Goal 12. 1968 Two assassinations: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. Tet Offensive and...

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Transcript of Goal 12. 1968 Two assassinations: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. Tet Offensive and...

Goal 12

1968Two assassinations: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy.

Tet Offensive and major anti-war protests

Insanity at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

Richard Nixon wins the election and begins a new political era.

The Republican Party will be politically dominant from 1968 – 2008.

Nixon appeals to the “Silent Majority” of conservative America to support him.

Nixon Era highlights:

• New Federalism – to “downsize” the Great Society• Economic recession – high inflation• Arab oil embargo – gas lines, inflationary• Southern Strategy – attracts white voters – especially in the South – to the Republican Party.

Nixon’s foreign policy was skillful. He traveled to Communist China and to the Soviet Union. These trips were in keeping with his foreign policy emphasis, Realpolitik.

The Soviet visit brought about détente – a lessening of tension between the US and the USSR. SALT I was also a result.

Nixon’s presidency was destroyed by the Watergate scandal.

Rather than face impeachment, Nixon resigned.

Nixon was succeeded by Gerald Ford. Ford served the remainder of Nixon’s term, but was not re-elected in 1976.

Ford is unusual because he was not elected either President or Vice President. He was appointed to fill a vacancy in the Vice Presidency and then became President when Nixon resigned.

Ford pardoned Nixon for all Watergate-related activites. This was controversial.

Ford struggled with “Stagflation” – his WIN initiative did not solve much.

James Earl Carter

• Peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia• Former Governor of Georgia• Won the election of 1976 by running as a Washington “outsider.” This distanced him from the Watergate scandal.

Carter’s one term was a difficult one and he lost badly to Ronald Reagan in 1980.

“Stagflation” continued. Another oil embargo didn’t help. “Double-digit inflation” resulted.

Carter tried to convince Americans to conserve energy. He gave a very unpopular speech to that effect in 1978 – it was such a “downer” it was called the Malaise Speech.The public didn’t like it.

Carter tried to base US foreign policy on “human rights.” The Camp David Accords, which he mediated, reflected that idealism

When Americans were taken hostage by Islamic militants in Iran, Carter could not win their release. The Iranian Hostage Crisis ruined whatever (slim) chance Carter might have had for re-election in 1980.

Ronald Reagan won the election of 1980. He continued and strengthened the conservative trend that had started with Nixon in 1968. The movement became more organized. It is called the New Right Movement aka, the “Reagan Revolution”

The New Right agenda focused on “family values,” downsizing big government, the priorities of the Christian Right, blue-collar white workers, and patriotism.

Supply side economics – also called “Reaganomics” did cut taxes and slow inflation.

However, very large deficits were needed to stimulate economic growth.

Sandra Day O’Connor

First female US Supreme Court Justice

Nominated by President Ronald Reagan

Geraldine FerraroDemocrat. 1984 Vice-Presidential candidate

First woman on a major party ticket

Mondale/Ferraro lost big – really big – to Reagan (see next slide)

The Cold War “heated up” during the 1980’s.

Mr. Gorbachev, “Tear down this wall!”

Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms (glasnost and perestroika) triggered the collapse of the USSR

George Herbert Walker Bush won the election of 1988. He had been Reagan’s VP and promised to continue the “Reagan Revolution.”

Important events in the communist world…The Cold War is over

1989: Chinese government crushes democracy movement at Tiananmen Square.

1991: Soviet Union 1989: Berlin collapses Wall down 1990: German


The Persian Gulf War is fought to liberate Kuwait after its invasion by Iraq. It was successful.

Despite considerable success, Bush loses the Election of 1992 to Bill Clinton – just the 2nd Democrat since 1968.

“Hillarycare” failed The US joined NAFTA

Bill Clinton – 2nd US president impeached.

Not removed from office.

Sexual affair alleged with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern.

Election of 2000

Is the New Right Movement over? We’ll see…..