Glacial features UK The Lake District A case study.

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Glacial features UK The Lake District A case study.

Glacial features UK

The Lake District A case study

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Where is the Lake District?

Do you actually know where it is in the UK?

Why is it called The Lake District?

What are the main features of human and physical geography?

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Helvllyn One of the

highest peaks this is red tarn. A lake within a corrie.

What are the key features?

Steep back wall Corrie lip Arêtes

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Striding edge

This is an arête. It is characterised

by a knife edge ridge.

How was it formed?

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Striding edge This is the same

picture in winter. There is a path running along this ridge.

As you can appreciate many people are nervous walking this ridge.


TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Base Brown

What is this feature?

Look at how this valley appears to be suspended above the valley below

It is a hanging valley

How is it created?

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Skiddaw From the top of

this mountain the views are spectacular.

But what's the physical characteristics?

A ribbon lake Truncated spurs

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

U shaped valley

This is Langdale.

The features are very obvious.

What can you see?

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Seathwaite This is another U

shaped valley but here we can see a river that is much smaller than it’s valley

Could this river have created this valley?

It is a misfit river.

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Seathwaite again

Are the features any more visible

The human characteristics here are Seathwaite mine. This mined lead for pencils!

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Now What? A large boulder

that looks as if it’s been abandoned.

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Drumlins This is Fylde in

Lancashire. But the features can be found in the Lakes.

Stalmine a small village near Hackensall , is build upon a drumlin as an area of refuge from the swampy ground. It is known as Hakon’s mound

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with


Look at the make up of this material?

It’s also known as moraine or boulder clay and is found all around the Lake District.

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Summary A case study is important. Although you know your theory

you need to quote place too. Remember the theory doesn’t

change! Now do the quick quiz. You will see all these features

on our fieldtrip after Easter

TOPS Top 10 Geography in conjunction with

Thanks to

Francine Wilson Jones, Wilnecote High School