God Has A Plan For You - Lesson 5

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Transcript of God Has A Plan For You - Lesson 5

A Relationship


Six Lessons

Only 15 Minutes




FOR YOUBible Study by Donna Maricelli , © 2009

PPT by Richard Tracey © 2010

Lesson 5

Created to Worship

Caressing TheCreator

“… thou has created all things, and

for thy pleasure they are and were

created.” Revelations 4:11

In any intimate relationship, Jesus Christ loves expressed affection. He cherishes emotional, physical and spiritual interaction.

He desires worship and praise to be special moments, when He is given your undivided attention.

David said:

“… I will praise thee with my whole heart… Psalm 138:1, 111:1

God searches for true worshipers.

“…true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth ? Spirit: Entire Mental, Physical and Spiritual Aspect of a Person

Truth: According to His Word

True worshipers study and practice God’s Word

Worship that pleases Him may not merit societal or religious approval.

It may be scorned by tradition: Be viewed as disrespectful, even forbidden in formal places of worship.

Worship is the sacrifice of personal

preference The goal of worship is not to please the worshiper but the One being worshiped.

Worship is the sacrifice of personal

preference It is when the created caresses the Creator.

Worship is the sacrifice of personal

preference A sincere worshipper asks, “What pleases Jesus Christ?”

Worship is the sacrifice of personal

preference True worship and praise may compel a person to move out of their comfort zone.

Worship and Praise is aCelebration for Jesus Christ.

What is the proper response for this magnificent occasion?

His Word says He loves it when we: Give Him our undivided attention… Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically.

HE LOVES IT When we give Him

All… “… thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and all thy soul, and all thy might.” Deuteronomy 6:5

HE LOVES IT WHEN WE… Raise our hands in the

sanctuary ! “… I will lift up my hands in thy name.”

Psalm 63:4

HE LOVES IT WHEN WE… Clap our hands

“O clap your hands, all ye people.”

Psalm 47:1


a loud voice “…shout unto God with the voice of triumph” Psalm 47:1

HE LOVES IT WHEN WE… Dance before Him

“…praise his name in the dance.” Psalm 149:3

“…David danced before the Lord with all his might…” 2nd Samuel 6:14

HE LOVES IT WHEN WE… Play various loud

instruments “Praise him with the trumpet…

psaltery and harp… timbrel and dance…stringed instruments and organs…loud cymbals…high sounding cymbals…” Psalm 150:1-6


“… Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy…” Luke 6:23

HE LOVES IT WHEN WE… Bow before Him in

sacred reverence “O come… let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” Psalm 95:6

God responds to true worship In return the worshipper will

be uplifted and experience a surge of strength.

Though awkward at first, the more a person responds, the more liberated their worship becomes.

Personal Application

“… thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11

Personal Application

Worship: In spirit and truth

Assure Jesus Christ: Let Him know He is a cherished resident in your spiritual house.

Pleasure Him: Celebrate and rejoice in a scriptural manner.

Celebrate the magnificence of Jesus Christ through praise and worship !

Saplings reach for new heights and

depths Through its life span, the miniature oak continues to extend into new territory.

Saplings reach for new heights and

depths The deeper the root system, the more stable it becomes and the more visible its outward display

Saplings reach for new heights and

depths Praise and worship expands the spiritual root structure as it reaches toward God.

Discussion Questions

Describe true praise and worship.

Discussion Questions

What new concepts have you discovered in this lesson?

Discussion Questions

How do those new concepts differ from your personal past knowledge?

Discussion Questions

How would you feel about participating in a church service that worships in this manner?

Let’s pray together.

Thank Jesus Christ for proving His love.

Ask Him to help you express your love for Him through praise and worship.

Let’s pray together. Ask Him to teach you new ways to entertain His presence.

Ask for His guidance to resolve any past misconceptions that may hinder the response He desires.

Let’s pray together.

“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1st Corinthians 6:19,20

Reading Assignment:

A wife scorns her husband’s worship (2nd Samuel 6)

God’s works are magnificent (Psalm 8)

Worship the King of Glory (Psalms 24, 33)

Looking Ahead

Next lesson we will learn about our divine privilege –