GHRL'TMAS GR.t:.ETl.NGS · 2012-06-29 ·...

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Transcript of GHRL'TMAS GR.t:.ETl.NGS · 2012-06-29 ·...

90 ?& Ilttle Daytfder at (3/lri5tJtzas DeOJ? litHe daughtel', at Chr>isbnas-time

I chose this C3.l'ci. with its little phyme, To tell you how vel'¥. deal' to me

You 3.l'e today, 3JLd. will alwa.ys be.






~slmas~ (froetngs

~ 'wis~ 10P ~ea"'Y efJpisfrrJas al]ee~ Glad days 1I]POu9~o!Ji t~e oorT)I~9 yeap

'Wtshinq lJou a Merr,! '2hristmas

And aU Good Luck. In the New YeaI'

• • • t \ • •• • ..... . ...

•• • • •• ,

a:.ll"O& tmuo& 1CSJl"

Iltul{ nU !!l .. .,.ib wi_lr"_ f .... tlr4' ~ ... Iu U ... ...,

';"J't"\l g""b lJJi.~ r" ... It .!!tffl1l (t1/ri.tUtlU.

allb It ~~IJJ y .. u ri~~ in ~k ... iug.

,fII..-... ,,/I /Au. '-..-tllur ~. ~~~ll.''''

·tJn;;,p':Yf"" ,,/ //i,,~f';;"'/ /'~n.?t$N~'.J ./cu.-Jon lINEA" I/{"' ;'M . ~/

Lur;.vf /o~;}/at7£ 4,cVplle;'te.v a#e'/

..:H~cre.).) /;.~ /4.0 ... / n p. .0'1(';;

,Tor [jail at P.hristmds I Mere's hoping you flnd this Christmas

As merry as any before,

And the happiest kind of a New Year

And ever so many more.

;ilfi'llr mlr n~>, a'ltit hi1it JJJi;ld",,,, m , . "' JE:~U'Il' I!Jrri;;lln;n; ;rn:~ ..

l!f~ ~"lir U~

Temper your holiday deeds with FAITH-HOP~ andCHARITY

And ma.y your Christmas be a Howling Success

q) .. ttiq. allb aU (I) ..... ~i.~ .... 4:~j. taU. bt ~ .... t,,-b~

~ ...... "~ ;IJ~ ...... Ql~ri.bua. ~" II!< pgi> .. Ib-Wlfi-~ 1Ir~

,.ni,,. O NLLV1I"!I'

I CJ3~~(T, SblJq'O'O~ snwlS

L ~~

~I Merr,:y Christmas, Daughter dear, jl!J\ Ma,:y happ,:y memories blend

Vith present jo,:ys, to make the da,:y Complete unto the end,

Jrnd ma,:y the gladnes s that it brmgs Vithin,:your heart remain,

Jrnd scatter sun shine 0' er ,:your "\Jay

'Til Christmas comes again.


1n[R..R..Y (}-lR.!f'TmAj' 5.t\d 5. }{APPY N~w YEAn....,

llJitlr 1111 killll t~,,~~t .. anll b" .. t lui..-~r ..

ur <t~ri..-hna .. anil t~r lI&>Iu l!rl.r

IW,,,·.O ..

Jfl.itlf tlfl! h.t .. If Q) .... ~ :Wi.'/,,» f ....

(£,1/rl»t1l11U' lt~ .. ", i!il!lllt'l,~leul! aub ~~

aub It ~l1l! .. n'" ;K .. 11I y .. _

~;k;:;y<-yo£rf:"" t/e~y" . /k;r~y t5~/"6j(')/n-U rhN'/

" .Aff~y. J M' ';"'~""r?"

::;;; c/~H 1<.1 5T MAS ~ r<,.E ETI N (jS

to you c.An.d mucfc r1 apr i [leSS II'\. t~e new ~eap

/ ' / - / .-(} / -(';/{J·{.}nna.1 . 7reCu'71yd

,a?trl r

16;1 (('(,J }", ) ;;1' y(}(uc- hC'tj(u/~(',jJ , -II>.

1/, .. _ /"'" ':Yea ••

.. t' · ... - .. I_A • '" . r .,., " .. ' .

" . • .. , . .. ,4 • • "", . ' . fl ' r ,

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. ' " . ~ • .. . '. '.. ~ • # ." •

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, . .All :Ii."./> a::'1 .. 1t»~t" lit ~~ .. i"h"'".

nub '!lost lUi"~." f(l" til'

• , . • • • •

• .. .• ~

• •

,,1 YJ verybody's memory garden

. Grows forget-me-nots

[J of cheer,

Fragrant with

o thousand memories

Of the ebs ent and the deer;

Many blooms mine has

within it,

Little s m il ing flowers

of b lue,

But the brightest

of my flowers

Are the ones that bloom

for you!

~.itJf au. !l0'" b brigj,.eg.rot" C!!Jrri",btlall

;mb tif" ~outi~ y .. ar

JVf.any 800d wishes for "} Merry Chrislmas and)\ Happy New Year.

M yf{ujb<:>nd., -<here w,l1 C/ - <:>1",.,-a)0 be

tI Joya-< 8hr1j-<m.<:>j--<un.e for m.e

1f 8hr1jhMj br1n.gj a JOY -<0 you

lOec<>lJ;je -< ha-< m.akej m.e happY, -<00

, -

CiBest wishes for CL Chr.istmas that Wi,LL be mom bri.cJht CLnd glrul,

HCLlJe mom of the good old spi,ri,t than. :ALL others yOL~ hCLlJe h.a.d.

'. ." - , , " - ".1

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-, .... ".:.~


/?(J y.r ')?,IV1

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- '-C "".. _ _

Time Saver for Busy Ed" and Coeds WEST VIRGI. TA ST.\TE COLLEGE

Dear )Iy Dear L Dearest

1 Am

"nd 1 Am Now On

I Need

How Is

lNSTITUTE \ '1. VA. l." i v. re !'ItA.} (


Buddy Pal I--

DATE J 11 ~ j 51> IW' Va. Weather

Sweetheart Folks 'Friend

Broke J.­Hungry r-­Well .:lick Tired Feeling Fine Working Hard y-­Lonesome I-

Cold L--

Hot Wet ----

It Is

Dry , Lonesome

In the cafeteria Dreaming of you '0

I Spend My Shooting the bull Spare Time Studying L


ChaSing Co-eds Chasing Eds Sleeping ___

Probation A Check ClaRs Team Your Picture )--Varsity Team V A Letter t.-Lounge Lizzard Squad Please Send A Cake Book Worm Team Me Some Candy The Turf Your Love ~

Money 1..--' Loving I­Sleep ~ Encouragement

IYour Latest Flame

IThe New Car The Icc Man Your Halitosis


The Dog Your Rheumatism lily "Rep" Holding Your Mamma

I Hope


Some Hair Tonic

You Don't Feel Hurt I--­You Will Visit Me I Stay Off "Pro" IYour Halitosis is Better To See You Soon

Love Love and Kisses Loads of Love t--­

Sarcastically Cordially Yours Forever


" •

• ", , . ...

• • • • • •

. . .

• . . . . . .

Just a H",llo'And a Howdy!

Hop'l you'r'l willi and fin'l

Hop'" I'm In your tnougnts as mucn

As you ar!l,mUcn,lrJ mIO'l .

fl, .... Shi;p on!'our srorboQPd baw _ {" ahoy /

~ A cargo of wiShes fot' Christmo..s i 0'1 ~

Where does it hail from, ? / Out of the blue .

Prom the Isle of Me _ to the Povt ofyO~

- ~

- --- -- -=~.' ..... .. ,.,.' ..... . . . . . "

. ' ... . . ~



c!3J:ff(J :lf6 Qj. .

S.~7dd~~ d;J7~§J .-----....-....--.-"\-

"'I-S n 'U:U_50. UV.;) .lU. IUUI

a~lo.orul ~. seetme,

And. bn rn&tcJ yroud to be Related to a. Sister

Wb's so "U dear to n,e.


III incerely wishinQ you the joys of the

~Yuletide SedSOn~ cmd. m<1y your NewYedf

q be crrosF!OUS ~



Believing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for mc, 1 now receive Him as my Saviour, asking Him to blot out all my sins. I will trust Him each day, will acknowledge Him before others, pray and read my Bible daily.




(Those recelVlDg Christ through reading this message. or an; one dejirmg spiritual help. please write or come to Hagerstown Union Rescue Mission, 125-129 North Pros­pect St., Hagerstown, Md.).

Hagentown Union Rescue Mission

125·129 North Prospect St.

Hagerstown • • • Maryland


Everybody is talking about Juvenile De­linquency. It has become one of our nation's most urgent problems. What can we do to stop it? What is the cause? But no one seems to come up with an answer. Mr, Carl Black. s young man of twenty-five was a delinquent. a seemingly incurable one. But something has happened to him. He has evidently found a cure. Listen to him tell his story.

1 spent nearly all of my life serving Satan and destroying the temple of God. As a boy of seven I started separating myself from Cod by stealing money from an elderly lady who trusted me. From then until I was twel .... e I was stealing little things, robbing cars and playing hookey from school. At the age of twelve the Ju .... enile authorities had me picked up and sentenced me to the ~larylaDd Training School for Days. The 13 months that I spent there only taught me to hate the law and what it stood for. After my release I knew that they would be watching me so I behaved for about two years. Then Satan went to work and it wasn't long until I was back to stealing, drinking and trying to act big. The law finally caught up with me when I was 16, for breaking and entering, and sentenced me to the \Vest Virginia In· dustrial School for Boys. After ten months I was released. I went straight for a while and everything was going along fine. It looked as though my problems were licked. I even served three years in the United States Army. After being discharged I worked for about a year. I was sure of myself. I could take care of my own life. Soon after, however, I started drinking again, It wasn't long until I lost my job. Having no money, I started making plans to get it by stealing. So at the age of 23 I was right back where I had started, in jail for

burglary and grand larceny. I was sentenced to 18 mouths in the Maryland House of Cor­rection. So my own way had failed, and even the training under State Institutions had failed. After seven months I was released on parole to the Hagerstown Union Rescue Mis­sion. There, far eight months, I sat under the sound of the Gospel in misery before lac· repted Christ. Then I turned myself over to Him. That was the answer to my needs. I am happy now in Christ and the more I hear of Him the happier I am. Many blessings are mine since Christ has taken over my life. He is making the decisions for me. Now I am able to tell others about Cluist here at the ~1is5jan as I serve Him full time, I am thankful for this fertile field of work where God is speaking to hearts.

Say Friend, have you found the answer to your heart's needs? You will find it in the Lord Jesus Christ, Open up your heart and pray, "Lord be merciful to me a .iEmer &Ild save me nOw for J esw sake," "For whosoever sh.n call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved," (Rom, lO:13) H. is just th. On. to meet your every need.

"These things have 1 written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of Cod; that ye may know that ye have etema1 life and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of Cod,"

.. • , · ;: 2 . . _ 0 . .

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~ • •


• II -----./ather a nd Mother

send greetings today .

00in in good wishes

and lovingly say.

"May you be glad

when your Birthday is here,

And happy in heart

every day in the year I"

, . · · -, · .


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QJ~.-i,.t ... a,. (!hun...,- an. aU 9""b ... i .. ~.u "~

1!"u~ ~lIJ'"iau .. in t~~ ~~ ... !n~

( Season's Greetings ) -~

I ©!.~~ ~Itl! lEaster COUtl' UtitIt i01!5 for 11=

®f ~uvr anb faUJr anb drm,

J\.n:b ~Ftutg±i:tru Irtitt:g asS'UX!U1U Inti! <6lll'1r'" 101re is elrer ltcctX !

CliapPJ ~Iours



-anQ.. a New \ear 3' Contentment I Printed in U .S.A..

" , I ••

tl-!r .t:

)<eigh ho i t o r a ri$ht merrie Christmas! po", jolly the f}ddlers play!

May their spirit of Yuletide and laughter Steal into your hea rt for al",ay

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'v's'n IlOl.SOS UYl:I:I lSnl:l





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Mo.,] the Chr>istmo.s candle bur>n for> lfoU

With a. sc> bl"i~ht and dea.p.

H will 1;£h1 lft>ur> pa.lh la, ha.ppiness

'Thr>t>uBhc>u1 1he carninE "tjea.r>.

~Q be~l i~ ff,Q world fa!· ~a'~,t~,. Da~. Life.) 1->I'I9f,l".'> f Fa !· 1\1 .\\ 1\\ S. faa.

And llctal i.'> lilLie enouslct. III .'>a~J' 'fa w i.'>i-l for a 8i.>ler like YOU.

'., \)cst \\Ti'ihf's! ..:.o\~

• 'i}"" ~c Here's every wish-that

~(, ever made the SC'<1son 1Jlad and bright.

And every hope that ever helped to start the

New Year risht I