Green Fleet Workshop Responsible Purchasing Guide for Light-Duty Fleet Vehicles Presented by the...

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Transcript of Green Fleet Workshop Responsible Purchasing Guide for Light-Duty Fleet Vehicles Presented by the...

Green Fleet Workshop

Responsible Purchasing Guide for Light-Duty Fleet Vehicles

Presented by the Responsible Purchasing Network

March 29, 2007 RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series2

Green Fleet Summette (Jun/06) Research and draft Review Committee (Jan/07) Final version (Mar/07) Parts and Maintenance (Fall/07)

Background RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series3

Table of Contents Social & Environmental Issues Best Practices Cost, Quality, & Supply Policies Specifications Standards Products RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series4

Impacts 240m vehicles, 10m in fleets 95 percent of fuel is petroleum U.S. vehicles produce:

More CO2 than any country except China and Russia

Half of CO, 1/3 of NOx, and 5% of PM Water pollution Indoor toxics

Vehicles prevalent in populated areas RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series5

Assemble a Green Fleet Team Managers, purchasers, maintenance

staff, drivers, environmental health and safety staff, elected officials, etc.

Develops, implements, and tracks green fleet policy RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series6

Inventory & Baseline Vehicles, fuels, usage, pollutants Quantities and costs Indicators (e.g., mpg, CO2) Baseline year(s) RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series7

Set Goals Emissions Costs Fleet Composition RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series8

Adopt a Policy Goals and commitments Short-term and long-term targets Responsibilities Effective dates RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series9

Improve Practices Fuel economy Fleet size Trip planning, reduction, and mode Driving practices Maintenance RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series10

Financial Plan Estimate costs/savings of green fleet

Life-cycle costs

Develop plan for covering costs and allocating savings

Track costs and savings RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series11

Measure Progress Publish annual report

Tracking progress against baseline data

Present findings of decision-making body

Revise fleet policy and operations as needed RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series12


CostFuel Cost

Operating Cost

Gasoline A B BHybrid C A BFlex-Fuel A C ABiodiesel C C ANatural Gas D B B RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series13

QualityEfficiency Emissions Performance

Gasoline C C BHybrid A A AFlex-Fuel D B BBiodiesel C B ANatural Gas D B B RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series14

SupplyVehicles Fuel Pumps Fuel Source

Gasoline A+ A+ FHybrid C A+ CFlex-Fuel B C DBiodiesel D C CNatural Gas F C B RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series15

400 vehicles Green Fleet Team Inventory and baseline Vehicle, fuel, and emissions targets Trip planning and elimination Measurement and reporting

Model Policy – Ann Arbor, MI RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series16

More Sample Policies White House – Alternative fuels Minnesota – Plug-in hybrid policy King County, WA – Biodiesel policy Chapel Hill, NC – Green Fleet policy Abbott Laboratories, Infinity Insurance –

PHH/ED Green Fleet Initiative RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series17

Model Spec – Massachusetts HEV contract specs – cars, SUVs, trucks Open to other subdivisions and states Requires environmental plan from contractor

Model Spec – State of New York Specs for NGV and FFVs Open to other subdivisions Requires environmental plan from contractor RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series18

Arkansas – HEV specs Austin, TX – Plug-in HEV conversion specs University of Missouri – FFV specs

More Sample Specs RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series19

Standards Emissions

U.S. EPA California Air Resources Board

Ethanol – ASTM Biodiesel – ASTM, NBAP Natural Gas

Fuel and components RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series20

Products Online products database

Price Engine type Fuel economy

2007 model year vehicles All HEVs and FFVs Conventional equivalents of HEVs and FFVs Most efficient conventional vehicle in each class RPN Green Fleet Workshop Series21

Conclusions Significant environmental and social

benefits from green fleets Range of vehicle and fuel choices Fleet Guide in web and print format Fleet Guide on Parts and Maintenance Green Fleet Workshop Series RPN Member fleet consultations

Green Fleet Workshop

Matt Kittell


Hosted by the Responsible Purchasing Network

March 29, 2007