GraphicMail - Growing Your Mailing List Checklist

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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We have created a checklist for you to use as a guide to gain more subscribers and collect the much needed data in the process. Within this checklist we provide guidance from the beginning stages of deciding what data you need to collect, all the way through to sending your first welcome email. If it helps you then don't forget to share it with others.

Transcript of GraphicMail - Growing Your Mailing List Checklist

Growing Your Mailing List

We have created a checklist for you to use as a guide to gain more subscribers and collect the much needed data in

the process. Within this checklist we provide guidance from the beginning stages of deciding what data you need to

collect, all the way through to sending your first welcome email.

Decide What Data You Need To Collect

Personal Details - Gather your subscriber’s first name and surname, with this information you will be able to include personalisation into your emails making a better connection with the recipient.

More Personal Details - Gather further details from them such as their Location, Date of Birth, and Gender; when you have this information you can easily use it to target your subscribers in small groups.

What your subscribers want – You can display different mailing lists for your subscribers to sign up to such as daily/weekly/monthly emails, special offers, company information, and more.

Decide How You Will Collect The Data

Subscription Forms - Add a subscription form onto your website.

Facebook - Add a subscription form onto Facebook to convert your Facebook friends into subscribers.

Free Downloads - Include a subscribe option on online purchases and free downloads.

Directories - Get listed in directories and search engines.

Marketing Strategy - Make growing your mailing list part of your marketing strategy.

Be Social - Ensure subscribe and forward to a friend links are presented in the emails you send out so people can subscribe.

Microsite – Include a Microsite on your main website, by doing this you can archive all of your past emails so users can see exactly what you have been sending. Don’t forget to add a subscribe option at the bottom of the microsite so those users can subscribe to receive your future emails.

Promote Your Mailing List

Website – Add subscription forms on your website so every visitor knows that they can sign up to

receive emails from you. It is best to include a subscribe option on all pages if possible; an ideal place to

add it is within the website footer.

Share Emails - Share your emails on Social Networking websites to promote them.

Facebook - Create a Facebook app so you can include a subscription form in it, or if you would prefer,

you can just add a link to your subscription form within your Facebook description so anyone can use it.

Website Blog - If you have a website blog then why not produce a blog promoting your mailing list to

get more signups. The blog is also another great opportunity to include a subscribe option.

Viral Marketing – Use viral marketing so everyone knows you have a mailing list they can join.

Provide Incentives To Gain New Subscribers

Special Offers – You can provide special offers for those that sign up to your mailing list.

Discount – You can provide a special discount for those that sign up to your mailing list such as 20% off the first order if they quote a specific code. The code can then be automatically sent to them after they sign up using our subscribe auto-responder.

Free Downloads – If you have content that you are willing to give away then why not use it as an incentive for people to sign up. Once they have filled in the details to gain the download you can then send them a link to download it. Again this can be setup using our subscribe auto-responder.

Decide How To Use The Data You Have Collected

Include Personalisation – You can include your subscriber’s First name or include their location or even their last product bought. By doing this you are letting your subscribers know the email is specifically targeted to them.

Segment your data – You can use our segmentation tool to separate your mailing list into smaller more targeted groups.

Personalise your emails – You can change your emails depending on who you are sending them to, such as you can change the terminology used, products presented, the layout, colour scheme and more.

Key Elements Of The Welcome Email

Subscribe Auto-Responder – You can create a subscribe auto-responder which will automatically send an email once a new user signs up to a specific mailing list.

Incentive - Make sure the incentive you advertised is actually presented within the first email you send.

Gather More Data - You may want to take this opportunity to ask the recipient to provide more details. This would normally only be used if you originally only asked them for their email address.

Trusted Sender - Ask the recipient to add your email address as a trusted sender to make sure your email arrives within the inbox.

Tell Them What To Expect - Let the recipient know what they can expect from your emails such as what content they will be sent and how often.

Continue Communication

Use Auto-Responders – You can use our auto-responders to send follow-up emails when an email has been opened, a link has been clicked or when someone has subscribed/unsubscribed.

Landing Pages - Ensure the landing pages used are easily recognisable and that they provide the relevant information needed.

If you have completed all of the checks above then you should be ready to gain more subscribers and

collect the much needed data in the process, good luck!

If you would like more advice for your email campaigns then simply LIKE US on Facebook and you will be able to download all 4 FREE White Papers displayed below:

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