Grade 8 Vocabulary List October.

Post on 08-Jan-2018

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Image Part of Speech: noun Definition: a. a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible. b. a mental representation; idea; conception. Sentence: The projector shows an image on the screen.

Transcript of Grade 8 Vocabulary List October.

Grade 8 Vocabulary List


Image Part of Speech: nounDefinition: a. a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible. b. a mental representation; idea; conception. Sentence: The projector shows an image on the screen.

gorgeous Part of Speech: adjectiveDefinition: splendid or sumptuous in appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificentSentence: She wore a gorgeous gown to the prom.

awkward Part of Speech: adjectiveDefinition: lacking grace or ease in movement, skill or dexterity.Sentence: She was awkward getting on the horse.

gaudy Part of Speech: adjectiveDefinition: cheaply showy in a tasteless way; flashySentence: Her fake diamond ring was gaudy.

emphasize Part of Speech: verbDefinition: to give emphasis to; stress upon. Sentence: He underlined the title to emphasize it.

fabricate Part of Speech: verbDefinition: to invent, create, construct or manufacture. Sentence: The plan was to fabricate the house using eco-friendly materials.

emanate Part of Speech: verbDefinition: to come out from a sourceSentence: The smell seemed to emanate from the oven.

miracle Part of Speech: nounDefinition: an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing or accomplishment Sentence: Passing math was a miracle considering he failed almost every test.

speculate Part of Speech: verbDefinition: a. to think or wonder about a subject b. to be curious or doubtful about. Sentence: We don’t know what happened, we can only speculate.

dismal Part of Speech: adjectiveDefinition: showing or causing gloom or depressionSentence: The rainy weather was dismal.

disturb Part of Speech: verbDefinition: a. to interfere with; to interrupt b. to alter the position or arrangement ofSentence: Don’t disturb the baby while he’s sleeping.

alert Part of Speech: nounDefinition: an alarm or other signal of danger; an urgent noticeSentence: The government issued a terrorist alert on September 11th.

obtain Part of Speech: verbDefinition: to gain or attain usually by planned action or effort Sentence: The museum obtained a copy of the original letter written by George Washington.

contain Part of Speech: verbDefinition: to prevent from advancing; to keep within limits; to restrain oneself Sentence: The crowd could hardly contain their excitement at the One Direction concert.

judgment Part of Speech: nounDefinition: the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing; a formal decision given by a court Sentence: Use your best judgment when peer or self evaluating.

orphanagePart of Speech: nounDefinition: an institution for the care of orphans (a child deprived by death of one or usually both parents) Sentence: Our school donated toys to the children in the orphanage.

dominant Part of Speech: adjectiveDefinition: commanding, controlling, or prevailing over all others; very important, powerful, or successful Sentence: He was the dominant male in the wolf pack.

villain Part of Speech: nounDefinition: a deliberate scoundrel or criminal; a character in a story or play who opposes the hero Sentence: Voldemort is the main villain in the Harry Potter series.

pungent Part of Speech: adjectiveDefinition: having an intense flavor or odorSentence: The old lady’s perfume was unpleasantly pungent.

heroesPart of Speech: noun (plural)Definition: someone admired for their achievements and noble qualities. Sentence: I think war veterans are true heroes.