Graduation Tourism Management Saxion 02-10-2014

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Graduation, Tourism Management, Saxion, Hospitality Business School, 02-10-2014

Transcript of Graduation Tourism Management Saxion 02-10-2014

  • 1. WelcomeGraduation ceremony Tourism Management

2. Geertje TonnaerLecturer TM 3. Today, we celebrate! 4. From the classroom 5. into the fieldNaar het werkveld 6. Graduated!Parents,family and friends,congratulationson the milestone yourson/daughterachieves today! 7. Boris BromkampAlina MackLara AupkeNina Stikuts 8. Meike NiebuhrJohanna-Lena SewsterKarolin BoomKathrin Sander 9. Hannah WissingNatalina EhlersMelanie IgnasiakAnita Jschke 10. Sarah SpechtEllen PunteDaniela SchfersAylin Calp 11. Jeroen van IeperenHelena WiltingOlivia Bttcher 12. Geslaagden HospitalityBusiness School 13. Jan Willem MeijerhofTeammanager TM 14. Geslaagden HospitalityBusiness School 15. Boris BromkampMy thesis subject:Building customer loyaltyamongst backpackers throughonline communitiesMy future:Starting a career in NetworkMarketing and possibleadditional self-employment inHospitality 16. Boris BromkampMy greatest memories about Saxion:Everything. The courses, the internships, thestudents, the fun ...most important my owndevelopmentYour SCCer Jan Willem Meijerhof says:A real globetrotter; One and a half year experiencein the USA and South Africa. "Baie geluk met alleswat jy gaan doen" 17. Alina MackMy thesis subject:How to attract the Germanmarket to place MICE in IndiaMy future:As a chubby grandmother I willtell my grandchildren of all thecountries I've visited 18. Alina MackMy greatest memories about Saxion:My greatest memory are the great people I met atSaxion, who make me miss my study time inDeventerYour SCCer Jan Willem Meijerhof says:Latin lover with traineeship in Mexico and Studyabroad in Spain. HBS examiner, External examinerand Client were very satisfied about your thesisreport! Well done and good luck 19. Lara AupkeMy thesis subject:Critical Success Factors ofSpecial EventsMy future:Working in the eventindustry 20. Lara AupkeMy greatest memories about Saxion:The people I got to know and my time abroadYour study career counselor Jan Willem Meijerhof says:Three years ago you mentioned that the most stressfulmodule in the first year was Events. Now, your graduationproject (and future plans) are about entertainment serviceswhich is a synonym forEvents! Youve found your passion.Good luck Lara, go for it! 21. Nina StikutsMy thesis subject:Definition of the target groupand the most applicablemarketing strategy forFairweggistanMy future:Absolving a managementtrainee program and starting acareer within the hotelindustry 22. Nina StikutsMy greatest memories about Saxion:Propedeuse and the internships at Disney World, Floridaand Sint MaartenYour study career counselor John Sowerbutts says:For the last three years we have not had much contact, butlooking at your list of marks, your independence shinesthrough. Congratulations. 23. Meike NiebuhrMy thesis subject:I researched the added value ofCorporate Social Responsibilityfor Tour OperatorsMy future:Traveling the world as atourism professional 24. Meike NiebuhrMy greatest memories about Saxion:HOI week, Propodeuse ceremony, Internship at Disney,Spanish lessons with Mrs. GonzaleziYour study career counselor John Sowerbutts says:You are a student that scored 10s for Spanish and a 9 foryour thesis, that says enough. Outstanding. 25. Johanna-Lena SewsterMy thesis subject:Measuring the success of thesupporting events ofKoelnmesse to its trade fairsMy future:Searching for a job in the(preferably) event industry 26. Johanna-Lena SewsterMy greatest memories about Saxion:Propedeuse ceremony, study trip to Paris and LondonYour study career counselor John Sowerbutts says:You passed Business English 3, Spanish Rapido 3 and yourThesis with 8s. Exceptional results. Congratulations. 27. ManagerTourism Management 28. Karolin BoomMy thesis subject:Feasibility Study- Market EntryGerman-speaking Switzerland -Using the Example of aRegional DMOMy future:Master - who knows? 29. Karolin BoomMy greatest memories about Saxion:The chance to meet 12 wonderful girls. Thanks for all thegreat moments. VOSO Forever!Your study career counselor John Sowerbutts says:A Cum Laude level of performance for your final three years,you dont need luck to help you in the future. Excellent. 30. Kathrin SanderMy thesis subject:B2B marketingcommunications in the cruiseindustryMy future:I would like to work in thecruise industry, at touroperators or deal withdestination development 31. Kathrin SanderMy greatest memories about Saxion:International atmosphere, variety of subjects, greatinternshipsYour study career counselor John Sowerbutts says:As close to a Cum Laude student as humanly possible. Asuperb student career, Im sure this success will continueinto your professional career. 32. Hannah WissingMy thesis subject:Product-Market Combinationsfor Colombia and the Dutchtourism marketMy future:First working in Marketing,maybe a master and travelling! 33. Hannah WissingMy greatest memories about Saxion:The opportunity to explore the world and meeting some ofthe greatest friends in life!Your study career counselor Jos Aalders says:Dear Hannah, on LinkedIn I found this:Talen van Hannah Wiing Deutsch (Muttersprache oder zweisprachig) - Gratuliere Englisch (Verhandlungssicher) Congratulations Niederlndisch (Flieend) Gefeliciteerd Spanisch (Flieend) FelicitadoHeel goed gedaan, een mooie toekomst gewenst. 34. Natalina EhlersMy thesis subject:My thesis subject was aboutthe online marketingcommunication and its futureimprovements of a DMOMy future:My plans for the future is towork internationally, preferablyin the cruise industry 35. Natalina EhlersMy greatest memories about Saxion:My greatest memory is the intensive course inCopenhagen with a lot of friends, fun and knowledgeYour study career counselor Jos Aalders says:From your motivation letter that you wrote 4 yearsago: (About business experiences)I am keenly interested in acquiring more theoreticalknowledge and practical skills in this area.You achieved all that in a very professional andaccurate way.Congrats 36. Melanie IgnasiakMy thesis subject:Value creation by making useof a mobile tourist service forthe company Tourismus NRWe.V.My future:Full of adventours, excitingand colourful 37. Melanie IgnasiakMy greatest memories about Saxion:Internship opportunity at Disney World FloridaYour study career counselor Jos Aalders says:I liked your slight American accent, I never doubtedthat you would graduate within four years. Brilliant!Very well done Melanie. 38. Anita JschkeMy thesis subject:An investigation intoadolescents' perceptions aboutenvironmental sustainabilityMy future:Ambition to start a Master'sDegree in Sport-Tourism at aSport University in Cologne 39. Anita JschkeMy greatest memories about Saxion:Field trip to ParisYour study career counselor Jos Aalders says:One of the youngest students in my group.What you wish to kindle in others must burn withinyourself. (From your LinkedIn page)I am very glad and proud, you did not give up andgraduated in 4 years time.Very well done Anita. 40. ManagerTourism Management 41. Sarah SpechtMy thesis subject:Measuring the effectiveness ofculinary PR events in MoscowMy future:I will probably settle inGermany for a while and seewhere it takes me. Life is ajourney 42. Sarah SpechtMy greatest memories about Saxion:Besides the fact that I am actually graduating which isawesome, I am thankful for the people I metYour study career counselor Jos Aalders says:From your LinkedIn page: I really enjoy the study and thefield of tourism and hospitality in general however I amopen minded for new directions as well. One can neverlearn and experience enough.Very Well done Sarah, Good luck with your future career. 43. Ellen PunteMy thesis subject:Product Development Plan forHotel Modelo in GuatemalaMy future:Somewhere doing somethingrelated to travel, culture andlanguages! 44. Ellen PunteMy greatest memories about Saxion:Internship in Guatemala!Your study career counselor Jos Aalders says:Ellen, I had the feeling that you aimed to be as far fromSaxion and Deventer as possible. Now we are glad that youare here today to celebrate your graduation. Well done! 45. Daniela SchfersMy thesis subject:Effective MarketingCommunication on the DutchPress SectorMy future:Using the knowledge that wasgained during the studies atSaxion to organize uniquejourneys 46. Daniela SchfersMy greatest memories about Saxion:Coming back from the internships and seeing everybodyagainYour study career counselor Vanessa Urdaneta says:Your excellent study results show that you are a keenstudent and that you studied hard. Well done! Travelling andseeing the world has been a constant factor during yourcollege years. Now, you are ready to make your dreamscome true and perhaps experience some more of what theworld has to offer. Wishing you the very best in your careeraspirations, Congratulations! 47. Aylin CalpMy thesis subject:Balanced scorecardMy future:Adventure 48. Aylin CalpMy greatest memories about Saxion:Paris tripYour study career counselor Jos Aalders says:You have managed to perform well throughout theyears. You are a keen traveller with special talent forlanguages and high intercultural skills. You are nowready to experience more what the world of tourismand leisure has to offer. Congratulations on yourgraduation! 49. Jeroen van IeperenMy thesis subject:Market development inconsumer generated contentplatformsMy future:Hopefully working, travellingand living abroad 50. Jeroen van IeperenMy greatest memories about Saxion:My internship in New ZealandYour study career counselor Vanessa Urdaneta says:You have been through difficult times throughout your yearsof college at HBS. Looking back it was worth to work hard,you are very perseverant! You must feel proud of a welldeserved succes. Now, as you have said many times before:you will have the chance to spread your wings!Congratulation on your graduation! 51. Helena WiltingMy thesis subject:Research of German touristprofile to consult Dutch touroperator noSun about productdevelopmentMy future:As a start somewhere in thetourism branch in Germany 52. Helena WiltingMy greatest memories about Saxion:Returning from internships abroad and meeting friends andfellow students againYour study career counselor says:Your above average study results show that you studied hard.Well done! During your study, you have searched forchallenging experiences. For your thesis you chose to stay inEnschede, less exotic but certainly interesting, at a touroperator. Since you have been travelling a lot, you feel nowready to find an interesting job. The world is your Oyster!,Congratulations on your graduation! 53. Olivia BttcherMy thesis subject:Return on InvestmentMy future:Working at Travelbird 54. Olivia BttcherMy greatest memories about Saxion:InternshipYour study career counselor Vanessa Urdaneta says:You are very good in languages: Polish, German, Englishand Dutch. You have developed these excellentcommunication skills through hard work and throughplenty of travels combined with study. You completedyour thesis in the Czech Republic with a qualitymanagement assignment. I am sure you will manage toput a lot of quality and enthusiasm in your future careerplans. Wishing you the very best on your graduation dayand in your career aspirations, Congratulations!