Grapes Offer Natural Cures for Gout and Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief

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Grapes Offer Natural Cures for Gout and Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief

Monday, May 17, 2010 by: Susan LaverieTags: grapes, gout, health news

(NaturalNews) Eating grapes and other fruits rich in potassium has been shown to reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms preventing painful gout attacks. Chilled, baked, roasted, or grilled, grapes enhance all foods from appetizers to salads and side dishes. It has recently been recognized that adding grapes to the diet can also lower uric acid in the blood stream helping to prevent gout. Grapes may be eaten straight-up or blended into a fruit juice smoothie with other fruits or vegetable juices to help maintain alkalinity in the blood and urine.Grapes Help Dissolve Uric Acid Crystals for Natural Pain Relief When the blood and urine are kept slightly alkaline, acid wastes are more easily eliminated resulting in reduced attacks of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and painful gout recurrences. Uric acid crystals, formed as a result of lowered kidney function, are dissolved in alkaline urine, allowing them to be removed from the blood stream and preventing deposits in the joints of gout patients.Regular meals or snacks may be modified with additional nutrition by including grapes. Create a fruit juice swirl by mixing grapes in a blender with strawberries, blue berries, tart cherries, a spoonful of raw honey or maple syrup and a splash of water for a delicious snack and arthritis pain management.Avoid syrup on pancakes and top them with grapes and strawberries instead. Snack on grapes to quench hunger twinges or thirst, adding to the body`s ability to protect itself against debilitating arthritis joint pain and agonizing gout flare-ups. Rather than consuming harmful drugs and medicines with possible side effects, have grapes on hand for gout pain relief along with other high potassium berries and fruits. Grapes are high in Vitamins A and C and loaded with antioxidants.Bioflavonoids, Quercetin, Antioxidants and Vitamin C Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis Join Pain Buy grapes or grape juice that is organically grown. Both grapes and strawberries are known to absorb high amounts of pesticides through their thin skins, making non-organic versions of these fruits much less desirable.Red grapes contain a bioflavonoid known as quercetin. This powerful antioxidant operates with Vitamin C to stimulate the immune system to fight infection, cancer, and inflammation and to relieve painful rheumatoid arthritis symptoms offering joint and muscle pain relief for gout and arthritis patients.Eating Grapes Provides Pycnogenol and Resveratrol Fighting Cancer, Gout and Arthritis The seeds in grapes contain a substance called pycnogenols. Another antioxidant, pycnogenols aid in fighting all forms of arthritis pain, cardiovascular problems, stress, and allergies.Researchers at the University of Illinois report how the presence of resveratrol, found in grapes, slows down or stops the growth of benign and malignant tumors. Studies show resveratrol inhibits tumor growth at the initiation, promotion, and progression stages.France`s Liver Research Study Group claims resveratrol helps prevent liver cancer by blocking the invasion of tumor cells. Science laboratories report findings that it stops the development of an enzyme linked to breast cancer as well as offering rejuvenating effects on skin, keeping it more elastic and younger looking.Flavonoids in Purple Grapes Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease The University of Wisconsin`s research shows that flavonoids found in purple grape juice prevent thickening of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Researchers continue to study the properties of grapes in the nation`s fight against cancer, heart disease, arthritis and gout joint pain.California leads the United States in producing the fresh grape crop. New York is second in grape production followed by Washington. Include some grapes in the diet every day for overall good health, as a natural gout cure and for rheumatoid arthritis joint pain relief.Sources

About the author

Susan Laverie is a freelance writer whose focus is on alternative healthcare, holistic nutrition, foods that heal and green living. Laverie has written articles for Homeopathy Today, The American Homeopath, and, as well as elsewhere online. With a passion for history and design, her hobby has been collecting and selling antique jewelry. Having retired from practicing classical homeopathy and natural medicine for 25 years, Susan now spends much of her time writing about health, nutrition and alternative methods for healing body, mind and spirit. Follow her at and on Facebook at!/profile....

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Grapes Offer Natural Cures for Gout and

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief

Monday, May 17, 2010 by: Susan Laverie






health news

(NaturalNews) Eating grapes and other fruits rich in potassium has been shown to

reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms preventing painful gout attacks. Chilled, baked,

roasted, or grille

d, grapes enhance all foods from appetizers to salads and side dishes.

It has recently been recognized that adding grapes to the diet can also lower uric acid in

the blood stream helping to prevent gout. Grapes may be eaten straight


up or blended

into a fr

uit juice smoothie with other fruits or vegetable juices to help maintain alkalinity

in the blood and urine.

Grapes Help Dissolve Uric Acid Crystals for Natural Pain Relief

When the blood and urine are kept slightly alkaline, acid wastes are more easily

eliminated resulting in reduced attacks of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and painful

gout recurrences. Uric acid crystals, formed as a result of lowered kidney function, are

dissolved in alkaline urine, allowing them to be removed from the blood stream an


preventing deposits in the joints of gout patients.

Regular meals or snacks may be modified with additional nutrition by including grapes.

Create a fruit juice swirl by mixing grapes in a blender with strawberries, blue berries,

tart cherries, a spoonfu

l of raw honey or maple syrup and a splash of water for a

delicious snack and arthritis pain management.

Avoid syrup on pancakes and top them with grapes and strawberries instead. Snack on

grapes to quench hunger twinges or thirst, adding to the body`s ab

ility to protect itself

against debilitating arthritis joint pain and agonizing gout flare


ups. Rather than

consuming harmful drugs and medicines with possible side effects, have



Grapes Offer Natural Cures for Gout and

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief

Monday, May 17, 2010 by: Susan Laverie

Tags: grapes, gout, health news

(NaturalNews) Eating grapes and other fruits rich in potassium has been shown to

reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms preventing painful gout attacks. Chilled, baked,

roasted, or grilled, grapes enhance all foods from appetizers to salads and side dishes.

It has recently been recognized that adding grapes to the diet can also lower uric acid in

the blood stream helping to prevent gout. Grapes may be eaten straight-up or blended

into a fruit juice smoothie with other fruits or vegetable juices to help maintain alkalinity

in the blood and urine.

Grapes Help Dissolve Uric Acid Crystals for Natural Pain Relief

When the blood and urine are kept slightly alkaline, acid wastes are more easily

eliminated resulting in reduced attacks of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and painful

gout recurrences. Uric acid crystals, formed as a result of lowered kidney function, are

dissolved in alkaline urine, allowing them to be removed from the blood stream and

preventing deposits in the joints of gout patients.

Regular meals or snacks may be modified with additional nutrition by including grapes.

Create a fruit juice swirl by mixing grapes in a blender with strawberries, blue berries,

tart cherries, a spoonful of raw honey or maple syrup and a splash of water for a

delicious snack and arthritis pain management.

Avoid syrup on pancakes and top them with grapes and strawberries instead. Snack on

grapes to quench hunger twinges or thirst, adding to the body`s ability to protect itself

against debilitating arthritis joint pain and agonizing gout flare-ups. Rather than

consuming harmful drugs and medicines with possible side effects, have grapes on