Group 1 assessment updated 14.05.2013

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Transcript of Group 1 assessment updated 14.05.2013

Popularity/ Rating

We can explore movies popularity via users star ratings, take the well-known

film ‘Titanic’ rated 3 out of 4 stars or Tim Burton’s more recent ‘Dark Shadows’

poorly rated 1 out of 4 stars. *1

Movie reviews give users an opinion of the movie without giving away too much

of the plot in an entertaining way.

Movies are generally target towards one audience or another.

• Cars• Finding NemoChildren

• Fast and Furious• G.I. JoeYoung Men

• The Notebook• Les Miserable


Movies can come in all sorts of genres, the major ones would be Comedy, Action, Drama and Animation. *2

For movie to be successful it should contain at least 2 or 3 genres to satisfy the consumers. An example would be: Star Wars: (Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi)

The cost of cinema tickets in Australia is cripplingly high with consumers paying almost twice as much as movie-goers in the

United States.

Choice has reviewed ticket prices in four countries and found the average cost in Australian dollars of an adult ticket in Australia is $12.89, compared to $7.40 in the US, $8.85 in New Zealand and

$8.98 in Britain. *3

With thousands of books published each year, it can be mind-boggling to select a book. The best way to find out what is popular is by looking at websites that rate books currently available. They provide reviews from

the public.

By providing a standardized rating system and book review, readers. teachers, librarians, and parents can

easily evaluate reading options. *4

“There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-

all book. Even the world's best-selling book, the Bible, isn't embraced by all of

humanity *5.

Authors target there audience when novels are written, this can be seen when

we read a book – if a teenager is interested in how to do hairstyles they will

buy a hairstyling book.

• Bill Bryson-Down Under• Janet Evanovivh-One for

the MoneyComedy

• Dan Brown-The DaV inci Code

• Stieg Larson-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


• Nora Roberts-Twice Fooled

• Maeve Binchy-Scarlet Feather


Books are commonly classified fiction and non-fiction and referred to by

their genre e.g. comedy, action, romance.

Purchasing a book can be cheap or an expensive entertainment, depending on what type of book you are getting. If the book is a series of at least 20 books, then

the cost to participate in reading maybe higher than participating in live sports or a watching a movie.

Collecting books can be expensive. I.e The Birds of America sold for $10.3 million U.S. dollars to a collector.


Popularity in Live Sports can be narrowed down to the most watched games on international T.V.

Live games that are aired live are usually the most popular amongst all sports.

For example international games such as Tennis and Soccer are just a small list of the major live sports in

today’s society. *11

As there are a vast amount of sports around the world there is not specific target audience that can be narrowed

down. The demographic depends on the popularity of the sport.

An example of this the demographicis the AFL Grand Final in 2012 brought in

99,683 supports who viewed the game. *7

We can access live sports when heading to live games of football, soccer, baseball, golf and the list could go on for genres. Access to live sport of all genres is also broadcasted on

television. Such services as Foxtel Sports broadcasts on average 23 hours of LIVE sport per day into 2.3 million homes around Australia*8.

Live sports can cost as little as nothing up to thousands of dollars for major events

• No cost Local Sports

• From $16.50AFL

• From $1250NFL Superbowl

Concerts can generally have their popularity rated by the event where it is to be held and hence how many people

can attend.

• Local Pub• Local Entertainment

centreLocal Act

• Entertainment centres• StadiumsConcert Tours

• Show grounds• ParksFestivals

The demographics for Music Concerts can vary between Generation X, Y and Z. This is due to the large amounts of professional singers and bands that are continuously emerging every


If you wanted to narrow it down, the most popular concerts are usually determined by the popularity of the artist, how often they

perform and the price of the ticket. *12

The nature of a concert will vary by musical genre, the individual performers and the

venue in which the concert is being played.

Concerts by a small jazz combo or small bluegrass band may have the same order of

program, mood, and volume, but vary in music and dress.

In a similar way, a particular musician, band, or genre of music might attract concert

attendees with similar dress, hairstyle, and behaviour. *9

Concerts vary in price, we can go down to the local RSL for a free live band or spend in the high digits numbers to see our favourite star or band live. A great form of entertainment can change our lives


Noted in the most expensive concerts tickets ever fans of Sting celebrated his silver anniversary and 60th birthday forking out more than a thousand

dollars per ticket. * 10

We can conclude that movies are a strong form of entertainment. We now have the knowledge that we can research a movie based on its rating and decide if its worthwhile to see, choose what to watch based on our target audience group or genre & how much it will set us back to head to a movie.

However if movies don’t suit ones taste, than books are an alternative form of entertainment that can be easily accessible either electronically or paper based. It can be hard to find the correct book, but with the help of the World Wide Web, the individual can look at reviews, ratings, price and genre of a certain book and purchase it.


*1 (TV Guide 2012, TV Guide Most popular movies, TV Guide, viewed 20th April 2013,


*3 the-flicks-twice-what-they-pay-in-the-us-20110719-1hnbt.html


*5 .”(Patricia Fry 2011, How to determine your target audience, Matilija Press, viewed 20th April 2013,



*8 (Fox Sports 2013, About Fox Sports, Fox Sport Australia Pty Ltd, Viewed 20th April 2013,


*10 (Sammy S 2013, Artists With The Most Expensive Concert Tickets, viewed 20th April 2013,

*11 Top 10 Most Popular Sports in the World | Top 10 of City. 2013. Top 10 Most Popular Sports in the World | Top 10 of City. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed

*12 How to Define Your Target Audience | eHow. 2013. How to Define Your Target Audience | eHow. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 May 2013]. 21 April 2013].