Grading Your Sections Updated 4/14/2011. Grade Collection System Changes Grade entry at any time...

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Transcript of Grading Your Sections Updated 4/14/2011. Grade Collection System Changes Grade entry at any time...

Grading Your Sections

Updated 4/14/2011

Grade Collection System Changes

• Grade entry at any time based on the section’s calendar (beginning/ending dates)

• File upload option allows multiple sections to be uploaded from one spreadsheet

• Future Enhancement – online change of grade process

Reminders Before Grading

• Compare your grade roster with the grade roster online – Check for added or dropped students

• Know the Calendar Grading Dates for your gradable sections– Grading always opens on Friday at 8:00 a.m.– Grading always closes on Monday at NOON– Grading period is ten days long

Sign on to

Sign on

• Click on My Self


Click on Enter Grades

Open Grades Folder

Click to open “Collection” folder.Click on “Grade-A-Gator” to begin grading

Sign into System

Click to open Grade Input System

Authorization Security Check• When you sign into Grade-A-Gator, you

will be asked to certify that you have completed the FERPA Basics training:– “Your acceptance below certifies that you

have completed UF Privacy Office FERPA Training”

– You will need to retake this training every twelve months

– Click on the ACCEPT button to enter the grades system

Choose Term to Grade

Choose Term to display sectionsavailable to grade

Grades Calendar Displayed

Gradable Sections Listed

This is the grader’s personal display of sections to grade.Click on the section number to be graded.

Input Grades

Choose grade from drop down menu.Only valid grade choices will display.Writing Requirement (GR) sections will have two grade components - Academic and Met/Not Met the writing requirement.

Saving Entered Grades

You must click “Save Grades” before exiting the page. You do not need to have all grades entered to use the “Save Grades” function. This function allows you to return to the grades system as needed.

Adding a Student Not on Roster

Add the UFID and Grade; then click “Add a Student”

Students will not be added to the official roster until registrationHas been verified by staff in the Registrar’s Office

Error Message When You Finalize

If you failed to enter grades and clicked “Finalize”, you will receive this message and a chance to enter grades before the final submit.

You do not need to grade the students. If you finalize without a grade, an “N* will be assigned. Requires paper change of grade form to correct after grading period closes.

Not Graded (continued)

If you Finalize with No Grades, the Grade Roster will appear with the words “Not Graded” in the Grade column.

If this was an error, have department grade coordinator contact the Grades Help Line to re-open the section for grading.

Finish Grading

After the grades have been submitted, Click “Finalize Grades” button to complete the grading process.

My Graded Sections

You will be able to see the status of all your sections in an open grading period – both finalized and partially graded. You may print or finalize sections from this view.

Using File Upload

Using File UploadEnter Grades Input System

– Open Grades Folder– Click on Collection Folder– Click on Grade-A-Gator

Using File Upload

Create Spreadsheet

If you already have a spreadsheet, you do not need to create another one.

Click “Download My Sections”To Create Spreadsheet

Using File UploadInstructions Verification

Click on “I Understand” to continue.

Mark Sections and Download

You can select multiple sections from different courses

Click after selecting sections to grade

Click Save – You cannot upload grades by using the “Open” option because you must save the spreadsheet as a csv file.

Save Your CSV File

The file must be saved as a “.csv” file (the default will be eaglec.csv or eaglec-1.csv if you have already downloaded previous classrolls for grading). Click “Save”.

Saving File (continued)

Click “Open” here. Excel should start automatically if it is installed on your computer.

Once Download Complete-Open

Spreadsheet ConfigurationNote: all sections will appear on same page/file (even from different courses)

Only the Grade Column “D” and Writing Requirement Column “F” should be altered


Name Grade Credits Writing Requirement (GR)

Students who withdrew or dropped with fee liability will NOT appear on the downloaded roster. The ‘W’ grade is ‘preloaded’ to the final grade roster.

Enter valid grade codes for each student and save as a .csv file. S/U option will be verified during the upload process.

Enter Valid Grades and Save

If you get this message, click yes.

Saving File

Upload Your Sections

Click “Upload My Sections”.

1. Click “Browse”, and select the correct file for upload

2. Select the sections on your file.

3. When steps one and two are completed, click “Upload file”

Find and Upload File

Status of Graded Upload Sections

View Summary Information and Percentage Completed.

Modify a Section Before Finalizing

If you need to change a grade, click on the section number.

Grading Complete? Finalize

When a section if fully graded, click on “Finalize”. Once finalized, a section cannot be updated unless it is reopened. Grade coordinators can requestassistance from the Registrar’s Office.

Error messages will display;

view errors by clicking on the relevant section.

Errors In Your Upload File

Errors will be highlighted.

To make corrections, click “Enter Grades.”

Errors Displayed

Correcting Errors

Enter correct grades, “Save grades”, and “Finalize” when all grades entered.

Student Missing From Roster?

Click “Add A Student”

Enter student’s UFID and grade here, then click “Add Student”. The Registrar’s Office will validate the student’s information.

Complete Add A Student Process

THANK YOU• Without you the grades collection process

would not be successful!