Green Book 2007

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Libro Verde de Seguridad de Regatas 2007

Transcript of Green Book 2007


World Leader in Rating Technology


ORC Championship Rules Standard Notice of Race

Standard Sailing Instructions IMS Classes

ORC Grand Prix Classes









ORC Championship Rules 1 Authority The Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) is the international authority recognised by the

International Sailing Federation (ISAF) as the sole authority to administer the International Measurement System (IMS), the ORC Club Rule, the ORC Grand Prix Classes Rules and the co-related Regulations, measurement and classes.

2 Championships 2.1 The ORC has overall authority on the World and Continental Championships as follows:

- The Offshore Team World Championship (Sardinia Cup) - The IMS Open Championships - The Championships or following classes: IMS Maxi, IMS 50, IMS 600, IMS 670, ORC

Sportboat, GP 42, GP 33, GP 26.

The Offshore Team World Championship (Sardinia Cup) is open to National Teams made up of three yachts which type shall be proposed by the organizer and approved by the ORC Offshore & Classes Events Committee.

2.2 Except for the Offshore Team World Championship which is held biennial, World and

Continental championships for each class will be held annually in accordance with these Championship Rules; using the ORC Standard Notice of Race, the ORC Standard Sailing Instructions and relevant class rules.

2.3 ORC may approve regional championships where participation of boats from a specific region

and more neighboring countries is expected. This Championship Rules are strongly recommended for regional and national championships.

3 Applications for Hosting Championships 3.1 Applications to host Championship events shall be received by ORC not later than 30 days

before the ORC Annual General Meeting from the ORC Affiliated Class Association (if any) and /or a host organization with the endorsement of their National Authority. The application shall include the name of the hosting club and also its qualifications for hosting and organizing the event. These qualifications should include information on the following:

a) Club’s history of organising major events

b) Suitability of facilities at the club as follows:

- Adequate area to measure sails - Hauling-out facilities - Accommodation to house separately a Race Committee and a Jury - Measurement and Press Offices - Availability of Committee Boats and a Jury Boat

c) Charts identifying suitable inshore and offshore racing areas.

d) Availability of commercial shore facilities including hotels, restaurant and marine services

- Outline of the club’s financial plans for the event

- Report on local active racing fleet qualifying for the Championship








The application shall clearly state the organiser's acceptance of the obligations imposed by these regulations and its commitment to conduct the Championship in full conformity with such regulations, by signature of the senior officer of the organization.

3.2 In approving an event venue, the ORC will take into account the geographical location in the

context of other scheduled events and the particular nature of the Class. 4 Obligations of the Host Organising Club 4.1 The organising club shall appoint the Race Committee, International Jury and Measurement

Committee. Principal Race Officer, International Jury Chairman and Chief Measurer shall have experience with IMS and offshore racing.

4.2 ORC Approval

A list of all committee members shall be approved by the Offshore Classes and Events Committee four months prior to the event unless agreed otherwise. The ORC retains the right to request additions or replacements, as it deems necessary.

4.3 Official language

The official language shall be English. All senior officers, including the Race Committee, International Jury and Measurement Committee shall be fluent in English, with all announcements and briefings in that language. The organising authority shall well in advance provide a news-update in English for ORC website, as well as a daily summary in English with appropriate photos from races and related events like prize giving etc. For all international ORC Championships, there shall be an English version of the event website, with all necessary information in English language.

4.4 International Jury

The International Jury shall include the ORC Representative and shall conform to RRS Appendix N. A majority of Jury members including the Chairman and the ORC Representative shall be present from the first day of measurement and inspection. Should there be a difference of opinion regarding the interpretation, definition or intent of any rules and/or regulations then the query shall be referred to the International Jury, whose ruling on the interpretation, definition or ruling on the intent of that rule or regulation shall be final and not subject to appeal.

4.5 ORC Representative

The ORC shall appoint a representative for each particular ORC championship. The ORC representative shall then be a member of the jury during the series and shall have the right to consult with and advise the Race Committee during the course of the event. The ORC representative shall report to the ORC as its next meeting after the championship with an account of the conduct of the event and with any recommendations or relevant observations by the jury or other officials or competitors.

4.6 Measurement Committee

A Measurement Committee shall be appointed in conjunction with the ORC Chief Measurer after consulting with the class and the National Authority of the host country. At least one should be from another country. At least one qualified ORC measurer shall be present throughout the event. At any time throughout the series even whilst yachts are racing, sails and yachts shall be subject to scrutiny and to checks for compliance with the rules at the discretion of the Race Committee.








4.7 Notice of Race

Six months before the first day of the championship, the Organiser will publish to all relevant countries the Notice of Race. The standard Notice of Race as found in the appendix of these championship rules shall be used. Prior to publication, a draft and any modifications to the standard NOR must be approved by the ORC.

4.8 Sailing Instructions

The Sailing Instructions as printed in the appendix of these championship rules shall be used. Prior to publication a draft and any modifications must be approved by the ORC. Copies shall be provided to the International Jury prior to their arrival at the event. Copies for competitors should be available upon their arrival at the event.

5 Rules 5.1 ORC Championships shall be sailed according to the following rules:

a) ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS)

b) ORC Championship Rules

c) The relevant ORC Grand Prix or IMS Class Rules and as referenced, the IMS Rule, IMS Regulations and any other Rules as published or approved by the ORC

d) ISAF Offshore Special Regulations Except for Sportboats, all races will be category 2 or 3, including the requirement that VHF radios are mandatory for all races and liferafts are mandatory for offshore races. For Sportboats, Class Rules will apply.

e) Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions following ORC standard format

f) Prescriptions of the national authority of the organising club shall not be applied unless authorized by the ORC.

5.2 Automatic, mechanical and wind vane devices for steering shall be prohibited. 5.3 Hauling Out

From 9 AM of the first scheduled day of registration yachts shall not be hauled out except for the purposes of repairing damage; and only after written permission from the International Jury. While hauled for this purpose, cleaning and polishing of the hull below the waterline will not be permitted

Rudders shall not be removed from the water during the series nor the centreboards removed from their cases.

6 Qualifications and Eligibility 6.1 For an event to qualify as a World Championship there shall be a minimum number of eligible

yachts. To be eligible, a yacht must be present at the event, checked by the Measurement Committee and be accepted by the International Jury as meeting all entry requirements for the event. For World Championships, the yacht’s owner shall be a member of the relevant Class Association, where appropriate. Except for the Maxi Class, the minimum number of countries shall be four and the minimum number of entries plus countries shall be fourteen. For the Maxi Class, the minimum number of entries shall be six and shall include at least one yacht from each of three different countries or two continents. In order for a yacht to fulfil its entry status in the regatta, it must start and finish at least one of the scheduled races, except for major damage that would preclude further participation.








6.2 ORC Championships shall not be scheduled as part of other events without express consent of the ORC. Even with consent, separate classes, starts and scoring shall be provided for the Championship series.

6.3 A maximum of thirty (30) yachts per country and no more than fifty (50) yachts from the

hosting country will be accepted in a Championship unless expressly waived by the ORC. For the IMS World Championship, the Organising authority and the ORC may set upper and lower GPH limits. For the Classes Championship yachts conforming to the class rules are eligible

6.4 For the purposes of RRS 76.2, the approving authority is the ORC. The ORC delegates its

jurisdiction under this rule to the International Jury of the event in question, provided the ORC representative is present at the relevant meetings.

6.5 Each Yachts rating certificate in duplicate, shall accompany its entry. Any modifications to

certificates must be made prior to 9 AM of the first day of registration. Modifications necessitated by the measurement and inspection process, may be presented until 9 AM of the first day of racing. All rating certificates shall be rechecked and endorsed by the National Authority issuing the certificate. All rating certificates shall be available for inspection by all competitors.

6.6 An individual who has been suspended under ISAF Eligibility Code - by any National Authority

shall not participate during the period of suspension. 6.7 At least half the crew including the person who is the owner or charterer or borrower shall be

nationals of the country they are representing. "National" is defined as either the holder of a passport or identity card, or a similar document stating residential status in the country represented. Any helmsman steering a competing yacht in any of the Olympic Type Course Races or inshore races shall be a national of the country of entry of the competing yacht.

6.8 A crew list shall be submitted before the first race and shall be made available to all contestants.

The total weight of the crew shall be established before the start of the first race by weighing the individual members of the crew in bare feet and shorts. This weight shall not exceed the crew weight limit for the yacht.

6.9 Substitution of crew will be permitted by prior consent of the International Jury. The International Jury may delegate this responsibility to the Race Committee. The owner has the responsibility to ensure that crew weight limits have not been exceeded. The International Jury may require that the weight of the original crew member and his replacement be documented.

7 Equipment 7.1 Sails

One suit of sails plus one mainsail may be used in a series and shall have been measured and stamped by an ORC Measurer. The sails so stamped shall be marked for the event and shall not exceed in numbers the maxima permitted under IMS Regulations 205, unless otherwise stated in the Notice of Race. In determining these maxima, the GPH used for all yachts in the Class shall be the faster of the two GPH values given as the Class Rule rating band limits.

With the exception of the second mainsail all sails must be carried aboard. Second mainsail shall have a minimum of one set of reef points. The mainsails may be interchangeable.

Sails damaged during the series may be repaired. Sails beyond repair may be replaced with permission of the International Jury.








7.2 Masts and Spars

When masts and spars are damaged or broken they may be repaired and/or replaced once, subject to inspection before and after repairs or replacement. Repairs and/or replacement shall only be allowed in the case of "bona fide" damage. In case of a mast replacement, the rig shall be measured and the yacht shall be remeasured afloat, as required by the IMS rule. A new valid certificate shall be submitted before the end of the series.

8 Prizes 8.1 The principal trophies and their donors shall be listed in the Notice of Race and the Sailing

Instructions. 8.2 It shall be the responsibility of the winner of each trophy or challenge cup to send it to the

organising club for the following year's event after having it suitably engraved with the results of the event.

8.3 Corinthian Trophy

An Event organizer may with prior approval of the ORC, elect to award a Corinthian Trophy. To be eligible for the above trophy; every crew member of a competing yacht must qualify as Group 1, under the ISAF Competitors’ Classification Code.

Any protest on qualification of the crew after the first race in which the crew participates shall be refused if it is based upon facts which existed and were known to the protester prior to that time.

Unless there is a separate division, a yacht competing for the Corinthian Trophy shall also be eligible for all other awards. Any decision on eligibility for the Corinthian trophy shall not affect other scoring. At least two entrants for the Corinthian Trophy shall be required for its award in any championship.

9 Disclaimer

The ORC, including its committees and representatives, has provided these rules and recommendations in the interest of yachtsmen, but on the understanding that it cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience arising from its policies and rulings.









Standard Notice of Race Guide __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ On separate lines insert the full name of the regatta, the inclusive dates from measurement until the final day and closing ceremony, the country, the region if applicable, a city or town, and the name of the sailing waters. 1 Organizing Authority

The [insert class and championship] is organized by the [insert club] in conjunction with [insert co-organizer, if any] under the authority of [insert name of National Sailing Federation] and under the overall authority of the Offshore Racing Congress (ORC).

2 Rules 2.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.

2.2 The following rules will also apply:

a) IMS Rules

b) IMS Regulations

c) ORC Championship Rules

d) [insert class] Class Rules [for IMS Maxi, IMS 50, IMS 600, IMS 670, ORC Sportboat, GP 42, GP 33 and GP 26 championships]

e) ISAF Offshore Special Regulations (except for Sportboats, all races will be category 2 or 3, including the requirement that VHF

radios are mandatory for all races and liferafts are mandatory for offshore races. For Sportboats, Class Rules will apply).

2.3 No national authority prescription will apply. 2.4 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence. 3 Advertising

ISAF Advertising Code will apply. All boats shall display advertisements on the first 20% of hull length given by the organizer. While not racing, boats shall display flags given by the organizer. The Organizing Authority may also require the installation, at no cost to competitors, onboard video cameras, or global position devices.

4 Eligibility Competitors shall comply with ISAF Eligibility Code. The regatta is open to all boats with valid

IMS certificate complying with [insert class for class events] rules and ORC Championship Rules. [for the IMS World Championship, the Organising authority and the ORC may set upper and lower GPH limits]








5 Sailors Classification The ISAF Sailors Classification Code will apply. 6 Entries and Entry Fee 6.1 Eligible boats may enter by completing the attached form and sending it to the:

[insert organiser] [insert address] [insert telephone number (including country and area codes)] [insert fax number (including country and area codes)] [insert E-mail address] [insert website address, if any]

with a copy of the yachts rating certificate, in duplicate, before [insert date one month, before the start of championship].

6.2 The non-refundable entry fee of [insert entry fee] per boat should be [insert acceptable methods of payment] forwarded to

[insert bank details] 6.3 A boat is considered to be Pre-registered if the following documents are received before [insert

date one month, before the start of championship]:

a) Completed and signed official entry form b) Current [insert IMS or Class] Certificate c) Entry fee payment confirmation

6.4 The organizer is not responsible for any costs incurred by the non-acceptance of a boat’s

registration. 6.5 Late entries may be accepted at organizer's discretion [insert restrictions]. 7 Registration 7.1 Each Owner or Skipper must personally register in the Race Office located in [insert location]

from [insert date and time] until [insert date and time]. 7.2 The following documents shall be presented at registration:

a) Valid IMS Certificate issued before [insert date and time] b) Valid third-party insurance with a minimum cover of [insert amount] c) If advertising is displayed, a respective National Authority permission d) Crew list with name, surname, national sailing licence number, [ISAF Sailors Classification

Code - insert when applies] and weight for each crew member e) Contact phone number both on boat and land, including the name of contact person f) Liability acceptance form, duly filled out and signed

This changes RRS 78.2. 7.3 No changes shall be made on IMS certificates after [insert date and time] unless prescribed by

the Measurement Committee and International Jury’s approval. 7.4 Measurement protests by the boats shall be accepted up to two hours after the posting of the

final ratings.









7.5 Crew lists may be amended up to [insert date and time] by filling a new form showing the changes. After this time, changes in crew may be made only with the written permission of the International Jury.

7.6 Protests by the boats regarding ISAF Sailors Classification Code shall be accepted up to [insert

date and time]. 8 Schedule 8.1 Day 1, [insert date] - Registration and measurement Day 2, [insert date] - Registration and measurement, opening ceremony Day 3, [insert date] - inshore race(s) Day 4, [insert date] - offshore race Day 5, [insert date] - [offshore race continued] or [second offshore race] Day 6, [insert date] - inshore race(s) Day 7, [insert date] - inshore race(s), closing ceremony

The Organizing authority has the option of substituting 2 separate offshore races in place of the one double scoring offshore race.

(If expected number of boats can justify one day only for registration and measurement, second day of registration and measurement may be replaced by inshore race(s))

Offshore races may be re-scheduled when required by weather conditions. 8.2 Nine races are scheduled including [the offshore race which will score as two races (one

score from the start to the first control point and the other from the start to the finish)] or [two offshore races]. Inshore races will be windward/leeward races, except where unusual or extreme local conditions make it impossible to sail a windward/leeward course, then the International Jury may give permission to sail a substitute course.

8.3 Scoring coefficients for inshore races will be 1.00. The coefficient for each part of the offshore

races will be 1.5. (If two separate offshore races are sailed, the coefficient for the longer shall be 1.75 and the coefficient for the shorter shall be 1.25). The championship is valid if at least 4 inshore races and 1 offshore race or at least 3 inshore races and 2 offshore races are completed. One discard on inshore races will be allowed if all 7 inshore races will be completed. Offshore race(s) can not be discarded.

9 Measurement Each boat shall be available for the measurement inspection from [insert date and time] until

[insert date and time]. 10 Sailing Instructions

Sailing Instructions will be available for each entrant at completion of the registration formalities.

11 Scoring The Low Point Scoring System of RRS Appendix A will apply except the value of a first place finish shall be 0.75 instead of 1.00. Points will be multiplied by the appropriate scoring coefficient.








12 International Jury

An International Jury appointed according to the RRS Appendix N will supervise the event; with no right of appeal according to the RRS 70.4.

13 Nautical charts The following nautical charts of the [insert issuing authority] are utilized as reference in the Sailing Instructions: [insert chart numbers].

14 Moorings

[insert description of moorings and conditions for use]. 15 Registration of arrival

[insert rules or regulations of registering foreign boats coming to regatta, if any]. 16 Media rights

Competitors, owners and their guests give absolute right and permission to the Organizing Authority for any photography and video footage taken of persons and boats during the event, to be published and/or broadcast in any media, including but not limited to TV advertisements, whatsoever for either editorial or advertising purposes or to be used in press information.

17 Radio Communication

A boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.

18 Trophies and Prizes

[insert list of trophies and prizes]. 19 Disclaimer of Liability

All those taking part in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. The organizing authority, [insert club], [insert national sailing federation], ORC and any other party involved in the organization of the [insert championship] disclaim any and all responsibility whatsoever for loss, damage injury or inconvenience that might occur to persons and materials, both ashore and at sea as a consequence of participation in the event. Each boat owner or his representative accepts these terms by signing entry form. The attention of competitors is drawn to ISAF Part 1 Fundamental Rule 4: A boat is solely responsible for deciding whether or not to start or to continue racing.









20 Insurance

Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party insurance with a minimum cover of [insert amount] per event. Anyway, it is the responsibility of the owners to hold adequate insurance cover for Tort Liability and Third Party Insurance (Property and Persons).

21 Further information

For further information please contact [insert details].

In addition to this Notice of Race, the event organiser shall also supply the following documents:

- Entry Form - A list of accommodation possibilities with addresses, telephone and fax numbers, E-mail and/or

website addresses, including prices where available - A list of the nearest international airports - A map or brochure of the venue - A schedule of social events to be held during the Championship









Standard Sailing Instructions Guide Part 1 - General 1 Organizing Authority

The [insert class and championship] is organized by the [insert club] in conjunction with [insert co-organizer, if any] under the authority of [insert name of National Sailing Federation] and under the overall authority of the Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) and the International Sailing Federation (ISAF).

2 Rules 2.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

2.2 The following rules will also apply:

a) IMS Rules

b) IMS Regulations

c) ORC Championship Rules

d) [insert class] Class Rules [for IMS Maxi, IMS 50, IMS 600, IMS 670, ORC Sportboat, GP 42, GP 33 and GP 26 championships]

e) ISAF Offshore Special Regulations (except for Sportboats, all races will be category 2 or 3, including the requirement that VHF

radios are mandatory for all races and liferafts are mandatory for offshore races. For Sportboats, Class Rules will apply).

2.3 No national authority prescription will apply. 2.4 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence. 3 Classes

[insert description of classes division, if any]. If separate classes for Corinthian and noncorinthian have been agreed aith ORC , reference paragraph 8.3 of the championship rules

4 Notices to competitors Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board(s) located at [insert

location(s)]. 5 Changes to Sailing Instructions

Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted not later than [insert time] before it will take effect, except that any change to the schedule of races will be posted by [insert time] hours on the day before it will take effect.









6 Signals made ashore 6.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed at [insert location]. 6.2 When flag AP is displayed ashore '1 minute' is replaced with 'not less than [insert number]

minutes' in race signal AP. 6.3 When flag Y is displayed ashore, rule 40.1 applies at all times. This changes the Part 4

preamble. 7 Schedule of races

( Conforming to paragraph 8 of the NOR) 7.1 Times of the first warning signals are defined as follows:

[insert day] [insert date] [insert time] [insert type of race (inshore or offshore)] [insert day] [insert date] [insert time] [insert type of race (inshore or offshore)] [insert day] [insert date] [insert time] [insert type of race (inshore or offshore)] etc … 7.2 There will be no more than [insert number, when appropriate] races per day. Flag [insert

flag] displayed on the finishing line means “There will be one more race after the one in progress.” The warning signal for the next race will be given one minute after lowering flag [insert flag] with one sound.

7.3 On the last day of regatta no warning signal will be given after [insert time]. 8 Class flag The Class flag will be [insert flag]. 9 The Start 9.1 A boat starting later than [insert number] minutes after her starting signal will be scored DNS.

This changes RRS A4.1. 9.2 If any part of a boat's hull, crew or equipment is on the course side of the starting line during the

two minutes before her starting signal and she is identified, the race committee will attempt to broadcast her sail number on VHF channel [insert number]. Failure to make a broadcast ot to time it accurately will not be grounds for a request for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a).

10 Penalty system 10.1 For incidents outside the Two-Length Zone from the mark in inshore races, RRS 44.1 and 44.2

are modified by replacing “Two-turns penalty” with “One-turn penalty”. 10.2 The scoring penalty, RRS 44.3, will apply for offshore race only.

(insert only if two turns penalty will not apply in offshore race) 10.3 Boats scored OCS in offshore races will be assesed a 20% scoring penalty as defined in RRS

44.3 which shall be divided equally between the first and second parts. If the second part of









offshore race is not completed the penalty shall apply in full to the first part. This changes RRS A4.2. (if two offshore races are scheduled use only first part up to ”... in RRS 44.3”)

10.4 If an infraction occurs in part one of the offshore race that results in disqualification, the

disqualification shall apply to both parts 1 and part 2. 10.5 If an infraction occurs in part 1 of the offshore race that results in an alternative penalty, that

penalty shall be equally divided between part 1 and part 2, if part 2 is completed. (insert only if SI 10.2 applies) 10.6 A measurement penalty shall apply fully to both part 1 and part 2 of the offshore race. (SI 10.4, 10.5 & 10.6 shall be used only if offshore race is scheduled as one race with two

parts) 10.7 For minor infractions of the Special Regulations and paragraphs 7.1 or 7.2 of the ORC

Championship rules, the jury may impose no penalty. 11 Protests and requests for redress 11.1 In addition to complying with RRS 61.1, a protesting boat shall, immediately upon finishing,

inform the Race Committee of her intention to protest the infringing boat. 11.2 Protest forms are available at the race office. Protest shall be delivered there within the time

limit which shall be:

a) for inshore races: [insert number] hour after the last boat has finished the last race of day. The same time limit applies to protests by the race committee and international jury about incidents they observe in the racing area and to requests for redress. This changes RRS 61.3 and 62.2

b) for offshore race: [insert number] hour after protestor’s finish. If a boat finishes by night, protest can be logged from [insert time] until [insert time] the next day.

c) When unofficial results are posted after the protest time limit expires, requests for redress upon unofficial results may be lodged within 30 minutes after posting. This changes RRS 62.2.

11.3 Notices to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses will

be posted:

a) for windward/leeward races within 30 minutes of the protest time limit b) for the offshore race, within 30 minutes of the finish of all the boats involved in the protest,

except that Protest notices will not be posted [insert day and date of offshore race] at [insert time] until [insert day and date of offshore race] at [insert time].

11.4 On the last day of the regatta a request for reopening a hearing shall be delivered:

a) within the protest time limit if the party requesting reopening was informed of the decision on the previous day

b) no later than 30 minutes after the party requesting reopening was informed of the decision on that day

This changes RRS 66.

11.5 The decisions of the international jury will be final as provided in RRS 70.4.









12 Scoring 12.1 For windward/leeward races results will be determined by corrected times calculated by [insert

scoring method]. 12.2 For offshore races results will be determined by corrected times calculated by [insert scoring

method]. 12.3 Length of course, directions of leg and wind will be decided by Race committee and will not be

grounds for seeking redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a). 12.4 The Low Point Scoring System of RRS Appendix A will apply except the value of a first place

finish shall be 0.75 instead of 1.00. Points will be multiplied by the appropriate scoring coefficient.

. 12.5 Nine races are scheduled including [the offshore race which will score as two races (one

score from the start to the first control point and the other from the start to the finish)] or [two offshore races].

12.6 Scoring coefficients for inshore races will be 1.00. [The coefficient for each part of the

offshore races will be 1.5] or [The coefficient for longer offshore race will be 1.75 and coefficient for shorter offshore race will be 1.25 (insert only if two offshore races are scheduled)]. The championship is valid if at least 4 inshore races and 1 offshore race or at least 3 inshore races and 2 offshore races are completed. One discard on inshore races will be allowed if all 7 inshore races will be completed. Offshore race(s) can not be discarded.

13 Safety regulations 13.1 Boats retiring for any reason in any race shall promptly report to the Race Committee. Penalty

for breaking this SI will be disqualification not excludable (DNE) without a hearing. This changes RRS 63.1.

13.2 Any use of engine for propulsion purposes for rescuing people, giving help or any other reason

shall be reported after arrival in written form to the race committee stating reasons for such procedure.

14 Replacement of crew or equipment 14.1 The International Jury may approve crew changes on written skipper's request made no later

than [insert number] hour before the scheduled time of the start of the first race of the day. The substituted crew member shall not be aboard on any competing boat throughout the rest of the series.

14.2 Substitution of damaged or lost equipment will be not allowed unless approved by the

International Jury. Requests for substitution shall be made to the jury at the first reasonable opportunity.

15 Equipment and measurement checks

A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with class rules and sailing instructions. On the water or after arriving in harbour, boat can be instructed by the race committee measurer to proceed immediately for inspection.









16 Official boats Official boats will display an [insert colour] flag. Failure of a RC boat to display her flag will

not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a). 17 Haul-out restriction

From 09:00 of the [insert first scheduled day of registration] yachts shall not be hauled out except for the purposes of repairing damage; and only after written permission from the International Jury. While hauled for this purpose, cleaning and polishing of the hull below the waterline will not be permitted. Rudders shall not be removed from the water during the series nor the centreboards removed from their cases.

18 Radio communication 18.1 Radio communication with Race Committee during the regatta will be on VHF channel [insert

number]. Race Committee may give verbal confirmation of any race signal over VHF Channel [insert number]. Failure to make a broadcast or to time it accurately will not not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a).

18.2 A boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications

not available to all boats. This restriscitions also applies to mobile telephones. 19 Trophies and prizes

[insert list of trophies and prizes]. 20 Disclaimer of liability

All those taking part in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. The organizing authority, [insert club], [insert national sailing federation], ORC and any other party involved in the organization of the [insert championship], disclaim any and all responsibility whatsoever for loss, damage injury or inconvenience that might occur to persons and materials, both ashore and at sea as a consequence of participation in the event. Each boat owner or his representative accepts these terms by signing entry form. The attention of competitors is drawn to ISAF Part 1 Fundamental Rule 4: A boat is solely responsible for deciding whether or not to start or to continue racing.

21 Insurance

Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party insurance with a minimum cover of [insert amount] per event. Anyway, it is the responsibility of the owners to hold adequate insurance cover for Tort Liability and Third Party Insurance (Property and Persons).









Part 2 - Inshore course ( Courses should be designed to provide durations of 1.5 to 2 hours) 22 The course 22.1 The diagram in Attachment [insert number], show the course, including the approximate

angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left.

22.2 No later than the warning signal, the race committee signal boat will display the approximate

compass bearing of the first leg. 22.3 When there is a gate, boats shall sail between the gate marks from the direction of the previous

mark and round either gate mark. 23 Marks 23.1 Marks [insert number or letter from diagram] will be [insert description]. 23.2 New mark as provided in instruction 24.1 will be [insert description]. 23.3 A race committee boat signalling a change of a leg of the course is a mark as provided in

instruction 24.2 24 Change of the next leg of the course 24.1 To change the next leg of the course, the race committee will lay a new mark and remove the

original mark as soon as practicable. When in subsequent change a new mark is replaced, it will be replaced by an original mark.

24.2 Except at a gate, boats shall pass between the race committee boat signalling the change of the

next leg and the nearby mark, leaving the mark to port and the race committee boat to starboard. This changes RRS 28.1

25 Starting line The starting line will be between [insert description] at the starboard and [insert description]

at the port-end. 26 Finishing line The finishing line will be between [insert description] and [insert description].

27 Time limit Time limit will be [insert time which shall be the time required to complete the course at an

average speed of 3 knots].









Part 3 - Offshore course (If one offshore race with two parts is scheduled, complete courses should be designed to provide durations of 24 to 30 hours. If two offshore races are scheduled, longer one should be scheduled to provide duration of 20 hours and shorter one for duration of 10 hours. In such case this section should be repeated for each offshore course and all reference to the first finishing line should be ignored) 28 The course The course will be: Start - [insert marks and side on which have to be left] - First finishing

line in [insert venue] - [insert marks and side on which have to be left] - Second finishing line in [insert venue]. Offshore race will be scored as two races. First offshore race will be from Start in [insert venue] to first finish line in [insert venue] and second offshore race will be from start in [insert venue] to second finish line in [insert venue].

29 Marks Marks [insert number or letter from diagram] will be [insert description]. 30 Windward mark Race committee may set a windward mark to obtain start to windward, if necessary. If

windward mark is set, it will be approximately one nautical mile from the starting area and race committee will before warning signal display red flag meaning leave the mark on port or green flag meaning leave the mark on starboard.

31 Starting line The starting line will be between [insert description] at the starboard and [insert description]

at the port-end. 32 Finishing line 32.1 The finishing line for the first offshore race will be between [insert description] and [insert

description]. 32.2 The finishing line for the second offshore race will be between [insert description] and [insert

description]. 33 Time limit 33.1 There will be no time limit for the first part of the offshore race. 33.2 The time limit for the second part of the offshore race will be [insert time which shall be the

time required to complete the course at an average speed of 3 knots].









34 Finishing by night

Boats that finish by night shall illuminate their numbers when finishing, and in case of doubt shall try to identify themselves to the RC after finishing.

35 Reporting positions

[insert requirement for reporting positions including times and mean of communication, if any].





IMS Classes 1 Objective To foster keen competition at the highest level, the IMS Classes are designed to allow yachts

with similar characteristics, and which conform to the IMS Rules and Regulations, to race within a narrow rating band as defined for each class in paragraph 3.3 below. Current IMS Classes are: IMS Maxi, IMS Mini Maxi, IMS 50, IMS 600, IMS 670, ORC Sportboat.

2 Administration 2.1 Class Authority

The authority for the IMS Classes shall be the Offshore Racing Congress, with guidance from various national and regional owners associations through their representation in the ORC Offshore Classes and Events Committee.

2.2 Language of the Rules

The official language of the IMS Classes Rules shall be English. 2.3 Rule Interpretation

The ORC Chief Measurer shall be responsible for the interpretation of the IMS Classes Rules and his decision shall be final until ratified or overruled by the Congress.

3 Class limits 3.1 Rating bands shall be reviewed each November for application the following January 1. 3.2 The annual band will be recommended by the International Technical Committee and approved

by the ORC through the Offshore Classes & Events Committee. 3.3 General class limits for 2007 are:



IMS 50

IMS 600

IMS 670 ORC Sportboat

GPH (s/NM) No limits No limits 496 – 525 578 – 610 625 – 665 No limits

LOA (m) > 23.9 18 - 23.9 No limits < 12.91 < 11.41* 6.5 – 9.0

IMS Regulations

No limits

No limits Racing (Part 3)

C/R (Part 4)

C/R (Part 4)

Not applied

Min. nr. of series production yachts

No limits

No limits

No limits



No limits

Mandatory Certificate

IMS or ORC Club

IMS or ORC Club




Crew Eligibility

No limits

No limits

No limits 50% crew as Group 1

50% crew as Group 1

50% crew as Group 1

* Note: IMS 670 limits apply for boats with a series date later than 12/1992.





3.4 Series production yachts

a) To qualify as a series production yacht, not less than the number specified in paragraph 3.3 above, for each individual class, shall have been launched and eligible to have been issued an Age Date and a common Series Date in accordance with IMS 108.2 at least two weeks prior to the first day of Inspection for the event for which a yacht of the series is seeking entry.

b) Deck and interior mouldings shall also comply with the intent of IMS 108.2. Mouldings may be multiple, provided both hull and deck are of identical design. Male plug constructions will be accepted only for the prototype of a production series.

c) Appendage modifications that would require a different OFF file will be deemed as a new series, including the requirement of a minimum number of boats specified in paragraph 3.3 above with the same appendages.

d) Modification or personalization of deck hardware is permitted. Modifications to the standard deck or deck mould are not permitted.

e) The requirements of a, b and c above are waived for boats with an Age Date of six years earlier than the year of the event

3.5 The number of crew necessary to qualify must be rounded up if it is a fractional number. 4 Additional class requirements 4.1 IMS 50

For yachts with an Age Date of 2001 or earlier will be eligible also with GPH up to, but no more than 530 s/NM.

4.2 IMS 670

a) For yachts with an Age Date of 2001 or later, except for spinnaker poles and sails, carbon fiber shall not be permitted.

b) For yachts with an Age Date of 2000 or later, displacement to length ratio calculated with values recorded in IMS certificate as DSPM/(MAIN+FORE) shall be greater than 75.

4.3 ORC Sportboat

a) Displacement in Measurement Trim shall be less than 2000 kgs.

b) Yachts shall have an enclosed interior of sufficient volume to comfortably accommodate not less than two crew in addition to any gear normally stowed below while racing. The interior shall be accessible through a hatch which provides not less clearance than a diameter of 360 mm.

c) A yacht’s IMS displacement/length ratio in Measurement Trim (DSPM/LSM0^3) shall be less than 4.50.

d) Platforms capable of extension beyond the IMS sheerline which would permit any shift of crew weight outboard, trapezes and hiking straps are allowed for boats without lifelines at the sides of the cockpit. These features have to be rated following these formulae:

Trapezes: CEXT = (1.2 * No. Tr. + 0.5 * No. Hk.) / No. Crew Hiking Straps: CEXT = 0.5 * No. Hk. / No. Crew

Crews of boats without trapezes or hiking straps shall keep their torsos within the sheerline (see RRS 49.2 and ISAF case 36). Tension of lifelines shall comply with Special Regulations 3.14.2 while racing. In the case of a yacht of a class for which published class rules specifically permit loose lifelines and the yacht complies with her class rules and wishes not to comply with SR 3.14.2, then Crew Extension (CEXT) shall recorded as 0.5 on her Club/IMS certificate for any event in which these ORC Sportboat Class Rules apply.





e) Compliance is required with the Special Regulations Category 4 unless otherwise specified in the Notice of Race and/or Sailing Instructions.

f) Keels and centreboards must be used as displayed on the Measurement Certificate.

g) If an outboard engine is on board during measurement (following One Design Class Rules or individually) this has to be mentioned on the Measurement Certificate and this outboard engine has to be stowed in its measured position during races.

h) The maximum number of sails carried on board shall be: 1 mainsail, 2 large jibs (LP > 1.1 * J), 1 small jib (LP < 1.1 * J), except 3 for boats without large jibs, 1 storm jib, 2 spinnakers.

j) All sportboats shall be rated as racers.

k) The rated upper Limit of Positive Stability shall be not less than 90.0 degrees.

l) For non-series-produced yachts, the certificates must be based on full IMS measurement. For series-produced yachts, the certificate must be based on a full IMS measurement of at least one of the production series.

m) Any modification from a standard One-Design Class certificate shall require measurement by a Certified Measurer.

5 Scoring 5.1 IMS Maxi

All available IMS scoring options may be used. 5.2 IMS Mini Maxi

All available IMS scoring options may be used. 5.3 IMS 50

Inshore TMF shall be used for inshore races and offshore TMF shall be used for offshore races. 5.4 IMS 600

Inshore TMF for inshore races and offshore TMF for offshore races or Triple Number scoring system shall be used.

5.5 IMS 670

All available IMS scoring options may be used.

5.6 ORC Sportboat

Performance Line Scoring (PLS), as provided on the IMS/ORC Club certificate, is recommended. Alternative common methods may be applied at the discretion of the event organizer.

6 Sponsorship & Advertising Advertising is permitted as per the ISAF Advertising Code, Regulation 20 -Category C (RRS Appendix 1).








ORC Grand Prix Classes Part 1 - General 101. It is the intention that the rules and specifications for the ORC Grand Prix Classes provide close

racing without time allowance in grand prix competition and that the yachts designed to this rule be fast, sound and seaworthy, retaining thereby, with a minimum of modification, good value beyond their competitive life as grand prix racers.

102. The authority for the rules of the ORC Grand Prix Classes is the Offshore Racing Congress

(ORC) and the rules shall be maintained and administered at ORC discretion. 103. To be eligible for entering in any race or event in which scoring for ORC Grand Prix Class

yachts is provided, an ORC Grand Prix Class yacht shall hold and comply with a valid Class Certificate.

104. For racing within Class, advertising as provided under ISAF RRS Appendix G, Category C is

allowed. 105. Measurement & Class Certificates. Neither an IMS hull measurement nor an IMS Certificate

is required. However, except where otherwise stated, the measurement prescriptions of the International Measurement System shall apply as may be appropriate to the particular measurements specified under these Class rules, including IMS 105 and, in general, provisions for preparation for measurement, measurement trim condition (but as defined for Grand Prix Classes in 401 below), freeboard, sail and rig measurement.

All measurements specified by these Class rules shall be recorded by the Measurer and displayed on the Class Certificate. Except where a change in a measurement value is found to be within tolerances specified in the Class rule, changes in any of the yacht’s rule dimensions or weights shall require re-measurement accordingly and a new certificate shall be issued. At least one yacht shall be checked for compliance with certificate weights and freeboards at major national events and at all international events (see also Part 4, Displacement, Freeboards & Stability).

A yacht may hold only one valid Class certificate at any time. The number of valid certificates issued for a single yacht as a result of revisions to the yacht is limited. Within the 12-month period beginning 1/1/2007, the maximum shall be four such certificates. From 1/1/2008, the maximum shall be two such certificates within any 12-month period.

Part 2 - General Limits & Exclusions 201. Unless otherwise indicated, specifications below are metric. For the purpose of testing

compliance with specifications, no rounding of measured and calculated values is implied, e.g., where a limit is given as maximum 12.5, a measured value of 12.501 would not comply. All measurement for ORC Grand Prix Class Certificates shall be under the metric system and certificates in any case shall be issued in metric units. Measurement shall include a written record of the yacht's compliance with all provisions of the Class Rule not otherwise displayed on the Class Certificates.

202. Permitted materials -- Hull, Deck & Panels. In the construction of the hull and deck

structures and in interior panels, except for hardware, fastenings and keel support structures, only the following materials are permitted as listed by Class (see also 209.6, keel construction):








GP 26: E-glass Epoxy, Vinylester

and Polyester resin Foam Core with

minimum density of 75 kg/m3

Balsa Core Plywood

GP 33: E-glass Epoxy, Vinylester

and Polyester resin Foam Core with

minimum density of 75 kg/m3

Balsa Core Plywood

GP 42: E-glass Carbon Kevlar Epoxy, Vinylester

and Polyester resin Foam Core with

minimum density of 75 kg/m3

Balsa Core Plywood

1. Stainless steel and aluminium are permitted for keel support structures inside the hull shell. 2. Titanium is not permitted in any purpose. Carbon is not permitted in winches or winch

systems except if standard, unmodified production winches usually supplied are used. 3. The modulus of the carbon used in the rudder is limited to 250 GPa.

203. Construction Scantlings. The yacht shall have been designed and built either in accordance

with the ABS Guide for Building and Classing Offshore Yachts or, when ultimately published, in accordance with ISO Standard 12215, Part 5 (hull) and Part 7 (rudders). The designer and the builder, respectively, shall confirm by signed written declarations that the design and build comply. The Owner shall be responsible for filing the declarations with the Rating Authority.

204. ISAF/ORC Special Regulations. At a minimum, the Special Regulations for monohull yachts

shall apply as follows:

GP 26 Race Category 4 GP 33 Race Category 3 with liferaft GP 42 Race Category 3 with liferaft

205. Propulsion Engine. For the GP 33 and GP 42 Classes, an inboard propulsion engine

complying with ISAF/ORC Special Regulations for monohulls, 3.28, Category 2, is required. For the GP 26 a propulsion engine complying with monohull Category 3 is required. For all Classes, the engine and drive train shall be orientated fore and aft, located on the centerline of the yacht. Any inboard engine shall be a water-cooled diesel. A minimum rated horsepower and Strut drive length EDL are required as given below:


GP 26 4 hp 0.61 m GP 33 14 hp 0.53 m GP 42 29 hp 0.53 m

Retractable Propellers as well as retractable or custom Strut Drives are not allowed. Only standard, unmodified production Strut Drives usually supplied with the following engines are allowed: Volvo Penta, Yanmar, Lombardini Marine.

206 Crew Weight. When racing under Class rules, the crew weight for each Class respectively

shall not exceed the limits below:

GP 26 maximum weight 340 kg GP 33 maximum weight 560 kg GP 42 maximum weight 800 kg

207. Hollows in Hull. Aft of 30% LOA the hull there shall be no hollows in the hull surface below

the sheerline. The sheerline shall be a fair, concave curve in profile view and a fair, convex curve in plan view with no double inflections in either view. Hollows generated by any protrusion outside the outer skin of the hull are not allowed. A recess, of a maximum of 20 litres of volume, is permitted in the hull, only in the area of the keel attachment and for this purpose








only. The keel (when in position) shall totally fill this recess. Any part of the keel contained in this recess, as well as outside the hull outer skin, is considered keel and will be weighed as keel.

208. Working Deck. The working deck shall have a positive camber (i.e., convex) and be

continuously fair. Except for the coach roof an the cockpit, at any transverse section the deck camber, as measured from a horizontal datum passing through the sheer points, shall be not less than 2%. Trunks and troughs are not permitted. Fittings may be recessed, provided the recess dimensions are not larger than 120% of the fitting dimension.

209. Appendages. The construction and configuration of hull appendages are subject to the

following provisions:

1. Except for a single rudder located aft of the keel, no other moveable appendages are permitted.

2. Keel thickness is controlled by minimum thickness limits specified at three heights as follows (see Table of Measurement Limits):

Keel Thickness Upper (KTHU), the maximum thickness found at a horizontal section located 100 mm below the intersection of the keel root and the hull surface.

Keel Thickness Lower (KTHL), the maximum thickness found at a horizontal section located 100 mm above the intersection of the keel blade and any keel bulb.

Keel Thickness Mid (KTHM), the maximum thickness found at a horizontal section located midway between the sections at KTHU and KTHL.

KTHU, KTHL and KTHM shall be not less than their respective limits specified in the Table of Measurement Limits. Hollows between the sections at KTHU and KTHL are not permitted.

3. The maximum transverse width of the keel and/or bulb shall be recorded as KBW and shall not exceed 5% LOA.

4. The maximum longitudinal length of the keel bulb shall be recorded as KBL.

5. The maximum vertical height of the keel bulb shall be recorded as KBH.

6. Except for fairing (no more than 10 mm thick), no material other than lead, antimony, steel or iron are permitted in the structure of the keel blade, fin and in any bulb.

Part 3 - Interior Volume & Accommodation 301. Purpose. The purpose of these requirements is to insure that all yachts racing under the ORC

Grand Prix Class Rules meet minimum standards of accommodation in order to provide for comfort of crews and stowage of gear, maintain long term value of the yachts and to prevent performance advantage from stripping hulls for racing.

302. Compliance. A yacht shall not race under her ORC Grand Prix Class Rule unless she complies

with all the requirements of Part 3 herein. 303. Fundamental Requirements and Definitions.

The definitions of what follows are related to the IMS Regulations. 304. Accommodation Length is intended as a simplified representation of the size of the yacht and

provides a reference for quantifying various accommodation requirements set forth below. For each of the ORC Grand Prix Classes, Accommodation Length (AL) shall be taken as


GP 26 7.90 m GP 33 10.00 m GP 42 12.80 m








305. Interior Volume. The purpose of this requirement is to define an interior volume which is appropriate to the size of the yacht and which allows the arrangement of interior accommodations suitable for cruising, whether or not the interior is actually fully fitted for that function (see diagram).

1. Lower Reference Datum. A level datum, parallel to the waterplane in Measurement Trim, shall be established at a height of 0.001 * AL^1.9m above the inside of the hull surface, projected if necessary, at the deepest interior fairbody section which, for this purpose, shall not be found outside the 90% IH overhead area (see 305.4 below).

Note that this level is independent of the actual height of the cabin sole.

Interior Height (IH): The minimum IH (m) shall not be less than:

GP 26: 1.22 GP 33: 1.46 GP 42: 1.78

2. Overhead Area at Full Interior Height: At a height IH above the level established in 305.1 there shall exist under the overhead a plane of length and area not less than:

Length (m) Area (sqm) GP 26: 1.11 0.374

GP 33: 1.40 0.600 GP 42: 1.79 0.983

ignoring deck beams and deck stringers. The aft extent of this area at the centerline shall lie not forward of a point located 0.55 * LOA aft of the stem.

3. Overhead Area at 90% Interior Height: At a height 0.9*IH above the level established in 305.1 there shall exist under the overhead a plane of length and an area not less than:

Length (m) Area (sqm) GP 26: 1.50 1.180 GP 33: 1.90 1.900 GP 42: 2.43 3.110

At a plane defined above there shall exist a rectangular area for length as defined bellow and minimum width as follows:

Length (m) Width (m) GP 26: 1.18 0.790

GP 33: 1.50 1.000 GP 42: 1.92 1.280

Deck beams and deck stringers may be ignored.

4. All types of cut-outs and fitting recesses penetrating into the volume defined by 305 (2 & 3) are forbidden. Only control lines may pass into the coach-roof volume.








: 306. Accommodation. All ORC Grand Prix Class yachts shall comply with IMS Regulations

accommodation provisions 306 - 314 inclusive, except as modified by 1 and 2 below. 1. The minimum thickness of mattresses for berths shall be not less than 0.03m (IMS

Regulations 307(d), Berths). 2. IMS Regulations 310.1, .2 and .3 shall apply, but yachts need not comply with the general

preamble in the opening paragraph of IMS Regulations 310. As an exception to IMS Regulation 308, no requirement for rigid bins is in place and soft bins for gear stowage are allowed.

Part 4 - Weights, Freeboards & Stability 401. Weight in Measurement Trim. The yacht shall be made available for weighing at a suitable

location agreed with the Measurer, presented in ORC Grand Prix Class Measurement Trim. Except as specified below, the yacht shall be fully complete and ready to race. The Measurer shall inspect the yacht for compliance with Measurement Trim conditions and complete a Measurement Inventory, which shall be used to ensure replication of the original trim condition on any occasion of measurement inspection. The yacht shall be weighed using a calibrated load cell and the value recorded to the nearest tenth of a kilogram Displacement Weighed (DSPW).

NOTE: The loading for weighing the yacht and that for taking measurements afloat (see 405 & 406 below) shall be identical.

1. Measurement Trim shall include the following, none of which may be removed for racing:

· Fixed and/or essentially permanent interior accommodation, hatch covers and floor boards. · Fixed and/or essentially permanent machinery, electrical and plumbing systems. · Mast, boom and any sprit, fully rigged as for racing. · Standing rigging and fittings as intended for racing. · Rudder, wheel/tiller and steering gear, fitted complete as for racing. · Keel and any bulb, fitted complete as for racing. · All fixed electronics, instruments, compasses, lights, antennas and masthead devices. · All halyards as for racing. · Boom running rigging and any vang, as for racing. · Pulpits, stanchions and lifelines as required under 204 above.








2. Specifically excluded from Measurement Trim are the following:

· All fuel and other fluids except normal amounts within hydraulic systems and the engine. · Any sails, including storm and emergency sails. · Sheets, blocks, winch handles and other running rigging, except as in 401.1 above. · All portable safety gear, including fire extinguishers and liferafts. · Mattresses, cushions, pillows and any other bedding, towels, etc. · All cooking and eating utensils, portable heaters and compressed gas bottles. · All tools, spares and stores. · Miscellaneous portable and personal gear, books, navigation tools, etc. · Anchors and anchor ropes, including both chain and fiber. · Dock and mooring lines and any other cordage. · Outboard engines and portable fuel containers.

3. Main Batteries shall be aboard for Measurement Trim. The total weight of batteries shall not exceed 2.0% of Max DSPW for the Class (see Table of Measurement Limits). The weight and location of main batteries shall be recorded on the Measurement Inventory.

4. Any and all internal ballast, which shall be aboard for racing, shall be included in Measurement Trim. The total weight of any interior ballast shall not exceed 7.0% of Max DSPW for the Class (see Table of Measurement Limits). The weight and location of internal ballast shall be recorded on the Measurement Inventory.

402. Keel Weight. Yachts must be fitted with a removable keel for the purpose of weighing. The

complete keel, including any bulb, excluding fasteners to hull, shall be weighed using a calibrated load cell and the value recorded to the nearest kilogram as Keel Weight (KW). Keel and bulb, if any shall be permanently marked by measurer.

403. Mast Weight. Mast Weight and Mast Vertical Center of Gravity shall be determined as

provided in IMS 725.1 and 725.2 by weighing with a calibrated load cell and read to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. The weight and calculated vertical center of gravity shall be recorded as MWT and MCG respectively.

404. Beam. The maximum beam of the yacht shall be measured and recorded as MBM. 405. Length Overall. LOA shall be measured as provided in IMS 507 and the distances of the FFM

and FAM stations aft of the stem shall be recorded as SFFP and SAFP, respectively. 406. Freeboards. Freeboards heights to the IMS Sheer Points (see IMS 508) shall be measured fore

and aft (FFM & FAM) and at the section of deepest point of keel (FMD) with the yacht afloat in Grand Prix Class Measurement Trim as specified in 401 above. FFM shall be located 200mm aft of the stem. FAM shall normally be located as in IMS 506.1, but not forward of 12.0% LOA of the aftermost point on the hull. FFM, FAM and FMD shall be measured in relatively calm conditions by the procedure given in IMS 402.3 and their values recorded. The Specific Gravity of the water shall be recorded as SG. The freeboard points shall be permanently marked in their position upon ashore measurement.

407. Maximum Draft. The Maximum Draft of the yacht shall be calculated as follows:


Where DMT is vertical distance from the deepest point of keel to the sheerline at the same section, and FMD is freeboard measured at the same section. The distance from the bow to the maximum draft section shall be recorded as SDM.

The Class limit shall be applied to DHKM and on inspection, no tolerance for any difference in specific gravity shall be applied or accepted."








408. Keel Thickness. Keel thickness measurements shall be taken at three points along the span of the keel as provided under 209 above and recorded as KTHU, KTHL and KTHM.

409. Measurement Inspection -- Weight & Freeboards. 1. Yacht Weight Inspection. In the event of measurement inspection for displacement and

freeboards, one of two procedures shall apply. If possible, Procedure “A” will be applied. If that is not possible, Procedure “B” may be applied. In either case, in comparing inspection measurements with the corresponding values on the current Class Certificate, no values outside the tolerances listed below should be accepted and in no case can a value outside the limits given in the Table of Measurement Limits be accepted, even if it is within the tolerance listed below as compared to the Certificate value. The Measurer shall record the results of the inspection.

Procedure A - Complete Yacht Weight in Grand Prix Class Trim (see 401):

The weight of the yacht shall be checked with a calibrated load cell.

GP 42 A value within a tolerance of +/- 30kg is deemed to comply. GP 33 A value within a tolerance of +/- 20kg is deemed to comply. GP 26 A value within a tolerance of +/- 10kg is deemed to comply.

Procedure B -- Freeboards in Grand Prix Class Trim (see 401):

The freeboards of the yacht shall be checked for compliance with the certificate, accounting for any difference in SG between the inspection measurement and the Certificate measurement.

GP 42 A value within a tolerance of +/- 4mm is deemed to comply. GP 33 A value within a tolerance of +/- 3mm is deemed to comply. GP 26 A value within a tolerance of +/- 2mm is deemed to comply.

2. Keel Weight Inspection. In the event of a keel weight inspection Procedure C shall apply. Procedure C - Keel Weight Inspection (see also 402):

The weight of the keel shall be checked with a calibrated load cell.

GP 42 A value within a tolerance of +/- 10kg is deemed to comply. GP 33 A value within a tolerance of +/- 8kg is deemed to comply. GP 26 A value within a tolerance of +/- 5kg is deemed to comply.

410. Measurement Limits. For minimum and maximum limits on the measurement values of Part

4, see the Table of Measurement Limits. Part 5 - Rig & Sails 501. Spars. Outriggers are not permitted. Spars are limited in design, configuration, materials and

use as set forth in 1 -- 5 below. Dimensional and weight limits apply equally to all spars without regard to construction material.

1. Mast Construction. Yachts shall be sloops of Marconi rig. Throughout its length, the mast shall be fair with no hollows and be of continuous section from the butt to the upper measurement point of IG.

2. Mast Diameters. Transverse and longitudinal mast diameters (MDL1, MDT1, MDL2 & MDT2) and Taper Length (TL) are recorded and limited as given in the Table of Measurement Limits.








3. Carbon Fiber. Where carbon fiber is incorporated in the construction of any spars on the yacht, this shall be limited to High Strength carbon as defined in IMS Regulations 1B and the walls of the spar shall not be of cored construction.

4. Spreader sets. Jumper struts and stays are not permitted. For the GP 33 and GP 42 there shall be two spreader sets. For the GP 26 there shall be one spreader set. For all classes, the sweep-back angle of spreaders shall be not less than 15 degrees. Curved spreaders are forbidden.

5. Poles & Sprits. For the GP 42 and 33, spinnaker poles are permitted and sprits are not permitted. For the GP 26, sprits are permitted, spinnaker poles are not permitted and any headsail flown shall at all times be tacked at the centerline of the yacht. Halyards locks are not permitted.

502. Standing Rigging. Except for the permanent backstay, all standing rigging shall be of stainless

steel rod or twisted stainless steel wire and subject to the limitations set forth below. Titanium is not permitted in any purpose.

1. Backstay. Backstays are limited to a single, permanent backstay, which may be of stainless

steel or composite fiber construction. The backstay may be adjustable. From the upper attachment point of the backstay there shall be a single part only, of length not less than “P”, the intention being to prohibit any configuration which might simulate double backstays. Below the lower end of this single part, the backstay configuration is unrestricted except that the fixed anchor point of the backstay configuration shall be not higher than 200mm above the working deck.

A “fixed anchor point” is any point where a block or the end of any rope used to tune the backstay is attached. When in tension, the backstay shall form a straight line between the top (mast crane) and bottom fixed anchor attachment points. The centre of any bottom fixed anchor point shall be not be above a horizontal plane which is established 0.6 m (GP26), 0.72 m (GP33), 0.8 m (GP42) from the waterline in measurement trim.

Pre bent backstays and/or any system to artificially increase the distance between the straight backstay line and the mainsail roach is not allowed, except for soft battens “flippers”.

2. Forestay. Except for backstay adjustment, means for adjusting forestay tension while racing is not permitted. Any luff-groove device shall not exceed the maximum FSP (see Table of Measurement Limits) and shall not incorporate carbon fibers in construction.

503. Backstay Gantry. The shortest distance between the upper measurement point of “P” at the aft

face of the mast and the center of the attachment point of the upper end of the backstay shall be recorded as Gantry Overhang Aft (GOA). GOA shall not exceed the maximum given in the Table of Measurement Limits.

504. Chain Plate Width. The distance between the centers of the outboard chainplates (CPW) shall

be recorded and shall be not less than the minimum given in the Table of Measurement Limits. 505. Sail Measurements. Sails shall be measured in accordance with IMS Rules with exception that

maximum of five battens are permitted in the mainsail, four battens are permitted in a jib and no battens are permitted above MGT.

Measurements that are limited are defined in the Table of Measurement Limits and the largest measurements found among the sails shall not be greater than respective limits in the Table of Measurment limits








506. Sail Inventory. Exclusive of storm sails required by the ISAF/ORC Special Regulations, sails allowed on board while racing are limited by Class to the following:

GP 26: 1 Mainsail 2 Jibs

2 Asymmetric Spinnakers

GP 33: 1 Mainsail 3 Jibs 2 Spinnakers (either type or both)

GP 42: 1 Mainsail 4 Jibs 1 Staysail 3 Spinnakers (either type or both)

507. Sail number limitation per year. In addition to standard ORC stamp, all sails shall be

stamped by official GP class measurement stamp where sail number, date of measurement, name of measurer and type of sail with appropriate identification per year will be recorded. First set of sails shall be measured in the same year when boat is launched. Maximum number of sails measured in one calendar year (January 1st – December 31st) for boat when participating to the official GP 42 Circuit is defined as follows:

GP 26: 2 Mainsails 4 Jibs

4 Asymmetric Spinnakers

GP 33: 2 Mainsails 5 Jibs 5 Spinnakers (either type or both)

GP 42: 2 Mainsail 6 Jibs 1 Staysails 6 Spinnakers (either type or both)

Damaged sails can be repaired, but than shall be re-measured and re-stamped with both ORC and GP measurement stamp where same sail identification will be used.

Measurement llustrations

Figure 3








Figure 4








GP 26 GP 33 GP 42

*Rule Basic Min Max Min Max Min Max Ref. Description

LOA --- 7.90 --- 9.99 --- 12.80 I-507 Length Overall MBM 2.20 2.55 2.70 3.00 3.50 3.90 GP-404 Maximum Beam DSPW 1000 1100 2000 2150 4200 4400 GP-401 Displacement as Weighed KW 450 500 950 1050 2100 2300 GP-402 Keel Weight DHKM --- 1.90 --- 2.20 --- 2.60 GP-407 Maximum Draft

Freeboard FFM 0.92 1.00 1.07 1.17 1.34 1.46 I-402.3 Freeboard Foreward FMD 0.81 0.89 0.92 1.02 1.16 1.28 GP-406 Freeboard at Maximum Draft FAM 0.73 0.81 0.82 0.92 1.02 1.14 I-402.3 Freeboard Aft

Sailplan IG --- 9.25 --- 12.30 --- 16.20 I-805.1 Height of Foretriangle J --- 2.90 --- 3.80 --- 5.00 I-803 Base of Foretriangle LPG --- 3.10 --- 4.10 --- 5.35 I-813 Jib Longest Perpendicular (overlap) JGM --- 1.60 --- 2.15 --- 2.80 GP-505.1 Jib Girth – Mid JGU --- 0.85 --- 1.10 --- 1.45 GP-505.2 Jib Girth - Upper FSP --- 0.054 --- 0.054 --- 0.068 I-814 Luff Foil Fore & Aft (times two) ISP --- 11.15 --- 14.20 --- 18.60 I-805.2 Height of Spinnaker Halyard Block SPL --- N/A --- 5.15 --- 6.55 I-804.2 Spin Pole Length (33 & 42 only) TPS --- 4.40 --- N/A --- N/A I-804.3 Mast to Sprit Tip (26 only) SMW --- N/A --- 8.65 --- 11.00 I-819 Symmetric Spin Width AMG --- 6.86 --- 8.65 --- 11.00 I-822 Asymmetric Spin Mid-width SL --- N/A --- 14.50 --- 19.10 I-847.5 Symmetric Spinnaker Luff Length ASL --- 12.00 --- 14.50 --- 19.10 I-847.5 Asymmetric Spinnaker Luff Length HB --- 0.16 --- 0.20 --- 0.25 I-824 Mainsail Headboard Fore & Aft P --- 9.90 --- 12.80 --- 16.80 I-806 Mainsail Hoist (luff) E --- 3.85 --- 4.75 --- 5.90 I-808.1 Mainsail Foot (per boom band) BD --- 0.192 --- 0.237 --- 0.295 I-809 Boom diameter MGT --- 1.00 --- 1.23 --- 1.52 I-826.1 Mainsail Girth -- Top MGU --- 1.70 --- 2.10 --- 2.60 I-826.1 Mainsail Girth -- Upper MGM --- 2.65 --- 3.27 --- 4.06 I-826.1 Mainsail Girth -- Mid MGL --- 3.35 --- 4.14 --- 5.15 I-826.1 Mainsail Girth -- Lower BAS 1.15 1.25 1.30 1.40 1.70 1.80 I-807 Boom Height above Sheerline

Mast MWT 50.0 --- 90.0 --- 200.0 --- I-725.1 Mast Weight MCG 3.09 --- 4.19 --- 5.56 --- I-725.2 Mast VCG height above boom MDL1 0.125 0.150 0.135 0.162 0.250 0.30 I-805.6 Mast Dia. Fore & Aft -- lower MDT1 0.072 --- 0.090 --- 0.130 --- I-805.5 Mast Dia. Thwartship -- lower MDL2 70%

MDL1 --- 70%

MDL1 --- 0.150 --- I-805.9 Mast Dia. Fore & Aft -- upper

MDT2 70% MDT1

--- 70% MDT1

--- 0.090 --- I-805.8 Mast Dia. Thwartship -- upper

TL --- 1.90 --- 1.90 --- 2.40 I-805.7 Mast Taper Length GOA --- 0.400 --- 0.450 --- 0.500 GP-503 Backstay Gantry Overhang (crane) CPW 1.800 --- 2.250 --- 2.850 --- I-810.3 Width between Outboard Chainplates

Keel KTHU 0.065 --- 0.075 --- 0.090 --- GP-209.2 Keel Thickness -- 100mm below hull KTHM 0.060 --- 0.069 --- 0.080 --- GP-209.2 Keel Thickness -- Mid-span KTHL 0.055 --- 0.063 --- 0.070 --- GP-209.2 Keel Thickness -- 100mm above bulb KBW --- 0.395 --- 0.500 --- 0.640 GP-209.3 Keel Bulb Overall Width

* Rule Reference Codes: a leading “I” = an IMS rule and a leading “GP” = a Grand Prix Class rule.

ORC Grand Prix class rules modifications and interpretations will be periodically posted on the Offshore Racing Congress website (