GOing Mobile with System Management

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Transcript of GOing Mobile with System Management

Dell World 2014

GOing Mobile with Systems Management

Dwane Porter, Product Manager, November 04, 2014

Dell WorldUser Forum

Dell World 2014

• Who here was aware prior to Dell World / User Forum that there was a mobile application for the K1000?

Preliminary Questions

Dell World 2014

• Who here was aware prior to Dell World / User Forum that there was a mobile application for the K1000?

• Who here has downloaded the K1000 GO mobile application prior to this week?

Preliminary Questions

Dell World 2014

• Who here was aware prior to Dell World / User Forum that there was a mobile application for the K1000?

• Who here has downloaded the K1000 GO mobile application prior to this week?

• Who here uses it daily or at least multiple times per week?

Preliminary Questions

Dell World 2014

• Mobile interface for the K1000 Systems Management Appliance

• Free!

• iOS & Android

• English-only

• Administrator Access

• End User Access

What is K1000 GO?

Dell World 2014

• Manage your machines from anywhere

• Inventory

• Warranty

• Managed Installs

• Service Desk

• Knowledge Base

• User role access

• Customize push notifications

• Service Desk enablement for end user

• Open, manage and track their tickets

• Access to Knowledge Base

Why use the K1000 GO?

Dell World 2014

• v1.0 first available August 2013

• Inventory, Managed Installs, Service Desk, Custom Fields

• v2.0 Mach 2014

• User roles, improved service desk function, attach a photo to a ticket

• v2.1 May 2014

• Do Not Disturb, additional ticket attachment types

• v2.2 Nov 2014

• Drawer Navigation, enhanced push notification / customization

History & Recent Improvements

Dell World 2014

1. Check prerequisites

• K1000 v5.5 or later

• iOS v6.0 or later

• Android v4.0 or later

• K1 GO application (current version)

• VPN access (where required)

Prerequisites for Mobile Access

Dell World 2014

1. Check prerequisites

• K1000 v5.5 or later

• iOS v6.0 or later

• Android v4.0 or later

• K1 GO application (current version)

• VPN access (where required)

2. Enable Mobile Device access on the K1000

• Control Panel General Settings

3. Enable Mobile Device Access for individual users

• Settings Users

How to Enable Mobile Access

Dell World 2014

1. Check prerequisites

• K1000 v5.5 or later

• iOS v6.0 or later

• Android v4.0 or later

• K1 GO application (current version)

• VPN access (where required)

2. Enable Mobile Device access on the K1000

• Control Panel General Settings

3. Enable Mobile Device Access for individual users

• Settings Users

How to Enable Mobile Access4. Download the application from

the Google Play Store or iTunes Store

5. Enter credentials & login

Dell World 2014

Admin App – Home Screen

• Actions here:

• View dashboards

• Click into main functional areas

• Go to “Settings”

• Go to “Help”

• Global Search (Android only)

• Log out

Dell World 2014

Admin App – Inventory

• Actions here:

• View inventory summary

• Select an inventory item

• Sort / Search

Dell World 2014

Admin App – Inventory Details

• Actions here:

• View inventory details

• Drill into inventory items

• View tickets related to a certain device

• Force update

• Assign a Managed Install

Dell World 2014

Admin App – Managed Installs

• Actions here:

• View enabled Managed Installs (MI)

• Assign MIs to devices (via MI details screen)

• Sort / Search

Dell World 2014

Admin App – Service Desk

• Actions here:

• Change queue

• Go to ticket lists

• Create a new ticket

• Go to Knowledge Based (KB) articles

Dell World 2014

Admin App – Ticket List

• Actions here:

• View ticket summaries

• Select a ticket

• Refresh list

• Sort / Search

Dell World 2014

Quick Walkthrough of Admin App – Ticket Details

• Actions here:

• View ticket details

• Edit ticket details

• View associated device details

• View submitter/owner details

• E-mail or call the submitter

• View related KB articles

• Add comments

• Close ticket

• Delete ticket

• Clone ticket

Dell World 2014

End User App – Ticket Details

• Actions here:

• Create a New Ticket

• Go to My Tickets lists

• Knowledge Based (KB) articles

• My Tickets (Summary)

• Open

• One More

• New

• Need More Info

Dell World 2014

Available November 2014

• 3 main objectives:

• Biggest takeaway: Your end-users (non IT staff) will now be able to use the app to log service desk tickets & access the KB, and your helpdesk staff will gain a ton of mobile features.

Our next release: K1000 GO 2.2 (Yellowstone)

Drawer Navigation



Enhanced Push


Dell World User Forum

Thank you.

Dell World 2014


Dell World 2014

Ways to Provide Feedback

• E-mail me your thoughts directly

• Dwane_Porter@Dell.com

• Find us on provide us your feedback

• KACE UserVoice

• Download the app if you haven’t already.

• iOS| Android

• Leave a review! (hopefully a good one…)

• Talk to me!

• I’ll be here all week.

• Visit our web page


I’ll be sending you all the related links