Grant Training for New Jersey Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects · Authorization of Federal Aid Funds...

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Transcript of Grant Training for New Jersey Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects · Authorization of Federal Aid Funds...

Grant Training for New Jersey

Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects


• Grant Resources • Federal Grant Funds • Safe Routes to School (SRTS) • Review of SRTS Application • Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) • Review of TAP Application • State Grant & Technical Assistance Resources • Grant Tips & Strategies • Q & As

Grant Resources

Grant Resources

Federal Grant Funds

Over $20 million programmed in FY 2014

• Approximately $5.6 million for Safe Routes to School

• Approximately $7.2 million for Transportation Enhancements

• Approximately $8.2 million for Transportation Alternatives Programs (TAP)

NJ Department of Transportation and 4 regional Local Aid offices

New Jersey’s Grant Funds

Metropolitan Planning Organizations:

Authorization of Federal Aid Funds

• Funds are provided on a reimbursement basis

• Costs incurred prior to authorization of funds are ineligible for reimbursement

• 80/20 match (covered by NJDOT)

• NJDOT serves as pass-through o As the direct recipient of federal funds, NJDOT is responsible for ensuring

project sponsors comply with applicable federal laws and regulations.

o NJDOT is responsible for ensuring project sponsors have adequate project delivery systems and internal financial controls to manage federal funds.

Grant Preparation

• Make sure plans are in place and project is well thought out

• Consider costs – reimbursement grant

• Identify entire project if applying for part of a larger plan

• Phase of work: planning, design, construction?

• Identify and document potential barriers

• Responsible Charge – each applicant must identify a full time person in charge of and responsible for the construction project.

Federal Transportation Bills

1956 – 1991: The Highway Era 1991 – 1997: ISTEA 1998 – 2004: TEA-21 2005 – 2011: SAFETEA-LU 2012 – ???: MAP-21

Current Funding

Hybrid program for this round only using both SAFETEA-LU and MAP-21 funds.

Application deadline: May 15, 2014

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

SRTS Grant • Increase walking & bicycling • Improve safety • Reduce traffic & fuel consumption • Reduce air pollution

Program Goals 1. Where it’s safe, get kids walking and biking. 2. Where it’s not safe, make it safe . 3. Encourage children, including those with

disabilities, to walk & bicycle to school.

Organize large projects into phases costing no more than approx. $300,000

SRTS Regional Coordinators

2007, 2008, 2009, 2012

129 grants

$19.26 million

98 towns, 212 schools

Projects in all 21 counties

4 Rounds of SRTS Grants in NJ

Projects can include installation of

• ADA compliant sidewalks • On and off-road bicycle facilities • Trails to schools • Bicycle parking • Day-lighting crosswalks • Traffic Calming:

o Lighted crosswalks, flashing crosswalk signs, permanent radar display, speed tables, raised crosswalks, raised intersections, bulb outs

• Pedestrian bridges to school

Not eligible

• Education programs • Projects that only serve high schools • Projects that only serve to make drop-off and pick-

up zones easier to use

SRTS Infrastructure Grant Examples

Who is eligible to apply?

• Municipalities

• Counties

• School districts and schools

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

What projects are eligible?

• Infrastructure projects that enable children in grades K-8 to walk and bicycle to school

• Infrastructure projects only

• Within 2 miles of a K-8 school

Assessment Criteria

• Support from school board AND municipality*

• Potential to improve safety

• Potential to increase students walking or biking to school

• Connects to existing bike or pedestrian networks

• Ongoing activities to promote walking and biking

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

*county, state, property owner, etc.

Extra consideration if they have. . .

• Policy supporting walking and biking to school

• Improving RR crossings along school routes (legal/trespassing)

• Measures of success

• Construction-ready projects

• Supporting documentation such as crash records, speed surveys, survey results, photos, maps, etc.

• Good record on past grants

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

Extra point for one of the following:

Disadvantaged communities

Including a Master Plan or School Travel Plan (which contains the project)

Adopting Complete Streets Policy

School Wellness Policy that includes supportive walking/biking to school language

Demonstrating commitment

Safe Routes to School

School Travel Plans

• “Map” safe routes to/from school to increase students who walk and bike to school.

• Identify current and hazardous routes.

• Determine changes needed so students can safely walk and bike to school.

SRTS Grants – Earning Extra Points

Adopt Complete Streets Policy Routinely design and operate entire right of way to enable safe access for all users.

Adopt School Wellness Policy Include supportive language in school district policies that encourages walking and bicycling to school

SRTS Grants – Earning Extra Points

Demonstrate Commitment :

• SRTS Recognition Program Recipients

• Walking School Buses

• Ongoing SRTS programs and events

SRTS Grants – Earning Extra Points

NJDOT wants to see:


Comprehensive Approach

Safe Routes to School


Tip Sheets

Grant Resource flier

Contact information

SRTS Regional Coordinators throughout NJ

NJDOT – Local Aid and SRTS Coordinator, Elise Bremer-Nei

SRTS Grant Resources

System for Administrating Grants Electronically - SAGE

SRTS Grant Application

Each Application must include as attachments:

• Resolutions of support from the school board and from the governing

body of each municipality in which the project is to be located.

• The agency with jurisdiction over the site where the project is

proposed (the school, municipality or county) must show support for

the project in the form of a resolution.

If not included, projects will be considered ineligible.

SRTS Grant Application

Application must include: • Name and title of person who will be in charge of the project.

• Type of improvement:

Infrastructure/Engineering Popular Project Types

Bikeways On-Street Bike Lanes, Off-Road Bike Paths, Bike Route, Bicycle Parking

Pedestrian Safety

Sidewalks, ADA Curb Ramps, Crosswalks, Pedestrian Crossing Signs, Pedestrian Push-buttons/Signal Heads

Pedestrian Safety/Bikeways

School Zone Delineation, Driver Feedback Signs, Traffic Calming, etc.

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Project Name/Limits: • Project Title (100 Characters).

• From (100 Characters)

• To (100 Characters)

Project Location: • County

• Municipality(s)

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Overall School Information: • Complete a separate sheet for each school

• Is school part of a Schools Development Authority District?

• Is school located in an Urban Aid Community?

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

School Information: • School name, address, zip, school district

School Designated Lead Coordinator: • Contact name, Title, Organization, Phone #, Email

Is School part of a shared District (Y/N)?: • If yes, identify additional municipalities

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

School Information: • Grade Levels at the school:

• Student Population:

• Number or percentage of students who currently: o Walk to School

o Bike to School

o Ride the Bus

o Drop off/other

• Number of students living within 2 miles of the school:

• Number of students expected to benefit from the project:

• Is courtesy/hazard busing provided? (Y/N)

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Problem Statement : (2,500 characters)

• Describe the obstacles (physical, perceived, or other) to

walking or bicycling to school and current risks facing

children who walk or bike.

• Reference supporting documentation such as: o maps, history of traffic problems, o accident reports, traffic counts, o speed surveys, o health statistics, o crime reports, o photographs of deficiencies, o walkability audits, o census information and survey results.

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Demonstrated Commitment : • Initiated or participated in any programs to encourage or

support walking and bicycling to school? (Y/N). • If yes, provide a description and date:(2,500 characters)

• Emphasize recently implemented programs (2 years)

• Describe programs clearly

• Planned or plan to make physical improvements to encourage or support walking and bicycling to school? (Y/N). • If yes, provide a description and date:(2,500 characters)

• Emphasize recently implemented improvements

• Is the proposal a continuation of a previously funded project or study? (Y/N). • If yes, provide name of project or study:(100 characters)

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Demonstrated Commitment (cont.) : • Does project connect to a regional bike/ped network? (Y/N).

• If yes, show on map

• Do School(s) have a written policy supporting walking and bicycling to school? (Y/N). • If yes, attach policy and indicate relevant pages

• Has the need for the project been identified in a School Travel Plan? (Y/N). • If yes, attach plan and indicate relevant pages

• Is the project identified in a School Wellness Policy? (Y/N). • If yes, attach policy and indicate relevant pages

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Problem Documentation: • Attach a location map showing up to a two-mile radius of the

school(s). Label the school site(s) and problem areas.

• Attach up to ten photographs of problem areas.

• Has the need for the project been identified in a School Travel Plan? (Y/N). • If yes, attach plan and indicate relevant pages

• Attach additional files providing evidence of the problem • crash data, accident reports, maps, survey results, health statistics,

crime statistics or reports, speed surveys, walkability audits, census information, etc.

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Project Proposal: • Funds for infrastructure/engineering projects in two

categories: • Design (Disadvantaged Communities ONLY)

• Construction/Installation

• Construction/Installation phase applications may be submitted singly, with no other phase application required.

• Applicants for Design phase funding must also submit a separate application for Construction/ Installation phase funding.

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Project Proposal: • If Construction, provide length of proposed improvement:

• Bikeway (miles)

• Pedestrian (miles)

• Summarize the project (2,500 characters) • Indicate schools that benefit

• Discuss how many children will benefit whether it targets one neighborhood or the entire school community.

• Explain how the project will create a safe walking and/or bicycling environment (2,500 characters)

• Explain how the project will enable and encourage more children to walk or bike to school (2,500 characters)

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Project Proposal: • Distance from school (must be within 2 miles):

• Show on a street location map the proposed infrastructure improvements, school location, and walking and bicycling routes.

• Is utility or road work planned within the project limits over the next five years? (Y/N).

• Does the project require utility relocation? (Y/N). • If yes, please explain (500 characters)

• Are permits required? (Y/N). • If yes, please explain (500 characters)

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Project Proposal: • Does the project intersect a state highway? (Y/N).

• If yes, which highway(s) (500 characters)

• If yes, is the intersection signalized (Y/N)

• Is there a railroad crossing within the project limits or within 100 feet of the project limits? (Y/N).

• Will a railroad crossing be improved as part of the project? (Y/N). • If yes, please explain (500 characters)

• Will the construction impact traffic at a railroad crossing outside project limits? (Y/N)

• Attach a maintenance commitment for this project.

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Schedule: • Provide a project schedule from start to finish in a table or list.

Indicate progress milestones. (750 characters, browse box)

• Project must receive federal authorization within two years of the date that the applicant is notified of project selection.

Partnership and Public Outreach: • Attach up to 5 letters of support community organizations,

citizens, all levels of government and elected officials other than the applicant, and any and all interested parties. • All letters of support must be addressed to the applicant, not the

Department of Transportation.

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Cost Estimate: • Total Project Cost: ($ amount)

• Total Amount Requested: ($ amount)

• Attach a detailed cost estimate for the project: (browse box)

SRTS Grant Application - Sections

Evaluation: • Describe how the results of the project will be measured. Describe how the safety and/or health benefits of the project will be

measured (2500 characters) For example:

Increase in the number of children walking or bicycling to school

Increased awareness of safe walking and bicycling behaviors

Decrease in motor vehicle traffic in drop-off areas

• Describe how you will measure changes in how children travel to school (2500 characters)

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

What is TAP?

• Community-based

• Transportation projects (land & water)

o Expands travel choice

o Strengthens local economy

o Improve quality of life

o Protect the environment

• $150,000 – $1 million per project

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

Who is eligible to apply?

• Municipal and County Government • Regional Transportation Authorities • Transit Agencies • Natural resource or public land agencies • Tribal Governments

What project costs are eligible?

• Design • Right-of-way acquisition • Construction

What is NOT included in TAP? • Nonprofit organizations are NOT eligible as

direct recipients (can partner) • Previously eligible activities are NOT included:

o Pedestrian and bicycle safety and education programs

o Acquisition of scenic or historic easements and sites

o Establishment of transportation museums

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

7 Eligible Categories with a Transportation focus:

1. Provision of facilities for bikes and pedestrians.

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

Eligible Categories with a Transportation focus:

2. Scenic or highway programs,

including tourist and welcome center facilities as well as scenic turnouts, overlooks and viewing areas

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

Eligible Categories with a Transportation focus:

3. Landscaping and other


Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

Eligible Categories with a Transportation focus:

4. Historic Preservation

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

Eligible Categories with a Transportation Focus:

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

5. Rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures and facilities (including historic RR facilities and canals)

Eligible Categories with a Transportation Focus:

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

6. Preservation of abandoned RR

corridors (including conversion and use for ped and bike trails)

Eligible Categories with a Transportation Focus:

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

7. Environmental mitigation to

address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity

Must Include:

• Local maintenance commitment

• Municipal Resolution of Support*

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

*county, state, property owner, etc.)

Assessment Criteria:

• Economic and/or tourism benefits

• Promotes use of non-automotive

forms of transportation

• Benefits quality of life, community

or environment

• Strong local support

• Part of a larger transportation, land

use or economic development plan

• Urban Aid designation

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

Assessment Criteria:

Extra Consideration

• Designated Center, Transit Village, &

adopted Complete Streets Policy

• Enhances, preserves or protects

historical/archeological resources

• Construction-ready

• Project award and close-out performance

• Urgency Could the resource be lost?

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

System for Administrating Grants Electronically - SAGE

TAP Grant Application- Sections

Application must include: • Type of improvement:

Infrastructure/Engineering Popular Project Types


Primary project purpose is for constructing new bikeways (e.g. bike lanes, bike paths, bike compatible roadways).

Pedestrian Safety

Primary project purpose is to enhance pedestrian safety (e.g. new sidewalks, new crosswalks, traffic calming, pedestrian overpass).

Quality of Life

Primary project purpose is for beautification, environmental mitigation, economic development, or historic preservation.

TAP Grant Application- Sections

Project Name: • Project Title (100 Characters).

Project Location: • County

• Municipality(s)

TAP Grant Application- Sections

Applicant Information: • Select your Vendor Number, then click the Save button

• If the appropriate vendor number does not appear on this page, please return to the organization page and click on Vendor Numbers.

• Fill appropriate address fields

TAP Grant Application- Sections

Applicant Information: • Name of Grantee:

• Organization Address:

• Email Address:

• Federal Tax Identification Number:

• Vendor Number:

• Vendor Unit:

• Vendor Unit Address:

• Application Initiation Date:

TAP Grant Application- Sections

Applicant Information: Fill appropriate address fields:

• Mayor

• Clerk

• Municipal Engineer

• County Executive/Freeholder Director

• Non-Profit Organization

• Government Organization

For each, be prepared to list: • First and last name • Full address, including County and Municipality • Phone number and E-mail address

TAP Grant Application- Sections Project Category: Choose one of seven categories your project falls under:

1 Provisions of facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists

A. What group is the facility meant to service? Pedestrians Bicyclists

B What is the length of the proposed facility? miles

2 Scenic or historic highway programs including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities; as well, scenic turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas.

3 Landscaping and other beautifications

4 Historic Preservation

5 Rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures and facilities

6 Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian and bicycle trails)

7 Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity

TAP Grant Application- Sections

Phase of Work:

Local Aid & Legislative Districts:

• Legislative Districts

• Local Aid Districts

Phase of Work


Right of Way


TAP Grant Application - Sections

Project Proposal

• Provide a detailed project description (5,000 characters)

• Who will maintain the facility? (text box)

• Is utility or road work planned within the project limits over the next five years? (Y/N).

• Does the project require utility relocation? (Y/N). • If yes, please explain (500 characters)

• Are permits required? (Y/N). • If yes, please explain (500 characters)

• Is the purchase of Right-of-Way required for construction? (Y/N) • If yes, please explain (500 characters)

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Project Proposal

• Does the project intersect a state highway? (Y/N). If yes, which highway(s) (500 characters) If yes, is the intersection signalized (Y/N)

• Is there a railroad crossing within the project limits? (Y/N).

• Will the construction impact traffic at a railroad crossing outside project limits? (Y/N)

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Documentation of Project Benefits

• Place for you to provide additional documentation • Projects with strong documentation are given greater


• Is the project related to surface transportation? (Y/N) If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

Applications for projects that are not directly related to surface transportation will not be evaluated.

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Documentation of Project Benefits

• Attach a maintenance commitment for this project. The applicant shall indicate and certify the continual ownership and maintenance by a local public agency for the useful life of the project after the construction is completed. A resolution or letter from the responsible party should be attached to the application.

If no maintenance commitment is submitted, the project will be deemed ineligible.

• Attach a location map of the project area

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Documentation of Project Benefits

• Will the project have economic and/or tourism benefits? (Y/N) If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

(Projects that enhance New Jersey’s travel and tourism efforts and contribute to the regional economy and projects which aid the economic recovery of aging downtown areas will be considered.)

• Will the project affect user mode choice? (Y/N) If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

(Explain the predicted usage and/or the extent to which it would promote the use of other, non-automotive forms of transportation.)

• Does the project provide regional or community benefits? (Y/N) If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

(The benefit to quality of life, community, and environment should be discussed- effects on historic, community, visual or natural resources – linkages to other transportation modes and to community centers.)

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Documentation of Project Benefits

• Is this project part of a state, regional or municipal transportation, land use or economic development plan? (Y/N)

If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

(Projects that are part of these plans will receive additional consideration. Projects should be consistent with and help to implement the goals of the plans.)

• Is the project located in one of the following designated areas: Centers of Place, Complete Streets, Transit Villages, and or Urban Aid Community? (Y/N)

If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Documentation of Project Benefits

• Will this project provide value as a historic and/or cultural resource? (Y/N)

If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

(For the historic related categories, projects are scored on this criterion. Explain the State Register of Historic Places or National Register of Historic Places and sites status and indicate to what degree the project will enhance, preserve, or protect historical/archaeological resources.)

• Is the project ready for construction/implementation?? (Y/N) If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

(Projects must be ready for construction or implementation within two years. Applicants who indicate their willingness and capacity to commit other funds for all non-construction activities will receive additional consideration under this criterion. This includes demonstration that the necessary permits, approvals and environmental clearances also can be obtained within that time period.)

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Documentation of Project Benefits

• Is there an urgency to complete this project? (Y/N) If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

(Loss of the opportunity to complete the project without Transportation Alternatives funds such as irreversible deterioration of a historic structure or the loss of other funding sources without a match will be considered.)

• Does the project have supplemental funds? (Y/N) If yes, explain below (1,000 characters)

(The sources and amounts of other committed or dedicated funding from other governmental agencies and organizations shall be explained. Transportation Alternatives and other identified or dedicated funding sources must result in a completed and fully funded project.)

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Documentation of Project Benefits

• Provide the name and title of the person who will be in responsible charge of the project. (text box)

(Federal regulations require LPAs to provide a full-time employee to be in responsible charge of Federal-aid construction projects. If this requirement is unmet, the project is ineligible for funding.)

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Schedule: • Provide a project schedule from start to finish in a table or list.

Indicate progress milestones. (750 characters)

• Project must receive federal authorization within two years of the date that the applicant is notified of project selection.

Partnership and Public Outreach: • Attach up to 5 letters of support from community

organizations, citizens, all levels of government and elected officials other than the applicant, and any and all interested parties. • All letters of support must be addressed to the applicant, not the

Department of Transportation.

TAP Grant Application - Sections

Cost Estimate: • Total Project Cost: ($ amount)

• Total Amount Requested: ($ amount)

• Attach a detailed cost estimate for the project: (browse box)

Grant Resources

Bike/Pedestrian Planning Assistance

Since 1996, plans in 75+ towns

On-call consultants

Types of projects:

bicycle and pedestrian circulation studies, pedestrian safety assessments, trail feasibility studies, bikeway plans, crosswalk improvement plans, etc.

Other NJDOT Programs

Scenario Example

Ramapo-po-kus, NJ wants to slow traffic speeds in the school zone of

Po-Kus High School. They have designs for narrowing the street (road

diet) and adding radar feedback signs.

• What grant application should they fill out?

• What documentation do they need?

• How can their grant application be strengthened?

Scenario Example

Watcong, NJ wants to build a trail to Wally Watcong Elementary School.

They have designs to build a trail between residential housing and the back

of the school property.

• What grant application should they fill out?

• What documentation do they need?

• How can their application be strengthened?

Scenario Example

Gigantor, NJ wants to improve the sidewalks to Elmer J. Fudd

Elementary School. A few parents have reported near misses with motor

vehicles on Fudd Avenue in front of the school. There are no design or

construction plans.

• What grant application should they fill out?

• What documentation do they need?

• How can their application be strengthened?

Scenario Example

Blessex County, NJ wants to build a new trail connecting several

municipalities. The County wants to improve signs and striping on

roads that intersect the trail.

• What grant application should they fill out?

• What documentation do they need?

• How can their application be strengthened?

Scenario Example

The intersection of Route 500 and Elm Street consistently has

numerous pedestrian crashes. The Village of Eastville Ridge has plans

for narrowing the lanes and installing bulb outs to slow motor vehicle


• What grant application should they fill out?

• What documentation do they need?

• How can their application be strengthened?

Grant Application Strategies • Pick the correct program for the project

• Apply for multiple programs if appropriate

• Review NJDOT handbooks

• Prepare application based on program criteria

• Be thorough. Rating based on content of application.

• Include all requested information such as maintenance commitments, letters of support, etc.

• Don’t assume raters know the project. Application must stand on its own merit.

• Indicate construction readiness. Discuss status of permits, right of way, and utility relocations

• Include maps and photos

• Secure local support

• Past performance counts. Ensure previously funded projects are awarded and closed-out within required time frames

• Assess organization’s ability to administer a federal-aid project and prepare accordingly

Are You Really Ready?

• Are all the parties at the table?

• Who owns the property?

• What will the neighbors think?

• Are there obvious environmental concerns?

Federal Grant Reality Check

These are Federal Grants

Responsible Charge

Certification Process

Financial Accountability

Project Management and Supervision

Good Luck!