green lanes bulletin - GREEN LANE ASSOCIATION · green lanes bulletin Feb 2021 BANES & Somerset One...

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Transcript of green lanes bulletin - GREEN LANE ASSOCIATION · green lanes bulletin Feb 2021 BANES & Somerset One...

green lanes bulletinThe regular bulletin of the Green Lane Association February 2021

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

We are aware that certain elements within society, who we appreciate are

likely NOT members with us, appear to be using routes in a destructive

manner which causes significant surface damage and conflict with locals,

as well as simply driving where ever they choose.

What makes this even worse is the fact that the people (or rather,

criminals) involved causing the destruction put videos and images on

Social Media, to the detriment of the good work we undertake to change

the public perception of our pass time.

We are actively working with the police and local authorities to address

this. Our approach varies between areas due to the differences regarding

‘off road’ related issues that authorities adopt. You can find rxisting

examples on the home page of our website by clicking here.

We have a considerable amount of local authority and police officers using

TW2 to assist with their work, this has lead onto discussions regarding

setting out a process to utilise the use of social media footage and images

online for prosecutions and issuing of sections 59s.

Covert cameras are also in operation on many routes and images of

offenders will be passed to the authorities.

If you see any activity which causes concern please report the incident

to the Police on 101. Photographs can be very helpful, but be sure to take

them discreetly making sure you always put your personal safety first.

Stay legal, tread lightly and follow our code of conduct by clicking here.

Despite the challenges we’ve all faced during 2020 we are happy to report that

it has been a record year for us when it comes to membership numbers! Huge

thanks to you all for your continued support, we couldn’t do it without every

single one of you!

Because we’re busier than ever we have made some changes to Membermojo

that will allow us to record the skills of members who wish to get more involved

with the work that we do. We need lots of people with all sorts of skills to make

an organisation like the Green Lane Association work, so if you have a few free

hours to donate and would like to offer your help, please take a look at the

skills questionnaire – it only takes two minutes to fill in.

Filling in the form won’t necessarily mean that you’ll be contacted immediately,

or that you’re signing your life away! We’ll simply keep the responses and refer

to them as and when we need more people power on a project.

Anyone who is really keen to get involved asap, or to a larger extent, should

fill in the form and then email the relevant rep, area coordinator, or executive

officer as applicable, who will be happy to help. All contacts are listed here.

To access the skills questionnaire click here, then:

Log in

Go to the ‘your membership’ option in the menu

Click the ‘edit details’ button

Click ‘help GLASS’

Scroll down and click all boxes that apply

Make sure to click ‘Save’ at the bottom when complete.

WARNING... Skills survey

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

Editor: Dale Wyatt Email:

Articles and submissions for future issues of the bulletin or magazine should be sent to the editor on the email listed above.

Welcome to the new look bulletin which I hope

you like, and welcome to 2021... so far, much

the same as most of last year. However I’m

hoping we will see happier times ahead once

the vaccine begins to make a difference. It’s

difficult times for many of us who are cooped

up working from home along with the kids who

are home schooling, so pressures will be running

high. Then there are so many more who are key

workers who help keep the wheels of the country

turning – so a huge thank you for that! Hopefully

there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

I was lucky enough to get out in December with

Charlie, our Somerset rep, and LRO magazine

– you can read about our mini adventure in the

March issue. I made sure the route was totally

sustainable during the winter months.

So until we are allowed out to explore once more,

now is the time to sort all those maintenance

jobs that need doing on your truck, and think

about writing an article for the next magazine.

Deadline is 20th March, ideally earlier.

Members and Affiliated Clubs who wish to have an event published in the bulletin or on the website, please contact the editor at:

©2021 Green Lane Association All rights reserved. Company No. 5369836

Registered address: Blue Pig Cottage 1 Elmer Street, Grantham NG31 6RE

No part of this bulletin may be reproduced in any form without the prior consent, in writing, from the GLASS Executive Committee.

Articles published reflect the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Green Lane Association. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, neither the Green Lane Association nor the authors can accept liability for errors, misrepresentations or any resulting effects.

OS Map License number: 1000040209

Green Lane Association PO Box 107 Brecon


Up front

Cover: Steve Taylor – 4x4 magazine

Left: Joel Self – ST9088-02

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

BANES & SomersetOne of the featured projects on the Green Lane Association facebook pages, in their 12 Projects of Christmas series, was the project to add comments to all lanes on TW2 that currently have none within Somerset. The BANES council area is complete, N. Somerset is almost complete and some progress has been made in the remainder of Somerset. Thank you to all members that have helped. Unfortunately lockdown has put a stop to surveying lanes for this project, unless you are able to walk or cycle any lanes local to where you live.

Pipehouse Lane, TWUID ST7660-02, near Midford, has suffered serious water erosion due to the heavy rain we have had this Winter. There is a trench approx 2ft wide and 2-3ft deep in the centre of the lane over a distance of around 75m. This has been reported to BANES rights of way department and an emergency closure running till 21st January is in place, when a full temporary TRO comes into force for 6 months. The lane may open sooner if repairs are completed before July. Photographs show the damage.

Brinscombe Lane, TWUID ST7156-02, this lane had become very overgrown. I am pleased to report that it has now been cut back and is clear, with one section only very slightly scratchy.

If you encounter problems such as trees down, in

addition to adding comment on TW2 please let me know. It can take several days for TW2 to be updated and at present area reps do not get notification of when new comments are added, so we may never know of the problem.

Local Access Forum (LAF) 21st January saw me taking part in my first BANES Local Access Forum meeting since joining to represent motorised vehicle users. Due to Covid restrictions it took place via zoom and was the previously cancelled November meeting. Nothing significant for users of motor vehicles was discussed during the meeting. Some discussion around Sustainable Farming, concerns that permissive rights of way may disappear if farmers are not paid to have them, this will impact most on walkers and horse riders. One of the Rambler representatives raised concerns about proposals to change the law of trespass which would make it a criminal offence and could have unforeseen consequences for users of rights of way, eg if they stop to have a sandwich. My understanding of the proposed changes is that it is an attempt to make it easier for the police to take action when illegal camps are set up on private land. There is also mention of similar action for camps alongside highways. Full details of the consultation on this can be seen here.

The chair of Somerset Local Access Forum, Green Lane Association member and former Somerset area rep David Lovejoy, forwarded a copy of an email he had received. The email was about the problem of illegal driving of 4x4’s on bridleways and dangerous driving on roads and byways in the area around Priddy on the Mendips. The parish council were asking for any help the LAF could provide to stop this happening. I have replied suggesting the use of trail cameras on the bridleways.Charlie Moore, Somerset & BANES Rep

BerkshireSome bollards have appeared on a byway near Chieveley which I believe to be illegal obstructions. There’s never been any issues on this lane, apart

from it being a little narrow throughout its length and a little scratchy at this point.

I’m currently in the process of investigating why they’ve been put there and with a view to getting them removed.Jordan Norval, Berkshire rep

BuckinghamshireI’d like to welcome Dan Thatcher who has volunteered to fill the long vacant Bucks role. As his local RARC, I will be meeting up with him in due course when restrictions are relaxed. We wish you the best of luck with the new role.Dale Wyatt, Editor

CarmarthenshireNothing to report I am afraid, we all came down with Covid at the start of January and still recovering, it’s certainly a nasty virus.Andrew Hadley, Carmarthenshire rep

CeredigionSome revised signage on Strata Florida is proposed for late 2021 if Covid/volunteering allows. John Askew, Ceredigion rep

Cornwall and DevonHere in Cornwall and Devon we have been reinforcing the stay at home message and our

Want to help?

Think you’re up to the task of being a GLASS Rep? Want to help an existing Rep?

If so, drop us a line here for more info.

Donate to our fighting fund

Join us


Club affiliation

Membership You can now update your postal address or email online here.If you are unable to for any reason please email

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

AbbreviationsAONB Area of Outstanding Natural BeautyBOAT Byway Open to all TrafficCC County CouncilCROW Act The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural AffairsDM Definitive MapDMMO Definitive Map Modification OrderGLASS Green Lane AssociationGLEAM Green Lane Environmental Action Movement (aka: the antis)HA Highway AuthorityHA1980 Highways Act 1980LA Local AuthorityLAF Local Access ForumLoS List of StreetsMP Member of ParliamentNERC (or NERCA) Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (2006)NPA National Park AuthorityNYCC North Yorkshire County CouncilOS Ordnance SurveyORPA Other Route with Public AccessPBug Powys Byways User GroupPDVUG Peak District Vehicle User Group

next theme is to spread awareness of the fact that overgrown hedges will have birds and animals nesting in them and that trimming back or even driving through undergrowth could be damaging.

Route planning using TW2 and updating your findings is even more critical.We still have vacancies for assistant reps in South Devon, West Cornwall and East Cornwall along with the rep role for North Devon. Jim Hancock, Cornwall and South Devon rep

ConwyDue to lockdown there’s not a huge amount to report. I have been keeping in touch with local land owners throughout though, and have sent some dual language signs out to those who have requested them. I’ve also arranged to visit and view some issues in future too.

Overall in North Wales we have been contacted by a number of land owners asking for support when dealing with councils over RoW issues; of course I’ve happily obliged. One farmer has been attempting to get maintenance work done for four years now; hopefully we can help get the ball rolling!

It’s been great to see land owners come directly to us when issues have arisen, or the local police directing them to us. Relationships are growing by

the day and, despite the area being a bit sensitive when it comes to politics, our input is being very well received.

In other news I’ve bought a new truck, although it is yet to do any laning, but it most certainly will do! I’m currently giving it lots of TLC so it will be ready when we can finally get back out there! Lauren Eaton, Conwy rep

CumbriaBreasthigh RoadSome good stuff for a change. Work on remedial repairs on Breasthigh Road have been completed. It has not lost any of its interest! It’s still rough as anything and no work has been done to the west side as yet. It will need to settle for as long as possible so please drive carefully if you really need to use the route (after lockdown ends).

The work is very good considering they could not remove all the concrete covering drains which need setting deeper (as they would have needed to replace drain pipes). There is now a good quantity of stone covering the old concrete and drainage channels have been cleared, as well as new ones dug to take the water off the track. We are not sure how well the work will stand up to heavy use and/or if we get another storm ridden winter – again!

If you are travelling over from either side, please try and keep things right. It is up to us to keep the route from being lost. The farmer should be happier though, if that’s possible.

Note the new byway signs which are interesting? Cute?

WARNING! On the side roads leading to and from the Bretherdale end, watch out for kamikaze road cyclists. They seem to use these side roads

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

AbbreviationsPINS Planning Inspectorate PSPO Public spaces protection orderRB Restricted BywayROWIP Rights of Way Improvement PlanRuPP Road Used as a Public PathTRF Trail Riders FellowshipTRO Traffic Regulation OrderTTRO Temporary Traffic Regulation OrderTW2 TrailWise2UID Unique Identification NumberUCR Unclassified RoadVR Voluntary RestraintWORMS Welsh Off Road Motor Strategy.

If anyone wishes to see any other abbreviations here, please contact the editor.

as part of a speed test route and come down the hills around blind bends at a great rate and all over the road!

SD2785-01 Gawthwaite (U5077) repair Gawthwaite UCR in southern Lakes has suffered quite badly in recent years. Storm Desmond in 2015 didn’t help and, in succeeding years of heavy rainfall with little or no maintenance, quite severe erosion of the surface had taken place.

Both TRF and GLASS noted the need for repair and funding was obtained with GLASS more than matching the combined donations from Cumbria TRF (CTRF) and Northern ACU.

Steve Stout of CTRF took the lead on this project and through the contacts built up over many years, managed to get additional funding in terms of materials and transport from Cumbria County Council. Permissions sought, work started on 14th December involving a fair bit of work with drainage and surface reinstatement. In all, 400 tonnes of material and 3 x twin wall drainage pipes were installed with work completed just before Christmas.

The route remains closed for the next few months to allow the groundworks to settle in.

It must be noted that this northern end of the route is surrounded by a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to some of the unique flora and fauna of the area and the sensitive ground

conditions. It is therefore essential that people do not stray from the route at any time.

Many thanks must go to Steve and the collaborative team for a fantastic job.Peter Apps, Cumbria rep

Denbighshire and Wrexham Not a lot to report for Denbighshire and Wrexham I’m afraid. However we have been in lockdown for quite some time in North East Wales due to very high Covid cases, hence no traveling other than essential only allowed.

Due to Covid many staff within both Authority areas have been off or working from home. This has meant the Highways Department have moved staff who are able to work onto emergency work and refuge collection. This means the Highways Dept are not able to function as normal due to these circumstances. Due to this and the adverse weather any work planned on the Wayfarer has understandably been delayed.Allen Buckley, Denbighshire and Wrexham rep

DerbyshireSignsWe’ve had a spate of sign problems in Derbyshire recently, sometimes locally generated and sometimes DCC getting them wrong. The last ‘incident’ was a new bridleway sign which appeared unexpectedly at the end of a BOAT at Nether Bretton. This was soon reported by one of our motor cycling members, and GLASS put in a request for it to be corrected. On this occasion DCC acted quickly and put up a new BOAT sign without delay, for which we are very grateful.

Drum Hill UCRThe UCR at Brackley Gate / Moor Lane (near Drum Hill, Little Eaton) is threatened by an order proposed by Erewash Borough Council which would exclude all public motor vehicles, allegedly in order to prevent anti-social driving and fly tipping. GLASS has formally objected to the proposed order, as the evidence and statement of

reasons provided by the council isn’t compelling. Whilst some form of restriction may be expected, GLASS will not accept that our members should be excluded as a result of illegal and anti-social actions by others. 1980s User EvidenceWe’ve had a few user evidence forms in response to previous requests for ‘old timers’ user evidence, but we still need more. If you or your friends or family drove or rode on Bulltor Lane, Broadway, or New Lane in Derbyshire in the past, particularly in the 1980s and 1990s, we’d love to hear from them. Please email and we’ll provide the appropriate user form to fill in. Many thanks to those who have sent their forms in already – please canvass your friends! Staffordshire News: HollinscloughStaffordshire County Council have been consulting on a plan to carry out repairs at Swan Rake and Limer Rake in Hollinsclough. These lanes have been closed to MPVs by Temporary TROs for years for ‘the safety of all users’, and the council’s stated intention appears to be to downgrade them to bridleways or cycle trails. GLASS has submitted a formal objection, with associated evidence, on the basis that the routes are public carriageways and evidence is available showing use by MPVs at least back to the 1920s. Evidence shows that the condition of the routes today is little different to their condition a hundred years ago, and there are no particular “special qualities” or reasons that would justify a ban on MPVs.Chris Mitchell, Derbyshire rep

EssexWith Covid regulations coming in and out, it’s been hard to get things done on the ground. We did, however, manage to do a byway cut-back that we have been asking highways to do for the last two years, without success.

At the request of the Police, we have installed a camera at the entrance of a TRO’d byway where

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

the TRO was being blatantly ignored – not by 4x4’s but by the motorbike users. Dale kindly provided us with signage that is required to comply with the regulations concerning the use of CCTV in public areas making us fully compliant. Unfortunately, the first two signs we put up only lasted a week before they were stolen. We suspect it was a local and has all been reported to the police. We now have two cameras covering the area.

Our work with farmers, councillors, and police is coming on in leaps and bounds. It’s great to have everyone working together, and we have more people coming on board as it progresses which is really encouraging. We have projects stacked up waiting for when we get out of this Covid mess. Let’s hope this year we can finally get back to a state where we can start knocking these off the list.Rob Tongue, Essex rep

East GloucestershireIts just coming up to a year since I took on the role of area rep from Dale. Fortunately he had done a great job and left very few minor tasks to be sorted. I had a few plans in mind – build a relationship with local highways and other groups, get a local social meeting up and running, start a few projects etc etc. Then along came the pandemic and almost blew everything to shreds.

On the positive side I have had good contact with Gloucestershire Highways Dept and the current team there seem to be much more pro vehicular use of byways and UCRs. Still a few issues to resolve but I’m hopeful of the way things look.

Still a few minor things to be sorted, mostly lanes obstructed or restricted by fallen trees, locked gates in couple of places but generally everything seems to be running well.

Still very hopeful of getting a social meet going after some good feedback from members so that is very close to top of my list as soon as circumstances allow. Hope to meet some of you soon.Richard Loveday, East Gloucestershire rep

West GloucestershireNothing much to report for West Gloucestershire, lots of recent flooding and wet weather has added to poor ground conditions. Very few lanes in the Forest of Dean are 4x4 friendly on the best of days.John Askew, West Gloucestershire rep


In-between lockdowns I have managed to get out on some of the lanes and check conditions. Bomber Lane (pictured under title) has deep rutting that is passable with care rolling downhill but travelling uphill from the west may be a challenge without traction aids and risks further rutting. I have discussed this with the highway authority and a visit is planned to discuss repairs and more effective drainage for a lasting repair. The highway inspector is local and cycles the route so is familiar with the issues. He is also ex- Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) so no stranger to alternative road building such as green lane challenges. The Carn March Arthur route has similar issues to Happy Valley and is impassable. There may be funding available to assist in repairs because the route is part of the Welsh Coastal Path and a site visit is planned with the authorities.

The great challenge that is Happy Valley has moved on before stalling due to the latest lockdown. I organised and attended a site visit between representatives of the authorities on 16th December. Because the route is a BOAT, restricted byway and an unclassified road (!), a complex set of permissions is required between Gwynedd Council ROW, Gwynedd Highways and also Snowdonia National Park Authority. A positive discussion and proactive meeting toward repairing the lane for all users was very fruitful, especially in identifying a local granite quarry for future stone needs. This is not suitable for Happy Valley because a helicopter is required to fly 60 tonnes of stone onto the route, and crossing primary highways must be avoided, if only for the avoidance of further bureaucracy. Fortunately, a quarry below the route has been identified along with the owner’s details. When the Park Authority next fly a helicopter with stone for footpath repairs in the vicinity (before spring), a detour to lift the stone from the quarry to the lane will be undertaken under the Authority’s supervision and risk assessment. Plans are afoot for costing and carrying out works.Paolo Bavaresco, Gwynedd rep

HampshireI have been asked by Hampshire County Council (HCC) if we 4x4 users could record any broken, missing or hidden waymarking signs (red, purple, blue and yellow arrows on circular backgrounds, wooden finger signs or plastic rights of way signs) that we encounter in our travels. Not just on vehicular rights of way, but also ones we pass on our daily travels.

Any information please send to me at or via Facebook: find GLASS Rep Hampshire page and ‘direct message’ me. Another option is to register with HCC’s rights of way problem reporting system

I am currently speaking to the HCC Access Team and Countryside Officers with regard to GLASS

GLASS Facebook pagesBANES, Somerset & Wiltshire

Berkshire & Hampshire

Cambridgeshire, Norfolk & Sufolk


Cumbria, Lake District, Lancashire


Herefordshire, Glous & Worcs


Middle England

North East

North Wales


Nottinghamshire & Lincolnshire



South & Mid Wales



Wilts & West

Weald & Downs

West Midlands



If any require updating or new ones adding, please email details on:

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

UIDsSK2182-01Wondering what a UID or a two letter/four number code is? These are TrailWise Unique Identification Numbers. You can find out more here

Need a quick walk-through video of TrailWise? There’s one on the GLASS website:

helping with repairs on SU6850-02 and hope to carry out an onsite meeting with them once Covid restricions are lifted.Jeremy Bell, Hampshire rep

Herefordshire There have been reports on social media of somebody getting into difficulty on Mountain Road which runs from Herefordshire into Monmouthshire, I think he slipped off a side slope just near the border.

My comments on TrailWise2 remain valid – ‘it really should be avoided when wet: Difficult’. With an innocent looking side slope along much of its length, the lane can easily catch you out when wet.

I have memories of setting out in the dry and being caught by a downpour that transformed the surface in minutes. Please ensure you read TW2 comments before you go out, and make sure you are not heading out laning during lockdown. If you do have a mishap, please do not post on social media, and do not attempt it on your own.Duncan Green, Herefordshire rep

Hertfordshire Good news! It looks like the start of a new year has brought a new start to the Hertfordshire PTRO review. This stalled last year due in part to Covid-19, but mainly because the person running the review left to return to a career with the

police. I was told at a LAF zoom meeting the other night, that Herts CC now have a new person in place. He’s only recently started, but once he gets his feet under the table it will be his role to run the PTRO review. They have completed the preliminary investigations and it is now a case of going out to informal consultation, which the Green Lane Association are of course heavily involved in.

As part of a current Definitive Map Modification Order currently being considered by HCC I need to ask for user evidence from anyone that has driven it. User evidence forms can be downloaded here. The byway is Kelshall UCR2, in Kelshall just outside Royston, Hertfordshire. I need user evidence between 2001-2006 (but before and after that period is useful also). Please, if you can help with this, fill out a form and return to HCC or contact me directly for help. The TW2 UID is TL3336-02 but you will need to use the Kelshall UCR2 ref for your responses.

I am not even going to try to guess when I can restart the Herts pub meet, but really hope it will be sooner rather than later.

If you need to get in touch, you can either email me on or call me on 07973 485 625. Russell Huffer, Hertfordshire Rep

KentI’m afraid due to lockdown I’ve been unable to make any progress. Hopefully things will change in the next couple of months.Simon Longellow, Kent rep

Lancashire In between lockdowns we’ve managed a repair day on Crawshaw Lane so fairly pleased with that in my first year as rep! I have a few good members that are my eyes and ears out on the ground checking for problems on the few decent lanes we have here. Neil Lathwood, a good friend, has adopted the Rocky Road (Belmont Road) at Rivington nr Bolton. We have an ongoing problem

with off piste driving up there, and it is at the top of my ‘to do’ list to get the issue sorted. During the Christmas break we went to put signs up saying ‘keep to the track’ in various places along the lane, plus closed a previously rammed gate and placed a ‘no access to vehicles beyond this point’ on it. Sadly the signs have been removed, and the gate has been opened allowing illegal access once more!

It just proves to me that some people really don’t care that this behaviour is jeopardising the whole green laning hobby. I’ll keep you updated on our next move with this. Nigel Patton, Lancashire rep

LincolnshireClaxby Byway

Repairs to the Claxby Byway are complete. However the TRO is still in place until at least April to allow the surface to settle. David Salkeld, Lincolnshire rep

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

MonmouthshireNo recent updates for Monmouthshire, again lots of recent flooding, fallen trees, and wet weather has added to poor ground conditions. Relationships with Highways have deteriorated a little since my LAF departure in 2019 so I have reapplied for a seat to represent MPV users. One TRO closure slipped through the net under some poor circumstances, so we need to monitor the area closely.

Drop me a line if you wish to checkout any of the above areas and I am usually happy to assist, or let me know of any issues that need raising. I am also looking at some other projects and future work for GLASS but at the moment moving house is taking priority in early 2021.

I did manage to get out in the Jeep a few times last year, including my favourite Elan Valley, sadly it has only done 650 miles since the last MOT!

Please avoid the lanes during lockdown and stay safe.John Askew, Monmouthshire rep

OxfordshireIt has been relatively quiet in Oxfordshire. I

continue to press OCC on what will be happening with Hardwell and Green Lane near Wantage. Apart from notification of the theft of the concrete blocks to enforce the TRO’s on this lane which I reported in the last Bulletin I have not heard anything.

There are many ways to get in touch with your rep, not just via email. I was recently notified of a TRO in place on the UCR SP2908-01, Ting Tang Lane, by ‘Born again Biker’ via the medium of Trailwise2. An excellent way to let not only all members know of issues, but also of getting notification to your local rep. All comments are checked before posting up and any issues will be passed on. The UCR in question was actually cut in the mid 1970’s when the A40 Witney bypass was built. Although technically it had still been open to join the A40 from the lane it was not really practical with a steep climb up to the dual

carriageway with poor visibility. The southern part remains open up to the dual carriageway although there is a single bar barrier across the southern end, not locked when I last checked. Just the other day as I passed for work purposes I saw a Defender 90 heading north along the lane. The TRO formally closes the UCR at the A40 to motor vehicles, equestrian and cyclists at the A40. If you’re brave enough, you can still cross the A40 on foot! The southern section is still open and makes a good tea break point, before you have to return the way you came.

Another way of getting in touch is via the various Facebook groups. Oxfordshire member, Steve Bartlett, recently tagged me in a comment about Byway SU4871-07 – some wooden posts had appeared at the east end, Fisher’s Lane Crossing according to the Ordnance Survey. The Byway is in West Berkshire but I did travel the lane back in July when it was clear. I have passed the information about what appears to be an unofficial blockage to our Berkshire Rep.Matt Judson, Oxfordshire rep

PowysVehicle users attended an online Powys Byway User Group (PBUG) meeting in January, and we thanked the Authority for the considerable work on routes over the last 12 months.

CR127Will need a temporary TRO at some point soon for re-instatement works following the construction of a wind farm on the hill, this will be a chance to test new signage (more info in next magazine). We also agreed that any TRO would be for the shortest time possible. Official consent is required for certain elements of the works, these have all been requested, but the process can take considerable time, once these are in place works will commence.

Moelfre CityThe saga continues, and we await a report before

we can decide what action to take. We are hopeful Powys will undertake their duty to the public and re-open this route.

Basically the list of streets appears to have been ‘modified’ without reason or evidence; however the definitive statement states the route joins a ‘District’ road. There is a vast amount of historic evidence, much of which we have provided. Be assured we are keeping an eye on proceedings!

At present the route is a dead end and also should not be used during the wetter months.

Four StonesMinor works to the base of the ford and some stone will be placed on the track in the coming months. Works are restricted by weather at present.

Water Break Its NeckThere are plans to add stone to a section that is still considerably rutted, the Green Lane Association have ring fenced £2000 to assist with this work. Half of that was a donation from an affiliate club who I asked if they had an idea where the funds should be spent, they stated WBIN.

Regarding works on the Southern section, re-routing slightly, there are many consents needed before work can commence. All these are moving forward, just at a much slower pace due to Covid.

Northern section had considerable work done in 2020 and the route is probably in the best condition it has been for a very long time.

I requested that a rock be removed totally and not left partly obstructing a gate on the route. I am unsure if this has happened yet, but have heard no further reports via TW2.

Giants GraveThis route has suffered with water erosion on the section heading North uphill to the summit. These channels are likely now very deep. The authority have been informed and works are planned in spring to install grips and a more appropriate surface.Tristan Craddock, Powys rep.

Check out our discount page on our website.Discount codes

are in the members’ area


green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

South Wales Happy New Year! I hope you had a good Christmas and are keeping safe, well and sound in these strange times.

It’s a funny old business in rights of way. I tend to get one enquiry every month that makes my eyes roll, and this month’s came courtesy of a landowner who made contact via our media department (which was a double surprise to me, as I didn’t know we had one - we do, and it’s growing!).

So, apparently, “their byway was washed away by flooding and they’re having terrible problems with getting it fixed”. That’s right up our street, and just the sort of thing we get involved in. So, having tracked down the lane and worked out it’s within lockdown cycling distance of home, I set off on a crisp, cold morning on deserted byways and quiet highways to take a look for myself.

A good workout later and I was feeling really good, having shaken off the winter blues and was cycling down a very well-maintained byway wondering where the problem was when I ran head-long into it... “get off my land, the public has no right to be here, its people like you that’s making life difficult for hard-working folk like us...” - you know the story, the full nine yards.

Turns out I’m in a funny old mood after cycling the full Boris to check out what’s going on and I was highly amused by the lengths they had gone through to construct a coherent, but completely fictional narrative to justify what they’re doing on a public right of way... yes, it was a public right of way – no, the public had no right to use it – The right of way lies with the Council [!!!]... In case you haven’t guessed, they claim a right to spending public money on the upkeep of ‘their’ byway, while at the same time claiming a right to chase the public off from actually using it!

Anyway, the byway itself is in superb condition, apparently used by road-going cars and well above any standard we’d request. But it has highlighted a problem with the landowner denying public access... It’s a funny old business.

Enjoy life, go explore, and seek out the best Wales has to offer (in a lockdown compliant way).

News from around the regionLlanwonno Road, Ynyshir, RCT - ST0292-02 Temporary closure from 22 October for 6 months.I’ve received a positive reply from the Council. They assure me repairs to the culvert are in the programme of reinstatements and they aim to reopen the byway as soon as practicable. They go on to explain, storms earlier in the year, and the sheer volume of water RCT had to endure, has given rise to a substantial backlog of repairs. Understandably, we’ll likely have to be patient while they work through their work programme.

I’ve offered the assistance of the Green Lane Association in any way we can, especially if it will speed up reopening of the byway.

Mynydd-y-Gaer, Bridgend - SS9585-02 – Signage refresh projectI found time one sunny afternoon to cycle on top of the mountain and refresh the signage. So, the route is once again marked in the approved manner. Disappointingly, I’ve received no reply from the council, so unfortunately, I’ve not been able to move the posts, simply refresh the signs. I’ve made a note of everyone who volunteered to help with the task, and thank you very much for offering; as soon as the council and virus cooperate, I’ll be in touch. The ground is very soft up there at the moment, especially around the new gate, which is funnelling traffic in to a slight hollow. Ideally avoid this lane until the ground firms up. To help stabilise the situation I’ve offered to organise a volunteer project and await a reply.Pete Jones, South Wales rep

ScotlandAlthough our Scotland rep is lying low, we’ve been checking on some of his work from the previous version of TrailWise. The majority of people think there are no vehicular rights of way in Scotland, but that is far from the truth. The tricky thing is

finding them and proving vehicular rights exist. With the help of Alex Navin, and with myself giving some advice, we’ve added a few lanes based on Seamus’s original work. All based on the evidence we’ve found so far. There’s not many yet, but we hope to expand a little on this in the future.Dale Wyatt, Editor

StaffordshireHannah Bailey has had to stand down due to work commitments. Steven Alcock has volunteered to take on the role. Our thanks to Hannah for her work to date and we wish Steven the best of luck with the role. Please refer to Derbyshire for Staffordshire news this issue.Dale Wyatt, Editor

SuffolkThe council have closed several lanes in Kings Forest, in the West Stow area for repairs and will remain closed untill 25th july. I went up for a look at the one of them prior to the November lockdown and it was in very poor state.Andy Hoffman, Suffolk rep

SurreyI hope you are all well. Sadly with various lockdowns has largely precludes any laning so I trust you got something in while you could. Let me update you on things in Surrey.

Wolvern’s Lane has been resurfaced and is now rather flat. It’s also shut to vehicles until the spring to give the surface a chance to bed in. Central grant cycle lane funding was offered and used to smooth it over for easier access and to deal with the damage all in one hit. It is a shame that a lot of the character of the lane has gone but at least the lane is still open to us, or will be in the spring. What next I wonder?Pisley Lane remains in a poor state and as far as I know the promised repairs have not yet transpired. I am awaiting an update from the council.

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

Sandy Lane (across Frensham Common) has come under a lot of pressure in the wet weather with drivers digging themselves into large sandy holes which subsequently become very deep puddles. There has been a lot of damage but also some good natured 4x4 group repair work, which went to show that it can look spectacular with a bit of effort with shovels. GLASS advice is to avoid after rain – which may mean avoid all winter. It is very wet everywhere. Perhaps lockdown will give it a breakGLASS members day trip. Postponed due to poor weather and then stuffed due to lockdown. I will try and sort this in a Covid secure way in the spring as soon as we are legally able. Like many of you self employed people, it’s unlikely we will have a lot else going on in our lives for a bit so should be able to organise this.

This has been a challenging winter and it is likely we will get more lanes temporarily shut to avoid surface damage in the wet. Please do let me know if you see any issues. For example I understand there is now a wallow on Wyke Lane that may have been created deliberately. I have certainly never had any issues there myself but I see on Facebook that people have struggled.

None of us know where 2021 will be heading and many of us already feel more frustrated than ever, and for many reasons. I trust that you have been using lockdown to fettle your vehicles to within an inch of perfection. I certainly have, although I do seem to be experiencing some confusion between ‘an inch’ and ’not achievable in your lifetime’.

Read lots of books, do lots of walks and before too long we will be looking back on a dark past and once again enjoying the freedom of the lanes. Take care!Stuart Boreham, Surrey rep

WiltshireAs I sit and type this, there are mixed emotions flowing through my head about the current situation. On the negative side there is the fact

that we can’t go out onto the lanes in our trucks due to covid restrictions and I miss that to the extreme. Also, all of the clearance work that I had hoped would be done this season will most likely have to wait until next autumn/winter as I don’t foresee any change in the situation before late spring... and then we will be into nesting bird restrictions.

Anyway, now to the positive. My truck passed its MOT test yesterday. Hooray! I have also been successful in getting appointed as a member of the Wiltshire & Swindon Countryside Access Forum – it only took me two and a half years. The first meeting of the newly reconstituted forum will take place, virtually, on the 2nd of March. I look forward to continuing the sterling work done by Dale Wyatt, representing the interests of all users, with my primary interest being motorised users of public rights of way. If you are interested to understand more of the role of access forums please have a look here.

That’s all for now, happy laning when you manage to get back out there.John Lippiatt, Wiltshire rep.

DIO meetingI had a Zoom meeting with DIO (Defence Infrastructure Organisation) this week to be briefed on a campaign they will be launching later this year, which they would like us to help them with. I can’t give away any more information at the moment but will explain more when I can.Dale Wyatt, Wiltshire assistant rep

WorcestershireSO7552-01 will be subject to a temporary TRO as a result of damage caused to the drainage ditch at the Southern end.Matt Roberts, Worcestershire rep

West YorkshireFirstly, may I wish you all a very Happy New Year – let’s hope it’s better than the last one!

Obviously recent activity has been somewhat

limited due to various degrees of lockdown. However on the two Sundays immediately before Christmas, GLASS reps and members joined members of the Friends of Ramsden Road group on Ramsden Road.

On the first occasion, after much abuse of the area by irresponsible (and in some cases purely illegal) drivers, repairs were carried out to a culvert which had collapsed due to people driving in the (relatively) new drainage ditch.

A boulder which had been dragged out of its position (to prevent access to the small quarry) was winched back into place.

Not having been up there for some time due to covid restrictions I was concerned about the damage caused by irresponsible use – thankfully it was not quite as bad as feared although other spots in the same area have seen some significant damage.

On the second occasion GLASS and Friends of Ramsden Road joined members of Kirklees Rural Crime Team for a morning to observe any drivers/riders engaging in illegal/irresponsible activity –

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

on this occasion nothing untoward was recorded. Still a valuable exercise in terms of building working relationships between ourselves and the police. Police have increased their activities in the area and have issued a significant number of fines for breaches of covid regulations.

Unfortunately illegal activity and abuse continues – the worst of it occurring after dark with some large groups of 4x4’s travelling on the lanes in the area and in some cases engaging in off-piste driving. Some have even ripped gates out of the ground and broken down walls to access open moorland.

GLASS and Friends of Ramsden Road are currently in discussions with Kirklees Council to explore ways of curtailing these illegal activities. It is only by all working together that we can deal with the current epidemic of rogue drivers – we retain a good level of support locally and seek to maintain the good relations that have been built despite one or two local people being active in opposition to 4x4 use (one was behind the recent BBC radio transmission which was, as expected from BBC, extremely biased against 4x4’s).

Many thanks to Steve Hayes (assistant rep) who, being local, has kept an eye on the lanes in this area when I cannot justify travelling to the area due to restrictions. Many thanks also to the GLASS members who have helped so far and those who have offered help with future work.Alex Davidson, West Yorkshire rep

Other countiesThe following areas have failed to respond to the request for news:LincolnshireNorthampshireShropshireWarwickshireWest Midlands

David Bowyer announces new websiteThis year is the 35th Anniversary of David Bowyer’s Off Road Centre. To celebrate, David has a new website

Although he sold Goodwinch three years ago, David is still very busy at his centre in Devon. On his website you will read all about the Off-Road Driver Training, Winching & Recovery Courses, Social Mornings and Drive Round Days that take place nearby under the direction of James Trembath of 4x4 Adventures. David in his workshops still makes up kits of Roof Lockers and Seat Riser kits for Land Rovers. The website is a mine of information with tips on using CB and VHF/HF communication for green laning and expeditions in vehicles, he himself being a Radio Amateur Operator, M1AEI, and a keen green laner.

Also of interest, David shares some archive articles about his centre going back some 35 years together with other historical happenings involving him and Land Rovers.

David Bowyer’s off road course

David Bowyer’s off road course

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

+++ LATE NEWS +++Leicestershire Towards the end of 2020, Leicestershire began to face significant battles with a number of its green lanes, specifically towards the North West of the county.

Issues ranged from the usual obstructions, the threat of PSPO’s affecting the use of multiple lanes, to legitimate vehicular RoW users becoming caught up in a politically biased (against us!) rural crime initiative launched to tackle anti-social behaviour in the area. This was triggered by locals pushing complaints and the usual misconceptions regarding green laning, but on a grand scale!

Such a grand scale that one legal user ended up being issued an undeserved Section 59! Thankfully our RoW Officer Phil was able to get that rescinded much to the relief of our member!

With news of these issues reaching me I relayed the sequence of events to Steve Wild as the main Leicestershire Rep. He escalated this to the Executive team and local authorities, who held a meeting to discuss the problems. Meanwhile I seized a golden opportunity to speak to the Rural/Wildlife officer for the area which was host to the majority of complaints, and tried to build a relationship between ourselves and the police.

Following a lot of to-and-fro conversations between ourselves and the Rural Crime Officer, and no real headway being made, video meetings were set up online which we invited Lauren to attend. Lauren, Steve and I attended, along with the Rural Crime Officer, Leicestershire County Council and the BHS.

The initial meeting made us feel rather unwelcome at first, but after Lauren said her piece the tables turned, and at the next meeting our proposal was accepted, and we were asked to lead some new initiatives that we had briefly discussed at previous meetings. Leicestershire Police also invited us to a public education day and asked if we could provide some training for their force going forward. We of course accepted!

Spring Lane, Packington to Ravenstone (TWUID: SK3714-02)A direction has been set and attention has since been concentrated on Spring Lane, Packington to Ravenstone with a view to tackling the rise in off-piste activity, the use of School Lane (adjoining bridleway) and complaints from adjacent land owners. Along with the level of surface damage present on one section of the route, the main issue became very apparent which was the lack of understanding, ownership and responsibility by various bodies to protect our rights of way, and hold those responsible to account for their legal duty to maintain our byways.

We now have a far more positive outlook on the whole situation, with local authorities now possessing a level of accountability and looking to the Green Lane Association for support and ideas relating to our precious unsurfaced rights of way. The discussion involved surface repairs to Spring Lane, a social media campaign led by GLASS but involving all agencies, public and police education days, signage and other preventative measures to reduce off-piste activity in the area, all of which have been well received, and should start to be seen in the coming months.

We are hopeful this approach for Spring Lane will bring success. Watch this space…Steve Wild, Leicestershire repJason Gulliver, Leicestershire Assistant Rep

Signage already in place, however not enough. We are working to change that though!

Wilful obstruction of a UCR by placing of logs across 2x gateways. Taken before Christmas

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

29 months live

21,875 user comments

4,933 registered users*

19,866 Lanes (BOAT & UCR)Excludes Legacy

* not all GLASS members are registered

The essential green lane route planning toolCurrent stats as of 1st February 2021



!Voluntary Restraint

88Temporary TRO

98Seasonal TRO

305Permanent TRO





353Permissive routes


Restriction Information 2,820 – Including...

TRO numbers MAY appear to be going up, but that doesnot necessarily mean 'new' TROs – Just new data in TW2

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

Group numbersCan we remind you of our Code of Conduct. Groups should consist of four vehicles or fewer. No-one wants to see convoys of vehicles in the countryside. Small numbers slip by unnoticed.

If you run more than one group, please think about running different routes, not the same one with staggered starts.

We state that six trucks is acceptable in some areas. Please try and keep it to four, always.

You can read our Code of Conduct here.

Name of the month: sent in by Simon Woodall (please send in any contributions to

Sign of the month: sent in by Scott Pendrey (please send in any contributions to

green lanes bulletin Feb 2021

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Yellow pages: Area reps

ENGLAND / SCOTLAND AREA REP GLASS EMAIL ADDRESSBedfordshire Anthony Knox bedfordshire.rep@glass-uk.orgBerkshire Jordan Norval berkshire.rep@glass-uk.orgBuckinghamshire Dan Thatcher buckinghamshire.rep@glass-uk.orgCambridgeshire VACANT cambridgeshire.rep@glass-uk.orgCheshire Mark Rotheram cheshire.rep@glass-uk.orgCornwall Jim Hancock cornwall.rep@glass-uk.orgCumbria Peter Apps cumbria.rep@glass-uk.orgDerbyshire Chris Mitchell derbyshire.rep@glass-uk.orgDevon North and East VACANT devon_ne.rep@glass-uk.orgDevon South Jim Hancock devon.rep@glass-uk.orgDorset VACANT dorset.rep@glass-uk.orgCo. Durham Robert Munsey countydurham.rep@glass-uk.orgEssex Robert Tongue essex.rep@glass-uk.orgGloucestershire West John Askew gloucestershire.rep@glass-uk.orgGloucestershire East Richard Loveday gloucestershireeast.rep@glass-uk.orgHampshire Jeremy Bell hampshire.rep@glass-uk.orgHerefordshire Duncan Green herefordshire.rep@glass-uk.orgHertfordshire Russell Huffer hertfordshire.rep@glass-uk.orgKent Simon Longellow kent.rep@glass-uk.orgLancashire VACANT lancashire.rep@glass-uk.orgLeicestershire Steve Wild leicestershire.rep@glass-uk.orgLincolnshire David Salkeld lincolnshire.rep@glass-uk.orgNorfolk Daniel Kelly norfolk.rep@glass-uk.orgNorthamptonshire Scott Cameron northamptonshire.rep@glass-uk.orgNorthumberland Darren Clark northumberland.rep@glass-uk.orgNottinghamshire Richard Wright nottinghamshire.rep@glass-uk.orgOxfordshire Matthew Judson oxfordshire.rep@glass-uk.orgPeak Park Richard Entwistle peakpark.rep@glass-uk.orgShropshire Stewart Pickering shropshire.rep@glass-uk.orgSomerset and BANES Charlie Moore somerset.rep@glass-uk.orgStaffordshire Steven Alcock staffordshire.rep@glass-uk.orgSuffolk Andy Hoffman suffolk.rep@glass-uk.orgSurrey Stuart Boreham surrey.rep@glass-uk.orgSussex Stuart Boreham sussex.rep@glass-uk.orgWarwickshire David Bradley-Scrivener warwickshire.rep@glass-uk.orgWest Midlands David Bradley-Scrivener westmidlands.rep@glass-uk.orgWiltshire John Lippiatt wiltshire.rep@glass-uk.orgWorcestershire Matthew Roberts worcestershire.rep@glass-uk.orgYorkshire North Barrie Mounty northyorkshire.rep@glass-uk.orgYorkshire South Richard Entwistle southyorkshire.rep@glass-uk.orgYorkshire West Alex Davidson westyorkshire.rep@glass-uk.orgYorkshire East Roger Abbott eastyorkshire.rep@glass-uk.orgScotland Seamus MacNally

WALES AREA REP GLASS EMAIL ADDRESSAnglesey Connor Smith anglesey.rep@glass-uk.orgCarmarthenshire Andrew Hadley carmarthenshire.rep@glass-uk.orgCeredigion John Askew ceredigion.rep@glass-uk.orgConwy Lauren Eaton conwy.rep@glass-uk.orgDenbighshire Allan Buckley denbighshire.rep@glass-uk.orgFlintshire Griff Evans flintshire.rep@glass-uk.orgGwynedd Paolo Bavaresco gwynedd.rep@glass-uk.orgMonmouthshire John Askew monmouthshire.rep@glass-uk.orgPembrokeshire VACANT pembrokeshire.rep@glass-uk.orgPowys Tristan Craddock powys.rep@glass-uk.orgSouth Wales Pete Jones southwales.rep@glass-uk.orgWrexham Allan Buckley

REGIONAL AREA REP CO-ORDINATORS RARC GLASS EMAIL ADDRESSNorth of England Justin Brown justin.brown@glass-uk.orgMid East England Chris Mitchell derbyshire.rep@glass-uk.orgMid West England Matt Roberts worcestershire.rep@glass-uk.orgSouth East England Dale Wyatt dale.wyatt@glass-uk.orgSouth West England Matt Roberts worcestershire.rep@glass-uk.orgWales Lauren Eaton

If you have something you’d like to see in print, please email: Remember you can also follow us on facebook: GreenLaneAssociation and on twitter: Glass_uk