GETTING THE MOST OUT OF GARCINIA CAMBOGIA … Garcinia Cambogia: This May Make it Work for You...

Post on 23-Mar-2018

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Transcript of GETTING THE MOST OUT OF GARCINIA CAMBOGIA … Garcinia Cambogia: This May Make it Work for You...



Dear Valued Natrogix Customer,

You don’t know me but I’d like to tell you something I feel is important.

Here it is: Health supplements are not the cure to whatever ails

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Now– enough from me. Read on to discover the truth about Garci-

nia Cambogia, and a plan for using it that may change your life.


Team Natrogix, 2017


Garcinia Cambogia: This May Make it Work for You Garcinia cambogia,

also known as garcinia gummi-gutta and brindleberry, is a small pum-

pkin-looking fruit native to Indonesia. It contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA),

which is similar to citric acid in its structure.

HCA’s weight loss properties were discovered in mice by researchers

1990s. Garcinia cambogia had become popular as a dietary supple-

ment, falling in and out of the public eye over the course of twenty years.

Without enough research to substantiate the mechanism by which HCA

and cambogia work, it became a novelty that not many were sure how to

properly use.



What Garcinia Combogia Does

It turns out that HCA partially blocks citrate lyase, an enzyme that helps

turn starches and sugars into fat. If that enzyme can be blocked, and

with a few other preparations, carbohydrates are turned into energy ins-

tead of being stored as fat. If that sounds exciting, that’s because it is –

but don’t pick up that garcinia bottle just yet. There’s a lot more to know

about this peculiar little fruit.


How Garcinia Combogia Works

The Department of Pharmaceutical Science in South Africa explains:

“HCA is a potent inhibitor of adenosine triphosphate-citrate lyase, a ca-

talyst for the conversion process of citrate to acetyl-coenzyme A, which

plays a key role in fatty acid, cholesterol and triglycerides syntheses.”

Simply, it is indicated that garcinia cambogia stops the synthesis of se-

veral enzymes responsible for the creation and storage of fat. And while

not of particular interest in regard to weight loss, garcinia cambogia also

shows “hypolipidemic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anthel-

mintic, anticholinesterase and hepatoprotective activities.”

In addition to its enzyme blocking capabilities, HCA seems to suppress

the appetite in an uncommon way. Amphetamine-based and other sti-

mulant drugs suppress the appetite by making the subject less hungry.

The HCA in cambogia, by contrast, makes the satisfaction that comes

with eating a meal feel more pronounced, making the subject less likely

to take another bite. The mechanism by which this occurs is not known

yet, but HCA’s interaction with serotonin may give some clues.


How it Helps You Lose Weight

Let’s look at the body as a container into which liquids can be poured.

Water would be the necessary fats and sugars the body needs to ope-

rate healthily. However, if the spigot is left on, the bathtub will become

too full. Weight loss is then achieved by both turning off the spigot (going

on a diet) and bailing out the extra water (exercising). Garcinia cambo-

gia, in this example, would act like a small drain at the bottom of the tub.

Water keeps coming out of the spigot and the tub is still too full, but

some amount of that extra water is not stored.

The HCA within garcinia cambogia works to prevent the metabolism of

sugars and carbs into fat. It does not directly convert fat into energy, it

just works to prevent certain parts of food from being stored as fat. With

this in mind, that bath tub metaphor comes in handy again.

We need to (1) turn off the spigot and (2) bail out the water. The first

can be achieved by dieting and the second by exercising. So, what

exactly does garcinia cambogia do? Well, if there is a small drain in that

tub and the spigot is off, the water level begins to lower slowly and over

time, but when combined with the usual water bailing the water level

gets lower, faster.

That is why this little plant is unique. Even powerful, harmful, and illicit

drugs like methamphetamine simply restrict a dangerous amount of wa-

ter from getting into that tub –and they also cause tooth loss, hallucina-

tions, and a destroyed life.


Garcinia cambogia is different because its active ingredient does not

claim to be a miracle drug nor does it destroy your life just to shed a few

pounds. Rather, it’s another way of getting that water out of the tub that

by itself isn’t anything major, but when combined with the usual methods

becomes more effective.

However, because garcinia cambogia is different in the way it works,

there are several supplements that interact with it and your body in uni-

que ways that may further assist with weight loss. More on this later.

What’s the Catch?

Serotonin is one of several pleasure hormones the brain pumps out. But

unlike dopamine, serotonin doesn’t operate like a reward system. Ra-

ther, it makes one feel happy and content when resource requirements

are met – food, for instance. Serotonin is secreted in the gastrointestinal

tract likely for this reason.

Some researchers believe HCA stimulates the secretion of the amino

acid 5-hydroxytryptophan, a direct precursor to serotonin.

One possible side effect of HCA is serotonin syndrome: An overproduc-

tion of serotonin that leads to dizziness, confusion, stuttering, and other

effects. This side effect comes about if cambogia is mixed with certain

specific drugs: Dextromethorphan (found in some cold medications),

Tramadol, Demerol, and SSRIs like Zoloft.

Solong as those drugs are shied away from and the instructions further

down are followed, there shouldn’t be much to worry about.

In fact, the raised serotonin levels brought by HCA have been shown to

improve mood.


Garcinia Combogia Usage: Some Need-to-Know Info

Harry Preuss, a researcher and pathologist at Georgetown University,

was interested enough in HCA’s attributes that he researched it during

the lull in its popularity. He reportedly thought that past studies perfor-

med on HCA were “discouraging but not conclusive. ”

“You have to take the right dose of the right product, and you have to

take it properly,” Preuss, former president of the American College of

Nutrition, said to Dr. Bowden in an interview for “In

the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) study, they

used whatever the dose was at the time, and they never even mentioned

the type of citrate they used. You have to give enough so that it reaches

the sites in the body that it needs to reach.”

Preuss pressed the point that maximization of bioavailability is of the ut-

most importance with HCA. If one ignores this advice, a repeat of the

JAMA’s results is bound to occur – that is, it will fail to work.


There are three different forms of hydroxycitrates. Each is blended with

calcium, potassium, or magnesium salts. These salts are added to de-

crease the rate at which HCA degrades into a lactone (useless) version

of itself. The ratio these salts are added in commercial supplements is

1-to-1 or higher for this reason. However, “If you have almost a pure

calcium hydroxycitrate, it’s just not going to work,” Pruess said.

Instead, a compound of HCA that is bound to calcium and potassium

dramatically increases the effectiveness of HCA and its availability, ac-

cording to Preuss. And luckily for you, the capsules offered by Natrogix

contain both potassium and calcium in the correct proportions!

The result of Preuss’ double-blind study resulted in the HCA group lo-

sing 10.5 pounds compared to the placebo group’s loss of only 3.5. In

addition, the HCA group had a 14%-16% reduction in the amount of

food eaten per meal. All participants were on a monitored diet that did

not contain any high-fat or high-sugar foods (candy, bacon, etc.).

Basic Guide to Using Garcinia Cambogia

Natrogix offers 700mg of 95% HCA garcinia cambogia in capsules –

but it’s not just a matter of taking it and waiting for it to work. It must be

taken correctly. And that correct way is as follows.

While on empty stomach, researchers found that the study participants’

dosage was best at 1.5 grams – or about two (2) Natrogix garcinia

cambogia capsules – three times per day before meals. Therefore:

1.Make sure the stomach is empty. The appetite-curbing benefits

of the supplement, in the above studies, work best when it is metaboli-


zed before food enters the body.

2.Take two (2) capsules, three times a day, 30-60 minutes before

a meal.

3.Do not adjust the dosage higher.

And that’s it! The most common side effect of garcinia cambogia is he-

adache or upset stomach, though if the above instructions are followed,

that shouldn’t be an issue. However, if these unpleasant effects persist,

lower the dosage to (1) capsule, three (3) times a day but still while on

an empty stomach. As a side note: HCA is not a stimulant. As such, its

affects are observed upon success but cannot be “felt” as it works.


Add These Things to Maximize Results

Garcinia cambogia’s effects really start to shine when complimentary

foods, supplements, and nutrients are added.

As we are told by everyone from family to friends to doctors, eating

less calories than you burn is the most effective and guaranteed way

to lose weight. However, and as mentioned earlier, garcinia cambogia

allows what used to be stored as fat to be more readily converted into

energy. Because of this, adding garcinia cambogia supplementation to

a workout routine and diet is the most effective method to harnessing

what garcinia cambogia has to offer.

But that’s easier said than done.

Many people who turn to weight loss supplements are either unable to

exercise due to physical limitations or suffer from a psychological inabili-

ty to bring forth the motivation needed to exercise and stay on their diet;

the nature of humans is to want results, and if those results aren’t seen,

depression and/or anxiety sets in, and the cycle continues.

The potential mood improving effect of garcinia cambogia can help with

the feeling of futility, but for those with particularly bad anxiety and de-

pression, it may not enough by itself. Motivation must be kept up even

and especially in those beginning stages where results aren’t immedia-

tely noticeable and exercise is difficult and straining.

For these reasons, and a few more involving biology, the following are

recommended in conjunction with garcinia cambogia.


Vitamin B12

Amounts of B12 from many food sources don’t meet your body’s mini-

mum daily requirement, even when not on a diet. Without proper B12

levels, mild deficiency sets in, possibly causing fatigue, muscle we-

akness, forgetfulness, anxiety, and depression among many other things.

B12 supplementation on the other hand increases levels of wakeful-

ness, alertness, and energy – all things you need in abundance when

trying to lose weight.



It is absolutely crucial that your body have enough omega-3, which are a

group of three closely related nutrients commonly found together in the

foods we eat. Like B12, omega-3s aren’t always easy to come by even

when not on a diet.

In addition to being necessary for the proper functioning of organs and

key actions within the body, omega-3 has a wide range of interactions

and properties that are particularly helpful when with garcinia cambogia.

These properties and interactions include:

1.Increased energy use from stored fat

2.Increased blood vessel function

3.Reduced tissue inflammation from exercise

4.Increased oxygen delivery efficiency

5.Increased recovery rate

6.Increased rate of fat breakdown

7.Improved reaction time

8.Mood stabilization

If you’re going to be using garcinia cambogia with omega-3, make sure

you take the omega-3 with a meal to prevent gastrointestinal issues like

diarrhea or constipation. This has nothing to do with the garcinia cam-

bogia as the two do not seem to interact, it’s just that omega-3 should

generally be taken with meals.


Green Tea (with Caffeine)

Green tea is a catechin, which is a kind of antioxidant that increases the

body’s thermogenesis, passively burning a few extra calories during re-

gular exercise. Caffeine, meanwhile, ever-so-slightly boosts the metabo-

lism for a short time. Just make sure you don’t take much caffeine, as the

negative side effects start to outweigh positive after more than a single

cup of tea-worth of the stuff.


L-Carnitine also has a nominal effect on weight loss through the reduc-

tion of body fat. In addition, it boosts energy levels and is sometimes

used to treat fatigue.


Vitamin B3, Niacin, helps convert food into usable energy. A very small

dose, around 20mg every other day, is all that’s needed for this vitamin.


Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, plays a crucial role in the conversion of car-

bohydrates into usable energy.

You can find many of these products by visiting our product page on

Amazon or our website.


Exercises to Get Your Routine Started

Now that you have all the information you need, here are a few things

you can do to start shedding that extra weight.

Progressive Walks/Jogs

If you were to walk for ten or twenty minutes a day, not much progress

would show, and that can be a big disappointment. But progress can be

seen and felt in ways other than at the scale. Pick a day on which you

know for sure you will be able to wake up early. On the first day, walk for

ten minutes. The next day, walk for eleven minutes, then twelve minutes

on the day after that. Continue adding one minute to the amount of time

spent walking each day. When you reach a total of thirty minutes, spend

five of those minutes jogging the next day, then six minutes the day after

that, and so on.

Continue increasing the jog time until you reach a total of forty minutes,

with two five minute breaks. The slow and steady increase creates a

noticeable improvement in endurance from one week to the next as your

body adjusts to its new, incremental requirements.


Just a fancy name for riding a bike for the sake of riding a bike, cycling

is surprisingly effective at burning calories – and it’s pretty fun too. This

works much like the walks and jogs, starting with ten minutes and incre-

asing by one minute every day. The difference with cycling is that you

don’t stop adding minutes until you reach one hour.



This one was saved for last due to how inaccessible pools are to some


Swimming is a very effective exercise method whose whole-body bene-

fits cannot be overstated. Most of the body’s muscle groups are enga-

ged while swimming, and however much or little you swim is up to you.

If you’re new to swimming, start slowly. Swim for thirty seconds, rest for

thirty seconds. Continue doing this for thirty minutes. After a few days

of this, swim for two minutes and rest for thirty seconds. When you’re

comfortable, swim for as long as you can go without a break while ai-

ming for about twenty laps without any break.

And that’s it! We hope this guide and explanation proved helpful. Thank

you for choosing Natrogix!












