Global Knee & Hip Market Report: 2013 Edition – New Report by Koncept Analytics

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The report “Global Knee and Hip Market” analyzes the global and the US market. For more mail me The global knee & hip market is consolidated with top five players controlling the majority share of the total market.

Transcript of Global Knee & Hip Market Report: 2013 Edition – New Report by Koncept Analytics

Global Knee & Hip Market Report -----------------------------------------


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Executive Summary

Knee and hip joints are the most important joints in the human body as they bear our body weight. Both knee and hip are large, complex joints that are frequently injured through sports, accidents and the aging process. In addition, conditions like arthritis and bursitis may also cause chronic pain. Advanced designs have led to the development of high joint stability and functionality, which provides a much better degree of movement. These technological advancements aim at returning the maximum degree of function to joints and have made surgery a more viable option for patients. Joint replacements surgery has been one of the greatest medical advances over the time.

Economic development and the corresponding increases in the disposable income, intensifying focus on health; rising demand for minimally invasive and other improved technological surgeries; and growing obesity rates are among the major factors driving the global knee & hip market. The market is projected to further grow in years to come and become more specialized due to economic, social and demographic trends.

The global knee & hip market is consolidated with top five players controlling the majority share of the total market. Zimmer, Johnson & Johnson (DePuy), Stryker, Biomet and Smith & Nephew are the leading players in the knee & hip market.

The report “Global Knee & Hip Market” analyzes the global and the US market. The report also identifies the key trends shaping and driving the dynamism in knee & hip market. The report provides insight on the prevalent competitive landscape of major players, along with their business strategies.

By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.

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Both knee and hip are large, complex joints that are frequently injured through sports, accidents and the aging process……

• In 2012, worldwide orthopedic market including implants, stimulators, bracing and biologics was worth US$... billion, witnessing an increase of …% from 2011. Among all segments of orthopedic market, spinal devices market is the largest segment within global orthopedics market with a share of 23.4% during 2012 followed by knees and hips segment with …% and … share, respectively.

The knee market has increased by …%, from US$... billion in 2011 to US$... billion in 2012. Though the market has seen an increase in procedure volume but downward pricing pressures continues to plague the market growth.

The hip market stood at US$... billion in 2012 as against US$... billion in 2011, marking a decline of …% due to decline in price/mix.

Global Knee Market (2006-2012)

Global Orthopedics Market (2009-2015E)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013E 2014E 2015E


$ B



Global Hip Market (2006-2012)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


$ B



2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


$ B



The expanding patient population for knee procedures, widespread appreciation of the clinical efficacy of knee replacements and other technological developments in this field has contributed to stable growth of knee market…

The US, Europe and Japan are the largest markets for joint reconstruction. The US is the largest market for knee procedures and contributed …% to the global knee market by value and …% by volume in 2012. The US market share in knee market is expected to drop slightly in next 5 years due to growth in emerging markets.

The US Knee market grew from US$... billion in 2011 to US$4… billion in 2012, representing an increase of ….%. This was due to continued increase in procedure volume coupled with favorable mix, but the overall growth has been slow due to eroding pricing in the region.

The number of knee procedures performed in the US has increased steadily over the period of the time. The number of procedures has increased from … in 2011 to … in 2012, representing an increase of …%.

The US knee Units (2008-2012)

The US Knee Market (2006-2012)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


$ B



Knee Procedure Volume by Geography (2012)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



The US Europe Japan

The global hip market has now become a mature market which will be stimulated by increasing demand for hip procedures across all age groups….

The US was the largest hip market in 2012 and contributed approximately …% to the global hip market by value in the mentioned year. Maximum hip procedures are performed in Europe which accounts for …% of total hip volume during 2012.

The hip sales in the US grew from US$... billion in 2011 to US$... billion, marking an increase of …% in 2012. The increase was due to effective volume/mix growth partially offset by negative price.

There were approximately … hip procedures being performed in the US in 2012 as against …. procedures in 2011, resenting a Y-O-Y growth of …. Among those, most were total hip replacement which accounted for nearly …% of total US hip procedures in 2012.

The US Hip Units (2008-2012)

The US Hip Market (2006-2012)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


$ B



Hip Procedure Volume by Geography (2012)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



The US Europe Japan

The combined market of knee and hip market is expected to grow due to favorable macroeconomic trends….

• The global knee & hip market is bolstered by factors such as growing aging population, economic development worldwide and increasing healthcare expenditure.

• Increase in aging population has a positive impact on knee & hip market. Bone density usually decreases with age. With growing aging demographics, the joint problems also increases which will further spur growth in knee & hip market.

• Demand for knee & hip products is pegged to economic growth. Positive GDP growth leads to rising income. Since the income of the people determines the level of spending, therefore as the income rises, people tend to spend more on health.

• Given favorable demographics and global economic developments, the health expenditure is bound to increase on knee & hip procedures which will further stimulate the growth in knee & hip market.

• In 2012, the overall revenues of global knee & hip market were US$... billion, which are expected to grow up to US$... billion by the end of 2016. The worldwide revenues of the market are estimated to grow at a CAGR of …% during 2012-2016.

Global Knee & Hip Market Forecast (2012-2016F)

2012A 2013E 2014E 2015E 2016E


$ B



Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Hip Disorders & Treatment

1.1.1 Hip Anatomy 1.1.2 Hip Disorders 1.1.3 Symptoms of Hip Disorder1.1.4 Types of Hip Procedure

1.2 Knee Disorders & Treatment

1.2.1 Knee Anatomy 1.2.2 Knee Disorders 1.2.3 Symptoms of Knee Disorders1.2.4 Type of Knee Procedures

2. Market Size

2.1 Global Orthopedic Market-Market Value-Major Segments-Regional Breakdown

2.2 Knee Market

2.2.1 Global Knee Market-Market Value-Market Growth-Price Trend-Regional Breakdown

2.2.2 The US Knee Market-Market Value-Market Volume

2.3 Hip Market

2.3.1 Global Hip Market -Market Value-Market Growth-Price Trend-Regional Breakdown

List of Graphs & Tables

List of Graphs Global Orthopedics Market (2009-2015E) Global Orthopedic Implant Segment Share (2012) Global Orthopedic Market Sales by Geography (2012) Global Knee Market (2006-2012) Global Constant Currency Knee Market Growth (1Q11-1Q13) Global Average Selling Prices- Knee Market (2008-2012) Global Knee Market Sales by Geography (2012) Knee Procedure Volume by Geography (2012) The US Knee Market (2006-2012) The US Knee Units (2008-2012) Global Hip Market (2006-2012) Global Constant Currency Hip Market Growth (1Q11-1Q13) Global Average Selling Prices- Hip Market (2008-2012) Global Hip Market Sales by Geography (2012) Hip Procedure Volume by Geography (2012) The US Hip Market (2006-2012) Growth of Global Aging Population (60 years and above), (2008-2013E) Global GDP (2008-2012) Global Healthcare Expenditure (2008-2013E) Global Orthopedic Market Share by Company (2012) Market Share of Key Players in Global Knee Market (2Q13) Market Share of Top 4 Players in Global Knee Market (2011-2015E) Y-O-Y Growth of 4 Major Players in Global Knee Market (2010-2015E) Market Share of Key Players in Global Hip Market (2Q13) Market Share of Top 4 Players in Global Hip Market (2011-2015E) Y-O-Y Growth of 4 Major Players in Global Hip Market (2010-2015E) Sales of Johnson & Johnson’s by Business Segments (2012) Sales of Johnson & Johnson’s by Geographic Region (2012) Net Sales and Net Earnings of Johnson & Johnson, (2009-2012) Share of Net Sales by Reportable Segments (2012) Share of Sales by Product Category (2012) Net Sales & Net Earnings of Zimmer, (2009-2012) 

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2.3.2 The US Hip Market-Market Value-Market Volume

3. Market Dynamics

3.1 Key Trends

3.1.1 Improved Implant Materials and Surgical Techniques3.1.2 Drive towards Minimally Invasive Surgeries 3.1.3 Increasing Obesity Rate

3.2 Growth Drivers

3.2.1 Rise in Aging Demographics3.2.2 Economic Development 3.2.3 Accelerating Healthcare Expenditure

3.3 Significant Developments

3.3.1 The Personalized Knee System by Zimmer3.3.2 Empi Phoenix Muscle Stimulator by DJO Global3.3.3 Exactech Introduces LPI Prime Hip System: A Conservative Treatment Hip Replacement System3.3.4 C-Stem AMT Total Hip System by DePuy

3.4 Challenges

3.4.1 Regulatory risk 3.4.2 Dearth of Expertise and Trained Healthcare Workers3.4.3 Inadequate Reimbursement and Coverage

4. Competitive Landscape

4.1 Competition in Orthopedic Market-Market Share

4.2 Competitive Landscape- Global Knee Market-Market Share-Growth Comparison of Major Players

4.3 Competitive Landscape- Global Hip Market-Market Share-Growth Comparison of Major Players

List of Graphs

Stryker’s Revenue Contribution by Business Segments (2012) Net Sales & Net Earnings of Stryker (2009-2012) Biomet’s Net Sales by Product Category (May 31, 2013) Biomet’s Net Sales by Geographic Region (May 31, 2013) Net Sales & Net Loss of Biomet (2009-2013) Global Knee & Hip Market Forecast (2012-2016E) 

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5. Company Profiles

5.1 Johnson & Johnson-DePuy

5.1.1 Business Overview 5.1.2 Financial Overview 5.1.3 Business Strategies -New Product Development-Increasing Global Reach

5.2 Zimmer

5.2.1 Business Overview5.2.2 Financial Overview 5.2.3 Business Strategies-Geographic and Product Expansion-Faster Commercialization of New Products

5.3 Stryker

5.3.1 Business Overview5.3.2 Financial Overview 5.3.3 Business Strategies -Growth through Innovation-Strategic Acquisitions 

5.4 Biomet

5.4.1 Business Overview5.4.2 Financial Overview 5.4.3 Business Strategies-Launch New Products and Technologies-Expand Global Reach

6. Market Outlook

6.1 Market Forecast 6.2 Forecast Methodology

6.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables6.2.2 Correlation Analysis 6.2.3 Regression Analysis

List of Tables

The US Knee Units by Procedure Type (2008-2012) Hip Units by Procedure Type (2008-2012) Quarterly Growth of Major Players in Global Knee Market (Q112A- Q213A) Quarterly Y-O-Y Growth of Major Players in Global Hip Market (Q112A- Q213A) Dependent & Independent Variables (2008-2012) Correlation MatrixModel Summary – Coefficient of DeterminationRegression Coefficients Output

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