You will read Silent Spring by Rachel Carson.

Summarize each chapter

Write a reaction to the book

Provide a biography on Rachel Carson, Linda Lear and E.O. Wilson

A bibliography written in standard MLA style.

o The assignment (a test grade) is due Monday, August 28, 2017.

o The complete assignment is attached.

6. APES Math: o This year in APES you will hear the two words most dreaded by high school students…NO CALCULATORS!

That’s right, you cannot use a calculator on the AP Environmental Science exam. The good news is that most calculations on the tests and exams are written to be fairly easy calculations and come out in whole numbers or to only a few decimal places. The challenge is in setting up the problems correctly and knowing enough basic math to solve the problems. So bid your calculator a fond farewell, tuck it away so you won’t be tempted, and start sharpening your math skills!

o You will have a math quiz during the first week of school. 7. Environmental Legislation:

o Attached is a list of 15 important environmental laws/treaties. o Create a chart containing the pertinent information for each law or treaty. o Make sure this is typed so that you can add as many details as needed! o You can format the document to fit your preferences (example – make it landscape if that’s easier for you). o We will study MANY different environmental policies throughout the year. This is just to get you started. We

will add to this list throughout the year. o This initial list (a quiz grade) is due Monday, August 28, 2017. I recommend using Google sheets to complete

the assignment and sharing it with me by 5:00 pm on Monday, August 28.

Final Note:

Don’t be intimidated! If you want to succeed you will. Don’t get me wrong, it will take some work, but if you

trust me & do your part, I will provide you with all of the tools necessary to be successful. It is important to

remember, though, that I cannot and will not do the work for you!

Don’t procrastinate on your assignments but don’t let them keep you from having a wonderful summer!!!


I truly am looking forward to working with you next year!

Ms. C. McCoy


Environmental Legislation:

o Create a chart similar to the one below and fill in the missing information pertaining to important legislation. Make sure this is typed so that you can add as many details as needed!

o You can change the formatting to fit your preferences (example – make it landscape if that’s easier for you). o We will study MANY different environmental policies throughout the year. This is just to get you started. We

will add to this list throughout the year.



Is this a US or

World Treaty,

Law or Act?




Description of the Legislation (Give the purpose, important

founding organizations or people, any major points that

you find)








Lacey Act

Clean Water




Water Act

Clean Air Act


Species Act


Oceans Act




Species Act





Control Act


Nature Observation - Be Aware and Enjoy

Environmental Science, while an academic discipline, is also an experience. My hope is that through this class,

you will become more aware of your environment, the challenges we face as a society to preserve the

environment, and maybe some potential solutions for environmental problems.

Visit a natural area, go for a walk, sit in your backyard, go to a park or the beach or anywhere outside (get the

point?) and make some observations! Some places you may consider visiting include any of the nearby state

parks (Hanging Rock, Pilot Mountain, Eno River, Marrow Mountain). Neighborhood parks, forests, and open

grasslands are also great places to visit!

1. Observations

o Record the date, time, duration, and location of your outing. Your outing should be at least 20


o Record observations on the following things:

Flora (plants)

Fauna (animals, fungi, etc.)

Geology (rocks, soil, etc.)

Weather (today)/Climate (throughout the seasons)

o You don’t need to know specific species names for all of the plants and animals and types of rocks

and soil that you see, but describe them. What color are they? How big are they? What are they

doing? How are they interacting with each other, with other types of organisms?

o This part of the assignment can just be a running list of things you see, can use bullet points, and

doesn’t need to be in complete sentences. You should also include drawings or pictures of what you


2. Reflection

o Write a paragraph (complete sentences, etc.) reflecting on the following questions:

What did you encounter?

What questions did you wonder as you observed everything?

How much and what kinds of human impacts did you notice in that area?

How did you enjoy the activity?


Silent Spring Journal

As you read Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, you will keep a journal. The journal will include information from each

chapter as well as your overall reaction to the book. You should be creative when putting together your journals. Each

chapter entry must be neatly hand written; biographical entries and reaction entries may be typed (12 point Times New

Roman font, double spaced, 1 inch margins). The journal is due August 28, 2017.

Journal entries

♦ 17 chapter entries Short summary of each chapter; each summary must (at least) address the question(s) for that chapter Rachel Carson used very unique chapter titles in the book. Explain how the chapter title relates to the

information presented in the chapter ♦ Reaction entry (1 page)

What did you learn from reading the book? What did you think of the book? ♦ Biographical entries – who are we?

Provide a short biography (1 page) for each of the following individuals: Rachel Carson, Linda Lear, E.O. Wilson

Include a proper work cited page

Journal Questions

Chapter 1: A Fable for Tomorrow

1. Why does Rachel Carson use the phrase “silent spring”?

Chapter 2: The Obligation to Endure

2. According to the author, why should insecticides be called “biocides”? 3. Why do stronger insecticides always have to be developed?

Chapter 3: Elixirs of Death

1. Why are synthetic insecticides so dangerous? 2. How had the production of synthetic pesticides changed in the US between 1947 and 1960? 3. Why are organic phosphorus insecticides particularly hazardous?

Chapter 4: Surface Waters and Underground Seas

1. Why is pollution in our water supply so dangerous? 2. Explain how pesticides sprayed in one location can travel to a stream 30 miles away. 3. Using the story of Clear Lake, California, explain biomagnification (biological magnification).

Chapter 5: Realms of the Soil

1. Explain how soil forms. 2. Why does the author suggest that the earthworm is the most important organism in the soil? 3. Insecticides sprayed onto the soil cause two main problems. What are they?

Chapter 6: Earth’s Green Mantle

1. Why was the removal of the sage on the Western Plains bad for the environment?


2. Why is it important to maintain the habitats of pollinating insects? 3. What is selective spraying? What is the advantage of selective spraying?

Chapter 7: Needless Havoc

1. Explain why “conditions were made to order for poisoning insect-eating birds”. 2. How successful was the spraying program to eradicate the Japanese beetle? 3. How did (do) Eastern states control Japanese beetles?

Chapter 8: And No Birds Sing

1. Why are the birds mentioned in the chapter so vulnerable to the pesticide? 2. Why will the death of the birds ultimately result in economic losses? 3. What did the death of the foxes suggest about the spread of the insecticides?

Chapter 9: Rivers of Death

1. Why was the destruction of the fish (in Canada, in Maine, and in Yellowstone) so severe? 2. What are the three parts of the pesticide threat to fisheries? 3. What happened to cause the fish kills the in the Colorado River below Austin, Texas?

Chapter 10: Indiscriminately from the skies

1. What was the justification for spraying Long Island? Would this have been likely to occur? 2. Why was the house sparrow able to survive the attempt at fire ant eradication? 3. What happens to heptachlor after a period of time in plant or animal tissue?

Chapter 11: Beyond the Dreams of the Borgias

1. Why does our food contain pesticide residues? 2. What factors limited the FDA’s ability to protect consumers from pesticides? 3. What are the faults in the FDA’s system of setting tolerances on food items?

Chapter 12: The Human Price

1. Why has the incidence of environmental diseases caused by organisms diminished? 2. Where do pesticides fit into the picture of environmental disease? 3. Why doesn’t every person react in the same way to pesticides?

Chapter 13: Through a Narrow Window

1. Describe two ways pesticides interfere with the formation of ATP. 2. What types of similar effects on the body do radiation and pesticides have? 3. Why hadn’t the role of chemicals in general use been assessed?

Chapter 14: One in Every Four

1. What percentage of children died from cancer? 2. How can small repeated doses of a carcinogen be more harmful that one large dose? 3. What explanation does the author propose for the cancer among the rainbow trout?

Chapter 15: Nature Fights Back

1. What two “impossible” things are happening in the insect world? 2. Why were so few entomologists (2%) working toward biological controls? 3. Describe Dr. Pickett’s method for controlling pests in the apple orchards.

Chapter 16: The Rumblings of an Avalanche


1. How was the development of insect resistance different before and after the development of DDT? 2. Why is insect resistance to pesticides a serious problem? 3. Why do insects become resistant so quickly but humans do not?

Chapter 17: The Other Road

1. Explain how the screw-worm was eradicated in Curacao. 2. How have scientists used the insects against themselves? 3. Who gets credit for suggesting that insects might be controlled by their enemies?



This year in APES you will hear the two words most dreaded by high

school students…NO CALCULATORS! That’s right; you cannot use a

calculator on the AP Environmental Science exam. Since the regular tests

you will take are meant to help prepare you for the APES exam, you will

not be able to use calculators on regular tests all year either. The good

news is that most calculations on the tests and exams are written to be

fairly easy calculations and to come out in whole numbers or to only a

few decimal places. The challenge is in setting up the problems correctly

and knowing enough basic math to solve the problems. With practice,

you will be a math expert by the time the exam rolls around. So bid your

calculator a fond farewell, tuck it away so you won’t be tempted, and

start sharpening your math skills!

I have posted to my website (and will share through Google Docs) a refresher packet. This packet illustrates how to work

all the problems below.

You will have a quiz covering this material during the first week of school.


1. Write out all your work, even if it’s something really simple. This is required on the APES exam so it will be required on all your assignments, labs, quizzes, and tests as well.

2. Include units in each step. Your answers always need units and it’s easier to keep track of them if you write them in every step.

3. Check your work. Go back through each step to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes in your calculations. Also check to see if your answer makes sense. For example, a person probably will not eat 13 million pounds of meat in a year. If you get an answer that seems unlikely, it probably is. Go back and check your work.

Remember to show all your work, include units if given, and NO CALCULATORS!

Basic Math

1. 344.598 + 276.9 = 2. 199.007 – 124.553 = 3. 28.4 x 9.78 = 4. 114.54 / 34.5 =


5. Find the average of the following numbers: 124, 456, 788, and 343 6. Find the average of the following numbers: 4.56, .0078, 23.45, and .9872


7. Thirteen percent of a 12,000 acre forest is being logged. How many acres will be logged? 8. A water heater tank holds 280 gallons. Two percent of the water is lost as steam. How many gallons remain to

be used? 9. You have driven the first 150 miles of a 2000 mile trip. What percentage of the trip have you traveled?


10. The Greenland Ice Sheet contains 2,850,000 cubic kilometers of ice. It is melting at a rate of .006% per year. How many cubic kilometers are lost each year?

11. In a small oak tree, the biomass of insects makes up 3000 kilograms. This is 4% of the total biomass of the tree. What is the total biomass of the tree?

Unit Conversion

12. 1200 kilograms = ? milligrams 13. 14000 millimeters = ? meters 14. 6544 liters = ? milliliters 15. .078 kilometers = ? meters 16. 17 grams = ? kilograms

Scientific Notation

Write the following numbers in scientific notation:

17. 145,000,000,000 18. 435 billion 19. .000348

Complete the following calculations:

20. 4.67 x 104 + 323 x 103 21. 9.85 x 104 – 6.35 x 104 22. three hundred thousand plus forty-seven thousand 23. three million times eighteen thousand 24. 3.45 x 109 / 2.6 x 103

Dimensional Analysis

25. 134 miles = ? inches 26. 8.9 x 105 tons = ? ounces 27. 1.35 kilometers per second = ? miles per hour 28. A 340 million square mile forest is how many hectares? 29. If one barrel of crude oil provides six million BTUs of energy, how many BTUs of energy will one liter of crude oil

provide? 30. The density of table salt, NaCl, is 2.16 g/mL. What is the mass of 100.0 mL of this solid? 31. A particle moves through a gas at a speed of 15 km/s. How far will it move in 5.5 s? 32. A mole of copper contains 6.02 X 1023 atoms. How many atoms are there in 0.525 moles? 33. 1 milliliter of ink can print 50 pages of text. If you had 100 gallons of ink then how many pages could you print? 34. A clerk can file 400 sheets per hour. If there are 88 sheets in a centimeter, how long will it take her to file 315

centimeters of loose sheets? 35. A major coal fired electrical power plant produces 13,000 MW-hr of electrical energy per day.

a. Assuming that 1.0 MW-hr corresponds to 3,400,000 BTU’s, how many BTU’s are produced by the

plant each day?

b. Assuming that one pound of coal can produce 5000 BTU’s, how many pounds of coal are used by

the plant each day?