Goals Labor Costs - unlockthedata.com up Ajera for FAR.pdf · Labor Costs Labor is typically the...

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Transcript of Goals Labor Costs - unlockthedata.com up Ajera for FAR.pdf · Labor Costs Labor is typically the...

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

The purpose of this courseware is to educate Ajera users on how transactions are mapped (get assigned

General Ledger account numbers) to the General Ledger(GL), provide a working knowledge of the

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in regards to classifying and accounting for costs, and how to setup

an Ajera system to be FAR compliant.


1) Capture, map, and maintain transactional data in the system to

a. Prepare Required Management Reports b. Properly File Income tax, payroll tax, and other compliance returns c. Capture Costs and calculate an Overhead Rate in Compliance with the FAR

2) Create and maintain a system of capturing, mapping, and maintaining transactional data that is

not so overly complicated and convoluted that is requires excessive accounting staff to

administer it. (This is the daily double).

Labor Costs

Labor is typically the largest component on the Profit and Loss Statement and the cost most subject to misclassification, so let’s begin there. The FAR mandates the separation of labor into three categories.



Unallowable Ajera’s basic standard functionality allows for labor to be segregated into four categories. This

functionality is driven from the eight Billing Types available at the Phase level of the Work Breakdown

Structure (WBS). See the below image for an example of how these Billing Types map entries to the GL.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

There is one exception to the above illustration. That is the WIP status of NonBillable. When a WIP

entry is changed from the Manage Client Invoices menu to this status, it will change the account in the

GL from its original account to the account associated with Non-Billable.

Elements That Affect Setup and Functionality

From a simple standpoint (buckets required vs. buckets available), Ajera‘s functionality is able to handle

the requirements of the FAR. What typically makes the setup and configuration more complicated are

the following four items:

1) The number of accounts in the GL used to track labor (before setup for FAR).

a. Two: Direct – Indirect(Overhead)

b. Three: Direct – Proposal - Indirect (Overhead)

c. Four or more: Direct – Indirect(OH) –Proposal - Marketing – Vacation – Holiday - etc

2) Functionality limitations within Ajera.

3) Misguided requirements demanded by management or accounting itself

4) The convoluted regulations contained in the FAR

Reference Note 1: There is not one clear winning configuration setup for Ajera in compliance with the FAR. The

setup depends on many variables that are specific to each firm. Some of the variables that affect the setup

configuration are:

1) Use or nonuse of the Business Development Functionality of Ajera.

2) Requirements to track proposal and other marketing costs in the GL.

3) Items discuss above.

Reference Note 2: All software have limitations or issues of some sort. The focus in the next section should not be

on what Ajera does not do, but how we can make Ajera work in an acceptable fashion with the functionality that is

does have.

Reference Note 3: Certain labor costs can be tracked and determined simply and easily without tracking them to

the GL. Ajera is after all a job cost system. By charging time to a job or series of jobs, the total labor charged for a

specific event or category can be easily determined. The costs do not have to be segregated in the GL to determine

this amount.

The Number of Accounts Used to Track Labor in the GL

If two accounts are used to track labor in the GL, then configuration for compliance with the FAR will be

very quick and efficient. In general, the more accounts that are used to track labor the more difficult the

FAR configuration will be.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Functionality Limitations within Ajera

1) Other than time charged to an overhead project, there are no GL account overrides in Ajera.

Therefore, labor cannot be split between allowable and unallowable within a billing type. This is

not an issue for billing types of Billable and NonBillable, but it is an issue for Marketing.

2) When setting up an overhead group, only projects that have a billing type of Overhead appear

on the available project list and can be selected for use for configuring the overhead group.

As a result, unallowable marketing labor must be routed through an overhead project, or all

time charged to a phase with a billing type of marketing should be classified as unallowable.

3) Overhead group overrides do not engage when time is charged “above the line” on the

timesheet. In order for time entries to flow to their desired accounts in the GL, users must

ensure time is charged to not only the project and phase, but from the proper location on the

timesheet. Ensuring time is charged from the proper location of the timesheet is very

attainable and should not be of major concern.

4) Labor costs can be routed to the proper account in the GL without the use of an overhead

project, only the use of an account. However, the standard utilization report is dependent on all

time being charged to a project (Activity). Any time charged on a timesheet that is not

associated with a project will cause the standard utilization to be out of balance.

Misguided requirements demanded by management or accounting itself

This item typically manifests itself into the form of requiring more than three accounts to track labor in

the GL. I believe my informal research has traced the origin of this logic to:

1) Limitations of Prior Accounting Systems – Accounting software is relatively new. It was born in

the early 1980’s. Most of these systems were limited in their functionality and reporting

capabilities. In order to be able to report on specific metrics, costs had to be segregated in the

GL to accomplish them. As a result, labor was split into Direct, Indirect, Proposal, Marketing,

Vacation, Holiday, etc.

2) Accounting Heads that worked in other non-job cost industries – People are creatures of habit

and they have comfort zones they will retreat to when pushed outside of them. If an

accounting professional is new to this industry, then they are most likely new to Ajera and other

industry specific software. “New to the industry” typically translates into an underutilized and

inefficiently configured system.

3) Management that is stuck in the past and who want to follow how things were done in the past.

This will typically lead us back to item 1 above.

The Convoluted Regulations Contained in the FAR

Without going into great detail, I think it is generally agreed that the persons responsible for authoring

the FAR had way too much time on their hands and they got lost in the details. The processes that need

to be implemented and the additional staff hired that have to administer the separation of allowable

from unallowable costs have probably caused a greater cost to the government than the costs

themselves. Separating time spent collecting bad bets from other accounting time is just one example

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

of a set of convoluted rules that wreak havoc government contracting firms. This is especially true of

smaller firms with limited accounting resources.


For the purposes of this article, we will make the following assumptions about the firm we will configure

for FAR compliance.

1) The firm separates labor into more than four accounts

2) The firm is open to using as many overhead groups as necessary to simplify the process and

ensure a better system of segregating costs is established and documented.

3) The firm tracks proposals and uses the BD functionality of Ajera.

4) The firm has one full time marketing staff that performs both allowable and unallowable

marketing work.

5) The firm performs “Not to Exceed” projects for the local DOT. From time to time WIP associated

with those projects has to be written off or written down.


Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Setup Steps in Chronological Order – Labor (Payroll Service Configuration)

Step 1 – Define how the eight billing types will be defined. The below illustration will serve as the

definition. (No Ajera Work)

Step 2 – Define How Many Labor Accounts Will Be Used to Track Labor in the GL (No Ajera Work)

In our example company, we will use four. (Direct, Indirect, Proposal, PTO) Setup Unallowable labor

accounts in the GL. At minimum there should be two; one for direct and one for indirect.

Step 3 – Define and Setup Pays needed (Ajera Setup Required)

In our example, in addition to the required “Unallowable” Pay ID, only one additional Pay ID is required

to be setup to override the Ajera Default settings. It is “PTO”. Note: For every GL account needed in

excess of the standard four accounts from company preferences, an additional PAY ID is required to be


Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

From the Company menu, select Payroll then Pays

Click the New button.

Enter the description, and GL account. Click Save when finished.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Setup the second Pay ID, “Unallowable Labor” as shown. Click Save when Finished.

Step 4 – Identify indirect time categories and subcategories (No Ajera Work)


o PTO (a)

o Holiday (a)

o Other Paid Leave(a)

o General Admin(a)

o Training / Continuing Education(a)

o Community Service(a)

o Recruiting(a)

o General Unallowable Overhead(u) (Labeled “Accounting Use Only”)


o Proposals(a)

o Client Development(u)

o Trade Shows (Exhibitor) (u)

o Project Pursuit(a)

Step 5 – Identify Utilization Categories and Related Labor Activities – Setup any Activities required for

the FAR compliance configuration.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Step 6 – Define Overhead Groups (Number, Assignment by/to, Overhead Lines Assigned to Each) (No

Ajera Work)

Principals 1. PTO

2. Holiday

3. Other Paid Leave

4. General Admin

5. Training / Continuing Education

6. Community Service

7. Recruiting

8. Proposal Time for Proposals not setup as a specific opportunity

9. Client Development

10. Other Project Pursuit Efforts

Accounting 1. PTO

2. Holiday

3. Other Paid Leave

4. General Admin

5. Training / Continuing Education

6. Community Service

7. Overhead

Human Resources 1. PTO

2. Holiday

3. Other Paid Leave

4. General Admin

5. Training / Continuing Education

6. Community Service

7. Recruiting

Specify additional groups as needed.

In the above example, the only difference between HR and Accounting was the recruiting line. There is

no limit to the number of overhead groups that can be setup and utilized. An extreme example would

be to setup a different overhead group for each employee. The main objective is to eliminate any lines

that would not or should not be used by an employee for overhead time. This will mitigate the amount

of incorrectly charged time, and provide support of a well-documented system.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Step 7 – Setup Overhead Groups (Work in Ajera)

From the Setup Menu, select Overhead Groups.

Click the New button.

Enter a Description. In our example, the description is “Principals”.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Enter overhead group line items as shown. Click Save when finished.

Setup Steps in Chronological Order – Non Labor

Step 1 – Identify and setup Unallowable Non Labor accounts in the GL.

Unallowable Travel (1st class airfare, Directly Related Unallowable Costs)

Unallowable Meals & Entertainment (Alcohol, Directly Related Unallowable Costs)


Charitable Contributions


Step 2 – Identify Expense Items (Activities). These will most likely be directly correlated to the Accounts

setup in Step 1.

Step 3 – Setup any missing Expense Items / Activities or improve the description of existing Activities.

From the Setup Menu, select Activities.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Complete setup as shown on the General tab

Complete setup as shown on the Cost/Expense Tab. Click Save when finished.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Optional - Reporting Steps

Step 1 – Setup a custom field on the GL account record to identify the account “Classification”.

Company – Custom Fields

Highlight the Account Table and click Select.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Click the New button.

Assign the Display Name, Internal Name, Tab Name, and Type exactly as shown below. Add the values

as shown.

Select One


Project Direct Costs

Direct Labor

Indirect Labor

Labor Burden



Not Applicable

Click OK when finished to close the screen and the work.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Step 2 – Assign the required custom field to the GL account record.

Company – Financials – Chart of Accounts

Assign every Income Statement account to a classification. Accounts that are not included in the

analysis should be assigned to “Not Applicable”. Highlight the account record and Click Edit.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Click the Profile Data tab. Assign the DOT classification by selecting the proper choice from the drop

down menu.

Click Save to finish.

Tip: Instead of clicking the Save button, click the record advance button. That will save the current

record and advance you to the next record in one step.

Assign a DOT classification to each income statement account.

Step 3 – Create a reporting tool to report Income Statement results per the FAR and calculate your firms

overhead rate.

Setting Up Your Ajera System to be FAR (DOT) Compliant www.unlockthedata.com By: Michael J. Brennan, CPA

Michael J. Brennan, CPA mbrennan@unlockthedata.com

Phone: 707-280-7724

Michael J. Brennan, CPA is one of the nations leading experts in the management of A&E and

professional services firms. Mr. Brennan has twenty five+ years of accounting and consulting

experience in Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. His certifications


Certified Public Accountant

Certified Timberline Consultant

Certified Axium Protrax Consultant

Certified Axium Ajera Consultant Prior to starting unlockthedata.com he held the position of Controller at the Bentley Company and he

was Manager of IT Consulting Services at Lautze & Lautze, a regional accounting firm in San

Francisco. Mike is also an accomplished speaker, speaking to hundreds of A&E professionals each

year at seminars and professional association conferences. He graduated in 1984 from Western

Illinois University, with a BA, Accounting, and passed the CPA in Illinois in 1986.

Beyond the box is Mike’s approach to consulting, not limiting his skills and expertise to consulting

on the Protrax and Ajera products. His approach is to help companies identify areas of weakness,

and then provide solutions to address those weaknesses.