Green Infrastructure in New York City Green Infrastructure Program... · Overview: (&$# 1....

Post on 11-May-2018

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Transcript of Green Infrastructure in New York City Green Infrastructure Program... · Overview: (&$# 1....

Green Infrastructure in New York City

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2. On-site Construction

3. Neighborhood Demonstration Areas

4. Green Infrastructure Grant Program: 0 ('/1 �� �� ��������� ��� #%&& 0 ('/1 �� �� ��������� ��� #%&#

5. Other programmatic areas include:

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Plan included a citywide goal of managing runoff from 10% of impervious surfaces in combined sewer areas.


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*Above statistics in process of being updated


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Paerdegat Basin CSO Retention Facility

Flushing Bay CSO Retention Facility


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GI implementation would cost approximately $2.4B beyond the 2012 CSO Order costs above; of which, $1.5B would be public investment and $0.9B would be private investment in GI by 2030.


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2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

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Green Infrastructure Application Rates and Milestone Schedule


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Public Schools (DOE)

Parks & Playgrounds (DPR)

Planned Right-of-Way Projects (DOT)

Multi-Family Residential Housing (NYCHA)

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Rooftop Farms/Green Roofs Rain Gardens/Permeable Pavers ,���� ! C��! I��� 4 ,�� ��� C�/ ' K��� �� ��� G ���� ��


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0 Green Infrastructure Stakeholders

G ����D�F �����E citywide public meeting and listserv

G ������� ���������E focused on GI implementation related to Green Jobs, Technical Advice & Research, Education & Engagement

0 Construction Notification

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Monitoring results for a rain garden with a drainage to GI footprint area ratio of 17:1.

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