Google Developer Day 2010 Japan: 「App Engine 開発者コミュニティ「appengine ja...

Post on 08-May-2015

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「appengine ja night」は、国内の App Engine 開発者が集まり実践的なノウハウを共有する月一回のイベントです。過去に 10 回実施され、App Engine の最新動向や導入事例を紹介してきました。このセッションでは最近のセッションから話題のトピックをいくつか紹介します。そして「Slim3 」は国内の多くの App Engine 開発事例で導入されているフルスタックの MVC フレームワークです。コンセプトは "Simple" and "Less Is More"。開発者のひがやすをさんによるライブコーディングを通じて Slim3 の魅力を紹介します。

Transcript of Google Developer Day 2010 Japan: 「App Engine 開発者コミュニティ「appengine ja...

appengine ja night #1 - #10 review


about me •  Kazunori Sato

•  twitter: @kazunori_279

•  Freelance engineer (App Engine, Java, Python, Adobe Flex/AIR, Ruby and etc)

•  Technical writer, translator and instructor

• Google API Expert (App Engine)

•  appengine ja night admin

•  jsonengine and s3blazeds committer

about "appengine ja night" • Community events for App Engine developers

•  Since Oct 2009

•  Events •  appengine ja night (monthly)

•  appengine ja night in kansai

•  by GTUG Kyoto (@bufferings)

•  appengine ja hack-a-thon

•  by @marblejenka and @shin1ogawa

•  appengine ja night Sapporo

•  by @shuji_w6e

appengine ja night sessions Date Sessions # of regs Place

ajn#1 Oct 2009

"JDO pitfalls" by @higayasuo "Low Level API + Unit testing" by @shin1ogawa

31 Google Tokyo

ajn#2 Oct 2009

"JDO pitfalls" by @higayasuo "Low Level API + Unit testing" by @shin1ogawa

73 Recruit MTL

ajn#3 Dec 2009

"Best practices on production apps" by @bluerabbit777jp "How to create a scalable apps" by Takezaki-san

71 Gree

ajn#4 Jan 2010

"DSL driven development on GAE" by @asami 224 "App Engine transaction puzzlers" by @ashigeru

95 Recruit MTL

ajn#5 Feb 2010

"App Engine Anti-patterns" by @tmatsuo "Global Transaction" by @higayasuo

124 Gree

ajn#6 Mar 2010

"Global Transaction" by @ashigeru and @higayasuo 127 Recruit MTL

ajn#7 Apr 2010

"Unit testing on GAE" by @shin1ogawa "GAE Q&As" by @shin1ogawa

140 Gree

ajn#8 Jun 2010

"Using GAE on building Sport SNS site" by @najeira "Fast aggregation by skip list" by @koher

130 Recruit MTL

ajn#9 Jul 2010

"Understanding Query" by @bufferings "Next Gen Query" by @kazunori_279

108 the Canteen

ajn#10 Aug 2010

"Slim3 on App Engine" by @higayasuo "Mirah and Dubious" by @headius and @johnwoodell "Google Apps Marketplace + GAE" by @nakajiman "DaVinciPad on GAE/J" by @shumpei

120 Google Tokyo

Sessions Review

Bigtable & Slim3 •  by @higayasuo

•  Slim3


•  Full-stack MVC for GAE/J

•  "Less is More"

• Check out the demo later!

Low Level API & Protocol Buffer

•  by @shin1ogawa

Best practices on production GAE apps

•  by @bluerabbit777jp

•  Task chain pattern

Parallel PDF Creation by Task Queue

•  by Takezaki-san

Scala DSL-based MDA •  Simplemodeler by @asami224

• Mindmap

•  to GAE/Py & Java

BASE tx design patterns •  by @ashigeru

•  Idempotence + Exactly Once pattern on TQ

Anti patterns of App Engine •  by @tmatsuo

Global transaction support on Slim3

•  by @higayasuo and @ashigeru

•  based on 2-phase commit protocol

Test Driven Development on App Engine

•  by @shin1ogawa

Aggregation by Indexable Skip List

•  by @koher

•  Sum, max, min, avg and etc. of a range

•  at O(log N) !!

Understanding Query and Next Gen Query

•  by @bufferings and @kazunori_279

Space Filling Curve for multi-dimensional queries

•  by @ashigeru

Mirah and Dubious •  by @headius and @johnwoodell

Google Apps Marketplace + GAE

•  by @nakajiman

Java EE technologies on GAE •  by @shumpei

•  for "DaVinchPad" service

How to attend? • Announcements:

@appengineja on twitter

Google App Engine Japan ML

• Links to the appengine ja night reports

• Meet us at Developer Sandbox ajn booth!

Social Apps on GAE and Slim3


Social Apps on GAE

mixi app "Funyamorake" • by Piisu Co. (@funyamora)

• 6.3M reqs/day

• about $15/day

• Flash+GAE/J LL API

Sport SNS "LaBOLA"


• @najeira

• GAE/Py

• Requirements:

• 100M PV/month

• Autoscaling

Groupon-type EC "Buy7ow"

• by Prophet Co.

• @knj77

• Web-scale system for social marketing

• GAE/J (Slim3)

• Global tx

Web UI for Sony BD Recorders "Chan-Toru beta"

• by VisionArts

• for PC and Smartphones

• Open ID

• GAE/J (Slim3)

• Global tx

Slim3 for Social Apps

Important requirements for social apps

• Database scale-out

• Autoscaling

• High cost performance

• Low management cost

Why Slim3?

• High performance (= low cost)

• No Reflection

• Global transactions

• Fast spin-up

• Good textbook

• Slim3 on Google App Engine for Java

• Active community

• appengine ja night

• On Twitter: #appengine #slim3

Flash + GAE/J with s3blazeds


• by @kazunori_279

• Adobe BlazeDS for GAE/J


• Slim3 support (in future)

• Key serialization

• Hot reloading