Go, Man, Go!

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Transcript of Go, Man, Go!

  • 8/13/2019 Go, Man, Go!


  • 8/13/2019 Go, Man, Go!



    1. Witnessing Is Fabulous 3

    2. What Kind Are You? 14

    3. Age Is No Barrier 23

    4. ... Until eath o Us !art 32

    5. Not I Who "i#es$ But %hrist 41

    &. 'B( All )eans . . .* 50

    +. ,he U-,ight (na/ite %hi0

    . ,he ,i/e Is No5 69

    . ,ae 677 the Blinders +

    18. "et9s :6 ; All the Wa(< 1

    The Four Spiritual Laws booklet Frances talksabout in this book is available on line

    in almost 150 dierent lan!ua!es.

  • 8/13/2019 Go, Man, Go!


    "o to



  • 8/13/2019 Go, Man, Go!


    Chapter 1


    &nd 'esus came and spake unto them( sa)in!(

    &ll power is !iven unto me in heaven and in

    earth. "o )e thereore( and teach all

    nations. . . . * +atthew ,-#1- 19a

    ,=> )6, >@%I,IN: 0ha-ter in the entireBible is the 2th 0ha-ter o7 A0ts.. . and i7 (ou don9t

    belie#e it$ tr( it< It9s e0iting be0ause it9s the0ha-ter that (ou and I are -ri#ileged to 5rite. odon9t tr( 7inding it in the Bible$ be0ause it9s not

    0o/-lete (et$ but do tr( 5riting (our share o7 thisne5 0ha-ter.I lie the shortest #erse in the Bible. )an(

    -eo-le thin it9s the #erse 5hi0h sa(s 'Cesus 5e-t$*but in /( #ersion$ the shortest #erse has Dust one5ord$ and that is the 5ord ':o.* !eo-le tell /ethere9s /ore to the #erse than Dust that one 5ord$

    but i7 there is$ the 7irst 5ord sa(s so /u0h to /ethat I ha#en9t read the rest o7 it$ but ha#e onl(obe(ed the 0o//and gi#en in the 7irst 5ord o7 that:reat %o//ission.

    o/eho5 or other I9/ on a s-iritual 0loud or a/ountainto- /ost o7 the ti/e. And I ho-e that 7ro/

    this boo (ou /ight learn a little o7 the reason 5h(I sta( on the /ountainto-. EAnd it isn9t be0ause /(o5n li7e doesn9t ha#e -roble/s$ either.

    Follo5ing that one little 5ord ':o* has led /einto so/e o7 the /ost 7antasti0 situations$ but

    belie#ing that '5here#er I go$ :od goes 5ith /e$

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    and that /aes /e a /aDorit(* lets /e 0o/e out onto- and has gi#en /e an e0iting$ ad#entureso/e

    li7e I 5ouldn9t trade 5ith an(one.I ha#e heard -robabl( e#er( e0use in the boo

    as to 5h( -eo-le 0an9t 5itness$ and i7 (ou ha#e/ade an( o7 the/$ be -re-ared to ha#e a ni7e stu0in (ou through the -ages o7 this boo Eor thro5 the

    boo a5a( right no5$ be0ause that9s -robabl( 5hatI9ll do Ein a %hristian 5a($ o7 0ourse.

    I9#e read the Bible 7or5ard$ ba05ard$ u-sidedo5n$ and I 0an9t 7ind an(thing in it 5hi0h gi#esan( -h(si0al s-e0i7i0ations 7or being a 5itness 7or%hrist. I 0an9t 7ind an(thing in the Bible 5hi0h sa(s(ou ha#e to be beauti7ul$ (oung$ edu0ated$

    -ossessed o7 great gi7ts o7 orator($ or an( other

    attribute to obe( the :reat %o//ission.%hrist didn9t tell /e I had to be a 'no0out*

    Eit9s a good thing. =e didn9t tell /e I had to be thegreatest theologian in the 5orld Ethat9s a good thing$too. =e didn9t tell /e I had to be the s/artest

    -erson In the 5orld Eand that9s reall( a good thing.=e didn9t tell /e I had to be the 0le#erest -erson inthe 5orld E=e /ust ha#e no5n I9d 0o/e along andhear his 0all. But he #er( si/-l( said to /e$ ':otell e#er(bod(.* =e didn9t sa( I had to be a realgenius and 7igure out all inds o7 s0he/es and 5a(sto be able to tal to -eo-leG he Dust said in great lo#eto 'tell e#er(bod(.*

    And 5hat do I tell e#er(bod(? Cust the #er(si/-le stor( o7 Cesus. =ere is a /an 5ho li#ed su0ha -er7e0tl( si/-le$ un0o/-li0ated li7e$ and 5hoseonl( 0lai/ to 7a/e 5as the 'greatest stor( e#ertold.* =ere is a /an 5ho died 7or -eo-le lie (ou

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    and /e$ a /an 5ho ga#e his li7e in a horrible$agoniHing death that (ou and I /ight be sa#ed 7ro/

    sin and ha#e eternal li7e. I7 he 5as 5illing to do this7or us$ 5h( don9t 5e all do Dust one lit tie thing 7orhi/ 'go tell e#er(bod(*? =e -ro/ised us an'abundant* li7e$ and ho5 0an 5e e-e0t to 0lai/ his

    -ro/ise i7 5e don9t do the one little thing he ass usto do?

    I hear -eo-le tal about their ne5 0ars ho5/an( 0olors the( 0o/e inG ho5 /an( /iles the tiresare guaranteed 7orG ho5 /an( gadgets are on the0arG ho5 long the 0ar 5ill lastG ho5 0o/7ortable itisG ho5 /u0h it 0osts$ or ho5 little Enot toda( the(don9tG and I 5onder 5h( the( 0an9t tal in the sa/e5a( about so/ething 7ar /ore e0iting than a 0ar.

    I7 (ou 5ill thin about %hrist as a 0ar$ this is5hat (ou /ight 0o/e u- 5ith a 'ne5* 0ar ; %hristis ne5 to an(one 5ho hasn9t heard the gos-el andhe9s ne5 to /e e#er( da( be0ause o7 the things here#eals to /e dail( sin0e he ga#e /e a 'ne5* li7e.And tal aboutpower/ You don9t e#en no5 5hat

    -o5er is until (ou no5 the -o5er o7 the =ol(-irit. =o5 7ast 0an (ou go? 6nl( as 7ast or as slo5as (ou 5ant to go be0ause %hrist ne#er 7or0eshi/sel7 u-on (ou. =o5 /an( 0olors?

    %hrist isn9t reser#ed 7or an( one 0olor. =ebelongs to all. =o5 /an( /iles is he guaranteed7or? =e9s guaranteed 7or a li7eti/e$ not Dust 7or a

    7e5 /iles. =o5 /an( gadgets are on the 0ar? Well$7igure gadgets as blessings$ and see ho5 /an(%hrist 0an gi#e (ou. =o5 long 5ill %hrist last? Forall eternit(. =o5 /u0h does %hrist 0ost? =e9s a 7reegi7t ; no -a(/ents to /ae$ no taes to -a($ no

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    /ortgages to 5orr( about$ but an e0iting gi7t toenDo( through all eternit(. No5 isn9t that a lot /ore

    e0iting than taling about a 0ar?And I hear 5o/en s5a--ing re0i-es$ dis0ussing

    the high -ri0e o7 7ood at the store$ and all sorts o7things that /an( ti/es neither o7 the/ areinterested in dis0ussing$ but it9s 'so/ething to talabout.* And (et thin ho5 /u0h /ore 7un it is tos5a- re0i-es on ho5 to lead so/eone to a -ersonalrelationshi- 5ith %hrist. ,hin o7 the lo5 0ost o7sa#ing so/eone9s soul$ be0ause o7 the high -ri0ethat o/eone -aid 7or us.

    o /an( -eo-le 5ho hang on the brin o7%hristianit($ do so be0ause the(9re a7raid to tr(gi#ing %hrist a5a($ and (et this 5ill bring a Do( that

    nothing else 0an.,here is a little se0ret$ though$ and be7ore I tell

    (ou about the di77erent inds o7 5itnessing$ I 5antto as (ou one uestion. o)ou reall( no5 %hrist?EWell$ there 5ent that ni7e

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    ,he =ol( -irit is the se0ret o7 5itnessing$ and Iho-e (ou don9t get tra--ed b( -eo-le sa(ing

    'su00ess7ul 5itnessing.* "et /e assure (ou that an(sin0ere 5itnessing is 'su00ess7ul$* be0ause %hrist

    Dust 0o//anded us to so5 the seeds$ and 5e /ustre/e/ber there is nothin! 5e 0an do to add an(oneto :od9s ingdo/. ,hat9s a -ri#ilege he reser#es 7orhi/sel7.

    id (ou e#er see a tiger rug? You no5$ theind that lies on the 7loor 7latter than a -an0ae but5ith /outh 5ide o-en and teeth sho5ing? ,hat9s5hat I 7eel lie e#er( ti/e I9#e tried to go out5itnessing on /( o5n. I 7all so 7lat on /( 7a0e it9sre#olting$ and I 7eel ea0tl( lie the tiger rug looss-read out all o#er the 7loor.

    It9s eas( to 5itness$ a0tuall($ i7 (ou9ll Dust 'goalong 7or the ride.* Kee-ing (oursel7 sub/ergedand letting :od use (ou 0an /ae it reall( eas( 7or(ou$ and reall( e0iting as 5ell$ and 5hat a blessingan instru/ent o7 :od 0an be to so/eone else.

    Warning e0ond Kni7ing 0o/ing u-< I7 (ou9restill 5ith /e$ as (oursel7 honestl( 'A/ I 7illed5ith the =ol( -irit?* Are (ou sure? I7 not$ 0lai/the -ro/ise o7 %hrist and as to be 7illed 5ith the=ol( -irit ri!ht now/ And I ho-e (ou9ll sa( 'than(ou.* !eo-le o7ten thin the uni#erse 5ill 0olla-se5hen the(9re 7illed 5ith the =ol( -irit$ the thunder5ill roll$ the lightning 5ill strie$ and 5hen the(

    don9t hear an( o7 this the( thin the(9re not 7illed5ith the =ol( -irit. But %hrist doesn9t lie and he7ul7ills his -ro/ises toda( Dust as he al5a(s has$ soas hi/ to 7ill (ou... and he 5ill< Cust that si/-le AN

    !"AN F6J =I "IF>.

    E)an Is 0ontinuall( tr(ing to rea0h :od and the abundant li7ethrough his o5n e77orts$ ethi0s$ -hiloso-h($ et0.

    Man Is Sinful

    Jo/ans 323 'For all ha#e sinned and 0o/eshort o7 the glor( o7 :od.*

    Ein Is an attitude o7 indi77eren0e to :od$ and is0hara0teriHed b( an attitude o7 a0ti#e or -assi#erebellion.

    Man Is Separated

    Jo/ans &23 'For the 5ages o7 sin is


    E)an 5as 0reated to ha#e 7ello5shi- 5ith:od$ but be0ause o7 his o5n stubborn sel7

  • 8/13/2019 Go, Man, Go!


    5ill$ /an 0hose to go his o5n In. de-endent5a( and 7ello5shi- 5ith :od 5as broen.

    Te Tird La! "ives us te onl# ans!er

    to tis dile$$a%

    LAW T&'EE

    C>U %=JI, I :69 6N"Y!J6II6N F6J )AN IN. ,=J6U:=

    =I) Y6U %AN KN6W :69 "6>AN !"AN F6J Y6UJ "IF>.

    Jo/ans 'But :od -ro#es =is lo#e 7orus$ in that 5hile 5e 5ere (et sinners$ %hristdied 7or us.*

    Cohn 14& 'Cesus saith unto hi/$ I a/ the5a($ the truth$ and the li7e no /an 0o/ethunto the Father$ but b( /e.*

    2 %orinthians 21 'For =e E:od bath /ade=i/ E%hrist to be sin 7or us$ 5ho E%hristne5 no sin that 5e /ight be /ade therighteousness o7 :od In =i/.*

    It is not enou" to (no! tese tree la!s

    or even to )elieve te$%%

    LAW *O+'

    W> )U, J>%>I> C>U %=JI, AAI6J AN "6J BY !>J6NA"


  • 8/13/2019 Go, Man, Go!


    We 0an ee- our 7inite sel7 on the throne

    5ith %hrist outside o7 our li7e. With interest0ontrolled b( sel7 5e 5ill ha#e dis0ord and7rustration.

    6r 5e 0an -ut %hrist in the 0enter o7 our li7e5ith our interest under 0ontrol o7 In7inite:od$ resulting In har/on( and -ur-ose.

    &OW TO 'ECEI,E C&'IST-EJead Cohn 314Cohn 112 'But as /an( as re0ei#ed =i/$ tothe/ ga#e =e -o5er to be0o/e the ons o7:od$ e#en to the/ that belie#e In =isna/e.*


    Je#elation 328 E%hrist >s s-eaing 'Behold Istand at the door and no0 I7 an( /an hear /(#oi0e$ and o-en the door$ I 5ill 0o/e In to hi/ ...'

    'Je0ei#ing* %hrist In#ol#es 0o//it/ent o7 thetotal -erson. Intelle0t$ e/otion and 5ill. E,he0hange 5hi0h 7ollo5s this Initial a0t /a( besudden or gradual a00ording to one9s


    Is there an( good reason 5h( (ou 5ouldn9t lieto re0ei#e %hrist right no5?

    !rinted b( -er/ission. %o-(right %a/-us %rusade 7or %hrist$ In0.$ 1&. )trights reser#ed. !ublished si/ultaneousl( in %anada. )anu7a0tured in theU..

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    no longer 'a0ti#e* in 0hur0h be0ause she 5as-h(si0all( unable$ but she -la(ed a great -art in our

    0hur0h9s gro5th 7or Dust one si/-le little 7a0t. I9llal5a(s re/e/ber her as an e0iting 5itness 7or%hrist be0ause she 5as 'al5a(s there.*

    I7 it 5as unda( s0hool$ )ollie 5as there.I7 it 5as /orning 5orshi-$ )ollie 5as there.I7 it 5as e#ening 5orshi-$ )ollie 5as there.I7 it 5as a business /eeting$ )ollie 5as there.I7 it 5as a 0hur0h -i0ni0$ )ollie 5as there.I7 it 5as a 0hur0h -la($ )ollie 5as there.And as I began attending all the 0hur0h ser#i0es

    /(sel7$ a7ter su0h an e0iting introdu0tion to %hrist$I 7ound /(sel7 looing 7or her$ and 5hen I sa5)ollie in her 7a/iliar -la0e$ there 5as a 0al/

    7eeling that all 5as right 5ith the 5orld and theser#i0e 0ould begin. I 5asn9t -ri#ileged to no5 herreall( 5ell$ and I 5asn9t -ri#ileged to no5 her5hen she 5as 'a0ti#e* in the 0hur0h$ but I 5as

    -ri#ileged to see the 0ontribution she /ade b( Dust'being there.*

    I looed u- the 5ord '5itness* in Webster9sdi0tionar( and as a noun$ the 7ollo5ing de7inition isgi#en 'testi/on(G attestation o7 a 7a0t or e#entGe#iden0eG a -erson 5ho sa5$ or 5ho 0an gi#e a7irsthand a00ount o7$ so/ethingG . . . so/ething

    -ro#iding or ser#ing as e#iden0eG to bear 5itnessG tobe$ or gi#e e#iden0e.*

    )ollie reall( -ro#ed the de7inition to be a real7a0t be0ause her #er( -resen0e 5as 'attestation o7 a7a0t or e#entG e#iden0e.* Inso7ar as being a '-erson5ho sa5$ or 5ho 0an gi#e a 7irsthand a00ount o7$so/ething$* she 0ertainl( 5as able to gi#e a

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    7irsthand a00ount o7 no5ing %hrist in a -ersonal5a(G 'so/ething -ro#iding or ser#ing as e#iden0e*G

    she 0ertainl( ser#ed as e#iden0e be0ause she 5as'there*G 'to be$ or gi#e e#iden0e$* )ollie not onl(5as e#iden0e$ she ga#e e#iden0e. he ga#ee#iden0e that %hrist 0a/e 7irst in her li7e$ be0auseshe ne#er -ut an(thing else in 7ront o7 hi/. A 7e5(ears ago I /ight not ha#e been able to understand)ollie9s being a 5itness$ but toda( I 0an see she5as a #er( s-e0ial ind o7 5itness.


    I/ going to tr( and share 5ith (ou all the-ossible and i/-ossible inds o7 5itnessing I 0an

    thin o7 in the ho-e that so/e5here along the line(ou 5ill 7ind the ni0he 5here (ou belong as a5itness. Not #er( long ago$ Al-haL6/ega$ the%hristian Youth )o#e/ent I started in 1&&$ 5asout on one o7 the bea0hes in )ia/i sharing thee0ite/ent o7 %hrist 5ith other -eo-le on the bea0h.

    )( 0hur0h had loaned a bus 7or the (oung

    -eo-le to go out in. And it is one o7 the usual0hur0h /onstrosities -ainted that horrible (ello55ith the na/e e/blaHoned in big ; bold ; bla0letters on the side %=UJ%=.

    o/eho5 it see/s to /e that 7e5 0hur0hes 0ana77ord strea/lined$ /ode/ buses -ainted a

    luurious -ale blue 5ith lots o7 shin( 0hro/e$ andall inds o7 air 0onditioning$ auto/ati0 5indo5s$and su0h. )ost see/ to go the hard route andad#ertise %hrist in a 5orn out '0hug0hug* t(-e o7thing that -u77s and -ants 5hene#er there is theslightest in0line$ and the ind o7 thing 5here (ou9d

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    better -ra( there9s a 0hiro-ra0tor in the0ongregation E!," 5e ha#e one in ours . . . so he

    0an get the ins out o7 (our ba0 5hen (ou getba0 Ei7 (ou get ba0.

    And things al5a(s ha--en$ lie the night the0lut0h 7ell out on the high5a(. %an (ou i/agine thee0iting '5itness* 5e 5ere 5ith a busload o7 teenage ids and the 0lut0h l(ing on the high5a(? Well$I had ne#er thought o7 an( 0hur0h bus as being a#er( e0iting 5itness 7or %hrist. ,he( s5a( and ti-dangerousl( 5ith re0less abandon as the( 0arr(singing teenagers on Daunts 7or Cesus. ,hen 0a/ethe da( the ids returned and told /e ho5 our0hur0h bus had '5itnessed.*

    It see/s that 5hen the( got to the bea0h the

    grou- had s-lit u- into t5o9s and three9s to sear0hout indi#iduals 5ho needed %hrist. A tea/ 0a/eu-on a lad( 5ho 5as sitting in the sand and 5holooed lie she 5as either digging 0astles in thesand or bur(ing so/ething >">J"Y !A,I>N, had died ;a--arentl( o7 a heart atta0. But be0ause o7 aninteresting /edi0al histor($ an auto-s( 5as /ade todeter/ine the 0ause o7 death.

    e#eral 5ees later the /edi0al ea/iner 5hodid the auto-s( 5as in a 0ar 5ith r. C. "a5ton/ith$ )ia/i$ Florida$ 5orld 7a/ous o-hthal/ologist and a /ight( %hristian 5arrior. ,he

    /edi0al ea/iner 5as telling hi/ about the elderl(-atient on 5ho/ he had -er7or/ed an auto-s( andhe said$ ',his /an 5as so unusual be0ause he hadon his 7a0e the /ost -ea0e7ul$ serene loo o7 an(oneI ha#e seen in the last ten or 7i7teen (ears.*

    r. /ith re/e/bered ha#ing read in0onne0tion 5ith a#iation 0rashes that -eo-le 0arr(0ertain e-ressions on their 7a0es 5hen the( die.,his is 5h( it9s -ossible to tell Ei7 the 7a0es aren9tdis7igured 5hether or not a -lane has had enginetrouble. I7 the -assengers ne5 there 5as going to

    be trouble$ the( had an e-ression o7 7ear on their

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    7a0es in death. In the 0ase o7 an e-losion orrunning into a /ountain -ea$ there 5ould be a

    /ild$ bland e-ression be0ause o7 no7oreno5ledge o7 death.

    o/eti/es -eo-le die 5ith a snarl on their7a0es. o/eti/es 5ith a s/ile. o/eti/es 5ith7ear. e-ending u-on 0ir0u/stan0es at the ti/e o7their death. But this /an /ade e#en the /edi0alea/iner 0o//ent be0ause o7 the beauti7ul$ serene$

    -ea0e7ul loo on his 7a0e.And no5 that I9#e told (ou the end o7 the stor($

    let /e tell (ou ho5 this -arti0ular stor( started. r./ith had been treating an elderl( -atient 7orglau0o/a and the -atient$ 5ho 5as about ninet((ears old$ 5as 7ailing uite 7ast -h(si0all(. r.

    /ith ne#er /isses an o--ortunit( to 5itness$ and$in taling to this /an$ 7elt that he 5as not a%hristian. o he 0asuall( said$ 'When did (ou

    be0o/e a %hristian?*,he /an9s 0ountenan0e 0hanged radi0all( and

    he 5ent 0o/-letel( a5a( 7ro/ the subDe0t and toldhi/ ho5 he had sung in the 0hoir and ho5 he hadtra#eled 5ith a 0horal grou- and ho5 he had donethis$ and ho5 he had done that. ,hen r. /ith saidto hi/$ 'You no5$ i7 (ou should die tonight andthe "ord should sa( to (ou$ Wh( should I let (ouinto hea#en?9 5hat 5ould (ou sa(?*

    ,he /an9s entire e-ression 0hanged and he

    said$ 'I9d ha#e to tell the "ord I don9t no5 5h( heshould let /e in.* ,hen he looed u- and said heguessed he Dust didn9t ha#e the right ans5er.

    r. /ith -ro0eeded to share the Four -iritual"a5s 5ith the /an$ 5ho$ a7ter hearing the 7our la5s

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    and being 0on7ronted 5ith %hrist$ 5hen ased 7or ade0ision$ ba0ed a5a( and said$ 'I 5ant to thin it

    o#er.* At the ri-e old age o7 ninet($ he 5anted'ti/e to thin it o#er.* It doesn9t /ae an(di77eren0e ho5 old 5e are a0tuall($ 5e ne#er no55hen the "ord is going to sa($ ',his night th( soulis reuired o7 thee.* I honestl( belie#e that at ninet(I 5ouldn9t 5aste /u0h ti/e thining it o#er$ butthis 5as the 0ase here.

    i 5ees 5ent b( and one aturda( a7ternoonthis /an9s 5i7e 0alled r. /ith and said herhusband 5as 7eeling #er( -oorl($ ha#ing su77ered aheart atta0 7i#e da(s -re#iousl(. r. /ith

    -ro/ised he 5ould be right o#er to see her husband$e#en though their house 5as uite a distan0e 7or

    hi/ to go.A7ter ea/ining the -atient$ r. /ith taled to

    hi/. =e said that he had been -ra(ing 7or hi/be0ause he 5as so 0on0erned about hi/ and the 7a0tthat the last ti/e he had said he didn9t no5 theright ans5er as to 5h( he should be allo5ed toenter hea#en. ,hen r. /ith said$ 'I 5ant to /aesure be7ore I lea#e toda( that (ou no5 the rightans5er.*

    Again he -resented the Four -iritual "a5s$ andthis ti/e the /an a00e-ted. r. /ith 5anted theassuran0e that this /an trul( been sa#ed$ so he said$'o (ou 7eel an( di77erent? o (ou no5 5here

    %hrist is right no5?*And the old /an s/iled a beauti7ul s/ile and

    said$ 'I ha#e Dust entered a ne5 -hase in /(e-erien0e.*

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    ,he 7ollo5ing ,uesda( he died. =e had notbeen out o7 his a-art/ent a7ter a00e-ting %hrist and

    had seen no one$ and there7ore had been unable to5itness in li7e$ but the s/ile and the -ea0e on his7a0e ga#e hi/ the o--ortunit( he 5anted.

    =e 5as 5itnessing to the /edi0al ea/iner indeath#en though I sa5 the great need in this (oung/an9s li7e$ and e#en though I sa5 a sear0hing heart$

    I 7elt the braes a--lied b( the =ol( -irit. And5hile 5e 0ontinued taling about :od9s lo#e$ I didnot -ush the issue 0on0erning the a00e-tan0e o7%hrist$ nor did I e#en /ention this e0e-t in ageneral 5a( b( 0asuall( sa(ing 'When I a00e-ted%hrist. . .'

    I -ra(ed earnestl( 7or :od9s guidan0e in this(oung /an9s li7e and the net thing I ne5 I 5asin#iting hi/ to 0hur0h 5ith /e the 7ollo5ing/orning. And he a00e-ted< I -ut his na/e on /(

    -ra(er list right then and there$ and ased :od togi#e hi/ the 0ourage to be there$ and then I ased:od to gi#e /( -astor the 5ords that 5ere needed

    in this (oung /an9s li7e.In 0ase (ou thin that e#er(one 5ho -ro/ises to

    attend 0hur0h 5ith /e reall( /eans it$ (ou9d betterthin again. I9#e had so/e -eo-le -ro/ise /e ontheir '5ord o7 honor* the( 5ould be there$ and the(

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    ha#en9t sho5ed< o I9#e dis0o#ered that the '5ordo7 honor* o7 so/e -eo-le doesn9t a/ount to #er(

    /u0h.A7ter unda( s0hool the net /orning r 5aited

    outside the 0hur0h 7or /( ne5 7riend. I -ra(ed$ I5aited$ I -ra(ed$ I 5aited$ I -ra(ed$ I 5aited EI didthis at the sa/e ti/e. Finall( the organ began

    -la(ing$ so I ne5 I had to go inside the 0hur0h. I5as heartbroen be0ause I 7elt that so/eone had

    been sent to /e to hel- and so/e5here or so/eho5I had 7lubbed it.

    )( heart 5as hea#( as the ser#i0e started$ butbe7ore long :od9s -resen0e 5as so near /( heart5as li7ted on the 5ings o7 7aith. As I listened to theser/on$ all I 0ould thin o7 5as ho5 sad it 5as this

    (oung /an had not 0o/e$ be0ause the ser/onre#ol#ed around '%o/e unto /e all (e 5ho arehea#( laden.*

    I 5ent ho/e$ and as I 5as -re-aring unda(dinner$ /( tele-hone rang. It 5as the (oung /an5ith the 'garbage* letterG he said$ 'I 5ant toa-ologiHe 7or being late$ to 0hur0h this /orning.And then I 5ant to a-ologiHe the se0ond ti/e 7ornot sta(ing and taling 5ith (ou. But I thin (our

    -astor ne5 about /e$ be0ause that ser/on 5as/eant Dust 7or /e. I 5as so shaen u- at the end o7the ser#i0e I had to lea#e.*

    Again :od9s =ol( -irit had taen o#er 5here

    there 5as a great need. We taled 7or about a hal7hour Eor long enough to burn the -otatoes ; but 5ho5orries about things lie that 5hen a /an9s soulhangs in the balan0e?. =e 0ontinued to asuestions 0on0erning 5hat ha--ens 5hen %hrist

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    ,his (oung /an 0ontinued to 0all /e during the5ees that 7ollo5ed$ seeing$ asing$ sear0hing.

    And (et the =ol( -irit ne#er ga#e /e the 'greenlight* to a0tuall( gi#e hi/ the o--ortunit( to a00e-t%hrist. And I ne#er 5ent ahead on /( o5n$ be0auseI9#e learned the hard 5a( that this doesn9t 5or.

    6ne unda( this (oung /an ased i7 he 0ouldsit beside /e during the 0hur0h ser#i0e. I 5asdelighted be0ause I ne5 this /eant he 5as getting0lose to a de0ision 7or %hrist. Again 5e heard ane0iting ser/on about 5hat %hrist 0an do in a li7e.

    And as the in#itation 5as etended at the end tothose 5ho 5ished to a00e-t %hrist$ he beganshaing so badl( I honestl( thought he 5as going tono0 /e through the 5all o7 the 0hur0h. in0e 5e

    5ere sharing the h(/nal$ I had to rea0h 7or it 5ith/( other hand to stead( it be0ause he 5as shaingso badl(. I 5his-ered 'Wh( don9t (ou gi#e (our li7eto %hrist right no5?* And he hoarsel( 5his-ered$'No.*

    uring the net 5ee he 0ontinued to 0all /e$asing uestion a7ter uestion. Finall( the 7ollo5ingaturda( he 0alled /e three ti/es during thea7ternoon. uring the third 0all the =ol( -irit ga#e/e the 'green light.* I said$ 'o (ou realiHe (oudon9t ha#e to be in a 0hur0h to a00e-t %hrist? Ihonestl( 7eel 7ro/ the urgen0( in (our #oi0e that(ou 5ant to /ae (our de0ision 7or %hrist right

    no5. Would (ou lie 7or /e to -ra( through 5ith(ou right no5?*

    =e al/ost (elled at /e$ 'No

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    toda(. on9t turn (our ba0 on %hrist i7 this is (ourhour o7 de0ision. Cust re/e/ber I9ll be at the

    tele-hone i7 (ou9d lie to -ra(.*!lease note that the =ol( -irit didn9t en0ourage

    /e to -ush hi/$ be0ause :od ne#er 7or0es his 5illon an( one$ but he ga#e /e 0o/-assion$ lo#e$ andunderstanding to let the (oung /an no5 I 5ould

    be a#ailable 5hen he /ade a de0ision.I hung u- and ased :od to reall( let hi/ no5

    that the ti/e 5as now/ I had sensed the urgen0( inhis #oi0e and the need and the desire$ and I didn9t5ant hi/ to uen0h :od9s -lan 7or his li7e.

    Within 7i#e /inutes the -hone rang again and a#oi0e said$ '%an (ou -ra( 5ith /e ri!ht now I0an9t go another /inute 5ithout a00e-ting %hrist as

    /( a#ior and "ord.*)( heart 5as reall( -ounding as I thaned :od

    7or re/inding /( (oung 7riend that now 5as theti/e. I ased hi/ i7 he 5as sure that this 5as thedesire o7 his heart$ and 5hen he said$ 'Yes$* I asedhi/ to bo5 his head at the other end o7 thetele-hone line 5hile I bo5ed /ine. And 7or the nett5ent( /inutes 5e -ra(ed o#er the tele-hone as heased :od to 7orgi#e his sins and he a00e-ted%hrist.

    'I a/ all things to all /en$ so that b( all /eans$so/e /ight be sa#ed.*.. . e#en b( the use o7 a/ode/ da( in#ention the tele-hone.

    You /a( be interested to no5 that the net/orning 5hen the in#itation 5as gi#en$ this (oung/an -ra0ti0all( hurdled the -e5s to go 7or5ard andtell the 5orld he bad a00e-ted %hrist. =e still has

    -roble/s$ but he9s 7inding the ans5ers and it9se0iting to see hi/ rea0hing out and bringing othersto hear the gos-el.

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    For we are his workmanship( created in hrist

    'esus unto !ood works( which "od hath beore

    ordained that we should walk in them. *

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    going to 0ut a lot o7 -eo-le do5n. )an( ti/es there5ill be so /u0h 0on#ersation and rebuttal during an

    e#ening that not too /u0h 0an be a00o/-lished. Buta7ter the e#ening is o#er Eusuall( around /idnight$5hen the 0ro5d goes outside$ this is 5hen the littlegrou-s 7or/. And in ea0h little grou- (ou 0an see a%hristian e0itedl( taling$ surrounded b( a bun0ho7 hi--ies$ all tr(ing to shoot holes in his theories.

    ,his -arti0ular night the 0on#ersation in the0o77eehouse had 5aed hot and hea#( about thei/-ossibilit( o7 a li#ing :od. )( heart a0hed 7orthese (oung -eo-le 5ho are so 0on7used the( re7useto ad/it the realit( o7 a :od to 5ho/ nothing isi/-ossible. I literall( 5anted to tae the/ in /(ar/s and tell the/ to uit their sear0hing$ be0ause

    the ans5er 5as so eas( Dust let :od lo#e the/#er(one should no5about the Bible. And I thin it9s 7ine that (ouno5 a lot. Well$ I 5ouldn9t 5orr( i7 I 5ere(ou. I9d go to 0hur0h$ and be7ore (ou no5 it$(ou9ll be able to 5rite again.*

    Not )e 'Would (ou /ind i7 I ased (ou a -ersonaluestion? You don9t ha#e to ans5er /e i7 (oudon9t 5ant to$ but I9/ 0urious to no5 5here(ou ha#e %hrist. It9s ob#ious to /e that (ouha#e hi/ in (our head$ but I9/ 5ondering i7(ou ha#e hi/ in (our heart 5here he belongs.*

    %usto/er 'You no5$ (ou9#e got /e thining$ and

    I9/ 5ondering i7 (ou9re not right in that /(5hole -roble/ is the 7a0t that I ha#e %hrist in/( head and not in /( heart.*

    )e ',hat9s -robabl( (our 5hole trouble$ but Iguess there9s nothing (ou 0an do about it.*

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    Not )e 'Would (ou /ind i7 I shared a 7e5e0iting things 5ith (ou that ha#e ha--ened in

    /( li7e sin0e I in#ited %hrist to 0o/e in?*

    For the net 7e5 /inutes I shared 5ith her so/eo7 the e0iting re0ent e#ents o7 /( li7e$ e-lainingea0h ti/e that be0ause %hrist 5as in /( heart andli#ing his li7e throu!h /e$ it 5as e0iting todis0o#er 5hat :od 5anted 7ro/ /( li7e. At that

    -oint she said$ 'Well$ this doesn9t gi#e (ou /u0h0hoi0e$ does it? It see/s to /e lie it9s all 0ut anddried.*

    At this -arti0ular /o/ent /( -astor 0a/e in to-i0 u- the unda( bulletins and I introdu0ed hi/to this 0usto/er. And in a 5a( in 5hi0h onl( the

    "ord 0an lead$ he -i0ed u- the 0on#ersation right5here I le7t o77$ and -resented the Four -iritual"a5s to this Wo/an.

    When he had 7inished$ she looed at /e andsaid$ 'You no5 5hat? I 7eel that :od led /e intothis o77i0e this a7ternoon to tal to (ou$ and then Ithin be had (our -astor 0o/e in right at this

    -arti0ular ti/e$ too.*

    )e It9s reall( a 0oin0iden0e$ isn9t it?*Not )e 'It9s interesting ho5 the "ord 5ors$ isn9t

    it? And this ans5ers the uestion that (ou Dustased$ be0ause 5hile (ou 5ere led to this o77i0e

    this a7ternoon$ and the "ord sa5 to it that /(-astor 0a/e in at Dust the right ti/e$ the de0isionis still (ours to /ae. =e isn9t going to 7or0e(ou to a00e-t hi/$ but he has /ade hi/sel7

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    a#ailable to )ou throu!h two o the instrumentso his work( but the choice is )ours.=

    %usto/er 'I 0hoose to a00e-t hi/ as /( a#iorand "ord.*And then 5hile I bo5ed /( head$ she and /(

    -astor -ra(ed. And she in#ited %hrist into her li7e.I7 (ou 5ill loo 0are7ull( at the 7oregoing

    0on#ersation$ (ou 5ill see ho5 eas( it 5ould ha#ebeen 7or /e to sa($ ',here 5asn9t an(one to 5itnessto toda(.* But i7 (ou use (our builtin radar$ it9sa/aHing ho5 /an( -eo-le the "ord 5ill -ut in (our



    And then there 5as the (oung girl 5hose li7e5as tragi0. he had lost her husband and her t5o(oung 0hildren in a horrible a00ident$ and at t5ent(three 7elt as though nothing 5as 5orth5hile. hehad taen the insuran0e /one( and suandered it."i#ing high$ 5ide and handso/e$ she had blo5n

    R3$888 in a single (ear and had absolutel( nothingto sho5 7or it. When she realiHed it 5as gone ; ande#en as she 5as s-ending it$ she realiHed 5hat a0o/-lete /ess she 5as /aing o7 her li7e.

    he had borro5ed a 0ar 7ro/ a 7riend o7 /(son9s 5i7e$ and had a blo5out. he 0alled /( son

    and ased hi/ to 0o/e and 7i it 7or her$ andulti/atel( she ended u- at /( house 7or dinner.,his is not at all un0o//on or unusual$ be0ause Ine#er reall( no5 ho5 /an( I9/ going to ha#eeating at /( house. o I Dust 7ied an etra -late and

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    I don9t honestl( re/e/ber ho5 the 0on#ersationstarted$ but I o#erheard her sa( to so/eone

    'What I reall( need is a 5hole ne5 li7e.*Instantl( /( ', antenna* -ered u- its ears$

    so I Dust said ',hat9s interesting$ be0ause that9sea0tl( 5hat %hrist o77ers (ou a 5hole ne5 li7e. Asa /atter o7 7a0t$ in /( %hrist/as letter t5o (earsago I said that 5hen %hrist 0a/e into /( li7e$nothing 0hanged e0e-t /( 5hole li7e.*

    No5 (ou /ight thin this 5ould ha#e been the-er7e0t /o/ent to read the Four -iritual "a5s$ butthere 5as no 'green light.* o /( ', antenna*7olded itsel7 u- and 5ent ba0 into nor/al -osition.

    ,his (oung lad( heard the 0on#ersation the resto7 the e#ening$ ho5e#er. And I noti0ed that e#er(

    night 5hen I 0a/e ho/e 7ro/ 5or she ha--enedto be there. I 0ouldn9t uite 7igure it out e0e-t Ine5 that the "ord had sent her 7or a reason and5hen he 7elt the ti/e 5as right I 5ould get the':6* signal.

    And sure enough$ on a unda( a7ternoon she5as there$ ha#ing #isited /( 0hur0h in the /orning.All the teenagers 5ho s5ar/ all o#er /( house5ere in s5i//ing. >#er(one 5as reall( ha#ing 7un$

    but she see/ed #er( uiet as she sat there on the-or0h.

    ,he 7ollo5ing night she a--eared in /( o77i0eand I ased her i7 she 5anted to ha#e dinner 5ith

    us. he a00e-ted. he had to go -i0 u- so/ething7ro/ her house$ and 5as dela(ed so long I 7elt she/ust ha#e 0hanged her /ind. o /( daughter and Isat do5n to eat and 5ere al/ost 7inished 5hen shearri#ed.

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    When she 0a/e in$ I iddingl( said$ 'Well$ 5e-ra(ed 7or an hour o#er the 7ood$. 5aiting 7or (ou$

    but then de0ided 5e9d ha#e to go ahead and eat. Butdon9t 5orr($ 5e -ra(ed 7or (ou$ too

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    Then the Spirit said unto ?hilip( "o near( and

    2oin th)sel to this chariot. * &cts -#,9

    &nd 'esus went orth( and saw a !reat

    multitude( and was moved with compassion

    toward them( and he healed their sick. *

    .+atthew 1#1

    A I WA"K do5n an( street$ 7l( in an( -lane$sho- in an( store$ 5or in an( o77i0e$ #isit in an(0hur0h$ eat in an( restaurant$ engage in an) a0ti#it($

    I 7ind an o--ortunit( to tal about %hrist$ ano--ortunit( to 7ill the #oid insomeone@s li7e. I ne#erstart a da( 5ithout asing :od to -re-areso/eone9s heart 7or /e to s-ea to. And I ne#erstart on an( ind o7 tri- ; 5hether it9s to the store orto another 0it( ; 5ithout asing :od 5ho he9s

    -re-ared 7or /e to tal to.As I ha#e 5ritten this boo$ 5hi0h in#ol#es

    taling about %hrist$ I ha#e tried to dis0o#er thereason so/e -eo-le tal about %hrist$ and so/edon9t. A7ter the ni7e-lunging in the 7irst 0ha-terabout no5ing %hrist$ I9ll ha#e to -lunge anotherone in 7or a 7inal thrust< ,aling about %hrist

    in#ol#es an a57ul lot o7 taling to :od. id (oue#er thin o7 that? )a(be the reason 5e don9t5itness /ore is be0ause 5e don9t tal to :odenough. And belie#e /e$ i7 5e don9t s-end a good

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    share o7 our ti/e taling to :od$ all our labor 5illbe Dust that ; "AB6J ; and 5ill be in #ain.

    6n a re0ent tri- I had le7t so/ething in /( hotelroo/ and had to go ba0 7or it. in0e I had so/e#er( i/-ortant -eo-le 5aiting 7or /e$ I ne5 I hadto hurr( ba0. )( hotel 5as about three blo0sa5a( 7ro/ 5here I had the a--oint/ent$ so I5aled. And I honestl( had to -ut 'blinders* on ;

    Dust lie the( do to a ra0e horse ; be0ause I ne5 i7I didn9t$ I9d get 'sidetra0ed.* And hea#en onl(no5s ho5 long it 5ould ha#e been be7ore I got

    ba0.I literall( had to hang /( head and ee- /(

    e(es on the side5al so I 0ouldn9t see an(one 7orthose 7e5 /inutes$ let alone see his need. But I

    5onder ho5 /an( o7 us do this all the ti/e? =o5/an( ti/es ha#e (ou ignored a real o--ortunit( total about %hrist be0ause (ou 5ere 'too tired* or'a7raid* or 'Dust didn9t 5ant to*?

    At a -ra(er grou- a (oung 5o/an indi0ated ahal7hearted desire to 5itness but said she 0ouldn9tget a5a( 7ro/ the house be0ause o7 her si0hildren. o 5e -ra(ed the "ord 5ould send herso/eone right to her house$ be0ause 5e ne5 ho5di77i0ult it 5as 7or her to get out.

    ,he net 5ee 5hen 5e ased her 5ho the "ordhad sent b($ she shee-ishl( said 'I 5as 5at0hing asoa- o-era on tele#ision this 5ee and a (oung

    sales/an 0a/e to the door and started telling /e his-roble/s be7ore tr(ing to sell his -rodu0t. I told hi/I 5as too bus( then be0ause I 5as 5at0hing a ,

    -rogra/. But a7ter he le7t$ I realiHed that :od hadans5ered (our -ra(er and sent /e so/eone to

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    5itness to$ and I 5as too9 bus( 5at0hing tele#isionto tae the ti/e out to be 0on0erned 5ith hi/.*

    As (oursel7 an honest uestion I7 (ou 5erestanding on the edge o7 a s5i//ing -ool$ on theedge o7 a lae$ or on the ban o7 a ri#er$ and (ousa5 so/eone dro5ning$ 5ould (ou stand there andshae (our head and sa($ ',s$ ts$ isn9t that a57ul?=e9s about to die

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    o--ortunit( to 5itness$ so I started re-l(ing ',han(ou$ and (ou reall( 5ill$ i7 (ou go to 0hur0h on

    unda(.* I9d lie to 0hallenge (ou to tr( this onso/eone. You9#e no idea o7 the interestingsituations this has gotten /e into and (ou9#e noidea o7 the 5itnessing o--ortunities this has gi#en/e.

    )( 5hole li7e s-arles sin0e %hrist -ut so /u0hHi- into it$ and 5hene#er so/eone ass /e ho5 Ia/$ I al5a(s sa( 'Fabulous$ but then I9/ alwa)s7abulous#er( da( -eo-le as /e ho5 I

    0an -ossibl( al5a(s be 7abulous< And then I Dusts/ile and sa($ '6h$ (ou Dust 5aled into so/ething$did (ou no5 that?* And 7ro/ then on I let the=ol( -irit do the Dob o7 5itnessing 7or %hrist.

    I ho-e (ou9#e gathered 7ro/ the things that I5rite that I ha#e a great sense o7 hu/or. I thin i7all o7 us de#elo-ed this$ or en0ouraged this inoursel#es$ 5e9d be a lot better o77 in our 5itnessing7or %hrist< I ho-e (ou9#e noti0ed ho5 hu/orous/an( o7 the situations are as I en0ountered so/eoneto share %hrist 5ith$ and 5hat a boon this has beenin the 7inal de#elo-/ent. I ho-e (ou are also a5areo7 /( etre/e seriousness 5here the destin( o7 a

    soul is 0on0erned.I al5a(s gi#e a 0o-( o7 /( boo "od is

    Fabulous to so/eone on e#er( -lane tri- I tae.And it9s al5a(s e 0iting to see 5ho the "ord 5ants/e to gi#e it to.

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    Jeturning 7ro/ a tour reall( tired$ I assured :odthat i7 there 5as an(one he 5anted /e to tal to$ I9d

    be glad to$ but i7 it 5as all right 5ith hi/$ d Dust assoon 'sa0* out on the 5a( ho/e be0ause I 5asehausted< No one sat beside /e on the -lane$ so Isle-t all the 5a( borne ; 5ell al/ost.

    :od al5a(s /aes it eas( 7or /e to no5 5ho9sto get the boo$ but on this tri- I didn9t get the'green light* on an( o7 the ste5ardesses$ so I DustdoHed.

    ,he /an in 7ront o7 /e had ased theste5ardess at the beginning o7 the 7light 7or t5odouble s0ot0h and sodas. =e bolted the/ do5n 5ithone s5allo5 ea0h$ and -ro/-tl( 5ent to slee-$ Iguessed. I had not seen hi/ or taled to hi/$ but as

    5e 7le5 o#er ,a/-a I got the sa/e nudging I hadgotten 7ro/ the beginning the /an ahead o7 /eshould get the boo.

    o I stu0 a 0o-( o7 the boo bet5een the seatand 5indo5 as 5e a--roa0hed )ia/i$ sa(ing$ 'I9/an author Egreat state/ent ; one boo to /( 0reditand I gi#e a boo a5a( on ea0h -lane tri- I tae.Would (ou a00e-t it?*

    =e 0ouldn9t see /e through the little 0ra0bet5een the seat and the 5indo5$ but I heard hi/sa($ 'Yes$ I9ll be glad to.* I -ushed the boothrough to hi/. And as the -lane landed soon a7terthat$ I 5ondered$ '"ord$ 5h( hi/?*

    And then I did a /ost unusual thing. I stood$5aiting 7or the -lane9s door to o-en. =e 5as stillsitting. o I Dust ra--ed on his head 5ith /( 7ingersEdon9t 5e al5a(s ra- on -eo-le9s heads? and in /(

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    /ost -ious tone I said$ 'I ho-e it grabbed (ou

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    CHAPTER 1,


    will that he tarr) till come( what is that to

    thee ollow thou me. * 'ohn ,1#,,

    Finall)( m) brethren( be stron! in the Lord( and

    in the power o his mi!ht.. o desire in li7e to be an o-en 0hannel7or :od to use. I -ra( dail( that /( li7e 5ill0onstantl( be 0o/-letel( o-en 7or his great and/ight( lo#e to 7lo5 right through to rea0h othersand start a 7ire 7or Cesus %hrist 5ho is the

    0onsu/ing -assion o7 /( li7e. ,hen I ased :od touse /e to 7an the 7ire into a 7la/e. ,hen I as hi/to use /e to start another 0oal burning so that the7irst 7ire 5on9t go out.

    6n an 'enthusing* tri- in !enns(l#ania$ I had a5o/an sa( to /e$ 'I9ll bet (ou ne#er 7ail$ do (ou?*

    I reall( laughed$ and said 'Are (ou idding ?'I9d lie to use the last 7e5 /inutes o7 (ourreading ti/e to reassure (ou o7 one 7a0t It9s not asin ne#er to 5in so/eone to %hrist$ but it@s a sinnot to tr)/

    ,r( to thin o7 (our 5itnessing li7e as a 0ross$ orI should sa( a series o7 0rosses on the road o7 li7e.

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    6n the road sho5n si 0rosses are /ared. ,heroad re-resents a li7e an(one9s li7e. ,he 0rosses and

    the na/es indi0ate indi#iduals 5ho ha#e 5itnessedto that -erson. No5 ea0h o7 the/ is #ital to the 7inalde0ision 7or %hrist$ but 5ho deser#es the /ost0redit? )ar($ 5ho Dust a00identall( ha--ened to beon the s-ot 5hen :od added to his ingdo/? 6rCane$ 5ho9s the 'lo5 /an on the tote/ -ole$* but5ho -lanted the original seed? Is an( one o7 the/an( /ore i/-ortant than an( other? I don9t thin so.6ur onl( res-onsibilit( is to do 5hat %hrist has0o//anded us to do ':o$ )an$ :6

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    -irit$ be0ause the =ol( -irit 5ill gi#e us boldnessto 5itness. It doesn9t sa( that onl( a 7e5 5ill be

    bold. It sa(s the =ol( -irit 5ill so e/-o5er (ourli7e that (ou 5ill be able to 5itness e#en to the endso7 the earth. And it /eans )ou and me( e#er(%hristian. And I belie#e 5hat the Bible sa(s.

    ,hroughout the e-erien0es I9#e shared 5ith(ou I9#e tried to e/-hasiHe t5o things thene0essit( o7 being an o-en 0hannel that :od 0anuse$ and the ne0essit( o7 -ra(er$ asing :od to

    -re-are the hearts 7or (ou. You must be an o-en0hannel so the =ol( -irit 0an use (ou. And onl(:od 0an /ae the in0rease$ so it9s ne0essar( to ashi/ to -re-are the hearts 7or (ou.

    And don9t al5a(s 7eel that '5itnessing* is

    ne0essaril( to those 5ho are not %hristian. o/e o7the /ost e0iting '5itnessing* I do is to %hristians.You9ll note I /entioned I 5as on an 'enthusing*tri- to !enns(l#ania. When :od 7irst -ut the 0all on/( li7e$ I 0ouldn9t 7igure out 5hat he 5anted /e to

    be. ,hen I dis0o#ered he didn9t 5ant /e to be a-rea0her$ or le0turer$ or tea0her$ but he Dust 5anted/e to be an 'enthuser.*

    67tenti/es in our %hristian li7e 5e /a( run outo7 gas$ or enthusias/$ or 5e need our s-iritual

    batteries re0harged to gi#e us ne5 %hristian Hest 7or5itnessing. ,his is the e0iting thing that :od has0alled /e 7or to i/-art so/e o7 his Heal$ or

    enthusias/ i7 (ou 5ant to 0all it that$ to those 5hoha#e run do5n. o (ou see 5hen (ou9re u- on as-irituall( high le#el$ (ou should share it 5ith other%hristians$ be0ause this is one o7 the /ost e0iting

  • 8/13/2019 Go, Man, Go!


    t(-es o7 5itnessing there is. ,o re#italiHe a%hristian is indeed a thrill. ,r( it so/eti/e soon.

    Is (our %hristianit( ali#e? Is %hrist su0h a0o/-elling 7or0e in (our li7e that (ou (oursel7 ha#ea0tuall( 0o/e ali#e? oes he reall( li#e his li7ethrough (ou? I7 he does$ then I9/ sure (ou9re out onthe battle7ront 5itnessing. But i7 he doesn9t I9d lieto suggest that 5itnessing starts at ho/e