Gospel of John

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Gospel of John

Gospel of John Review


G. K. Pennington

Brief Look At Bible HistoryA



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G.K. Pennington 2002


The Bible Books Have A Purpose


G.K. Pennington 2002


Overview of Bible Structure

Old Testament: Foundation for the story

Gospels: Tell the story of Jesus

Acts: Tells the results of the story

Letters: Encouragement and course correction

Apocalyptic: The victory in figurative language

Emphasizes the Early Judean MinistryHas no parablesCalls miracles “signs"Simple styleRepetition of words and themesReflective gospel

G.K. Pennington 2002


John’s Characteristics

John’s CharacteristicsG.K. Pennington 2002


• Interpretive gospel

• Sketches of individual characters

• Personal relationships of Jesus

• Called the “Spiritual Gospel”

• Gospel of belief

• Gospel of God-Man



The "Apostle Of Love"


G.K. Pennington 2002


John Shows Jesus As

1. Son Of God

2. Personal Savior

3. Incarnate Word

G.K. Pennington 2002


Simple Outline of John

Prologue: 1:1-18Book of Signs: 1:19-12:50Book of Glory: 13-20Epilogue: 21

G.K. Pennington 2002


Description Chapter(s)Description Chapter(s)

The Gospel of John

The Prologue


G. K. Pennington

The Word became fleshJohn 1:1-18



Introduces the reader to the incarnation

Introduces themes and terms for the Gospel Creation, God, Word, believe, light, darkness, life, truth, witness, glory…

Introduces us to the role of John the Baptist

Connects fullness of God’s grace, His blessings and truth to Jesus

G.K. Pennington 2002


In the beginning …

(John 1:1-2 NIV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. {2} He was with God in the beginning.

Recalls Genesis 1:1

An affirmation of Jesus’ deity

Creation and order are key themes of scripture

G.K. Pennington 2002


Creation in the Old Testament

Genesis 1-2 Counters early pagan cosmologyThe ten plagues challenge Egyptian cosmologyThe Psalms revel in creation languageIsaiah 40-66 has several creation referencesJob has references to creation from Job and God

Creation concepts shape our image of God

G.K. Pennington 2002


Creation in the New Testament (Col 1:16-17 NIV)

{16} For by him (Jesus) all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

{17} He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

G.K. Pennington 2002


(Eph 3:9 NIV)

…and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.

G.K. Pennington 2002


(Heb 1:2 NIV)

…but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.

G.K. Pennington 2002


(Acts 14:15 NIV)

… We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them.

G.K. Pennington 2002


(Rev 4:11 NIV)

"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."

Christianity helped reshape the creation concepts of much of the world, moving from pagan myth to a biblical monotheistic model for origins.

G.K. Pennington 2002


The deity of Jesus is a primary point of the prologue.

John 1:1-18


G. K. Pennington

(John 1:1-4 NIV)

{1} In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

{2} He was with God in the beginning. {3} Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

{4} In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


In him was life…No Condemnation

Dead to sinAlive to God

Eternal lifeForm one body

SanctifiedGod’s grace

HopeMade alive

New creation


FaithEvery spiritual blessing

God’s workmanshipBrought near to God

God’s eternal purposeForgiveness

Peace of God

“In Christ”

John the Baptist

{5} The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. {6} There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. {7} He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. {8} He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

G.K. Pennington 2002


(A Witness)

Purpose of the Incarnation

{9} The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. {10} He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. {11} He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. {12} Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-- {13} children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Word Became Flesh

{14} The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John skips the genealogy, birth story, and reference of Jesus childhood.

His story focuses on the glory of the glory of the One and Only Son.

G.K. Pennington 2002


John the Baptist’s Testimony

{15} John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.'"

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Results of Jesus Coming

{16} From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. {17} For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. {18} No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

G.K. Pennington 2002


Themes Originating in the PrologueWords occurring at least this many times in John…

Light 23Truth 38Life 36Son 43Glory 42

Witness 54World 79God 82Believe 98

John the Baptist

Not the ChristNot ElijahNot the Prophet

This is what the people were anticipating

I am not He, but He is coming!

G.K. Pennington 2002


First Week of Jesus’ Ministry in John

Next day: “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

Next day: First disciples called Next Day: Philip and Nathanael Three days later the first miracle

G.K. Pennington 2002


Philip and Nathanael

(John 1:50-51 NIV) Jesus said, "You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You shall see greater things than that." {51} He then added, "I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."

G.K. Pennington 2002


The First of the “Double Amens” Recalls Bethel imagery The essence of John’s story about Jesus God’s redemption coming through Jesus

G.K. Pennington 2002


Greater things to come…

Water to wine the first of greater things Seven spectacular signs The resurrection

G.K. Pennington 2002


Seven Signs in the “Book of Signs”

1. Water into wine 2:1-11

2. Healing the nobleman’s son 4:46-54

3. Healing the lame man 5:1-15

4. Feeding the multitude 6:1-15

5. Walking on the water 6:16-24

6. Healing the blind man 9:1-41

7. Raising Lazarus 11:1-44

G.K. Pennington 2002


Ascending Emphasis of the Signs

Resurrection in plain sight after 3 days Man blind from birth Master over natural world (chaos) Food as a miracle Invalid for 38 years Healing from a distance Water to wine at a wedding

G.K. Pennington 2002


Anticipating the Main EventG.K. Pennington 2002


More than Seven Signs!!!

This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. (John 2:11 NIV)

Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name. (John 2:23 NIV)

He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." (John 3:2 NIV)

G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


and a great crowd of people followed him because and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the miraculous signsthey saw the miraculous signs he had performed on he had performed on the sick. (John 6:2 NIV)the sick. (John 6:2 NIV)

Still, many in the crowd put their faith in him. They Still, many in the crowd put their faith in him. They said, said, "When the Christ comes, will he do more "When the Christ comes, will he do more miraculous signs than this man?"miraculous signs than this man?" (John 7:31 NIV) (John 7:31 NIV)

… … But others asked, But others asked, "How can a sinner do such "How can a sinner do such miraculous signs?"miraculous signs?" So they were divided. (John So they were divided. (John 9:16 NIV)9:16 NIV)

G.K. Pennington 2002


Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin. "What are we accomplishing?" they of the Sanhedrin. "What are we accomplishing?" they asked. asked. "Here is this man performing many miraculous "Here is this man performing many miraculous signs.signs. (John 11:47) (John 11:47)

Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.their presence, they still would not believe in him. (John (John 12:37 NIV)12:37 NIV)

Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. (John 20:30 NIV)(John 20:30 NIV)

The Purpose of the Signs

But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

(John 20:31 NIV)

G.K. Pennington 2002


Jesus Clears the Temple

John places this at the first of his gospel. The synoptic gospels record a clearing of the temple toward

the end.

(John 2:17 NIV) His disciples remembered that it is written: "Zeal for your house will consume me."

G.K. Pennington 2002


Jesus and Nicodemus

Jesus the “teacher who has come from God.” How can one see the “Kingdom of God?” A statement of irony; How… “As Moses lifted up the snake” 3:14 John 3:16-21 accept the “Word that became flesh”

G.K. Pennington 2002


John’s Testimony

Problem: Jesus “is baptizing and everyone is going to him.” John 3:26

John 3:30 “He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:31-36 Jesus is the one from above. Jesus is the one who does “greater things.”

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 3

Jesus and Nicodemus

Jesus the “teacher who has come from God.”

How can one see the “Kingdom of God?”

G.K. Pennington 2002


God’s deliverance…

“As Moses lifted up the snake” 3:14

“Eternal life”

G.K. Pennington 2002


For God so loved…

John 3:16-21 accept the “Word that became flesh”

“Light has come into the world” 19

G.K. Pennington 2002


John’s Testimony 3:22-36

Problem: Jesus “is baptizing and everyone is going to him.” John 3:26

John 3:30 “He must become greater; I must become less.”

John 3:31-36 Jesus is the one from above.

Jesus is the one who does “greater things.”

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 4

Jesus moves from Judea to Galilee

Woman at Jacob’s well

G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002



Location of the promise to Abraham Gen 12:6-7

Mount Gerizim Mount of blessing Jotham’s fable Samaritan temple circa 300 BC Destroyed 107 BC by Jews

Mount Ebal Mount of curses Joshua built an altar there. Joshua 8:30ff

Deuteronomy 11:26-29; 27, Genesis 12:6-7, Joshua 8, 24:1

G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


John 4…Woman at Jacob’s well

If you only knew who I am … 10 Are you greater than Jacob? 11 You have five husbands 18 You are a prophet … 19 Where to worship… 19-24 The Messiah is coming 25 I…am he. 26

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 4…Jesus’ disciples

Why talk with this woman? 27ff Now is the time for harvest… 31-38 Samaritans believe… 39-42

42 “…we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world."

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 4… Healing the official’s son

Healing from a distance

Healing at once

Second sign

G.K. Pennington 2002


Ascending Emphasis of the Signs

Resurrection in plain sight after 3 daysMan blind from birthMaster over natural world (chaos)Food as a miracleInvalid for 38 yearsHealing from a distanceWater to wine at a wedding

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 5 Healing at the pool

A Jerusalem feast 1 (Some time later)

Invalid for 38 years

Sabbath issue

Jews start to persecute him 16 Breaking the Sabbath

Making himself equal with God 18

G.K. Pennington 2002


Ascending Emphasis of the Signs

Resurrection in plain sight after 3 daysMan blind from birthMaster over natural world (chaos)Food as a miracleInvalid for 38 yearsHealing from a distanceWater to wine at a wedding

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 5 Life through the Son

Greater things than these… 20

“Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it.” 21

From death to life 24-27

Graves to give up the dead 28-30

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 5 Testimonies about Jesus

John the Baptist 33-35

My work 36

The Father 37-38

The Scriptures 39-40

Moses 41-47

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 6 Feeding 5000

Some time later Crossed the Sea of Galilee Followed by a crowd impressed by miracles 5 SMALL barley loaves & 2 SMALL fish 12 baskets of food left over "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the

world.“ 14

G.K. Pennington 2002


Ascending Emphasis of the Signs

Resurrection in plain sight after 3 daysMan blind from birthMaster over natural world (chaos)Food as a miracleInvalid for 38 yearsHealing from a distanceWater to wine at a wedding

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 6 Jesus walks on water

That evening

The disciples set off for Capernaum

3-3 1/2 miles out

Jesus catches up with them

The crowd recognizes the miracle

G.K. Pennington 2002


Ascending Emphasis of the Signs

Resurrection in plain sight after 3 daysMan blind from birthMaster over natural world (chaos)Food as a miracleInvalid for 38 yearsHealing from a distanceWater to wine at a wedding

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 6 Jesus the Bread of Life

Not all bread and bread givers are equal “… the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven

and gives life to the world.” 33 “I am the bread of life” 35 The grumbling starts 41 Disciples desert Jesus 60ff

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Seven “I Am” Sayings

“I am the…

1. “bread of life” 6:35, 48, 51

2. “light of the world” 8:12; 9:5

3. “gate” 10:7, 9

4. “good shepherd” 10:11, 14

5. “resurrection and the life” 11:25

6. “way and the truth and the life” 14:6

7. “the true vine” 15:1

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 7-8

Record escalating tension Several threats mentioned Jesus rebuts the opposition publicly

Reoccurring theme:

“his time had not yet come.”

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 7:1-13

7:1 After this, Jesus went around in Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take his life.

Feast of tabernacles Jesus’ brothers chide him His brothers did not believe in him Jesus goes to the feast secretly v. 10 People fear the Jews v. 13

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 7:14-24

v. 15 "How did this man get such learning without having studied?“

My teaching is from God v. 16Jews want to kill him v. 19They want to kill him on account of a miracleIt is OK to circumcise on the Sabbath v. 23I healed the whole man on the Sabbath v. 23“…make a right judgment.” v. 24

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 7:25-44 …the Christ

V. 25-29 Confusion: is Jesus the Christ?V. 30 “they tried to seize him but…”V. 32 “…When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done?”

Attempt to arrest Jesus v. 32Discussion moved from miracles to death. v. 33-

36A greater thing to come v. 37-39“…no one laid a hand on him.” v. 44

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 7:45-52 …faithless leaders

Guards return empty handed. Nicodemus defends Jesus. V. 50-51

The response in v. 52 is one of anger, not scripture or reason.

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 8:1-11 An adulterous woman

Story not in many early manuscriptsThe event is staged as a trap of JesusThe law was clear

"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.“

If “caught in the act” where was the man? Jesus does not deal with the “what if” questions.

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Seven “I Am” Sayings

“I am the…

1. “bread of life” 6:35, 48, 51

2. “light of the world” 8:12; 9:5

3. “gate” 10:7, 9

4. “good shepherd” 10:11, 14

5. “resurrection and the life” 11:25

6. “way and the truth and the life” 14:6

7. “the true vine” 15:1

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 8:12-30 …the light of the world”

His testimony challenged v. 13 My testimony is valid

I know where I come from and where I am goingThe Father is my other witness v. 18

“His time had not yet come” v. 20 Challenge 22-29“Many put their faith in him” v. 30

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 8:31-59

Children of Abraham v. 31-41 “Truth will set you free” “Everyone who sins is a slave to sin” You are not acting like Abraham!

Children of the Devil v. 42-47 More claims from Jesus v. 48-59

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 9 Healing a blind manBorn blindWho is responsible? v. 2Pharisees investigate because of the Sabbath healing.

His parents fear the Jews v. 20-23

32-33 “Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.“

Spiritual blindness v. 35-41

G.K. Pennington 2002


Ascending Emphasis of the Signs

Resurrection in plain sight after 3 daysMan blind from birthMaster over natural world (chaos)Food as a miracleInvalid for 38 yearsHealing from a distanceWater to wine at a wedding

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Seven “I Am” Sayings

“I am the…

1. “bread of life” 6:35, 48, 51

2. “light of the world” 8:12; 9:5

3. “gate” 10:7, 9

4. “good shepherd” 10:11, 14

5. “resurrection and the life” 11:25

6. “way and the truth and the life” 14:6

7. “the true vine” 15:1

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 10:1-21 Jesus’ shepherding analogy

The shepherd enters the pen by the gate The sheep know their shepherd

“I am the gate” v. 7 “I am the good shepherd” v. 11

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 10:22-42 …Is Jesus the Christ?

“tell us plainly” v. 24 “I did tell you” v. 25 There is also the miracles v. 25

They try to stone Jesus: "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.“ v.33

Back across the Jordan v. 40-42

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 11 …Lazarus Pre-resurrection events v. 1-16

Jesus with Mary and Martha v. 17-37

Jesus raises Lazarus v. 38-44

A plan to kill Jesus v. 45-57

G.K. Pennington 2002


Ascending Emphasis of the Signs

Resurrection in plain sight after 3 daysMan blind from birthMaster over natural world (chaos)Food as a miracleInvalid for 38 yearsHealing from a distanceWater to wine at a wedding

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Seven “I Am” Sayings

“I am the…

1. “bread of life” 6:35, 48, 51

2. “light of the world” 8:12; 9:5

3. “gate” 10:7, 9

4. “good shepherd” 10:11, 14

5. “resurrection and the life” 11:25

6. “way and the truth and the life” 14:6

7. “the true vine” 15:1

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 12:1-11 Anointed

Six days before PassoverDinner for JesusMary anoints JesusJudas objects

V. 7-8 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 12:12-19 Triumphal Entry

The next dayProcession like that of a kingDonkey’s colt (Humility not war) Zech. 9:9

V. 16 “…Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him…”

V. 19 "See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!"

G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


John 12:20-36 Death Coming

Greeks want to see Jesus

V. 23 “The hour has come…”

Voice from heaven

V. 31 “Now is the time…”

V. 32-33 “Lifted up” …”kind of death”

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 12:37-50 Unbelief

V. 37 Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.

John reflects from Isaiah 6, 53V. 41 Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus' glory and spoke about him.

Some believed but feared the PhariseesV. 47-50 My words…

G.K. Pennington 2002


Preparation for Jesus’ leaving

John 13-17

Most of this material is found only in John.This section shifts from Jesus’ ministry to the coming ministry of the disciples.

It is suggested that this section is patterned after Moses’ farewell address using the terms “love, obey, live, know, and see”.

Andreas J. Köstenburger, Encountering John, P. 144

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 13:1-17 Washing Feet

V. 1 “Jesus knew that the time had come…”

Things Jesus knewThe Father had put all things under his powerThat he had come from GodThat he was returning to God

Jesus knew why he was there v. 15-16Do we know these things? V. 17

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 13:18-30 Betrayal Predicted

Foretold to build faith v. 19 Disbelief one would betray Jesus v. 21ff Judas identified v. 26-27 V. 30 “…and it was night”

Darkness as true night?Darkness in contrast to John as a gospel of


G.K. Pennington 2002


John 13:31-38 Peter’s Denial

V. 31 "Now is the Son of Man glorified…”A new command… V. 34-35 “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Jesus predicts Peter’s denial

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 14 Preparation of disciples …

Comfort for the future v. 1-4 Jesus “the way” 5-14 The promised Holy Spirit

“another Counselor” v. 16 “will remind you” v. 26 “the Father is greater than I” v. 28 “I do exactly what the Father has commanded me” v. 31

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Seven “I Am” Sayings

“I am the…

1. “bread of life” 6:35, 48, 51

2. “light of the world” 8:12; 9:5

3. “gate” 10:7, 9

4. “good shepherd” 10:11, 14

5. “resurrection and the life” 11:25

6. “way and the truth and the life” 14:6

7. “the true vine” 15:1

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 15 The True Vine

Jesus the “true vine” “You are the branches” v. 5 Repeated use of preposition “in” Branches must remain “in” the vine A key to remaining in Jesus “Love each other.” v. 17

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Seven “I Am” Sayings

“I am the…

1. “bread of life” 6:35, 48, 51

2. “light of the world” 8:12; 9:5

3. “gate” 10:7, 9

4. “good shepherd” 10:11, 14

5. “resurrection and the life” 11:25

6. “way and the truth and the life” 14:6

7. “the true vine” 15:1

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 15:18-27

The world “hated me first.” v. 18

V. 23 “He who hates me hates my Father as well.”

V. 27 “And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.”

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 16

V. 1 "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray.”

Holy Spirit and the disciples 5-16

Disciples coming difficulty 17-33

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 17 Jesus Prayer

For Himself v. 1-5

For the disciples v. 6-19

For all believers v. 20-26

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 18

Jesus Arrested Trial before Annas Peter’s denials Sent to Caiaphas Sent to Pilate

G.K. Pennington 2002


18:1 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was an olive grove, and he and his disciples went into it.

G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


Olive Grove Across the Kidron Valley

Jesus and PilateNo true charges v. 30 Is Jesus a King?Discussion of truth “no basis for a charge”Crucify! Crucify! 19:6

Jesus becomes the risen saviorPilate’s nameplate becomes a

step for an arena

G.K. Pennington 2002103

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 19:16-37 Crucifixion

Mockery Inscription Clothing Jesus’ mother Thirst “It is finished” Burial

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Main EventG.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


G.K. Pennington 2002


John 20 Resurrection First day of the week Mary Magdalene The orderly tomb

G.K. Pennington 2002



G. K. Pennington

No CondemnationDead to sin

Alive to GodEternal life

Form one bodySanctified

God’s graceHope

Made aliveNew creation


FaithEvery spiritual blessing

God’s workmanshipBrought near to God

God’s eternal purposeForgiveness

Peace of God


In Christ




Out of Christ

Some Appearances Two angels Jesus appears to Mary The disciples Thomas

G.K. Pennington 2002


The Purpose of Signs (John 20:30-31 NIV) Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. {31} But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

G.K. Pennington 2002


John 21 Epilogue A miracle catch of fish Peter reinstated

G.K. Pennington 2002


(John 21:25 NIV) Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

The Gospel of John

“I am the resurrection and the life”G.K. Pennington 2002