Ghorabeacho Sangati

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Holy Family Parish Bulletin, Alto-Porvorim, Goa Volume : 15 ::Sept-Oct-Nov 2012

Transcript of Ghorabeacho Sangati

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Holy Family parish Bulletin,Alto Porvorim

Volume 15: Sept-Oct-Nov 2012

WEEKDAYSMonday, Tuesday, ThursdaY, FridaY.saturday at 7.00 a.m. inKonkani

Wedn-esday Mass & Novena of. ,

P.3,l etuai Succor at'l a.m. in English


''' Confessiont on i" Friday from

,,.,,:5,p.1n. to 6 p.m. followed by mass

in Konkani at 6.15 P.m.

-6.30 p.m. Konkani/English-6.45 a.m. Konkani-8.00 a.m. English- 9.15 a.m. English/Konkani-4.30 p.m. Konkani

,r ATHoLYCRoSS cHAPELMonday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

atl.00 a.m. in KonkaniWednesday Mass aIJ a.m. in English

Sunday - 7 3A a.m. in English / Konkani

Holy FamilY ChurchAlto Porvorim, Goa

Phone: 08322413810website: www'holyfamil]'churchgoa'com

OFFICE TIMINGS9.00 a.m. to 12 noon

5.00 p.m. to 6.00 P.m.. (By aPPointment)




O%Prrr"f /r* Vt* r&.",r1r&^w , @OUR GOAL, OUR DREAJ$r

cofrtlttul{ toil oF coltt}tuN rTt EsAbout a hundred children had gathered in an out-of-the-way church inNorway. Some had walked 40 kilometres to get there, and some had neverever seen a church. The bishop himsel{ dressed in his robes, went over to talkt9.t!em. His very first ice-breaking question to them *ur, ;,whut

do we caltrthis house in which we now are?"They all shoutedwith one voice: .,AChurch.,'

"What do we use Churches for?,,several hands went up. And a lad from Lapland said, ,,For upbuilding."The bishop was happ;" with the answer and then pushed on, .,If you say weggmg hgre forupbuilding, thenwhatis itthatwe buildup?,,The lad had an ans',r/er. on his fingertips, "we ur" ,,rppor.d to build up theeternal life that is ir-l ,rurhearts."In all his days the bishop had never heard an answer as good as that one. Eventhe teachers, whom he later approached, had no idea where the lad had gottenthe idea. |ior could anyone find it in books.The bishop took that idea wherever he went. He would say, ,.I learnt from ayoulrg troy what a community is. A community is a g.o.,p ofp.opre who helpone a'othertobuilduptheetemallifethatis intheirhearts.',

- ^

Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, in humble obedience to the will of HisIrather, set about the task of saving mankind that had fallen apart due to sin. Hecanied forth the Father's salvific mission by invitirrg .";t;;. io repent andbelieve in the Good News (Mk. 1:r5). in the work of establisiring theKingdom of God, "he went-about doing good" (Acts 10:3g) so that all rnighthave life, and have it abundantly 1rn. io:to) and be orr. ooro*unitv of lo'veand sharing (Acts 2:42ff). Jesus first launched the Kingdorn in the milie' inwhich He lived by forming a small community of llis chosen disciples. Bybeing with Him and trained in His school of faitl and love, the disciples learntthe demands of true discipleship. During the celet.:lation of the iast Supper,Jesus assumed the role of a servant and having washed the feet of Hisdisciples, called on them to imitate Him in exercisi*ing a leaclership ofhurnbleand selfless service. on the same occasion Jesus piayed that Fiis discipiesllY draw inspiration from the deep and intimate reLtionship He shared withHis Father and always remain ,mit"d to Him and to oni another. Jesusaccomplished the task that the Father entrusted to Him of saving all mankind

and breaking down the dividingwall ofhostility, thus creatitrg in Himself one new

humanity (E ph. 2: 1 4-1 6)

After His ascent back to the Father, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit-the

spirit of life, the fountain of water springrng Lrll fo eternal life (Jn. 4:47;7:38-:l;. fne Holy Spirit unified the Church as one comrnunify of believers while

empowering her members with His manifoid gifts and charisms.

Henceforward the Church, in faithful obedience to her founder has been

carcyingforth the rnission of proclaiming and estabi.shing among all peoples

the tingdom of God. The Church thus, is the sign and instrument of this

Kingdom and a leaven meant for the transformation of ti'is world into a more

just and fraternai, loving and peaceful society - a new sc-rciety. The early

Church reflected on her mission received from her Lord and Master and

worked as one united cornmunify to bring to realization the Kingdom of God

arnidst the struggles and challenges of her faith witness. The life of the early

christians was marked by genuine concem, fraternal fellowship and

solidarity with the poor and the needy. The Church as Mother has never ceased

to exhorl her members to aim to that ideal set by her Head and lived by the firstChristians - a life of love and ecclesial communion based on the teachings ofChrist, whom she remains united with a iove that surpasses all understanding

(Eph.3:19).The spirituality of communion is at the heart of the church's life and

mission. Communion has been the central and fundamental concept of the

Second Vatican Councir ^r its reflection on the Church" The heart ofcommunion is relatiqnships. All people of God are called to actively

participate and share their gifts and charisms in the common mission ofbuilding the Body of Christ. Forging a bonding of relationships between the

different members of the diocesan/parish/ward community calls for a renewal

of rnind and heart and an attitudinal change from self-centeredness to God-

centeredness, from selfishness to selflessness, ftom dictating to animating,

from criticizing to encouraging and so on and forth. Ifa parish is to reach the

goal of becoming a vibrant communion of communities then the process of

renewal should kick-start with the families (Domestic church) and sccs(Church in the neighborhood).

The Goa Diocesan Synod held in the yt 'rr 2002 gave a fresh impetus

to the process of renewal begun in the Archd'ocese. The Diocesan Pastoral

P]rln20a2,the fruit of the synod, underlined six priorities, one among them

being 'the stabiiization and Flowering of small christian communities(SCCs)'. This year completes ten years of the above Synod. Besides, our

Archdiocese wiil play host to the National Convention on SCCs to be held in

the coming year. These two important events should foster in us a deep desire

to belong toengage actively in building a s

neighbourhood community rooted in the Word of Godpropelling us to witness to the Gospel values by our life of selfless service andgenerous sharing. "These neighbourhood communities are a sign of vitalitywithin the church, an instrument of formation and evang elizatioln,and a solidstarting point for a new society based on a"civllizatjon of love,'. They are atrue expression of communion and means for the construction of i moreprofound communion. They are thus cause for a greathope for the life of theChurch" (Re demp tor is Mis s i o).During this pastoral year our parish of Holy Family has undefiaken as one ofits main pastoral tasks: the building and strengthening of sccs. According tothe plan worked out, the first stage of our sc-c programme is the Eucharistcum rnteractive session to be held in the differentzoneslwards during thesecond fortnight of August. community get-together curn fellowshf ineachzonelsomudai in the month of November will form part of the secondstage. Thereafter all communities belonging to our one parish communitywill come together as one 'communion' foi the parish outing/celebration.understanding the specific role and vital importanCe of SCCs roi the buitdingup of the parish community, let us all strive to that goal to which our Motherchurch invites us to reach: of building a shong, united and vibrant'communion of communities'. our goal and vision oibuildirrg a strong and

vibrant community of caringbrothers and sisters will be,to a great extent achieved, ifwe could build andstrengthen our Church at thegrassroots. The Church atthe grassroots could thenreach out to people ofotherfaiths and persuasions, thuspaving the way for SmallHuman Communities

not be easy. But with the whole-hearred and .r,"Pff:]i3;:X'#fflt"Hnour parishioners we will strive and surely achieve o.rt goul, our dream.certainly, under the guidance of the Hory Spirit in whorr, *.i*.r- all baptizedinto one body ( 1 cor. 12: 13) and with the biessings of the Holy Famity ihichis a model of true communion we will have builithe bridge of the Kingdomconnected to our Lord's mission and completed at the end of time whJn weshall all be united with our eternal King. So Ue itt

-Fr. Tomas Lobo

vRecollsstion lor Cateehists

Inpreparationofthecatecheticalyear2012-2013'thecatechists"n""d:1-11weekend InneiHeaiing retreat at'Dasya'on 26* -27^May' 2012 which wa:: "tty Ideep and touching experience. The catechists assembled at 'Dasya' ti,1-9^u

RT: ti"fio*.a by a sirall fellowship over refreshrnents' At 6'00 p'm' M1lu

,'11t- I(catechetical coordinator) opened the evening giving a brief introdu"'1.?1tl::T::

Ihealing retreat. Everyone reflected on the recitation of the prayer

"t il,"^|111t^T I*t i.t "*ur

in harmony with the catechetical theme for this year "Faith Bives abundant I

I tir. ,.ul Drosress is creation sanctified". At 6.30 p.m. Fr. Joe Abraham, the resource I

I ;;;;"" ueein t is teaching with a reading from John 5: I -9 where Jesus.asks the I

l**mlml'Jtil';[nffi :;;1,",[ll#;ilJ:,:;ffix1'ffi11;il:"t:Tll#lI ;;;" ,ruurnu, and hurtful experiences that a person undergoes during thi-s period,' He

Ilno*lu., stressed, that there is nothing impossible for God to heal' nr' foStlam 1

I conoluded the talk with the message that there are pools for all of us to be healed tn but I

I *. n".a to hnd rfrem and we can do so only with the help of the Holy SPirit' for tt ts I

lcnnlulon.*hoistheHealer' II f1'e catechisrs then had a quiet dinner at 7.30 p.m. in order to retlect on the

II teachine. Fr. Abraham then led the catechists into an inner healing servtce m the


I "r;;;;; of the Blessed Sacrament which was a relaxing and mind soothing I

I i*o.ri.n". which took away a lot of pain and burden thus bringing relief and Peace II inio ttre hearts ofthe catechists. The catechists then retired for the night' II Sundav started off,with personal prayer at 6'00 a'm' and communtty pt?{::


I at z. t s u *., iotio**d by breakfast. After breakfast, a testimony of how a burnt ..h:t I

lwas healed bv the Eucirarist was shared' At 9'00 a'm' Fr' Abraham continue-d hrs I

I teachins. the kev factor contributing to the growth of the Church should be the 'Love I

I niCoA']Ur fuaher elaborated the various ways by which we can experience the love I

I "ic"a. Fr. Abraham concluded saying that the aim of catechists moutd


I tne littte children so that rhey become people who not only go for worshtp_ but allow I

I ttr.i, Iiu", ro be transform.i. thut the main goal of catechism should be how to set I

| *.r" children on the fire of love. At 1l .00 a.m. there was a discussion and shanne ot I

I thouehts ou the teaching. This was followed by the Holy Mass'

ih"r" *u, triety tettowship in the aftemoon. This was followed by an

| .uutrutlon unJ ,huriog of the entire weekend session. Maria Dias then discussed the

l;;;;i";,r.iiurforthemonthofJune2012andthecatechistswereallottedI il;i?;;J".tive classes. The catechists were also requested to draw up and submit

I il;; i;;." plan bv 1" July, 2012'Theretreat ended at 5'00 p'm' and the catechists

! *.nt fro-. *irtr u rpltit to teach catechism with a difference - catechism not as an

I imposed lesson but as an experience of God's love'


lnaugural Mass -Catechetical Y ear ZAle-e013

The beginning ofthe catechetical year20l2-2a13 was markedby abeautiful andsolemn inaugural Mass on l0'n June, 20rz whichwas also the feast of the Bodyand Blood of christ. At the foot of the cross hung a banner bearing the theme ofthe catechetical year -"Faith gives abundant life, real progreis is creation.ri.J1f .g The liturgy was prepared and coordinated by caiecliists Gemira DiasandMiniKoola.

Mass began with a solemn procession of the catechists entering the churchfollowedby the altar servers and the celebrant, Fr. Tomas Lobo, our"parishpriest.The introduction gave a symopsis of the theme and the feasi of in, auy. tt.mystery of the Body and Blood of Jesus is the summit of the life of the church.This mystery bridges the heaven and the earth; using the fruits ofcreation, bread,wine and water, a miracle is performed: Jesus - God and man - becomes presenfon the altar. This miracle challenges us to see the creation with new vislon - avision which surpasses all human understanding. The faithful were exhorted topray in the Eucharistic celebration that the Hol! Eucharist becomes a source ofspiritual energy that renews our life, deepens our faith each dayio**y throughthe theme for the Year. .ya.t91 ltre Gospel reading, there was a short skit performed by the .,cherubs,,which brought out the message ofhow one needs to joyfulty shaie and help thosewho are less fortunate and also how we need to havi care and concern for ourenvironment and God's creation. Fr. Tomas further said in ni, no*irv, that for theMass to become effective in our life, we need to prepare ourselves ai least a dayearlier by reading the word of God. we also need-to be in a state of grace toreceive Jesus into our hearts and need to fast at least one hour before we receiveJesus. we need to be befittingly dressed to meet the King of Kings. ReceivingJesus into our hearts nourishes us and we need to take i" *iti us into our!-9p.r and everywhere we go. The offertory gifts of the Bible and Bread andwne symbolized an increase in our faith uno it. presence orl"sus in our life.After communion and the thanksgiving prayer, alithe catechists renewed theircommitment before the altar with lit iandles and Fr. Tomas invoked God'sblessings upon them.

At the end of the Mass,,bgfore imparting the finar bressing, Fr. Tomas read out afew guidelines for the children, the parents and the catechiits in order that all mayhave a fruitful catechetical yeur. The inaugural service concluded with actionsongs "The wise man, the foolish man,, ind ,,It's I that builds community"followed by a time of adoration of the Blessed sacrament invoking God'sblessing on the new catechetical year. At the end of the adoration, sweets weredistributedto all the childrenwho wenthome with great excitement.

-Sheilu Furtado

iil-*r oN rHE cDAY lN oUR PARISH


Though the monsoons had set in, there was not a drop of rain that SundaV I

"uttt"t'ii;; months and weeks of preparation finally culminated in a beautitul, I

spirit-frlled ceremony on 22"0 luly,2OiZ1hich began at 5 p'T' Ih*:J:t:ll1lcandidates who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the hands of His Grace

IM;; R.". Filipe Neri Ferrao, Archbishop Pahiarch of Goa and Daman' YI t;.ey

Iswelled with thanksgiving as tlese young idults lined on either side of the

Ssle of tnl

Iii"iv Fu-ilv Churcf,, Polvorim, awliling thearrival of the Archbith"p I"-{:Hq I-"o *"r" dressed in formal white shirtJand black trousers while the young ladtes

Iclad themselves in white salwar kameez suits. They symbolized purity and

Iiooo""rr"",r"adytobesealedwiththegiftoftheHolySpirit' - - I

The theme was beautifully displayed from the extended hands of the stafue I

I of Jesus U"t ina tn. altar. lt read - ';Anointed by the Holy Spirit - receive thefallness II "7-tiii;;.

ftre ,A.rchUishop Filipe Neri Ferrao in his homily illustrated values ot'love I

I .'"4'rorni"."ess, the .rr.n". of th" Cutholic Church. He went on to explain-row the I

I Su"ru*?nt of Confirmation increases the gifts ofthe Holy Spirit inus, strengthens our I

I u"rJ *itrt,rle church and obliges us to spread and defend the faith by word and deed' I

I ei"O ""Jtraff

were a part of ti'e offertory procession. The rod symbolized protection I

I i;;;;;ti. while the siaff repre\ented guidance along the right path. The.bread and I

I *in" of.."d. symbolized tiansformation of the candidates into ffue witnesses ot I

I God's kingdon',.- . I

| -'- " -^-

ifr" .f,ifAten,s choir comprising of the senior Cherubs with their melodious I

| ,roic., enhanced the spirir oflworship and prayer' The parish community rejoiced and I

I ioined in the celebration ofthe Eucharist.l'"**-'- i;;-J""o nrutltoae to the Parish Priest- Fr. Tomas Lobo, Assistant Parish

I pri.rt- F; ii";ii;."Furtado and the team of dedicated Catechists who have put in a

I i;;;.if;( ,p.;i"liy in the spiritual direction, to make this occasion a memorable

I ;il;#. iu!* a.tuil was looked into and the Lihugy was marvelously prepared.

I Mav God bless each one ofyou a hundred fold'

| "^- -";;;;o;h;b"g*phs

of the now radiant, gtowing candidales were taken with

lrn. et.nUirf,op, pri.itr and catechists. The confirmed candidates were given a

I beautiful certificate as atoken of remembrance'

| "---'..--i;"r

ou"i"o-" with emotion as I wiped away atear ofjoy. I said a silent

lnruu", for these voung adults, "Heavenly Father, I rejoice as 112 members of our

I 6;ih"il;";unitu tt"urr" been anointed-by the Holy Spirit. Give them the power to

I iJ";.-,joh* iiu*. cio" them the strength to fight against sin and temptations' It

I ;itl ;;;;il. .fi"tt *a sometimes pain to be a good idult Catholic' May thev touch the

I iiu."oip.ople around andbe fineixamples for others to emulate. Amen".

| -*"' SYbit Rodrigues

I zoneSB

I g::"* "f t'""n'*M"f '*frd*q





It was a greatprivilege to have this mass to.celebrate our 4th sccAnniversary.

The celebrant was Fr.Lester, and about 30 participants attended. Thesession began by forming groups to discuss on smalr christian communitybased on the questionnaires and the bible reading. Fr. Lester tiren summeo upthe sessions with the help of the poster.In his homily Fr. explained the Theme of the mass.This was followed by asmall get together and fellowship.The ward members actively participated in the sessions and the Eucharist.

Athena PintoZone IB

(:(rr{ a* tIi'rcd{lv: Ogf?6tOl9tt.} Abig:rlIr r{J}O?lOOn{t


lilDrril: r (ricesilsync0sfr!,),ah<

TOVING VOURSETF" When we were young we were

taught that loving our self is selhsh and

bad and if we loved ourselves we couldnever love others. In recent times weread that when you have love foryourself you learn to love your familymembers, your dear ones and friends.You need to love yourself in order tolove anyone else. True humility allowsseif love, and when you love yourself itencourages and enables youto love others.

Being proud of self is good. It makes you have a positive attitude. It is

goodto be proud ofyourself and your accomplishments but you should not be

proud and become arrogant, selfish and greedy. We should always thinkpoTi{ive.

Our love should not be for pleasure and fame, but rather have the

strength of good relationship with yourself which will help you to have the

sarne relationship with others. It is very important to love yourself fully in agood manner, to love yourself always, and to be happy with yourself.

I have read of 7 ways to iove yourself. .....,...... "..1) FORGM YOURSELF:- There have been many ups and downs inmy life and always thougi^i ilat i was useless, but someone in my life taught

me that there is action worthy uf forgiveness, which took me a long time. Iwas told never to look back"on my mistakes, instead to choose to embrace the

goodness ahead and love yourselfthe person you are. Forgiving yourselfforyourmistakes and shortcomings canbe diffrcult and does take practice,

2)' STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS:- When voung Iwanted to be betler than others and if I did not succeed I felt I was a failure and

useless but gradually I came to understand how foolish it is to compare

oneself to others and realized the more you compare youfselfto others the less

self -worth you place on yourself,.

3) . STOP SEEKING APPROVALS:- Not seeking approval does notmean I don't care. No, surely you would love to sltare your ideas with others

but when you continuously seek approval from others and don't get a positive

response for your requests you are damaging your self-relationship and yor.l

will feel that your work may not be good enough.

4) BELIEVE IN YOURSBLF:- You cannot love yourself if you do notbelieve in yourself. Both go hand in hand. Loving and believing. Believing inself is hard when things go wrong. Trust in your judgement and know that

through good andbadyou are worthy.

:*mru#Attimes I fe_e] my mind isjust brank, ,o-"ti-rn". r t"rt io -y s^;;;* and tryto listen to Him. other times I go alone for rong *dkr:;lr aese me to gather my thoughts and thi'k 6; i "; rdrorre myr"m.Lou oy. t{o yourselfto be siient at Gast once a day. - ----r -

6) EAT rrEALTrryAND EXERCTSE:, Eating fast foods is not the endof the world, but making a habit to drink and eat su.ifood, is destroying yourbody. Your relationshipwith your body and mind r, ,.rv i-po.turri. yo' utroneed to exercise to keep fit.7) EXPRESS AND LovE youRsELF:- Always be happy with thegifts and talents you have and express it to others. tryo,, trave anliiassions tetothers know. Don't worry of being ridicured or made fun of. rt', ."ia^rrr", *" Igiveanythinglessthanyourbestiitosacrificethegift. ursrrwl

It.won't _b.e

easy but the relationship with yourself is the most imnortunt Irelationship in order to rive the rife ybu *unito ri".. n.rn.o'urr,;;;lii'r# Iimage of God. So thank God that yOU u* yOU and il;;;;#;;,d; ILove. o^" "^ |

Fatima SosresZone I E


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: Many marriages have failed or I"' are ;:iling in troubled waters I,, simply bc. ause the parlies were I

not ready for marriage or were Inot ready to get married to that I

,,; particular p -"rson. This arlicle is I'"' rnore of an exercise meant not

I, only for thosc in the status of


engaged to mat'rr' but also for I

those who are on the tlueshold I' of marriage whether theY have I

found a Partner or not but have I

decided that theY will one daY I

get married, and also (to some exJent) for those youth who."think" that they ]

;;- l; a relationship merely because they have a "boyfriend" or a

Gtrfii*A;, *heth"t with the hope of getting .TTi:d to that,{;tt;#'i,girlfriend" or not. In thii exercise you will find..a series of

qu.itlorrvpoirits for eacir imlividual to reflect and answer, depending on your

riutot ut th" time of doilg this exercise. It will be better that those formally

*g.g-A or decided witi partner in vjew.of marriage to do this exercise

i"f"inl, and ask the questions to each other simultaneously. Answer by

g,ii"g due time to each ui the questions/points and only after some


relationfffill#iJ"u, *ant ro get mamed to me and spend the rest of your

life with me,/ Iiyes, why Co you want to get married to me? If not, then what

are we doing in tiiis relaiionship/or why are we in a relationship?

3) (fproposecl) Why ,iid you u.ctpt this proposal to marry me?

+i irrl" iove) Are you getting maried to me just because we are in

love with each other'for (number of) years/months and just because

now the rvhole society knows that we are a "couple"?

5) Mention at least 3 things, if not more, that you like about me'

which made you decide to get married to me?

6) Mention somJother things about yourself which you feel are

good in you and which you feel that as of now I do not kriow" "1)Mention

at ieast 3 things, if not rnore, that you do not like about

me.i -

B) Mention some other things about yourselfwhich you feel are not

l ro gooo ii vo" unO *hich you feel that I t

each other.


9) Mention to each other the following facts of one'slife as applicable. You need to be truly open to each other on theie points :-a) Any past sickness, physical or mental, for which you were treated?b)

-A1v nresent sickness, physical or mental, for which you are being heated?c) Myhabits like conpumption of alcohol, smoking, gambling, etc.


d) Are you addicted to any activities like watching TV it length, certaingames, hanging out with one's friends, parlying etc?e) What lre your hobbies? Will these come in our way of establishing agood marital relationship?f) can you take decisions on your own or do you have to rely on your parents,siblings or other elders in the family? Are you ready to decreaie your closebondingwithyourparentsandfamilymembersin order to increase ourmarital bonding? Are you too emotionally attached with a particular memberofyour family? If so, is it possible that it may come jn the way of our conjugalinterpersonal relationship?g) What is yourjob status? What are your earnings? How much is each one ous going to contribute to sustain our family? will I have to share my earningswith some other member/s of our respective families? If so, who and howmuch?h) How close are you with your friends? (Reveal the names of your crosefriends to your parbrer. Mention in detail the type of friendship that you'llhave). will the attachment to your close friend/s in any way possibly come inbetween our marital relationship?i) Mention any past relationships, if any. Are you still attached to or in touchwith your previous relationship partner? If so, are you able to break offthatpast relationship? (Ifnot attached to or not in touch with your previous parbrerthen you are free to refrain from mentioning about your previous partnei.)Now the partners need to answer these questions together.- 'Are

we ready to get married to each other on the date fixed or do we needmoretime?- Have we understood what marriage bruly is? Do we have the christianunderstanding of marriage?This is not an exhaustive exercise. There needs to be a follow-up on the same.Ifduring this exercise you'll have found that there are certain issies (serious orotherwise) which need to be tackled with the help of a mediator or an expert,then you'll need to approach the right persons to get the necessary guidance.Even if no issues are encountered, a follow-up progam, with a counselroq tofortifu your stance is a must.A detailed explanation of each question/point darted above will follow in theforthcoming issues ofthis bulletin'

-Fn Boniface Furtado


Whenwethinkofgrace,wethinkofthefavourofGod'Thereisnothingyou can clo to eam God's grace' Salvation is l{is gift given in love to you'

Does grace stop at the point when you receive Jesus as your Saviour?

No, His gru"" flo*, ovei your liie each momentbringing hope and an enormous

sense ofpeace and securitY" ^God's grace is founded in love, love that is not seasonal or temporary -

the very love Jesus oirpiayea at calvary. In^the book of Romans, the Apostle

paul wants us to have u i|# *"rrtul pictuie of God's grace in our lives. To do this

heuses thephrase "this grace inwhichwe sta-nd"Rom 5:2

For the Christian, livn! in God's grace is all consuming' You can't walk away

fr"^. it, because God tliini<s, respJnds and views us through the eyes of grace'

We live in a sphere of grace, surroundedby His goodness'

Even when airuppli"t*ents come, they anive wragged. 11 tfre grace of

God. Through grace youialkin God's favour andthroughthis gift of grace you

have access to Godthe Father.

SowhenyouthinkofyourlifebeforeGod'thinkofthewayHewTapsyou inHis loving care' Sure, at iimes you feel distracted from ltllil-":*T:your attention or a sense oflonelinesi redirects your thoughts, but there are no

variables with God. He remains the same just as His 10ve towards you remains

constant. Every good thing that comes your way is an act of His grace' Every

answer to pray"i ii lti. p.ttonal response to your need'

His grace *url", ot "'

yo"' love lite sunlight on a cloudless day' Hurt

and pain, whlle they may invade, cannot thange the presence of God's grace'

Cru"a ao"t not depend on circumstances' God's grace does not operate more or

less in your life u."uor" you did or did not do a certain thing' Grace is a gift and

alwaYswiilbe' -Jesse Miranda

Zone 6A

vlte joyfutfi fiaif tfie efection of tfie $tew Supeior peleraf of tfre

*ifar Society Rev. rl' Francis Caiaffio, togetfiir with fris team of

Cuunaffooinfwitft tftem Qo[s alunfant \teisngs n carryforwarftfre

missionentnntefto them fu Cfirist',we ako gratefuit) ac{nowfefge - the sentire of tlie outgoing

Supeior Qenrrnf &p. dn,ionl ioprt oif hit Coffa1orators andwishtfiem

a fruitfu t ministry in t fr eir new as ignment s'

A PUilr 0F stnw aailwnt- rcM Sbters,

We, the missionary sisters of theImmaculate Heart of Mary or Immaculati

lordis Mariae (I.C.M.) betrong to aLInternational Religious MissionarvCongregation, We are from different culturesand nationalities ministering in manycountries including Belgium, Brazii,Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, CaribbeanIslands- Haiti Jamaica, Dominica, St. Croix,Guatemala, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mongolia,Philippines, Rome, Senegal, the UiiteO

States andlndia.Our Foundress

Mother Marie Louise DeMeester, was born onApril g,

1928 at Roeselare inBelgium, Though her family'ssocial, economic and politicalstatus provided her a rich andaffluent life she searched for a

settlement in South India. Impeiled by coa', spirii;hr;ilr.d th. ;ff;i;ipermission from the Directresi of the Monastery and the Bishop ofBruges inBelgium..

dgepr.w.ay of Iiving it. She fl.*up nurturing the desire to be amissionary,logive christ to thcise who had nevei heard of i{im and to speno h", life savingsouls. However she could not realize her dreams at that?imi io, it *u, ,roteasy for a woman to face such challenging and advenfurous t"rk..^ilil;;;gter.ed the.monastery of the Regular c-anJnesses of st. Augustine at Ieper inBelgium where she discovered and cherished her religiou, uilutiorr.

Even though Sister Marie-Louise had_ nit ioin"J a- mirriooarycongregation, her interest in far-offlands remained v"ry *urn alive. Her thirstfor missions took its initial turn as she dared to respond to a cail from Fr. vctorverleure, a carmelite priest who had started a new mission in a small

Hffi,lr*ffH#t:accompaniedbyayoungnovicesisterMarie-ursule,lefthernativelandona;;ffi ; ; u uiffui" in Tamil Nadu, to care for abandoned children and

*o*tn'trrnin a short span of her life she founded and established our

Icongregation as Pontifical and could move to different parts of iT l:tlllThu"s sh'e laid the missionary foundation with passion for God and Passion tor

IGod's p oor. At present the sisters o f the c ongre gation f ry".tl t y":lt:tf*l]

IIndiu, our rrrrdaunted apostolic zeal reaches 8 States including Kttil-1-13T1

INadu, Karnataka' Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar' Uttar Pradesh and the

Ilatest opening in Goa.r The mission of l.c.M. is "Preferential love for the Poor" which-is Ilrealized through the education ministry' healing ministry' servrce to the


I a;ii...rtrv uuiJO, technical training, pastoral and social action. The testimonv I

I of life df our Foundress invites us to strive ior. the kind of holiness.*l*it ll;;;; u o..p interior life with undaunted apostolic zeal' She

]ed, an

II *";;;"ctive iife in phich she radiated the presence-of God to.people thus

II ;;;;id them to Him. Her charism is a gift of God's Spirit to the universal


lctrurctr' Suffering from acute arrhdtis in her limbs she was called t"-.H I

leternal rest and ieward on October 10u' 1928. Like her, we the si.sters titl:dlI *itft tfr. love of Gocj and of our brothers and sisters, dedicate our ltves to the


lroo, *a needy. Listening to the signs of the times, with an ever growmg I

li.u6in.r, *. ihr". sisteis Srs. Maggie, Orpha & Escaline. accepJed our I

I rnissilon urtisnment and made ourselves available for the service of the poor' I

| ---

We ianded in porvorim, Goa on l8s June 201 1 to work amorg the I

lmierant and domestic workers. Our new place, "the Domestic ulq.Mi{."ttllI UL"rtor'Forum" was blessed by His Grace Most Rev. Archbishop Filtpe Nert


I p"rruo of Goa and Daman on 2"0 July 2011, the feast of Immaculate IIt.'1-"1lil;. w.-;;; ;aced with the presence of Rev. sr. Rachel the ICM

I ir".ii""iur SuperiJr and her Council, Rev. Fr. Tomas Lobo the Parish Priest of

I ir;ffi;lf" 6rr"*rrp"rvorim Goa, the ICM FormationTeamBangalore, the

I ";r#;tt" "irtn"*Uai, the local religious sisters, ourparishioners and

I westCoasi Residency neighbours.

| -"" --w" ;;rk u-o"g"th" migrant and domestic workers in Bardez &

I rirwadi i"r"r."r ""4 Soirttt Coa.-at present we are taking a survey of the

l;;;;;"ro J"il.riic workers and have covered 16 areas' Migrantshave

I ;;;;f; uti ou.t India and many have been in Goa for 30 - 40 years' Most

l;;;;;;; "wn

an ID card and hence cannot avail the social welfare

I il;;;;. O". "f "*

risters is working with Child line Caritas and another is a

l;;il;;r ttr" i"1Ministry in GoaI rhe Hindi and ramil speaking people:

have the chance ofutt"ndine\the Holy Mass in their own tunguug..--3nce amonth. It is an opporlunity forus to organize them.

.,-"^ -^^,f,.l,-me specifu who the irigrant and domestic workers are

For the suffering and voices we say yesFor the exiled and migrant *. ,uy"y.,For the sake of the trafflrcked and lost we say


The social,changes, new economic pohJies, caste porarization, degradationand depletion ofnafural resources, lbss oftraditional culture and institutionshave resulted in increased poverly. These iactors force the landless and thejobless to invent n"- and .."uiirr. survivar strategies. nisio.icaily trremigration process was not ? lew phenomenon for the tribals. They areinitiated.into this process by shifting or.rritluution. In the ..nturythe tribals were forced out of their"native land uoo","r"

"n""rr"g.o to jointhe labour force_ in plantation. young giris from rural and row-incomecommunities are becomingincreasingl! altracted by the diuer.e .,tf"rinqs ofthe cities in economicarly blooming plu".r-areas and cities whereffi;;.of skilled and unskilred labour exisf, o, wh"re opport'nities are perceived toexist are also attractive. The contrast between ti.r, pr...n;,.u1it;,n a rurararea and their dreams of an accessible and a possible future paradise mayoften prove ines_istible.

Many women leave due to family situations and circumstances.Many are forced to migrate in order to make the familyii."g il,,.r. rn.vare also sincere in sending the money back home. The domestic workers arethe most exploited the unorganized workers. There is no law toprotect them. uprooted from their ra-milies they .urr.. *iiir-r*g *"ri.rrghours. They are voiceless and powerless.Jesus identified himself with the poor and the outcast and worked tobring justice and give new life to them. iesus' own .rp.rr.n.. ,tands as amilestone for us to participate in_the struggles of the poo. - .rf..iurry orrrr"migrant and domestic Heoc". '"

"The Mystery that calls us we sav yes

For the sake of fufure we sav yes,'

-ICM Sisters- Porvorim Goa

"Paco Patriarcal"

P.O. BoxNo.216,

Panjim-403 001, Goa- India

Tel. : (0832) 2223353 12225291

Fax: (0832) 2224139

E-mail: archbp goa@gmail. com

July 18, 2012

Dear Fr. Tomas,

It was indeed with pleasure that I received some days ago a copy

of the parish bulletin -- Gh'orubeacho sungati ( Compunion of the

Family) - - issue of June -July -August 2012 , volume 15 , published

by the Holy Family Parish, Alto Porvorim .

While I was glad to go through the pages ofyour bulletin , getting

better acquainted with pertinent happenings and relevant information

about the parish life there , I thought I would address these few lines to

you to convey , with my greetings , ffiY appreciation for your and your

pastoral collaborators' ministry at the service of the Church in that

Parish . At the same time, I assure all of you my prayers that God and

the Holy Family may bless you and your ministry abundantly, always

under the loving motherly protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

With personal greetings and prayerfu 1 best wishes,

Yours cordially in Christ


(+RaulN. Gonsalves)

,, Krusw.,YbUu'.,bfiro*. Csrum:rimNi,'.',''.,,, ,r'Bod1r:,Weigille,Vlscerat fatiffuntr,,faq.n, '$69 Cutaneous, fat i$iii*i.,..,,. ,.,..ER€s{ng Metabb iarnn,.BodyAge *,Body Mas$,tndex n'Body.Fale,frluscH n4ars

w 6s1,;nio on,,,Heilthy Break*ist w, br*l*;en, ruuiiitlUh .

w B.elfV Fat Reduetlon s,$kin taig / flair, Ca*g '

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l{, f{s. 2&7|F ll,;,.Xelpe,m, 0u|er;Mapusa, Bardez . Goa 403502

{}deaf,Andrew,Felic-i ade H:elI}

Walk-in : Monday . $aturday between 6,3$ a.m. to $.00 a,m.I'0ne

Visit change your life"Remember Freventlon is HETTHR & CFIEAPER than cure!

Your HEALTHY TUTURE is Now ln Your t{ands!


Th*n r rntlw ooooooooeo

with an aimto imProve outfuture'

w+uld b* ???

Todayinthisfastmovingandeverchangingscenariothatwearelivingin,itis quite evident ilt"t *" ?tt";; ;;i;d idiust to new transitions that are

taking place i^ urO uro,]nJrr. ii"tlt ir also hish time for us to reflect whether

we are controlling these changes or we arJ controlled by these changes'

Reflecting upon this "di#re tried to fresent befory you the chain of

change that has .,,tt'J-o*^iiutt no* the age old days to our present

scenario. But we ,""A'oXo remember that tie iutute is in our hands and we

need to reflect on fto* J'ip""nt 'un

be moulded with reference to the past


I n ".{,;+,r,f-{"-.tlt'*l r' -:'?-11 t, .>.,1

If we carefully look at the pictures above we can see the transition that has

taken place in our l'f"5#iit;'"i'rt""-e1 life was not that busy' with less

people literate, r"*.. iuJititi;; f"t livefihooJ and so on' people were much

haooier. There was " '"n "i" -"*al bond which was creited specially with

lllyJi;,ri,r;il. ;n;;;;;;;;i" need of anything or if there arose a time

of any emergency, htl'ftt *""fa approach and seek thi help of the neighbours

firsr. Money, ,nut.riutit];;;;;;i;;;'i" gio not come to their rescue but it

was their neighbour/s whozame to ttieir assistance. But ifwe turn our focus to

the pre s ent s ituati on H"':i#"'il f::ft: :::: : ::: ii:f; ""iJl:':nih:rtfi:I #tl,'#;:";;;;;."* and^beronginsness to the ones around

us seems fo be on a downfall' 11 a wfY' *t riit Jur ffe as excluded and

secluded from the mainstream' Luxuries are passing but relationships are

long lasting. S" k""*;;;;;;s#;;;iodav' meet thim' talk to them andbe

friendship andthem.


good and lovingneighbours to one anothJthe SCCs are great toolJ to build bridges of love,with neighbourhood families; So make th! best ur. oi

- Bro. Dyrel Diss

It's a goal. . .. !! Hunay. . ...hurray. .... !! These were the slogans that one couldhear after someone scored. a goal while playing footbalr."Similarty childrenenjoyed playing other outdooi games ,urh u, cricket, ring game, basketbalr,hide and seek, volreyball and so forrh. childr.n ,ug.?f *"i.a for theevening time after their tiring study schedule at school and at home so thatthey could play They were alio *"J and motivatJ uv , parents togo for games. whether rain or shine, cliildren and youth just enjoyed thosecouple of hours that they got out of their busy day's schedul". nrri.un we saythis in today's context too? Are our children and youngsters enjoying playingoutdoor games todav? of today's ,"hta.Jr, ;;fi;.grters hasbecome limited to face ggot, t'wrtte; g;rg on computers and watchingcartoons, movies and serials on the idiotbox. A. u.oor.qrr"rrr. oL childrenare seen becoming more and more prone to various diseases like obesity. Atthis juncture it is the key.rore.of the parents to encourage and motivate theirchildren to engage in primarily outdoor and arso in indoor games, therebymaking their future bright.

;sprnlruALtTy oF coMMUNlox'

;T;;#'*";il;;A;e'a pluralitv of communities within the



for the t u.rfo,"tuiion of this world into a more just and fraternal'

loving utA p.u"tiul society-A new Society" 'The surge towards the

New Society is a constitutive element of the Chwch'Allhumankind

is the arena i"t ttt" Cft*ch and the New Society is her agenda'

(SYnodal Document 9' 1 0)

* Certainly *o tftt pifgtim people of God' marked with the ups and

downs "f "";j;'""i;";icrt

is rraugtrt with struggl"t,iilf:,ti:l:are in constantneed of

'enewal' Thi more the Church is filled with

the light of christ,irr. "-r. will it illumine the whole of humanity'

Conversely, the authenticity of our renewed inner spiritual life will

be verified urrA gu"gtJ;;; commitment to lead all women and

men to live and u,ii' o"t community' one human family' (Synodal

Document l1)* g".ft p""i."far Church, i'e' diocese' must be grounded in thewitness

of ecclesial ,o-*,,"i* which constitutes its very nature as Church'

The diocese is a communion of communities gathered 13y1d the

iit"pft"td" *lt"te .rogv, "onsecrated

persons and the lay faithful are

engaged in u 'aiutog-;E'"f ftft ""a leart' .sustained by the grace of the

Holy Spirit. lt is"p"-utily in the diocese that the vision of a

communion of ,o'imo"ities can be actualized in the midst of its

complex social' p"iiti*l i"figious' cultural and economic realities

(Ecclesia in Asia 2 5)

* All member* of t#P"ople of God share a common dignity because

of their rebirth io Cititi ift"y also share in a common task th1!a1

been entrus,.O t",-ft.- ittt""gn Baptism and Confirmation (cf' LG

32). Jesus Christ Himself h"as t:h3Y,"i""t^"$.11 :};-***i"'i:#1r;,'"ri^]oi#il;;ffi ro^ tr,. Father. All the llift*t lY. *the triple mission tiCfttitt-ptophetic' priestly and kingly-and they

are called to form a vibrant communion of communities' (Synodal

Document 47)

* Communion is a central and fundamental concept of the-Second

Vatican Coun.l in itrl.n"ction on the Church (cf' LG 1 ; CL 19)' The

heart of .o*urrion is relationships. Each Diocesan/ Parish

community """ ;;;gh'ly laled ctmmunion g::n::tiT:

*community around it. (Synodal Document 5 0)Ecclesial communion implies that each local church should becomea'participatory Church', a Church in which all live their propervocation and perform their proper role. In order to build up the'communion of mission' and the 'mission of communion!, everymember's unique charism needs tq be acknowledged, developed andeffectively utilized. (Synodal Document 5 I)To make the Churchthe home and the school of communion:we needto promote a spirituality of communion, making it the guidingprinciple of education wherever individuals and Christians areformed, wherever ministers of the altar, consecrated persons, andpastoral workers are trained, wherever families and communities arebeing built up. A spirituality of communion indicates above all theheart's contemplation of the mystery ofthe Trinity dwelling in us, andwhose light we must also be able to see shining on the face of thebrothers and sisters around us. A spirituality of communion alsomeans an a6ihty to think of our brothers and sisters in faith within theprofound unity of the Mystical Body, and therefore as "those who areapart ofme". This makes us able to share theirjoys and sufferings, tosense their desires and attend to their needs, to offer them deep andgenuine friendship. A spirituality of communion implies also theability to see what is positiv'e in others, to welcome it and prize it as a


gift from God: not only as a gift for the brother or sister who has I

received it directly, but also as a "gift for me", A spirituality of I

communion means, finally, to know how to "make room" for our I

brothers and sisters, bearing "each other's burdens" (Gal 6:2) andlresisting the selfish temptations which constantly beset us and I

provoke competition, careerism, distrust and jealousy. Q,tovo I

Millennio Ineunte 43) |

Given the enormous size of our Parishes, both in geographical areu Iand in population, SCCs are a viable means to promote among the Ifaithful deep fellowship and pastoral care with a personal touch. IBasically, they are evangelizing communities founded on the Wcrd Iof God and are dynamic channels of God experience as weil as Ieffective instruments of service of the whole community. They are Ithus "a s olid starting p oint for a new society based o n a' ciiirizatibn o f Ilove'(SynodalDocument9l) |SCCs are a true expression of communion and means for the Iconstruction of a more profound communion. They are thus cause for I




a great hope for the life of the

Church. (Redemptoris Missio 5l) --tThe SCCs are schools of "christian faith" as well as "church at

grassroots" leading to Small Human communities, thereby paving

ih" *uy for a New Society based on a "civihzation of Love".

(Dioces an P astoral Plun 200 2' 5, 4)

The Celebration of the Eucharist cannot be the starting-point for

communion; it presupposes that communion already exists, a

communion which it seeks to consolidate and bring to perfection.

(Ecclesia de Eucharistia 3 5)


would you like to advertise your firm/establishments/products?

Then we have the right place for you.

Alto Porvorim Parish bulletin offers you the space to do so'

Kindly check the rates of advertisements and advertise on our bulletin'

The rates of advertisements are as follows:-

Rs. 30001Rs.25001Rs.20001Rs. 10001Rs. 6001Rs. 3501Rs. 1001

Back cover page (coloured)

Front/Back inside (coloured)

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Awaiting Your co-operation.

Send your contributions in the form of articles,

testimonies and poems to:Fatima Soares : fatinatT(O hotmail.comSuzette de Sousa : suzsousas12@gmail'com

Pilin{ un stuff.......God has given us manygifts - talent, money, food, clothingetc.Butthese are notto be kept on lyfor ourselves, We have toshare ourgiftswith the needy.

ln LUKE L2:13-.27,we read the story of 'The young Ruter, who thought that he was a,reallygoodpersoninGod'ssight. Hedidnotmistreatpeopleandheobeyedthelaws,But his love for money was his weakness. He wanted to piie up money foi himself andnot use itto care forothers. He was rich in the wortd but not rich in God's sight.

children, you too may have collected a lotofstuffovertheyears - toys, books, clothes;and some of you may even be in the habit of ihving moneyin you, piggr-nanrs. sometoys and books are so old and babyish, yet you do not want to let go oi ttrem. Mosilv.because having them around reminds you of happier times. 0i maybe, tnelt weie i

given t0 you by people you love. And so, you are rich in the world with all tne stutf tnat I

youhavepiledup. Butdon,tyouwan_ttoberichinGod'ssight? I

well, why don't you try sharins your things with the needy. And whenever therc i, , Icollection in church for the less fortunate, you could give a litfle money trorn vouilpiggr-bank. Thatway, you willdefinitely become rich in God's sight. for, tt ernoovo, Ishare, the more God will bless you. And in giving, you will experience a;oy like you've Ineverfeltbefore.


/ We FFGRETihe mistake in announcement of results of the Kidzone euiz published or\ |

Pg. 31 of the MARCH Bultetin congratutating lota pinto of Zone 48 as tne sotewin;;;i I Ithe Quiz. The names of the other participantiwho also got all correct anrr.o *ni.h *ur. I Iinadvertently omitted arei Roswyn Mascarenhas(stdi zone 2[), fason n"'n.lrsii v I Izone 4B), tason Gomes (srd v Zone 4B), Ben loseph (srd. vli zone ry t nnaiea I IMenezes(std.VlZonetB).

"Ed- ll:sril(1) Psatms (2) Rib (3) seth (4) He threw a stone from r,iJsling 1sy nis o,rry so*il' ll

(6)Job(7)Daniet (8)Wisdom (9)Joshua (10)Apiilarofsatt llThe names o-f the participants of the JUNE issue are :- Travis'Dos Remedios, winifred llNorris, lola Pinto, walusha silveira, Roswyn Mascarenhas, Andrea H, g.n llJoseph, Tamara Furtado & Travis D'souza. Those who submitted allcorec,nr*." r" ,- I I

I;ll*1 Silveira, Iota Finto, Roswyn Mascarenhas, Ben foseph ""a

i;";. f f

WONS ro aII parricipanrs! I(DEP IT Ue,, ,l


is o simple quiz for you' An exciting prize -.....-owoits the luchy winner. Send in your onswers to Fr' Tomos Lobo

;;;;;; ir'" 3q;;fgdnbtt2glz mentionins vour Nome' cqtechism clqss'

Zone ond Word' Goorl Luck!:

1, What was John the BaPtist's food?

a) Gamel meat & milk

b) Locusts & wild honeY

c) Bread & water

d) Dates & figs

2. What job did Jesus' earthly father'

Joseph do?

a) CarPenter

b) Fishermanc) Tentmakerd) ShePherd

3. Who were the two sons of Zebedee,

the disciPles of Jesus?

a) James &Johnb) Thomas & Mathew

c) Simon & Andrew

d) Peter & Paul

4. What did Jesus do for Lazarus?

a) Cooked him dinner

b) Took him for a walk

c) Healed him from a fever

d) Raised him from the dead

5, 0n which mountain did the

Transfiguration of Jesus take place?

a) Mt. Nebo

b) Mt. Sinaic) Mt. Tabord) Mt, Galvary

6, What is the last book of the

New Testament?

a) Actsb) Corinthiansc) Romans

d) Revelation

7. What is the collective name

of the stories Jesus told?

a) Miracles

b) Poemsc) Parablesd) Psalms

8. What did Judas get in return

for betraYing Jesus?

a) A palace

b) 30 Pieces of silver

c) A field

d) 25 gold coins

9. Who went on missionary

journeYs to Preach to the Gentiles?

a) Paul

b) Peter

c) James

d) Jude

10. Who asked for Jesus' bodY after

the crucifixion?a) Simon of CYrene

b) Mary Magdalene

c) JosePh of Arimathea

d) Pontius Pilate



samanea wxoi: t#?:f#YlfrL Martechea sobit

Generatrh,i;:;tf ?l',;Xl?itT/,f,,n,hreorthe30t8n2 Dn",t^!lfii',(urffiiTm#^,uu

ru,Mariechidekh gheum_ya

Bible Housie3l/8/12





{l,ls ai s o ddun, suddsuddai echim zavm_y a, Mariechidekh gheum-ya

Biblicol Charact ers presentotionBy keeping the Word of God, let us imitate

Movie on MoryBy being chaste and pure in heart, let usMury

CotechismSorvesporacho Atmo amcher asa: Tachea preronnancholum-ya, Mariechi dekh gheum_ya

Quiz on Mory & Morion devotionsBorea utramlkomneamni Devachim bhokt zaum_y a,Mariechi dekh gheum-ya

Morion hymns presentotionBy showing concern towards the sick, the poor & theunloved, let us imitate Mary

Prayer donce on Morion hymnsSomiacho pattlav korum-ya, Mariechi dekh gheum-ya

Poetry recitation on MotherSomiachi khuxalkai vanttum-ya, Mariechi dekhgheum-ya

_ Candle light processionMury our Blessed Mother- Born to beauti$z

Cutting Mother Mory's birthdoy coke









Sth September to 14th September,2012

Samanea Vixoi: Jivit novsorum-ya, Bhavarth somarombum-ya

General Theme: Renewed, let us celebrate our Faith

ist Read:1 Kor 3, 1-9

Gospel:Mt 16, 13-19Ucharlolo bhavarth kholaum-Ya'

1st Read:Acts 3, 1'10

Gospel:Mt 16, 13-19In faith seeing the marvels of God,

let us renew our lives

lst Read: Jak2, 14-24'26

Gospel: Lk6,43-49Komneamni bhavarth dakhoum-Ya,

jivit novsorum-ya

1st Read:lPet 1, 3-9

Gospel:Mt 10,26-33Steadfast/courageous in faith,

let us renew our lives

Bhavarthan monisPonnan

cholum-ya, jivit novsorum-Ya

1st Read: CoL3,12-17

Gospel: Lk 11, 1-4Forgiving one another in faith,

let us renew our lives

1st Read: D.1.4,32-3'lGospel: Iu 17,20-26

Bhavarthan ekcharachem j ivitjieum-ya, jivit novsorum-Ya

lst Read: Rom 10, 9-18

Gospel: Mk 16, 15-20Being committed witnesses/

evangelizers, let us renew our lives

lst Read: Kol 1,21-23Gospel: Jtt 19,25-27

Mariechea okhondd bhavarthache

dekhin cholum-ya, jivit novsonrm-ya

Khurs ache a zottacho bhavarth

somarombum-ya, j ivit novsorum-Ya

Wr,lil^r* /c?AA,^rrrl 'atoturtm,t1) 13/s/2012

2) 20t5t20r2

3) 20t5t2012

4) t0/6t20125) 17 t6/2012

-utJltr-i11,?lt'ltli,;!*sanfordFrancisFachoandilffB;ii.tifitnil1*3il S/o Brjoy Sharma and Maria

Hp":l W"r,,.,1 #..ffi ff :f lth uS

/o No e I Men ezes

Reeta Tjsa - Bhagaban pradhan and Sarojini pradhan

Mnil"ti#3ti?u - oPrichard

Randal F emandes anJ

:l 8t7t20t2

il:fi'n.i"r'"lo.1t<"t'"n'r'i'" - JosephKeeranchiraand

7) 81712012 Gravier savio Fernandes - comer Fernandes and sherilphilomena Fernande.{--"8) 2917/2012 Claris Benison. _ S.niron Thomas and Anjali Benison

,9%^t r?a: ly M t- w,,,,*,r "7

o*e,r,,,,,,**l) 21512012 Roha_n,Godwin. ._ alto Betim & Nisha GovardhanManwani -- att<iF;rv;;i;2) 5/512012 Beevan Marino de Souza--^- Bangaiore

& Meenal Aurelia Francis _ Banfalore3) t0/6t2012 Savio yves J;'.pi. D;;;': At1o Betim &Tracy Ann Negredo _ panjim

E'"'ar*r. {Ea-"**l ry"r//. _gr-A]] ?3/s/?0t2 Delphine Mendonca 65 years2) 26/512012 Dennis Gabriel Carvalho _ 78 years3) 616/2012 Aldric Ignatius Lobo _ 87 years4) 11712012 Pedro Inacio Agnelo pires _ 62 years5) 15/712012 AnjuAmoncar aiiasAngelinaVaz _ 62years

IESUS MY PROTECTOR AND MY REFUGEPsalm 9 t has been my protector and my guide. I reamt psalm 91 when I was

X lifiill$;f from then on r -.i*ot

ao *itr,o"i iI I *"r." w;;6;;;i"g and say

Psalm 91 has arways protected me and my fam'y. Last year when we weredriving back from our holiday, *" rorouni".ei an acci.tent on the highway whichwas so close that mv family wouldn'thave been here today irit*"r*irrmypsarm9 1 . Jesus protected us una ruu.a-ur t-#;;;;;i;"*ot thank Him enough.A small message to all my friends. ii"ur" read psalm 91, thJ prayer forprotection and God wili protect you and your family from all danger and nothingn'ill come near you nor harm you or your ru-lly.-

Travis dos Remedios FurtadoZone 4 B

o(/ariotts T.rtoeting s fre t{

in tfi,e rParisfr

Charismatic Prayer Meefings held every Tuesday inthe church from 6.30 p.m. to g p.m.

Intercessory prayers held every Thursday in thechurch from 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Christian Family il,Iovement(CFl\,|) held every 2nd

_ Monday on rotation in homes at 6.30 p,m.Couples For Christ (CFC) held every Tuesday in

rotation in homes ffom 7 p.m. to 9 p.m,

farriaSe Encounter( l\{E) held every 3rti

i of the month in rotation in homes frorn 5 p,m,

, to;{oP'*:h

$.,iif.p,Sr held every Sunday in the church hall;,.aqfiei'fie 8 a.m. mass

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of Ma$ every Monday in church at 4.30 p.m.Pastoral Council(FpC) held on the MonOa;after the fust Sunday of the month in thechurch hall at 7 p.m.

Communion F-or Thc 4,gedAnd The Sick

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On Mondays after the lst Friday in Zones 1,2,3,4 & Son'ruesdays afrer the lst F,iort;t;ffi];; -


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mento to a very special


for allmore

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