Gr. 9 Drawing

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Gr. 9 Drawing

Drawing from Objects

No one is neutral toward objectsits continued use and the minds tendency to make analogies have often invested it with multiple associations or symbolic purpose.

Drawing from life is the best way to improve your observation skills and drawing ability.

Still Life Project

You will draw 3 or 5 objects using value. Bring in objects that hold emotional significance for you.

There are two goals for this project:

1. Draw as realistically as possible! That means looking carefully at the objects, and fixing your drawing over and over again.

2. Create chiaroscuro (strong contrast between light & dark). Use one light source.

First, you will experiment with different types of drawing.

Types of Drawing


basic shapes;quick sketch to capture the volume & position


outlines only, silhouettes


makes objects look real using shading techniques

M. C. EscherStill Life & Streetwoodcut

(strong contrast between light and dark)

Da Vinci Rembrandt

(strong contrast between light and dark)

Artist's Statement: Still Life

Why did you choose to draw these objects?

How successful were you in drawing your objects realistically? Describe how certain areas could be better.

How successful were you in shading your objects? Do all the objects look 3D? Describe how certain objects could be better.

Describe what you did and didn't like about this project.