Good Kid, M.A.A.D City

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Good Kid, M.A.A.D City

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


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    Good Kid, M.A.A.D City

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    good kid, m.A.A.d city

    Studio albumby Kendrick Lamar

    Released October , !"


    !""#"$ At %y %ama&s 'tudio ()osAngeles*, +ncore 'tudios (urbank*,PatchWerk -ecording 'tudios(Atlanta*,T+ -ed -oom (/arson*

    Genre West /oast hip hop,0"1gangsta rap01

    Length 23:"2

    Label Top a4g, Aftermath,5nterscope


    r. re(e6ec.*, Anthony 7TOPAW87

    Tiffith (e6ec.*, a4aun Parker,9 halil,9 ahi,;itille, 'khye ;utch, 'oun4a?e,T

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City




    good kid,




    Deluxe edition cover

    Singlesfromgood kid, m.A.A.d city

    1. 7The -ecipe7-eleased: April @, !"

    2. 7'4imming Pools (rank*7

    -eleased: 9uly @", !"3. 7ackseat Freestyle7

    -eleased: 9anuary , !"@

    4. 7Poetic 9ustice7-eleased: 9anuary "B, !"@

    B. 7itch, on&t ill %y >ibe7-eleased: %arch "C, !"@

    Good Kid, M.A.A.D City(styli=ed asgood kid, m.A.A.d city* is the second studio albumby

    American rapper endrick )amar. The album 4as released on October , !", by Top a4g+ntertainment, Aftermath +ntertainment,and 4as distributed by5nterscope -ecords. The albumser?es as )amar&s maDor labeldebut, after his signing to Aftermath and 5nterscope in early !".5t 4as preceded by the release of endrick&s first studio album Section.80(!""*, releasede6clusi?ely through the iTunes 'toreindependently.

    The album 4as recorded mostly at se?eral studios in /alifornia 4ithproducerssuch as r. re,9ust la=e, Pharrell Williams, ;it

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    illed as a 7short filmby endrick )amar7 on the album co?er, the concept albumfollo4s thestory of )amar&s teenage e6periences in the drug

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    o "". Eear

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    re?ealedM.A.A.Dis an acronym 4ith t4o meanings: 7My Angry Adolescence Divided7 and moreimportantly 7My Angels onAngel Dust7, 4ith )amar stating: 7That 4as me. 5 got laced. Thereason 4hy 5 don&t smoke, and it&s in the album. 5t&s in the story. 5t 4as Dust me getting my handson the 4rong thing at the 4rong time, being obli?ious to it.7 0B1

    The co?er art4ork for Good Kid, M.A.A.D Cityfits to the concept of the album. The album co?erfeatures endrick )amar, t4o of his uncles, and his grandfather, 4ith the elders& eyes censored.Though there is no confirmed e6planation for 4hy endrick chose to do this, he e6plained thatthe reason 4hy he had not censored his o4n eyes 4as that the story 4as told through his eyes,and the story is based around his e6periences. The uncle 4ho is holding )amar also is displayingthe /ripsgang sign 4ith his hand, 4hich also fits the story of the album, and ho4 endrick 4asstuck in a lifestyle of gangs and drugs. The poster abo?e the head of endrick features him andhis father.021

    Recording and roduction

    Aftermath +ntertainmentfounder r. ree6ecuti?e produced the album.

    -ecording sessions for the album took place at PatchWerk -ecording 'tudios in Atlanta, +ncore'tudios in urbank, T+-ed -oom in /arson, and 7At 0endrick )amar&s1 %ama&s 'tudio7 in)os Angeles.01)amar stated Good Kid, M.A.A.D City4ould sound nothingN like Section.80, hispre?ious album: 5 couldn&t tell you 4hat type of sound or 4here 5Mma be in the ne6t fi?e years asfar as music,N he said. 5tMs a big difference from the ne6t proDect compared to the last. AndthatMs 4hat happened 4ith this album. 8oing back to the neighborhood and going to differentspots, chilling 4ith my homeboys, put me back in that same space 4here 4e used to be, bringing

    back them thoughts, reminiscing ho4 5 4as feeling. 5 got myself right back in that mode and 5got inspired by that. 'o this album 4onMt sound like Section.80. /ompletely nothing like it,N hetoldXXL maga=ine.01The first song )amar and r. re e?er 4orked on together 4as7/ompton7, the t4elfth track on the album, 4hich ser?es as the standard edition&s closing track.031

    On August "B, !", )ady 8aga announced ?ia T4itter,that she had collaborated 4ith )amar ona song entitled 7Partynauseous7, forgood id, !.A.A.d city, and that it 4ould be released on'eptember 2, !". ;o4e?er, on August @, !", 8aga announced that the song 4as no longer,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-5,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-6,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-7,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-KLDebut-4,,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-5,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-6,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-7,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-KLDebut-4,
  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    being released on that date and apologi=ed to fans for the delay.0C10"!1+?entually, it 4as confirmedthat )ady 8aga 4ould not be featured on the album due to timing issues and creati?e differences.0""1The song 4as later re?ealed to be reibe7. On Io?ember 3,!" 8aga released the ?ersion she 4as featured on, 4hich had her singing thechorusand a?erse.0"1)amar e6pressed he 4as surprised and happy that 8aga released her ?ersion of the song,

    as it sho4ed confidence in their 4ork together.0"@1

    !usic and lyrics

    The accuracy of its intimate autobiographical details is irrele?ant#4hat matters is that this album helpsyou feel the internal struggles of a good kid 4ho may not be good enough as he risks derailing his life bysuccumbing to the kneeDerk loyalty, petty criminality, and gang 4arfare of the hood he calls home.Iobody is heroic here, including )amar#from /hristian stri?ers to default sociopaths, all the players areconfused, 4eary, bored, ill

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    The album featuresnaturalistic, ?ritille. The song began to impact American rhythmic contemporaryradio on 9anuary"B, !"@.0@1The song has since peaked at number 2 on theBillboard;ot "!!.0@17Poetic9ustice7 4as also certified8oldin the United 'tates by the-5AA.0@31

    On %arch C, !"@, endrick tolda#-#that his ne6t single off the album 4ould probably be

    7itch, on&t ill %y >ibe7.01On %arch "@, !"@, 9ay

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    The same day an e6tended ?ersion of the music ?ideo 4as released featuring a cameo from 9uicy9, and a bonus clip of a ne4 song by 'choolboy Rfrom his o4n respecti?e maDor label debutalbum, /*y!oron(!"@*.0B"1


    efore and after the album&s release, endrick toured as a supporting act 4ith other ?ariousartists such as rake and 'te?e Aoki.0B10B@1On %ay B, !"@, he begun his first headlining tour4ith thegood id, !.A.A.d cityWorld Tour, in West Palm each, Florida. The tour consisted of@ headlining sho4s, international music festi?als, and "B United 'tates music festi?als. Thetour ran through August and also featured the other members of lack ;ippyon all the U'dates.0B1

    After titling the album 7a short film7 by endrick )amar, in an inter?ie4 4ith Ghe said 7heplans on doing a short film to bring his story to life.7 ;e also e6pressed interest in directing thisshort film too. )amar also thre4 out names like Tristan Wildsto portray him,TaraDi P. ;enson

    (as his mother* and -ihanna(as 'herane* as potential names he&d 4ant to ha?e if he could chooseanybody to 4ork 4ith.0BB1On ecember @, !"@, the music ?ideo for the song 7'ing About %e7,4as released. The ?ideo 4as directed byarren -omanelli.0B21

    Critical recetion

    Professional ratings

    Revie$ scores

    Source Rating

    All%usic 01

    -obert /hristgau AG0"1

    )ntertain!ent 1eely AG0B1

    $%e Guardian 031

    $%e 2ris% $i!es 0B31

    Los Angeles $i!es 01

    Pitchfork %edia C.BQ"!0@"1

    olling Stone 0@1

    'lant %aga=ine 0C1

    S#in 3Q"!01,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-51,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-52,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-53,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-53,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-54,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-55,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-55,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-56,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Jeffries-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Christgau-14,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Anderson-57,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Macpherson-28,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Carroll-58,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Wood-27,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Greene-31,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Rosen-32,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Collett-29,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Nosnitsky-22,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-51,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-52,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-53,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-54,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-55,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-56,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Jeffries-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Christgau-14,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Anderson-57,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Macpherson-28,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Carroll-58,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Wood-27,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Greene-31,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Rosen-32,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Collett-29,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Nosnitsky-22
  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    Good Kid, M.A.A.D Cityrecei?ed ra?e re?ie4s from contemporary music critics.0BC1At%etacritic,4hich assigns anormali=edrating out of "!! to re?ie4s from mainstream critics, thealbum recei?ed an a?eragescore of C", 4hich indicates 7uni?ersal acclaim7, based on @2re?ie4s.02!1Pitchfork %edia&s 9ayson 8reene felt that 7the miracle of this album is ho4 it tiesstraightfor4ard rap thrills7 to its 74eighty material7 and narrati?e.0@"1a?id Amidon of

    Pop%attersfelt that the album is simultaneously accessible and substantial, as it can appeal toboth underground and mainstream hip hop listeners.0@!13actmaga=ine&s 9oseph %orpurgo calledit an autobiographical 7triumph of breadth7 and a 74ide,S#in, and $i!e,number four by3ilter, 9on Parelesof $%e &e' (or $i!es, and Ann Po4ersofIP-, numberfi?e by $%e Guardian,number si6 byolling Stone, and number eight by)ntertain!ent 1eely.,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-59,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Metacritic-60,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Greene-31,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Greene-31,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Amidon-30,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Morpurgo-26,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-61,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Cho-33,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Cho-33,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Carroll-58,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Jeffries-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Sheffield-62,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Macpherson-28,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Nosnitsky-22,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Rosen-32,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Rosen-32,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Rosen-32,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Kot-15,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Christgau-14,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-59,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Metacritic-60,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Greene-31,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Amidon-30,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Morpurgo-26,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-61,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Cho-33,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Carroll-58,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Jeffries-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Sheffield-62,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Macpherson-28,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Nosnitsky-22,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Rosen-32,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Kot-15,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-Christgau-14
  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    02@15n ecember !", Co!#le*also named Good Kid, M.A.A.D Cityone of the B classic hiphop albums of the pre?ious "! years.021Co!#le*also ranked its album co?er as the best of!"02B14hile Pitchfork %ediaincluded it on its list of the ! best album co?ers of the year. 02215nApril !"@, 5ibeplaced the album at number "C on its 7The 8reatest B! Albums 'ince &C@7 list.021The album 4as nominated for Top -ap Album at the !"@ illboard %usic A4ardsand the

    !"@ American %usic A4ards.023102C1

    5n October !"@, Co!#le*named it the second best hip hopalbum of the last fi?e years.0!1

    5t also 4on the a4ard for Album of the Eear at the !"@ +T ;ip ;op A4ards.0"1Good KidM.A.A.D Cityearned )amar fi?e 8rammy A4ardnominations at the B2th 8rammy A4ards, forAlbum of The Eear,est -ap Album,est Ie4 Artist,est -apQ'ung /ollaborationfor Io4Or Ie?er 4ith %ary 9. ligeand est -ap Performancefor '4imming Pools (rank*.01

    Commercial erformance

    The album debuted at number t4o on the U'Billboard !! chart, 4ith first

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    ". 7'herane a.k.a. %aster'plinterMs aughter7

    endrick uck4orth,/hristopher Whitacre,9ustin ;enderson

    Tha i=ness :@@

    . 7itch, on&t ill %y >ibe7 uck4orth, %ark'pears, -obin raun,>indahl Friis, )ykke'chmidt

    'oun4a?e B:"!

    @. 7ackseat Freestyle7 uck4orth, /hauncey;ollis


    Tabu B:

    B. 7%oney Trees7 (featuring9ay-ock*

    uck4orth, acouryIatche, 9ohnny

    %cin=ie, >ictoria8arance Ali6e)egrand, Ale6 'cally

    9 ahi 2:2

    2. 7Poetic 9ustice7 (featuringrake* uck4orth, +liDah%olina, Aubrey8raham, 9ames ;arris,9anet 9ackson, Terry)e4is

    'coop e>ille B:!!

    . 7good kid7 uck4orth, PharrellWilliams

    Pharrell @:@

    3. 7m.A.A.d city7 (featuring%/+iht* uck4orth, 'pears,-icci -iera, A6el%organ, Aaron Tyler

    'oun4a?e, T;/,Terrace %artin(add.* B:B!

    C. 7'4imming Pools (rank*7(+6tended >ersion*

    uck4orth, TylerWilliams


  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City



    &otal length, -.,/0

    1sho$2Deluxe edition bonus tracks

    1sho$2i&unes Deluxe edition bonus tracks

    1sho$2&arget Deluxe edition bonus tracks

    1sho$2Sotify Deluxe edition bonus track

    1sho$23K Deluxe edition bonus disc

    1sho$2/450 re6issue bonus track

    (add.* Additional production (co.* /o.0C1

    7The -ecipe7 contains a sample of 7%eet the Fro4nies7 as performed by T4in 'ister.0C1


    /redits for Good Kid, M.A.A.D Cityadapted from Allmusic.0C1

    endrick )amar # art direction, primary artist r. re # e6ecuti?e producer, featured artist, mi6ing,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-92,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-93,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-95,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_Any_Place,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-PoeticJusticeSample-96,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-97,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-92,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-93,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-95,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_Any_Place,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-PoeticJusticeSample-96,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-SampleCredits-94,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_note-97
  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    Anthony 7TOPAW87 Tiffith # e6ecuti?e producer

    erek 7%i6edyAli7 Ali # engineer, mi6ing

    a?e Free # associate producer, coille # producer

    9 ahi # producer

    'khye ;utch # producer

    9ust la=e # producer

    Tha i=ness # producer


  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    Terrence ;enderson # associate producer

    rake # featured artist

    %/ +iht # featured artist

    9ay -ock # featured artist ent 9am= # featured artist

    Anna Wise # featured artist, background ?ocals

    /amille 75ll /amille7 a?is # ?ocals

    /had ;ugo # ?ocals

    9%'I # background ?ocals

    >indahl Friis # composer

    P. Williams # composer

    )ykke 'chmift # composer

    Amari Parnell # hooks and samples singer

    %ary eating # ?iolin

    %arlon Williams # guitar, bass guitar

    /harly H %argau6 # composers, ?iolin, ?iola

    8abriel 'te?enson # piano

    9 %ormile # AH-

    %anny 'mith # AH-

    TunDi alogun # AH-

    -ay Alba # publicity

    Willie )ong # grooming

    itti Fontaine # stylist

    an %onick # photography

    Paula Oli?er # photo courtesy

    4ane )aFleur # photo courtesy

    anny 'mith # photo courtesy

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    'c;oolboy R # hand4riting, background ?ocals


    )eekly charts

    Chart */45/+Peak


    %ustralian %lbums Chart17.2 @Belgian %lbums Chart*8landers+1772 2Belgian %lbums Chart*)allonia+

    15442 "@!

    Canadian %lbums Chart19-2

    Danish %lbums Chart


    !Dutch %lbums Chart19.2 8rench %lbums Chart154/2 B

    :rish %lbums Chart15402 2'e$ ;ealand %lbums Chart1992 'or$egian %lbums Chart154

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City








    'tandard 0"1






    ecember @,!"

    elu6e 0"B1

    See also

    )ist of number

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    "". um u 7The %aking of endrick )amar&s 7good kid, m.A.A.d city77.2nsanul A%!ed. /omple6 (maga=ine*. -etrie?ed October 2, !".

    ". um u 7endrick )amar f. )ady 8aga G itch on&t ill %y >ibe7.;ip;opK. /heri %edia 8roup. -etrie?ed Io?ember "B, !".

    13. um u 7endrick )amar 'urprised )ady 8aga -eleased ;er >ersion Of7itch on&t ill %y >ibe77. ;ip;opK. /heri %edia 8roup. -etrie?ed Io?ember "2,!".

    14. 9ump up to: a bcdef-obert /hristgau(Io?ember @, !"*. 7'aigonQendrick)amar7. %'I %usic. %icrosoft. -etrie?ed Io?ember @, !".

    15. 9ump up to: a b8regot(October ",!"*. 7Album re?ie4: endrick )amar,&good kid, m.A.A.d city&7. C%icago $ribune. Archi?ed from the originalon Io?ember ,!". -etrie?ed October C, !".

    16. 9ump up to: a bel F. /o4ie (October , !"*. 7endrick )amar < good kid,

    m.A.A.d. city7.)*clai!+(Toronto*. -etrie?ed Io?ember @, !".

    ". 9ump up to: a bc9on /aramanica (October C, !"*. 7'torytelling -appers,/ool and ;ot7.$%e &e' (or $i!es. p. /". -etrie?ed Io?ember @, !".

    "3. um u %ike %adden (October , !"*. 7Album-e?ie4: endrick )amarG good kid, m.A.A.d city7. /onseSuence of 'ound. -etrie?ed Io?ember @, !".

    "C. um u %arcus 9. %oore (October , !"*. 7-e?ie4 of endrick )amar ideo7.&adesa Ale*is.%T>. -etrie?ed October "3, !".

    @B. um u 7'4imming Pools (rank* < 'ingle7. -etrie?edOctober ", !"@.

    36. um u Iaomi Jeichner (August @, !"*. 7>ideo: endrick )amar,7'4imming Pools (rank*77. The Fader. -etrie?ed October ", !"@.

    37. 9ump up to: a bc7endrick )amar < /hart history7.Billboard. -etrie?ed October, !"@.

    @3. 9ump up to: a b78old H Platinum 'earchable atabase < October !", !"@7.-ecording 5ndustry Association of America. -etrie?ed October ", !"@.

    @C. um u endrick )amar Album H 'ong /hart ;istory G ubbling Under ;ot"!!.Billboard. -etrie?ed on Io?ember ", !"@.

    !. um u 7U.. G Forthcoming 'ingles7. -adio " -odos 8reece. Archi?ed fromthe originalon 9anuary , !"@. -etrie?ed 9anuary , !"@.

    ". um u 'te?en 9. ;oro4it= (9anuary "B, !"@*. 7endrick )amar +6plains5ncluding ;is Father 5n 7ackseat Freestyle7 >ideo7. ;ip;opK. /heri %edia 8roup.-etrie?ed %ay ", !"@.,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Hoby_25-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Hoby_25-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Morpurgo_26-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Morpurgo_26-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Morpurgo_26-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-2,0,6292536.story,0,6292536.story,0,6292536.story,0,6292536.story,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-3,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Collett_29-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Collett_29-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Collett_29-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Collett_29-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Amidon_30-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Amidon_30-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Amidon_30-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Amidon_30-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Greene_31-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Greene_31-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Greene_31-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Greene_31-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-3,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Cho_33-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Cho_33-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Cho_33-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-TheRecipeVideo_34-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-35,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-36,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-billboardHot100_37-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-billboardHot100_37-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-billboardHot100_37-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Singlecertifications_38-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Singlecertifications_38-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Singlecertifications_38-1,+Kendrick%22,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-39,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-39,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-backseat_40-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Hoby_25-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Morpurgo_26-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Morpurgo_26-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Morpurgo_26-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Wood_27-2,0,6292536.story,0,6292536.story,0,6292536.story,0,6292536.story,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Macpherson_28-3,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Collett_29-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Collett_29-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Amidon_30-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Amidon_30-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Greene_31-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Greene_31-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Greene_31-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Rosen_32-3,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Cho_33-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Cho_33-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-TheRecipeVideo_34-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-35,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-36,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-billboardHot100_37-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-billboardHot100_37-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-billboardHot100_37-2,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Singlecertifications_38-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Singlecertifications_38-1,+Kendrick%22,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-39,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-backseat_40-0
  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    . um u 7endrick )amar < /hart history7.Billboard. -etrie?ed October ,!"@.

    @. um u 7Top !Q-hythmic

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    B3. 9ump up to: a b/arroll, 9im (Io?ember , !"*. 7endrick )amar7. $%e 2ris%$i!es(ublin*. -etrie?ed Io?ember @, !"@. 7...a po4erful, significant, thrilling andastonishing affair, good kid, mAAd city recalls the heyday of West /oast rap supremacy4hile sketching out a ne4 manifesto.7 (subscription reSuired*

    BC. um u 7'hyne ashes endrick )amar&s good kid, m.A.A.d city Album7.%T> Ie4s. >iacom. October , !". -etrie?ed October C, !".

    2!. um u 78ood id, %.A.A. /ity -e?ie4s, -atings, /redits, and %ore7.%etacritic. /' 5nteracti?e. -etrie?ed October C, !".

    2". um u 7good kid, m.A.A.d city by endrick )amar re?ie4s7.Anyecent%usicX.-etrie?ed Io?ember B, !".

    2. um u ;a=el 'heffield (October "C, !"*. 7endrick )amar G 8ood id,%AAd/ityM7.&M)()ondon*. -etrie?ed October C, !".

    2@. um u 7%usic /ritic Top "! )ists < est of !"7. %etacritic. /'

    5nteracti?e. -etrie?ed ecember , !".

    2. um u 7endrick )amar, good kid, m.A.A.d city (!"* # B -ap AlbumsFrom the Past ecade That eser?e /lassic 'tatus7. /omple6.-etrie?ed %ay ", !"@.

    2B. um u 7". endrick )amar, good kid, m.A.A.d. city # The B est Album/o?ersof !"7. /omple6. ecember "@, !". -etrie?ed %ay ", !"@.

    22. um u 7'taff )ists: The est Album /o?ers of !" Y Features7. Pitchfork.ecember ", !". -etrie?ed %ay ", !"@.

    2. um u Aaron%, 7The 8reatest B! Albums 'ince &C@7, 52B), April "3, !"@.

    -etrie?ed April "3,!"@.

    23. um u 7-ihanna 'cores "! illboard %usic A4ards Iominations7.a#-#.April , !"@. -etrie?ed October "2, !"@.

    2C. um u 7American %usic A4ards !"@: Full Iominations )ist7.Billboard.Prometheus 8lobal%edia. October "!, !"@. -etrie?ed October "2, !"@.

    !. um u 7. endrick )amar, good kid, m.A.A.d city (!"* # The "! est-ap Albums of The)ast B Eears7. /omple6. -etrie?ed October ", !"@.

    ". um u 7+T ;ip ;op A4ards !"@ Winners7. %T> Ie4s. >iacom.

    October "B, !"@. -etrie?ed October "B, !"@.. um u http:QQ444.comple6.comQmusicQ!"@Q"Q!",_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Anderson_57-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Anderson_57-0,,20641971,00,,20641971,00,,20641971,00,,20641971,00,,20641971,00,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Carroll_58-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Carroll_58-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-59,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-59,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-59,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Metacritic_60-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Metacritic_60-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-61,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-61,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-61,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Sheffield_62-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-63,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-64,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-64,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-65,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-66,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-67,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-68,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-69,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-70,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Anderson_57-0,,20641971,00,,20641971,00,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Carroll_58-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Carroll_58-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-59,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Metacritic_60-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-61,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-Sheffield_62-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-63,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-64,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-65,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-66,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-67,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-68,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-69,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-70,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-71,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-72

  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    75. 9ump up to: a b7!"

    3. um u Andres Tardio (February 2, !"*. 7;ip ;op Album 'ales: TheWeek +nding Q@Q!"7. /heri %edia 8roup. -etrie?ed February 2, !".

    3@. um u 7'hyne +6plains Why ;e Thinks endrick )amar&s 7good kid,m.A.A.d city7 5s 7Trash77. ;ip;opK. /heri %edia 8roup. -etrie?ed Io?ember "B,!".

    3. um u 'te?en ;oro4it=. 78ame efends endrick )amar From 'hyne&s/omments Against7good kid, m.A.A.d city77. ;ip;opK. -etrie?ed Io?ember "B,


    3B. um u anielle ;arling. 7endrick )amar 'ays Word Of %outh ;elpedAlbum 'ales, -efers To 'hyne As eing A 78ood ude77. ;ip;opK. /heri %edia8roup. -etrie?ed Io?ember "C, !".

    32. um u /yrus )anghorne (October , !"*. 7Iipsey ;ussle, /urrenZy,'choolboy R )ash ack At 'hyne7. 'ohh./om. -etrie?ed %ay ", !"@.

    3. um u anielle ;arling. 7endrick )amar Unfa=ed y 'hyne&s 7good kid,m.A.A.d city7 /omments, 'ays ;is Album 5s 7/lassic Worthy77. ;ip;opK. /heri%edia 8roup. -etrie?ed Io?ember "C, !".

    33. um u 8ene?ie?e Oli?er (October @", !"*. 7o4nload: Ie4 endrick)amar < 7The 9ig isUp (umpin&*77. Pretty %uch Ama=ing. -etrie?ed October ", !"@.

    3C. um u 'te?en ;oro4it=. 7'hyne -esponds To 8ame, /alls ;im 7%y )ittle'on77. ;ip;opK. /heri %edia 8roup. -etrie?ed Io?ember "B, !".

    C!. um u 'te?en ;oro4it=. 78ame isses 'hyne On 7/ough Up A )ung7Freestyle7. ;ip;opK. /heri %edia 8roup. -etrie?ed Io?ember "B, !".,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-73,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-73,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKalbums_74-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKalbums_74-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKalbums_74-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKalbums_74-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKalbums_74-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKR.26B_75-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKR.26B_75-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKR.26B_75-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKR.26B_75-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKR.26B_75-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-CanadianAlbumsChart_76-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-CanadianAlbumsChart_76-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-CanadianAlbumsChart_76-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-CanadianAlbumsChart_76-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-CanadianAlbumsChart_76-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-NZAlbumsChart_77-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-NZAlbumsChart_77-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-NZAlbumsChart_77-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-DutchAlbumsChart_78-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-DutchAlbumsChart_78-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-DutchAlbumsChart_78-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-79,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-80,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-81,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-83,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-84,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-85,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-86,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-87,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-88,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-73,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKalbums_74-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKalbums_74-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKR.26B_75-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-UKR.26B_75-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-CanadianAlbumsChart_76-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-CanadianAlbumsChart_76-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-NZAlbumsChart_77-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-NZAlbumsChart_77-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-DutchAlbumsChart_78-0,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-DutchAlbumsChart_78-1,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-79,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-80,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-81,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-82,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-83,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-84,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-85,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-86,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-87,_M.A.A.D_City#cite_ref-88
  • 8/12/2019 Good Kid, M.A.A.D City


    C". um u 7'hyne isses 8ame With 7Psalms 23 (8uns H %oses*77.;ip;opK. /heri %edia 8roup. -etrie?ed Io?ember "B, !".

    C. um u idd Future (August , !"@*. 7The Futurist: 9%'I rings ;ippie