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Transcript of GLENTUNNEL SCHOOL · Dates to...

Dates to remember … Friday 1, 8, 15 and 22 March - Golf in Schools Thursday 7 March - School swimming sports Tuesday 12 and Thursday 14 March - Parent/teacher interviews Tuesday 19 March - Malvern swimming sports Thursday 21 March - School triathlon Sunday 7 April - Daylight saving ends Thursday 11 April - Malvern Spelling Bee Friday 12 April - Last day of Term 1 Friday 19 April - Good Friday Sunday 21 April - Easter Sunday Monday 22 April - Easter Monday Thursday 25 April - ANZAC Day Monday 29 April - Term 2 begins

Weekly Joke!

Q: Where to cows go for


A: The moo-vies.


Tēnā koutou katoa parents and caregivers,

It’s hard to believe we are at the end of Week three already. With the weather being so hot this week our school pool and bike track have been very well used. It is wonderful to see students bringing their bikes to school and being so enthusiastic about riding. Many of them are in training for triathlons and the Hanmer Mountain Bike Event. Great work accepting a

challenge and for bringing so much effort into achieving it! This week I reminded the students about procedures while remaining at school after 3pm. It is important that they are aware of the expectations in place to keep them safe and supervised. All students are to remain in front of Room’s 1 and 2 after 3pm. This area includes the playground, tennis court and area under our big trees in our entrance way. This is because I’m the only teacher on duty looking after them. If they wish to leave this area they need to check with me unless they are with their parent(s). When the bell goes at 3:30pm students either line up for the second bus or head to DJ’s. I then check with all students left at school to make sure they are taken care of. It would be great if you could please pass this message on to your children to support the school.

Next week on Thursday the 21st of February we have Ursula McCulloch (a clinical psychologist working with the School Based Mental Health Team) running a workshop called “About Anxiety in Children”. The workshop will be discussion based and a great opportunity to interact with Ursula and learn about how anxiety works and tips to help manage it. At the

moment this is scheduled to be run in the Glentunnel Hall from 6:30pm to 8pm. We may change the venue to the school depending on the number of people attending. Thanks to everyone who has returned the letter of interest sent out last week. If you are thinking of coming along please either return the letter or contact Alison in the office. This way we can make a decision on the space needed to host the workshop. Take care & E noho ra Dion Stechmann

Awards this Week

Alisha—For sharing your home learning creation with your class. What a great presentation! William—You persevered with your Google Slide when it challenged you! Alexander—For persevering with handwriting to produce greatly improved work!

Flick—For showing a Growth Mindset by reflecting on her learning and writing her own version of the Little Red Hen, at home. Jamie—For being an awesome senior role model to all peers—within the classroom and in the

playground. Lexi—For being a superb senior role model within the classroom and in the playground.

Ruby W—For demonstrating a Growth Mindset, when she falls she gets back up again and keeps trying. Ruby L—For wonderful descriptive writing about your family.

Theo—For being focused with all his work. Elin—For great reading!

Brooke—For helping Dixie when she was upset at the start of school. Isla—For helping Dixie when was upset at the start of school.

And the Star of the Week goes to—Izabella—For displaying whanaungatanga and being a wonderful friend to Hannah.

Reading Together

Please note that Reading Together workshops will be held in Term 2, not in Term 1 as in previous years. Notices will be sent home about Reading Together later this term.

Face Book Page

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for our Face Book page, for news from the Home and School Committee and for all notifications from school.

The report by the Tomorrow’s Schools Independent Taskforce Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together \ Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini was released in December 2018. The Independent Taskforce is now very keen to receive feedback from as many people as possible to help complete their final recommendations. Public consultation on the report is now open and we really encourage school staff, board members, PTA members, parents, whanau and the wider school community to have their say on the future of our schooling system…. The Taskforce will be holding public consultation meetings around the country, starting on

Thursday, 14 February and finishing on the 27th March. We really encourage everyone to come along to these events and find out more about the report and its proposals. The full schedule is

now available on the website (venues will be added for events as they are confirmed)

An online survey which canvasses opinion on each of our 32 recommendations is now available and

will remain open until 31 March 2019

Postcards: for students, families and anyone that just wants to briefly ‘have their say’ on a recommendation or the full report. Postcards will be available at the public meetings.

An 0800 for Oral submissions will be available from 11 Feb. Call 0800 FOR TSR to leave your thoughts on the future of our schooling system.

Formal written submissions about our report can be sent to: tomor- Consultation closes 7 April 2019. We want everyone to have their say and we want to do our very best to listen carefully to what is said. From the Independent Taskforce Bali Haque (Chair), Barbara Ala’alatoa, Mere Berryman, John O’Neill and Cathy Wylie

SOUTH MALVERN NETBALL CLUB Invites you to attend our AGM

Date: 15th March Time: 7pm

Venue: Glentunnel Primary School

There will be light refreshments and a group of positive people looking forward to seeing you.

Any questions please email: or text/call: 0272166020.