God Is Wise

Post on 11-May-2015

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This lesson helps us to define the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

Transcript of God Is Wise

Beyond BeliefExploring the Character of God

Rhema Christian Fellowship Bible


God Is Wise

Our Essential Questions

What do I believe about my faith?

How do I know the will of God?

Beyond Belief:Exploring the Character of God

Session 1: God Is Holy

Session 2: God Is Loving

Session 3: God Is Always Just

Session 4: God Is Forgiving

Session 5: God Is Wise

Session 6: God Is Faithful

God Is Wise

Session 5

God Is WiseThe Point: God will give me wisdom when I humbly seek it.

The Bible Meets Life. In this session, we’ll learn the Book of Proverbs points to the beauty of God’s wisdom.

Our Passage: Proverbs 2:1-6; 3:5-7

”God Is Wise”(Proverbs 2:1-6; 3:5-7)

The Setting:

• Bible Students have designated the Book of Proverbs as wisdom literature.

• “Wisdom”, “wise” or some variation appear more than 100 times in the book.

• In Chapters 2 and 3, Solomon undertakes his parental responsibility to instruct his son in wisdom and the ways of the Lord.

• He emphasizes that true wisdom comes from the Lord.

What’s the wisest advice you’ve ever embraced or


Video Introduction

VideoKnowledge and wisdom are different

Knowledge is factual information

Wisdom is the application of God’s divine truth

How do we get God’s promised wisdom?

A teachable heart (vv. 1-2)

Actively pursue wisdom (vv. 3-4)

What Does the Bible Say?

Session 5

Conduct an Inductive Study

Mark reference to author in one color and another to the recipient

Identify lists

Mark keywords and synonyms

Mark contrasts

Mark terms of conclusion

Mark comparisons

Mark expressions of time

Double underline geographical locations

Make lists of keywords and key people

Proverbs 2:1-4 (HCSB)

1 My son, if you accept my words

and store up my commands within you,

2 listening closely to wisdom

and directing your heart to understanding;

3 furthermore, if you call out to insight

and lift your voice to understanding,

4 if you seek it like silver

and search for it like hidden treasure,

Proverbs 2:5-6 (HCSB)

5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord

and discover the knowledge of God.

6 For the Lord gives wisdom;

from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 3:5-7(HCSB)

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not rely on your own understanding;

6 think about Him in all your ways,

and He will guide you on the right paths.

7 Don’t consider yourself to be wise;

fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

God wants to impart his wisdom to us. Verse 4 calls us to seek his wisdom.

So how do we seek that?

• Ask the right person Proverbs 2:6.• Have the right attitude Proverbs 2:2• Use the right tools Proverbs 2:3–4

Where do you typically turn when you need wisdom or advice? Why?

”God Is Wise”(Proverbs 2:1-6)

Wisdom is the product of a real intimate relationship with God.

God's guidance in verse 6 should not be understood as a passive trust in God; it's the by-product of thinking about Him “in all your ways”.

So what does trusting the Lord look like?

• Wait on God and his perfect timing.• Rely on God's wisdom rather than human understanding.

Trust and obedience to God will result in receiving divine wisdom.

”God Is Wise”(Proverbs 3:5-6)


”Good Advice?”(Activity)

Wisdom is not:

• mere common sense• simply being reasonable or rational• intuition, instinct, or a sanctified guess

Wisdom is a supernatural product of divine discernment given by God through His Spirit.

• How do you navigate the tension between trusting God's wisdom and trusting your own competence?

• How can a person cultivate humility?

”God Is Wise”(Proverbs 3:7)

Live It Out

How will you respond to God's wisdom?

• Memorize.• Seek advice.• Immerse yourself and God's word.

Search, and you will find information. Seek and ask humbly, and you will find wisdom – God's wisdom.