Grace Alive April 2015

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Grace Alive April 2015


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Our ECO polity says, “Before the foundation of the world, God set a plan of mission to reconcile the world to Himself and chose to use the Church as His instrument of reconciliation.” We are all part of God’s Church family, and have the joy and responsibility of sharing in God’s Story.

Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” So we are all created and called to be ministers, wherever we are, and whatever we are doing in life. Christianity is not a spectator sport. We are all in the game!

God also calls and equips some people to exercise specific formal leadership, to lead, equip and teach God’s people in their ministry. Ephesians 4:11-13 says it this way, “Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.”

Did you catch that? Pastors aren’t supposed to be the ones simply doing ministry, but rather equipping God’s people to do their ministry. Our polity says, “Pastors are to use the spiritual gifts for ministry, with a particular emphasis on the gifts of teaching and leadership. A pastor is to nurture the spiritual health and maturity of the body of Christ in order that the body may be equipped to partner with God in His redemptive work in the world.” We are all partners with God, living our lives in such a way that our stories intersect with, and carry on God’s Story of rescuing

people and restoring people to relationship with God.

So on Sunday April 19, 2015, we the Grace of Christ Family, will celebrate God’s faithfulness in calling and equipping Tyler Van Horn to be ordained and installed in our congregation as an Assistant Pastor of Discipleship and Teaching. It will be a time of recognizing the gifts God has given Tyler, appreciating all the church family who helped nurture Tyler along the way, acknowledging Tyler’s hard work in training and preparing for this calling, and asking the Holy Spirit’s anointing for his ministry.

Plan to join us for an all-church worship service and celebration at 9:30 am, followed by refreshments in the Gym at 11:00. Pastor Rick Murray will be preaching, and other guests will be involved as well.

We are excited about all the Lord has in store for us, in us, and through us in this next season for Grace of Christ Presbyterian Church!

– Pastor Cindy Carter

Interim Head of Staff — Pastor Cindy Carter



G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

For the last six months we have been working our way through the Old Testament. Our hope during this study has been that we could see the way in which God has been revealing Himself to this world since the beginning of time. We believe the entire Old Testament points to Jesus and that the character of God is perfectly revealed in the person of Jesus. This is why we have looked to connect all of our study in the Old Testament to the words of the New Testament.

Now that we are on the other side of Easter, we will spend the rest of the academic year digging into the words of the New Testament. First we will look at the Gospels in order to engage with the birth, life, teaching, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And after that we will get to see the work of the Holy Spirit through the leaders of the early church, like Paul and John. Again, our hope is that we are all able to understand God more clearly so that we can live out His Kingdom life in this world.

God is healing this world by offering new life in the midst of all the dark places. And God is making healing available


Assistant Pastor— Tyler Van Horn

SERMON SERIES Our next section of The Story brings us to our primary focus: Jesus. Join us over the next six weeks as we study what the scriptures have to say about our Beautiful Savior.

April 12 – Jesus’ Birth / Luke 2: 1-20

April 19 – Jesus’ Ministry Begins / Mark 1: 16-20 / Mark 3: 13-19

April 26 – Jesus’ Teaching / Matthew 5-6

May 3 – Jesus the Son of God / Luke 9: 18-27 / Matthew 17: 1-13

May 10 – Jesus’ Betrayal and Death / Matthew 26: 47-56

May 17 – Jesus’ Resurrection / Matthew 28: 1-10 / John 20: 1-10

As a courtesy to our Easter guests, senior adults and families with infants, we encourage all who are able to please park off-site on Easter and on April 19th.

to each of us that we might experience the joy of this beautiful new life. Our study of the scriptures allows us to have our minds sharpened, our hearts softened, and our eyes illumined so that this new life would blossom in us for the world to see.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

During each Session meeting Elders participate in training regarding modeling a discipleship lifestyle, wherein, our faith is at the center of everything we do. The vision of your Session is to trust and follow Jesus in every area of our lives, growing to become more and more like Him. It is leadership’s vision for the church that we be a people who have the character of Jesus and who move in His authority doing the things that He did.

The work of the Cristo Vive Commission is very much engaged in creating a discipleship lifestyle. The Commission is composed of Elders Rich Millet and Alex Rule, Gustavo Carvajal, Mike Nixon, Monte Schilperoort, Jake Kupp and Buzz Rowe. During the February Session meeting the Commission shared their own vision of creating a “multicultural community of disciples in Yakima.” Their goal is to establish common ground for Latinos and Anglos to engage in life together, to connect with Latino people on a personal level, to serve children and their parents through support of school based elementary through high school educational programs, to be part of ongoing ministries such as Trailseekers and Living Waters, and to become a beacon of hope and reconciliation in our valley.

Cristo Vive has partnered with Grace of Christ to serve the staff, children, and families of Adams Elementary School. Some of the ways we have become involved include: serving as reading mentors, giving Bull Dog Hugs, participating in school family nights, and a monthly parent-teacher orientation breakfast.

Please pray for the discipleship ministries of Cristo Vive and Grace of Christ. Pray for the unity of our congregations as we seek to worship our God together through service to our community.

Session Update

During the February Session meeting Elders reviewed the mission and vision of our church and how it supports our ongoing efforts to grow a culture of discipleship.

Scriptural Foundations:“Whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, you must do all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

“He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ . . .” Ephesians 4:11-12

“The man wanted to justify his actions, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied with an illustration: “A Jewish man was traveling on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes and money, beat him up, and left him half dead beside the road.” “By chance a Jewish priest came along; but when he saw the man lying there, he crossed to the other side of the road and passed him by.”

“A Temple assistant walked over and looked at him lying there, but he also passed by on the other side.” “Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt deep pity. Kneeling beside him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with medicine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. The next day he handed the innkeeper two pieces of silver and told him to take care of the man. ‘If his bill runs higher than that,’ he said, ‘I’ll pay the difference the next time I am here.’” “Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked. The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.” Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.” Luke 10:29-37



G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Cristo Vive Fellowship

in 2016. So the question was asked, “How are we going to raise the rest of the funds for the Church?”

The normal process would be to start with a budget review, examine attendance figures, and review programs. Instead, we took Pastors Cindy and Tyler’s recommendation to use a process developed through 3DM, a discipleship model. Our committee formed a huddle and started to learn what it means to be a disciple:

1. Learn to listen to what God is saying to us and what He is asking us to do

2. Develop strong relationships

3. Go out and be obedient to what God is calling us to do

We listened through experiencing and sharing Kairos moments (when God breaks through); sharing our lives at a deeper level; and praying for God’s to lead our response to His Call.

So here’s what happened: Since we didn’t know how to reach out into and engage the Hispanic community, we sought help & guidance from a men’s small group, who was equally baffled. The next day, however, Pat Carey suggested we talk to a young Latino who works for him. So we invited Victor to our next huddle. He shared his story and suggested that the way to reach Hispanic families is through their children. We asked how we might do that, and he said to invite kids to a football clinic at the church.

Victor took on the leadership of the clinic, committee members talked to school administrators and teachers as a way to invite the kids and church members cooked food! Over 100 kids and family members attended the event – a huge success.

But what really happened? As a result of us connecting with school administrators, we received an invitation from Adams Elementary and Washington Middle School for the church to get involved at their schools! WOW!

At Adams, Covenant Partners from GOC and Cristo Vive are now attending monthly parent-teacher meetings,

Continued from back coverSo what is Cristo Vive doing today?

movie nights, weekly celebrations to honor kids who exhibit good behavior, and volunteering in the reading program. Talk about reaching out into the community!

Recently, at a p a r e n t - t e a c h e r meeting, Gustavo met a woman who had been living in Mexico but came with her children to Yakima to be with her husband. Although she was a principal in Mexico, she was not accredited to teach here so she became the president of Adam’s Parent Teacher’s Organization. She shared with Gustavo that her husband is Protestant and she is Catholic and they wanted to find a church where their family can worship together. Gustavo invited them to Church and today they have found a home church in Cristo Vive. Gustavo shared a conversation she had with other parent during the last PTO meeting. He said, “She’s telling everyone about her family’s experience at Cristo Vive and is inviting everyone to come to be a part of the church.” That’s just one story of how Cristo Vive is growing and how it will soon be too large for the chapel! We celebrate that beginning in June, Cristo Vive will move to the Sanctuary!

So the saying is true, “If you make disciples, you will always make the church. But if you build a church, you rarely make disciples!” Jesus commands us in Matthew 28 to “Go make disciples, and the follows up His command with the promise that, “I will be with you always.”

How can Grace of Christ help us? Join Cristo Vive in becoming a Disciple of Jesus Christ and “GO” with us into our community to share the Good News. God is expanding His Kingdom and is calling out to us to join Him in His work. It is so fulfilling to experience His Love as He redeems His people. It is a joy to say, “I am yours and you are mine.

Also, join Cristo Vive at these future events. Call 248-7940 and make your reservations for the dinner and the soccer tournament and be sure not to miss the special Cristo Vive Church services on May 17 at the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 services.

1. Cristo Vive Fund Raising Dinner on May 32. Cristo Vive Sunday (Love Offering) May 173. Cristo Vive Soccer Tournament on June 6


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Have you ever wondered: Is anything I’m doing making a difference? Does anyone notice my sacrifice? What am I really putting in all of these hours for? Are these people I pray for and give to and reach out to ever going to make any real progress?

These are all vital questions as they revolve around the issue of ministry ‘success.’ What is success in ministry? And how will we know when we see it? We need to know what we’re aiming for so we can celebrate when we hit the mark and we can make necessary directional changes when we keep missing the mark.

As I read it, Jesus’ primary aim in His ministry to others was simple: to help people grow in knowing (John 17:3) and loving God and others (Mark 12:28-31). We, too, then, can use this as a measuring stick for our ministry ‘success!’ Let’s try it on for size...

First things first: Is this growth in knowing and loving happening in our own lives? Do you know God more intimately than you did one year ago today? We absolutely can’t give to others what we don’t possess ourselves.

Second things second: Is our focus in ministry to others on an actual, real-life individual human being and his/her journey toward God? Are we making progress toward actual, transformative life change? Are we seeing a greater, more expansive living out of Jesus’ brand of sacrificial love in those to whom we minister?

Connecting Ministries— Jocelyn Larsen

I must confess that I often accidentally make the wrong things the measure of ministry success. Of course, it’s almost never bad things that I want to measure, it’s just good things rather than the best things.

Here are the top three good measurements that I am often tempted to make the best measurement:

EFFICIENCY. An essential tenet of the American dream. A perfectly good value to consider when approaching the sustainability of a ministry or mission project. However, anyone who has worked with people for five minutes or who has done their best to love someone for longer than five minutes knows that people and love are, perhaps, the least efficient things on our entire planet.

STEWARDSHIP. I am a self-identified saver, and therefore, this is a very high personal value for me. I hate waste! Therefore, I love all of the Bible passages that tell us that we ought to plan and prepare (Prov 6:6) and count the cost (Luke 14:28) and save wisely. But, then there are all of those Bible passages that say to give generously beyond my calculated means (Ps 112:5; 2 Cor 9), the example of the emptied life of Jesus (Phil 2:7), and all of those stories of money apparently ‘wasted’ (Luke 10:25-37; 15:11-32) on - you guessed it - people.

EFFECTIVENESS. It is easy for me to look at the crowds who gathered around Jesus as the ideal measurement of successful ministry. If lots of people are coming, whatever I’m doing must be effective, right? Yes, maybe. But not always. Indeed, as He always does, Jesus seemed to see it another way. Many times, He welcomed the crowds (Luke 9:11). But, He also often withdrew from the crowds, spent intentional time away from them to ensure that His few dedicated disciples were really understanding His difficult message, and was critical of the shallow and wayward hearts of those just jumping on His bandwagon (Matt 11:25-26; Luke 11:29; 5:15-16; John 6).

Actual, transformative life change - particularly toward a greater knowledge of and love toward God and others - in the individual lives of each of His disciples was Jesus’ obvious aim and priority. Let it then also be our measurement of success in our spiritual lives and ministries.

If you want to hear more from Jocelyn, subscribe to her blog at

How Should We Measure Ministry ‘Success?’ What is Our Aim?


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Senior Ministry

We hope YOU are! Kaffee Klatsch is delighted to welcome falconer, Steve Siebert and his wife, Cathy.

Just as there are levels of belts in karate, there are levels of falconry training. Steve has achieved the title of Master Falconer, the top ranking. He has been working with birds of prey for over twenty years.

He is hoping to bring an owl, a hawk and a falcon to share with us. You will be able to see them within inches as they perch on his arm while he walks through the audience. Each of these birds has been wondrously designed to fill a specific niche in our environment. Most people are fascinated by these winged wonders who live in parallel with us but many of us really know very little about them. Steve will change that for you.

Steve and Cathy will share their journey along the path of learning to work these creatures. There are strict laws that govern what one must do if one finds a distressed bird of prey. While Steve is a licensed Washington Falconer, he is also a licensed agent for bird rehabilitation. He can share those guidelines with you so that you will be well versed in ‘what to do’ should you find one.

In addition to bringing these beautiful animals to us, he will also share some devotional thoughts. Steve and Cathy attend the Tieton Drive Bible Chapel.

As always, we appreciate it when folks sign up ahead of time so we have an idea of how many cookies to serve. But! As always, we encourage you to come even if you have forgotten to do that. These birds are too special to miss. We think you’ll leave feeling an even greater sense of awe at our Lord’s creations. Bring a friend, too! There’s always room for one more at Kaffee Klatsch.

KAFFEE KLATSCHWhoooooooooo Is Interested?

Youth Ministry




Students are raising money for the International Justice Mission ( in order to fund two rescue operations for children who are currently victims of human trafficking. You can help us and get a fantastic water bottle for only $20. There are four designs. Available at the Connection Center or from our Youth Department – call Jeff Murray, 248-7940.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Children’s Ministry— Susie Woodin

We’re climbing to the mountaintop and guides

are needed now!

Welcome to Everest VBS, where kids learn to conquer challenges with God’ mighty power! We are going to embark on an “icy” mountain adventure, right here in our church!

At Everest VBS, we will explore one of the most majestic, beautiful, and sometimes dangerous places on earth. But we wouldn’t summit the real Everest without a guide…reaching the summit requires teamwork!

Climbing guides are needed this summer to join kids in Climbing Crews to “trek” through Mt. Everest, discovering God’s power and promises all along the way.

Everest VBS brings us all together for six Sundays of mountain adventure this summer.

When you make it to the top of Everest, you’re at the highest point on earth. But Jesus is higher still! He promises to provide, to comfort, to love us forever and more. At Everest we will learn that His awesome power is enough to overcome any “mountain” or problem in our lives.


EASTER SUNDAY FAMILY SERVICE @ 9:30 AMThis Easter rather than children attending KidZone,

they will join us in worship as we celebrate Easter together.Childcare will be available for children kindergarten and younger.

Special activities will be provided for children in worship.

Gear up to participate in the fun activities while building relationships with children in our community.

Our adventure to Everest begins at 9:00 AM each Sunday morning from June 21 – July 26. Climbing guide (volunteer) forms are located in the Connection Center and VBS display in the Garden Room as well as the church office.

It’s our prayer that EVEREST VBS will allow God’s love to come to life like never before…touching lives, changing hearts, and drawing kids and adults closer to Christ. We’ll be praying for you to join us as God guides and blesses us on this firsthand exploration of His amazing power and love!


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Preschool— Rhonda Cardona

Formerly First Presbyterian Christian Preschool

Thanks everyone for the support!We are getting ready to celebrate our 30th anniversary this September. Over these years of being a ministry of this church, we have been blessed by you in your support. This year is no different! We want to thank you for your financial support and your prayers. Recently you have supported us through our calendar and card sales, our Christmas See’s Candy, and most recently our Scholastic Book Fair. And, of course, your ongoing support through donations for our scholarship and Bible fund plus Higher Grounds Coffee stand. WE ARE BLESSED! “Thank you” seems inadequate, but please know that it is sincere. We continue to need your support as the tuition we charge does not cover all of the expenses of bringing this ministry to families in our valley.

2014-15 Preschool Registration Update!

We offer classes for 3 year olds, 4 year olds, and Pre-Kindergarten classes. We are quickly filling up so be sure and don’t wait too long to register. Please share our information with everyone! Call for information today and schedule a time to come and see our top rated classrooms and teachers in action.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

It was an incredible weekend filled with worship music led by the band Avory on Friday night to usher in what God had planned for “Life Changing Beliefs so we can live Victorious!”

Women’s Event Testimonies

(I heard) “Father God speak to me for the first time.”

“Prophetic words of knowledge spoken over me have impacted my thinking and transformed my heart and mind.”

“The Lord has changed my thinking from negative to transformed mind.”

“I see the love of the Father in Heaven for my daughters.”

“I have experienced miracles today through the spoken word of God. Thank you church and speakers for making this event possible.”

Women’s Ministry


Wow! “Life Changing Beliefs for Victorious Living” – what an awesome spirit filled

weekend for nearly 100 ladies!

Wendy Backlund shared a powerful message about our beliefs and being transformed by the renewing of our minds towards Christ Jesus. Through her life verse of Isaiah 61 to set the captives free, she shared the power of Jesus not just in the physical sense but setting people free from beliefs that hold them in


Workshops by Kathy Bricel, Kathy Starr, and Karrilee Aggett gave women ways to apply what they learned from Wendy.

Wo r k s h o p s included learning about our true identity in Jesus and what we can do to discover who we really are. We learned about what we believe and the truth about who God says He is and about who God says we are in accordance with the Bible. We experienced the liberty of renewing our mind in a belief system based in God’s truth!

Finally declarations. The heart beat of Steve and Wendy Backlund’s ministry. We felt in our spirit and spoke out loud the power of spoken declarations and why they are foundational to building our faith.

Join us Sunday mornings beginning April 12 at 9:30 in the gym for a free parenting series you won’t want to miss! Peaceful Parenting taught by Community Health and Parenting expert Mary Pleger is an eight week class for parents, grandparents, foster parents or anyone who spends time with kids from birth to teenagers.

Peaceful Parenting will give parents proven techniques on understanding your child’s behavior. You will learn the power of praise, better ways to communicate with your child and understand more about your individual parenting style. Certificates will be awarded upon completion of the class. Kids who attend will enjoy a special time together in Kidzone classes and childcare age kids will meet in the childcare room next to the office.

For more information or to register, please contact Shan Trick at 248-7940.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Devotions— Janet Krieger

Do not underestimate your ability to make a difference in the life of another, even when you think what you are doing is insignificant. Nothing we do in love is insignificant. We make a powerful difference to the world around us when we become “Jesus with skin on.”

And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these. – Mark 12:30-31

Who might God be calling you to invest in with your life and time? Where is God calling you to serve? Pray God will not let you miss an opportunity to bring the love of Jesus to someone today. Make a plan to be His hands and feet in your home, church and workplace.


At that moment the curtain in the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart, and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead after Jesus’ resurrection. They left the cemetery, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people. The Roman officer and the other soldiers at the crucifixion were terrified by the earthquake and all that had happened. They said, “Truly, this was the Son of God!” And many women who had come from Galilee with Jesus to care for Him were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James and Joseph), and Zebedee’s wife, the mother of James and John.

– Matthew 27:51-56

Initially the Roman officer and other soldiers did not recognize Jesus as the Son of God. They had spent the past few hours mocking Him, insensitive to His suffering, but then experienced a profound recognition that they had been in the presence of the very Son of God and their response was to confess this truth. What a powerful testimony!

Jesus often goes unrecognized in the world today. The question for believers is: does the world have the opportunity to see Jesus in the lives of His followers? Do we leave the touch of the Son of God in the places we inhabit? Do we bring an encounter with the living God and His transforming power to our world?

I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

– Galatians 2:20

Believers are to do those things Jesus would do if He were still here on earth. He would meet needs, love, encourage and provide to those around Him. Since He is no longer on earth, we become the partners to do His work.

We become His hands and feet. We don’t sit around hoping someone else will do the work. We make a decision to act in a way that would demonstrate the love of God to others around us.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Service Ministry Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp

SUMMER STAFF WANTEDIt’s that time of year again! Camp Ghormley is now looking for young men and women who want to serve God this coming summer through the ministry of Christian Camping. Those 18 and older can apply through, to be considered for a summer position. See the camp’s website for more information on available positions.


• Pray that Camp Ghormley will be financially successful in 2015

• Pray that relationships would be built, lives changed and every person who comes to Ghormley Meadow will meet Jesus

• Pray that the Lord will lead us as we prepare for adding and updating facilities

OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Contact Joe Buckley, 961-0424 or email

• Adopt-A-Cabin / Adopt-A-Flower Bed• Host Guest Groups• Help with activities and events that will be part of the

Year of Ghormley


Support Camp Ghormley through operating funds, camp scholarships, and memorials.

SECOND SATURDAY WORK DAY9:00 AM - 3:00 PM on Saturday, April 11th Cabins are so heavily used in the summer, making winter and spring a perfect time to do repairs. There will also be a few outside jobs needing attention.

Your efforts, contributions and prayers are needed and much appreciated! Lunch will be provided with an RSVP. Call Camp 672-4311.

SUMMER CAMP 2015 REGISTRATION HAS BEGUN! Be sure to sign up early to guarantee your spot! Remember to take advantage of 10% OFF when you pay in full and register before April 17!

UPCOMING PROJECTS We are excited to announce that we have begun planning the renovation of our most popular building...Evergreen! Evergreen is essential to Camp Ghormley’s function as it is where we host a majority of our summer programs and guest groups. Join us in prayer as we decide how to restore Evergreen to best fit Ghormley’s needs.

HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMThe application and selection process for our High School Leadership Development Program is now open!

SHIFT (and OVERDRIVE – for second year students) is a 3-week program that trains and equips high school students to be spiritual leaders in their homes, churches and schools as well as providing vital work experience. Visit for more information and to apply!

* Must be 16 years old or an entering junior or senior in fall 2015.


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h


CAMPBELL FARM’S SUMMER PROGRAM FOR THE CHILDREN OF WAPATO Campbell Farm is an outreach to the Wapato community where 95% of the population is in poverty. Through their multiple programs, Campbell Farm tries to meet the food and clothing needs as well as support educational needs of their immediate and surrounding community.

During the school year, Campbell Farm provides an after school program for elementary school children which includes free dinner to 100 children. The after school program helps the children with their homework, provides them with free activity time, a weekly Bible Study as well as chores before and after the dinner meal all done before 6 pm when the children head home.

So what happens when school is out for the summer? As well as being a small farm with several animals and a fruit orchard, Campbell Farm runs a summer camp for the area’s children. The camp is open five days a week, all day and serves approximately 100 kids a day and growing. Word of mouth has increased the number of children participating each year for the last several years.

As part of the camp, the children are provided with 3 meals a day and snacks. Doing the math aloud, that is 300 meals a day and 1500 meals a week. With a summer program that runs 10 weeks, that is roughly 15,000 meals each summer.

Why is Campbell Farm feeding so many kids? Campbell Farm is filling a need in their community. To quote an article from the Yakima Herald that featured Campbell Farm last summer:

Sometimes, those free meals provide a relief from the uncertainty of whether Mom or Dad will bring food to the table, especially in the summer months when no classes means no school breakfast or lunch.

This is a big need that Campbell Farm provides for its neighbors and we would like to help them fill that need. Through our Bags of Hope, GCPC would like to help with the supplies needed for camp this summer. The next Bags of Hope collection day is May 3. Please join us in providing hope to our neighbors at Campbell Farm.

– Michele Elledge

NapkinsPaper PlatesPlastic SilverwareCraft Paint BrushesGlue (Craft)CrayonsFirst Aid KitsToilet PaperHair Brushes Hair Combs

We will distribute Bags of Hope

on Sunday, April 19.

Please RETURN bags filled with

items on Campbell Farm’s

“shopping list” by SUNDAY, MAY 3.

Shopping List For Campbell Farm

Tooth BrushesToothpasteHand SoapHand SanitizerKid’s ScissorsAdult ScissorsKid’s Flip Flops (4 yrs-10 yrs)

Hand Towels Bath Towels



G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Sun, March 29 Palm Sunday / Kids Sing all 3 Services All Morning Sanctuary Everyone Cristo Vive New Members / Baptism Sunday 12:15 pm Ward Chapel Everyone VISION (Youth Local Mission Trip Staying@Church) Thru 4/2

Mon, March 30 Spring Break / No Preschool All Week Preschool

Thurs, April 2 Senior Adult Ministries Meeting 1:30 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee Women’s Ministry Meeting 4:30 pm Parlor Committee Cristo Vive Seder Meal 6:00 pm Chapel Everyone Maundy Thursday Communion & Tenebrae 6:30 pm Sanctuary Everyone

Fri, April 3 GOOD FRIDAY / PRAYER IN SANCTUARY 12:00 pm-3:00 pm Sanctuary

Sun, April 5 RESURRECTION SUNDAY! 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am Sanctuary Sunrise Easter Service 6:30 am North Lawn Everyone Easter Breakfast 7:00 am - 11:30 am Gym Everyone

Mon, April 6 Living Waters Meeting 5:30 pm Room 220 Committee Fellowship Ministry Team Meeting 6:00 pm Lounge Committee

Tues, April 7 All Staff Birthday Lunch 12:00 pm Parlor All Staff Discipleship Ministry Team Meeting 5:00 pm 2nd Floor Office Committee Worship Ministry Team Meeting 6:15 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee

Wed, April 8 Business Ministry Team 4:00 pm Library Committee

Thurs, April 9 Ghormley Commission 7:00 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee

Fri, April 10 MOPS Leadership Meeting 9:00 am Lounge Committee

Sat, April 11 2nd Saturday Ghormley Work Day 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Camp Ghormley Everyone Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Mid High Rm Knitters

Sun, April 12 Parenting Class (8 weeks) 9:30 am Gym Everyone New Covenant Partner Class (4 wks) 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Lounge Everyone Carenet Meeting 12:15 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee

Tues, April 14 Service Ministry Team Meeting 6:00 pm Adult Ed Rm Committee

Wed, April 15 Edith Ferry Circle 12:00 pm Parlor Women

Fri, April 17 MOPS Auction and Dinner 5:00 pm Gym Everyone

Sat, April 18 National Day of Prayer Meeting 2:00 pm Lounge Committee

Sun, April 19 Tyler Van Horn Installation & Ordination Service 9:30 am Sanctuary Everyone Van Horn Celebration 11:00 am Gym Everyone ELZ Staff Meeting 12:30 pm Adult Ed Rm Staff Tues, April 21 Preschool Spring Tea (3’s) 10:30 am Garden Room Preschool SOAR Gathering 6:00 pm Chapel Everyone

Wed, April 22 Preschool Spring Tea (4’s & PK) 10:30 am Garden Room Preschool Mary MacLean Guild 12:00 pm Offsite Women

Thurs, April 23 MOPS Set Up 5:00 pm Gym Moms

Fri, April 24 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30 am Gym Moms

Sat, April 25 Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:00 pm Garden Room Knitters

Sun, April 26 Deacon’s Meeting 3:30 pm Lounge Deacons

Tues, April 28 Session Dinner and Meeting 6:00 pm Garden Rm/Mid High Elders/Prog Staff

Wed, April 29 Preschool Board Meeting 9:15 am Adult Ed Rm Board

Thurs, April 30 MOPS Set Up 5:00 pm Gym Moms

Fri, May 1 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 9:30 am Gym Moms

April Calendar of Events

Glorifying God With Our Best

Pioneering and Ongoing Outreach

Engaging and Nurturing Relationships

Being A Cornerstone in the Community

Equipping People for Ministry Through

Biblical Foundation and Service

Grace Alive is available in a PDF format on the church web page For inquiries, submissions, omissions, and corrections, contact Ericka in the church office 248-7940 x 100.

Grace of ChristPresbyterian Church9 South 8th AveYakima, WA 98902(509) 248-7940


G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h

Monday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:00 am Adult Ed Everyone All Staff Check-In Meeting 10:00 am DF Lounge All Staff Overeaters Anonymous 12:00 / noon Adult Ed Everyone Trailseekers 2:30 pm Gym Al-Anon 5:15 pm Adult Ed Everyone Divorce Care 6:30 pm Room 217 Everyone

Tuesday Bible Study “Living a Spirit Led Life” 9:15 am Gym Everyone Women in the Word Bible Study 9:45 am Parlor Women

Wednesday Women of Action (2nd & 4th Weds) 9:30 am Chapel Women Men’s Noon Bible Study 12:00 / noon Adult Ed Men Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Sanctuary Youth Group - Mid High & Senior High 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Youth & Mid High Rms 6th-12th Grade Cristo Vive Bible Study 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Adult Ed Everyone Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Chapel Everyone

Thursday Bible Study Fellowship 9:00 am Sanctuary Women Temple Choir 7:00 pm Choir Rm Cristo Vive Music Rehearsal 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Chapel Cristo Vive SOZO Prayer 5:45 pm - 9:15 pm Lounge, Prayer Rm SOZO Team

Friday SOZO Prayer 9:00 am - 11:30 am Chapel, Prayer Rm SOZO Team

Worship - Led by Contemporary Worship Team 8:00 am & 9:30 am Sanctuary Everyone Worship - Led by Temple Choir & Organ 11:00 am Sanctuary Everyone Worship - Cristo Vive (Spanish) 12:15 pm Chapel Everyone Going Deeper: Zechariah 9:30 am Adult Ed Adults Golden Circle 9:30 am Lounge Adults The Story 9:30 am Gym Adults Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Mid High & Youth Rms 6th-12th Grade KidZone 9:30 am 2nd Floor 3yrs-5th Grade Financial Peace University 5:00 pm Sanctuary Everyone

Weekday Events

Sunday Services and Events

If you would like to provide an Easter lily for the Sanctuary in memory of a loved one, please bring it to the Garden Room Thursday, April 2 through Saturday, April 4 by noon. Complete the tag (you can pick one up at the Connection Center) and include it with your lily. Designate if you would like a deacon to give your lily to a shut-in or if you will pick it up on Monday.

Easter Lilies

The Temple Choir will be singing loud and joyous “Alleluias” this Easter Sunday! They have expanded their numbers with special guests for this holy day and pray that all will be blessed through this joining of voices in worship. As you all may have noticed, Church Family, this has been a very exciting season of growth for the Temple Choir! As we raise our hearts to God on Easter morning, may we also raise the roof of our sanctuary!

The Temple Choir

G r a c e o f C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h





Let’s Have a Ball at the MOPS annual Spring Dinner & Auction! Friday, April 17 at 5:00 pm the church gym. Come, enjoy a sports-themed night of amazing food, fellowship and an auction that will certainly make you say “wow!” The guest speaker will be Jake Kupp. Tickets for sale in the church office or at the Connection Center on Sunday.

Discover what it means to Partner with Grace at our next New Covenant Partner session. The first class is Sunday, April 12 at 11:00 am in the David Ferry Lounge. Everyone is welcome even if you are already a partner. A time for great discussion and fellowship. Please let the church office know if you are interested in this three week class.

Cristo Vive: On the MoveBy Jake Kupp, Pastor Gustavo Carvajal, Alex Rule, and Rich Millet

Cristo Vive, our Spanish speaking Church, is on the move. For many years the church has ministered to many Hispanic families in the community. Recently, a woman shared her experience: in 2010, she was emotionally and spiritually dying following her divorce, but through the love and support

of Cristo Vive she has come through strong. In fact, today she is a strong spiritual leader in Yakima. We hope that someday you will hear the full story of her amazing testimony.

So what is Cristo Vive doing today? The original plan in 2001 was for Cristo Vive to become a ministry of First Presbyterian, but rather, in 2005 it became a church plant of First, West Pres and Central Washington Presbytery. When First Presbyterian left PCUSA, the members of Cristo Vive became Covenant Partners of Grace of Christ. A commission was formed to determine the future of Cristo Vive, and it was decided that at some future date Cristo Vive would merge with Grace of Christ to be one church under one God, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Session was in agreement with the commission’s recommendation but made it clear that Cristo Vive must be self-sustaining in order for the merger to take place.

The leadership team of Elder Rich Millet, Pastor Gustavo Carvajal, Alex Rule, Jake Kupp, and other members of Cristo Vive, knew that Presbytery funding would start to run out