Grade 3 English: Writing a Simple/ Short Story Personal Narrative (Pre-Writing)

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Grade 3 English: Writing a Simple/ Short Story Personal Narrative (Pre-Writing)

Grade 3 English

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

• Describe what is a simple/short story• Identify the elements of a simple/short story• Plan for a single story using a graphic organizer

Good Morning!




Folk Tale

Fairy Tale

Topic: Writing a Simple/ Short Story Personal Narrative (Pre-Writing)

What is a Simple/ Short Story ?

• Is a brief work of fiction where, usually, the main character faces a conflict that is worked out in the plot of the story.

Identify the elements of a simple/short story

There are four elements1. Characters 2. Settings 3. Problem4. Solution


Example of Characters :

Cinderella Captain America Spider Man Rapunzel

Characters can also be animals.

Characters are the people in the story.


The setting is where and when the story takes place.

Where the story takes place When the story takes place

Farm Forest Long Ago Now



The problem is the situation that the characters are facing in the story.


Solving a mystery Getting in trouble


The solution is how the characters solve their problem.

Facing your fears Doing the right thing


Super G

Monday morning the sun was so bright as the children play jumping rope outside the classroom .They were happy and enjoying the day with their friends. They don’t mind about their sad moments and continue to play throughout the day.

Suddenly a monster named Gigolu came to destroy the school. Children was shouting and scared that they don’t know where to go because the monster is ugly.

But then, Super G came to stop Gigolu from destroying the school . She use her powerful punch to attack Gigolu, and by that Gigulo explode and became ashes.

Children say thank you to Super G for what she did to save the school from monster Gigolu.

Characters1. Who is the characters in the story? Super G, Children and Monster Gigolu

Settings2. Where and when does the story take place? Monday morning at School

Problem3. What is the problem in the story? Gigolu came and destroy the School

Solution4. What was the solution? Super G came to help and defeat Gigolu

Individual Activity Plan for a single story using a graphic organizer

Characters Settings

Problem Solution