Good Morning Magazine issue #2

Post on 20-Mar-2016

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Russian graffiti magazine

Transcript of Good Morning Magazine issue #2

При содействии GRAFFITI MARKET. ©Queldesign. Moscow 2012

Trains Assorti 4-7

Rasko 8-9

Селектор 10-11

ATKOKS 12-13

Show Crew 14

D256 16-17

TMP 18-20

Rambo 21

ИСК 22-23

Slut Crew 24-25

Fuck 26

KGS 28-29

Word Crew 30-31


VMF 33

Bunt 34-35

TGF 36

HGD 38-39

Trains Assorti 40-47

Horphee Interview 48-49

InterTrips 50-55

FACTSAR Story 56-61

Metro 62-65

O331C 66


BTK Interview 68-73

Dirty Streets 74-77

3A4EM 78-81

Walls Assorti 82-89

ETC Kiev 90-91

Silver Walls 92-98

Все материалы

получены анонимно

Свои фотографии


на goodmorning.flix@

При содействии GRAFFITI MARKET. ©Queldesign. Moscow 2012


натс / moscow 2011

kvadrat / moscow 2011

hunks / moscow 2011

tfk / krasnoyarsk 2011

турбо / kirishi 2011

nam2, bosie / ternopol 2011


slack / moscow 2011


шуба / moscow 2011

andr / moscow 2011

эвизу / moscow 2011hml / moscow 2011

sanex / moscow 2011

poyla / moscow 2011

bios / moscow 2011


rasko / moscow 2011 rasko / moscow 2011

rasx/ moscow 2011rasko / moscow 2011

rasko / moscow 2011



селекта / moscow 2011

селекта / moscow 2011

селектор / moscow 2011



селекта, селекта / moscow 2011

селекта / moscow 2011

селекта / moscow 2012

селекта / moscow 2011


utop / moscow 2011

utop / moscow 2011

utop / moscow 2011



vmf / moscow 2011

vmf / moscow 2011

vmf / moscow 2011


Good day everyone. We would like to tell a bit about our crew SAR, also known as SAR Boys Moscow, Sar Band, and FACTSAR alliance. We will provide pictures from our archives and share some stories from life and shortly will talk about what it was and what it became.

SAR founders are Naxt and East. They created SAR in 1999, the other members at that time were Zehlo (later BTK) and Vedro (later FU, KGM). 2 Years later the crew was on the brink of collapse, when Skam and Biga, who were in BP and IK alliances at that time, actually revived SAR, joining it with new energy and ideas and strive to destroy everything in their way. Guys tagged in subway, streets, painted on buildings, shops and stuff like that. A year later SAR was joined by Pack and later Trash (known at that time as The from IK). Later in 2004 Magu and Kabel also joined. Squady appeared to be fun, united and dedicated. In 2006 FACTSAR alliance was formed due to close communication with FACT crew.

In 2007 a new character joined SAR, Abord who has smoothly moved from WNS crew. He brought something new and extraordinary to the crew, something that we probably were lack off at that moment. Today he is an integral part of SAR.The last person in out people list is Namer, former member of T4R, MAF and UGW crews. He joined SAR in 2008, which was a honour for all of us, this decision was approved unanimously. We were united by friendship and respect towards each other, probably a bit look alike styles, similar views on life. We have never been megaactive and didn’t try to prove anything to anyone. We just painted and painting for pleasure and simply because its like a virus in our organisms, illness that has no cure. We have loads of friends that we paint with, chill, communicate and just being friends with.There is also another side of our creativity that is rap, notably Black Economy group. Only Abord and Magu joined it from our cew. But this is a graffiti magazine so we wouldn’t like to go deeper in this topic, just want to say «thank you» to people who listen to our music and support our ideas!

:«Now a couple of words about FACT. The crew appeared in 2000.

The founders were Test and Man (Ruota). Guys were active in painting mainly on commuters, finding more and more new spots by maps and time-shedules. In one of

such spots they accidentally met AST and UGW crews, that were active at that time. A couple of years later, Ruota met Sok and Homa (currently in RNG). They all got friends, used to chill, drink and paint together, often gathered near legal wall at VDNKh. United, they started to do even more of commuters, and even some spots in subway. In 2005 Gla and Esh and I started to paint for FACTS. Almost at the same time Homa left the crew lets call it « for family reasons». And approximately at that time we started to communicate with

SAR crew, that’s when FACTSAR appeared. Today only me and Test are painting actively, kind of very hard and continue to keep in touch with SAR Boys. If not for these boys, FACTSAR abbreviation would have ceased to exist long ago.»

:«We are sure that you would like to hear different stories about

our adventures regarding train bombing. We will tell about a couple of events. Lets call the first story The Blue Express.It happened in 2004, during classical

russian winter in a town in Moscow suburbs. That night a group of young men decided to paint several e2ends on a beautiful blue express. The participants of that event were Kabel, me, IodesS (NOWE), Aurs (NOWE), Bruk (UTOP), Tocio (TMP, UTOP), Orek (TEROR). It started as usual. We checked cabins, drivers slept in both. Waited a little and then started action. The commuter was in straight position so after 20-30 minutes of painting one of the drivers spotted us and passed it to the other one by portable radio, as we were very loud, being drunk, because we tried to get warmer and secondly one of us had birthday. They went down to the track but were scared to come closer. Some of us screamed very unpleasant comments and threats but they didn’t react. We waited before it would get calmer and continued to paint. In about 3 minutes they started to call the police. It was morning and our train had to go in traffic. Almost no one finished pieces and there was only one mission, to get home.

By word of mouth.FACTSAR.


moscow 2009

moscow 2004

moscow 2009

moscow 2008

moscow 2012


:«Hi and respect to everyone smooth! Try not to be carried away by passing.

Be yourself. My opinion is that graffiti currently not at it’s best stripe…»

:«To me my crew is the best in Moscow, which means the best in the world. I

respect and value all crew members first of all for their personal qualities. They are strong personalities, grown men, with vast experience, many with families and own business. Probably that’s why we are not so often at rails

together and at spots at nights like teenagers, but we can always count on each other and be confident, especially against the background of multiple graffiti losers. This is the best crew at organisation, cool rap group and large circle of people. All you could wish for.»

Later the situation developed against us. I pulled emergency break valve in the commuter that was passing by, so that all guys could get into it. And at this very time blue express came to the nearby platform, and a driver who was humiliated half an hour ago jumped out of it. He looked like one of Klichko brothers and was angry like bull at corrida. I tried to run from him along the train car but I was strongly hit in the back of my head. In some minutes i was on rail line. The driver continued to beat me using hands and legs and some workers joined him too. Then I been taken to the driver’s cabin where that driver and his assistant continued beating. Later i was taken to railway station and then to the police office where I spent the whole day. Later I found out that policemen also caught Aurs and Iodes in the commuter. They were held in different places, others managed to escape. In statement i wrote that i had been beaten, when I had just been recording on my cam ( didn’t have paint with me). This story finished with not big fines and everyone were released, but impressions will stay forever..»

:«There were many different situations. Of course more funny and with

good ending, but there were some adventures. One of them happened to me in 2005. That time we used to chase through suburbs looking for new places, spots and chances… That time

we painted 3 wholecars, some were doing top2bottoms, right on the station of one of suburban towns a couple of hours away from Moscow. First we saw drivers, who came out from both sides of commuter, and then a crowd of policemen running along the ross-over above the platform. Certainly we took a run in different directions, but it was unusual running, as wherever you would look at, someone would come out in policemen uniform or dressed as civil citizen. So it was a thoroughly planed raid. Somehow me and Magu managed to escape from the epicentre ( we always tried to hold together..that’s how it was). Hidden in some train in fear. Always heard some sounds of alarms, and cars with officers driving in yards. In the morning we managed to leave that place by miracle and called to our guys. It occurred that not all managed to escape and some were caught… The best episode happened to Noble: he was fastened to heater by cuffs, but by miracle he managed to take it off. He caught a moment, ran away and left surfing on the freight train!Later there were some unclear police activities…some people gave out some information and problems started. Some of us had house checks but we were ready and all the stuff had been hidden. Now, when analysing this case, can’t remember anything similar. During house checks they would show pictures of our pieces, but we couldn’t take them…Surely I can’t forget action in Berlin, when i did backjump on S-bahn alone, filled it and two men appeared from the car, either workers or security. I threw a can into them, they got confused and i was running away..Have to reminisce painting in New York, probably the most emotional, but not the hardest. I came out between the cars while the train stopped at the platform and painted SAR, as soon as i finished it left. I didn’t manage to picture it so it only stayed in my memory. Right after that i painted another train at night stand, which went on the line in the morning and i recorded it. Buff is really fast there though. I could tell a lot, reminiscing episodes for hours, revisiting each moment of that tremor, but next time… Peace everyone!»

moscow 2009 warsaw 2009

moscow 2009

moscow 2009

thailand 2012

moscow 2012

moscow 2004

moscow 200957

gets / moscow 2011




soke, sahar / kiev 2011

soke, bhuone / kiev 2011

soke, bhu / kiev 2011

bhu, soke / kiev 2011

boch, pten, soke / kiev 2011

hustle flow / kiev 2011

soke, boar, geks, sahar / kiev 2010



soke, sahar / odessa 2010

five, sahar, soke / kiev 2010

soke, sahar / kiev 2011nbk, sahar, soke, bhu, msone / kiev 2011

soke / kiev 2011 sahar / kiev 2011

etc, etc / kiev 2011

soke, sahar / kiev 2011

soke, bhuone / kiev 2011

boch, pten, soke / kiev 2011

hustle flow / kiev 2011

soke, boar, geks, sahar / kiev 201089

nats / moscow 2011

sam1, квадрат, smut / moscow 2011

auto / moscow 2011

orbet / moscow 2011

gb / moscow 2011

arks / ekaterinburg 2011

fatum / odessa 2011



arks / ekaterinburg 2011

fatum / odessa 2011