Google Sketchup Assessment

Post on 27-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Google Sketchup Assessment

Criteria Max Level

Level Achieved

Teacher's Feedback

The student achieved this level because:

Criterion AInvestigate



………………………………..…………………………………….. ………………………………..……………………………………..

Criterion BDesign



………………………………..…………………………………….. ………………………………..……………………………………..

Criterion CPlan



………………………………..…………………………………….. ………………………………..……………………………………..

Criterion DCreate



………………………………..…………………………………….. ………………………………..……………………………………..

Criterion EEvaluate



………………………………..…………………………………….. ………………………………..……………………………………..

Criterion FAttitudes



………………………………..…………………………………….. ………………………………..……………………………………..


International School NadiDesign Folder

Design FolderStudent Name: ……………………….. Subject: MYP Technology Grade: Resources:

Duration: Duration: Project Title: Guiding Question:

Teacher: Mr. Chandra

Criteria A: Investigate Maximum 6

Achievement level Descriptor


The student has thoroughly re-written the design brief in their words with analysis of the intended client. The student completed a detailed design specification that lists all conditions and requirements of the school map .

The student has fully carried out 4 map analysis and completely examined other kinds of maps.

The student acquired & referenced a broad range of reliable information.

Criteria B: Design Maximum 6

Achievement level Descriptor


The student generated 4-5 feasible designs of good quality with annotations & each evaluated against specifications The student fully justified the chosen design and critically evaluated it against the design specifications .

Criteria C: PlanMaximum 6

Achievement level Descriptor


The student produced a thorough plan containing a number of detailed, logical steps that could be followed by others.The student produced a complete chart containing the equipment ,resources and time needed.The student critically evaluated their modifications to the design

Criteria D: Create Maximum 6

Achievement level Descriptor


The student strictly followed the plan and justified any modifications.The student created a school map of appropriate quality and reliable content. The student kept a detailed design folder with sketches highlighting problems and solutions explained.

Criteria E: Evaluate Achievement level Descriptor


The student critically measured the success of their school map and evaluated it based on the results and views of intended users.

The student produced an extensive evaluation at each stage of the design cycle, suggesting improvements. The student evaluated the AOI clearly to demonstrate their understanding

Maximum 6

Criteria F: AttitudesAchievement level Descriptor

5-6 The student demonstrated a consistent positive attitude and participated in group activities. The student worked safely and sensibly

The student can identify to 3 or more of the Learner Profile attributes

Maximum 6




Explain the task expected from you along with ideas you have. Briefly state what you expect from this project and what you expect the outcome to be. Also mention details about your group members and what you expect from them.

First of all I need to choose a client to redesign a room for. I have chosen my mom for this and she has decided to redecorate our family room. Therefore, I am going to play the role of an interior decorator. I will need to talk to my client and find out any problems or inconveniences about the room so I can make it as good as possible. We will also discuss what she wants the room to look like, any themes she wants and what the exact purpose of the room needs to be. I will have to fill any and all expectations so that the room will be perfect for my client. Using Google Sketchup I am going to sketch out and add furniture to a room identical to our family room. On Google Sketchup, I am able to use furniture from the 3-D Warehouse and organize a room that can work perfectly in my own house. Previously, I have familiarized myself with Google Sketchup so I can be completely prepared to work this certain type of software. When the project is due on June 1st I will need to make sure that all my information is displayed perfectly so that my client will be able to completely visualize the new space. For this specific project, presentation is extremely important.



Identify the problem

I have described the problem I have written an explanation on why the problem is important, relating to my life

and or society I have written an explanation on why solving this problem is relating to the AOI’s?

Some of the questions that are considered in the investigation are : How can I use Google Sketchup for 3D modeling? (Attach the answer to this in the investigation section ( should contain screen shots,

source evaluation and relevant citation). How can I create a virtual walkthrough using Google Skectchup? (Attach the answer to this in the investigation section ( should contain screen shots,

source evaluation and relevant citation) I have included an interview/ survey with my client(s).

Develop Your Design Brief I have written down a design brief: explaining what am I going to do to solve the

problem I have referred to at least four different types of resources in the investigation

section I have evaluated my sources of information (I have explained why I chose them and

justified their use ). I have included a complete bibliography at the end of investigation section.

Develop Your Design Specification: I have concluded the investigation by formulating design specifications. I have

included a table of essential and desirable characteristics. I have written down design specifications which my product/solution must meet.

I have designed and explained test(s) which I will use in order to test my finished product based on my design specifications.( The best way here will be a check list ).Minimum of 3 tests explained to attain level 5-6 band.


N I have included a variety of designs (At least four different designs- The designs here

will be hand drawn sketches showing possible arrangement of furniture and other items in the room.)

For explaining my designs, I have used many techniques like sketches, labelled diagrams with explanations etc.

I have evaluated each design critically against the design specification (questionnaire/check list might be the easiest- can also include PMI analysis)

I have justified the selection of a particular design.



I have included a time line with Gantt chart ( Gantt chart should show planning and scheduling tasks over time )

I have included a step by step plan ( How the CREATE stage will be carried out ) I have included list of materials /hardware and software. I have critically evaluated my time plan. I have tried to answer the following

questions o Was the plan was detailed enough and why?

o Could it be followed by someone else and why ? o Have I used all the resources available to me?

I have justified any modifications that seem necessary at this stage to my original design.


Make the product and show evidence of the following I have made dated journal entries in my process journal. I have explained the tools and techniques used in the process of creation. I have included evidence in the creation phase that I have followed my time plan. I have justified any changes I made to my plan during the creation phase. I have included screen shots and other photographic evidences of the key phases of

creation. I have kept notes in process journal about how well I worked, problems encountered,

and use of time - to be used in the evaluation.


I have included the feedback received from my testers /user in proper format. I have analyzed the results of questionnaires if any, used for testing my product /

solution. I have included a detailed evaluation of my own performance at each stage of the

design cycle by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each stage. I have included my observations on how each stage could have been improved.

I have compared my predicted time plan with the actual and gave reasons for the changes

I have included a discussion on the impact of my product on me, others and/or the environment.



I have displayed enthusiasm, motivation and initiative in completing this project I have worked well both in class and outside the class I have met all the deadlines




For this project, I am going to redesign any room of my client’s choice. My mom has agreed to be my client and she has chosen the family room to redecorate. I will be her interior designer and together we will sit down and come up with a plan that fixes and improves any problems with the present situation of the family room. In the end, I will present her with a brand new layout of the exact same room we have now. Using Google Sketchup, I will follow the requests of my client and make the room to meet any expectations.

How is this task relevant to real issues?

This task is relevant to real issues because if the room is not fulfilling its full potential, then problems can occur. In my new design, I am going to make sure that the room has plenty of seating, looks good and follows the general theme that my client wants. The room opens up to the outside and I need to make sure everything flows. The house is very open and the style needs to match and go with everything else that is already in the house.

How is the task related to the Area of Interaction (s)?

Environment is a very important aspect to interior decorating. You need to look at your environment around you and model your home to at least resemble it a little so it doesn’t look so out of place. Also, the environment can affect the types of fabrics you use, the colors you use and the accessories that are put in the room. Living in Fiji, the habitat around us is more towards a beach house. Of course you don’t have to follow the style precisely, but using it as a guideline will definitely help everything stream together.

Input , Output , Process. Explain how each will be used during your project.









Criteria A


















List the sources you will use.

1) Google Sketchup

2) My client, my mom

3) My peers and family

4) My environment

5) Any guests visiting our home

6) Designs of our previous homes

7) Internet

Design Brief:

Criteria A






Design Specification:









Research:Conduct a product analysis. Research information and perform analysis.

Google Sketchup is a program on the computer that allows you to make anything you want in 3D. You can design houses, inside and out, you can make buildings, monuments, create furniture and even design things for Google Earth. To learn how to use Google Sketchup there are videos all over the internet that teach you everything you need to know to work Google Sketchup. It is very easy software that allows you to be creative or allows you to do business, such as interior decorating.

Another interesting part of Google Sketchup is the 3D warehouse that you can download furniture and complete rooms from. Any item needed for a house or building or city and anything you can think of is located in this online warehouse. The warehouse is completely free and if you create something worth sharing with others you can offer it to others in the warehouse for them to use. The 3D warehouse is easy to use and it allows you to be very creative.

Another important part of this project is interior decorating.

Criteria A



“Google Sketchup 7” Create 3D models and share them with the world

“Google 3D warehouse” Find and share 3D models

Criteria A



Explain briefly about the designs you will sketch. Mention your ideas.

























Criteria B


Design 1: with explanations

Criteria B


Design 2 : with explanations Criteria B


Design 3: with explanations

Criteria B


Which design will you choose to create and why. List the tools you will use.





















Criteria B



Show process of completing the task using the mind map below.Write the main task in the center circle and draw sub circles to show the small tasks you will need to complete.

Now compare tools that will be used and conclude what you will use.









Draw up you Plan chart here:

Criteria C



Write the process on how you created your output.What did you do first (mention your investigation) , second (mention the design) , third (plan) etc... Show screenshots of these steps.

















Criteria D


Show screenshots of your final design using the computer software you chose.

Criteria D


Show screenshots of your final design using the computer software you chose.

Criteria D


Evaluation of the plan:

Explain any changes you made to your plan. Did you or did you not follow your plan completely? Explain.









Evaluate your design specification. Did you stick with your design specification or did you make any changes? Explain.









Criteria D



List possible evaluation methods you will use to test your product.













Evaluate its relevance to real issues.









Criteria E



Reflect your use of the design cycle.


























Criteria E


Show evaluation method (s) resources. ( questionnaires, feedback forms etc.. )