Giving and Receiving Feedbacks

Post on 01-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Giving and Receiving Feedbacks

Slide 1

Giving and Receiving FEEDBACKDevelopmental feedbackLetting people know

when they could have done something more effectively ;

what they could have done instead; and

why the alternative would have been betterUses of developmental feedbackHelp the person or group see how to improve their product/performance in order to meet job goals

Build on an already strong performance so they can achieve even more establish edge

Mode of Giving FeedbackSTARWrote test item that measures the students OPINION when they are expected to sequence the events.Components of the STAR ModeSTRAThe expected behavior is not according to the expected competency.The test item lacks validity.Good Feedback Focuscomments about the strengths and weaknesses of a product/performance

comments about the work process you observed to improve the work

avoid personal comments

Receiving FeedbackIdentify the type.Respond with Emotional Intelligence.

ClarifyKeep calmKeep what is said in perspective.CAUTION:Tuning out from what is being saidRepeatedly interruptingAnswering sarcasticallyMaking personal attacksArguing trivial factsUsing defensive languagehtpp//

Receiving FeedbackDeal with destructive feedback.Accept praises.Watch for unspoken feedback.htpp//

Feedbackis the breakfast of Champions!