Get Your Name Out There

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Transcript of Get Your Name Out There

Get Your Name Out There

Linkedln 101

Rosie Hartmann, CRCE-I/P, CRCP-I/P, CRCS-I/P, CCTPatricia Foland, CRCS-I/P, CCT

What is LinkedIn ?The worlds largest professional network: 332 million strong!

Connect, Find, Be found: Build your professional identity online and stay in touch with colleagues and classmates.

Power your career: Discover professional opportunities, business deals and new ventures.

Learn and Share: Get the latest news, inspiration, and insights you need to be great at what you do.

Why Do I Need It?1. You need to have a large network so you can use it later.

Don’t wait until you need it – build a strong network now, be active, provide value, and stay in touch! Its always better to dig your well ….before you need to drink from it.

2. Opportunities come to you: recruiters look for passive candidates.

If you are not on LinkedIn – you are reducing your chances of being discovered and having the opportunity to make more money. Companies pay recruiters to find “employed” candidates.

3. Industry groups can offer you value and connection.

If you find the right discussion groups on LinkedIn in which to participate, the value to your network and the knowledge you’ll gain - is huge. Not only will you be exposed to news, and new ideas, but you’ll have a chance to demonstrate your expertise through commenting and discussion. Alliances can be formed.

4. Keep your resume up to date just in case. LinkedIn profiles tend to stay up to date with greater accuracy than any other online profile and recruiters know this.

When your profile is up to date it makes it easier to write your new resume – be ready.

5. Read the news feed for your industry. You can get customized news and delivered daily. These news feeds will likely inform you of things you should know about your job.

You can customize how your news is displayed and what categories you are interested in reading about.

Know what your peers are reading.

How Do I Do It?Its Free!

• 1. Go to

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LinkedIn will continue to ask you pertinent questions until you have completed building your Profile.

Now your profile is complete. You can go in at any time and edit your existing profile data to make sure it is always up to date.

Here you will see a synopsis of your big picture - gives you a snapshot of your current personal mission statement, your level of education and/or

certifications, and list some of your technical proficiencies.

This information comes off of your resume and is then available for contacts as well as recruiters to easily view.

LinkedIn will continue to list your various positions in chronological order – just like on a resume!

Next, LinkedIn will show any organizations that you belong to - you can be as detailed as you wish in providing this information.

LinkedIn will also add any languages that you are proficient in!

It will also list all of the skills you have added when you created your profile and show you a picture of the various individuals who have endorsed you for

these skills!

It will list the various institutions and organizations where you received your education – again, getting as detailed as you would like.

Here you can get as creative as you want – listing anything else you would like your connections to be able to view. *Remember, this information all comes

from the profile you have built for yourself.

LinkedIn will list all of your connections – watch them grow everyday!!

Growing your network – look to find people you know and send an invite to join your network………also, you can look to see who out there has been

looking at your profile.

And finally, it will list all of the groups you participate in as well as all of the groups or organizations you want to follow.

8 Mistakes You Should Never Make on LinkedIn!

• 1. Not using a picture – you are 7 times more likely to have you profile viewed if you have one. The assumption is…….something is wrong!

• 2. Putting up the wrong picture – this is a professional best – not a personal family photo showing off your dog, husband or children.

• 3. Skipping the “Status” – every few days, put something in your status to keep it fresh, and show you’re active and engaged.

• 4. Using the Default Connection Request – do your research – customize your message to make the recipient take notice.

• 5. Neglecting the privacy settings – you may want to be discreet in some cases, like when you are looking for job opportunities. Sign in and select “settings” to customize your privacy levels.

• 6. Skipping the Summary – think of the “Summary” as a way of selling yourself – its an opportunity to express your voice and personality.

• 7. Eliminating Past Jobs or Volunteer Work – you want your profile to be as robust as possible because you don’t know what people may be looking for – don’t be afraid to elaborate on tasks conquered and skills acquired.

• 8. Lurking – join groups related to your field or personal interests and/or follow companies your are interested in……when you see someone is leaving that company it’s the perfect opportunity to reach out to their HR department.

In Conclusion…..

• LinkedIn is an online social network for Business Professionals - it is different from other social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook because it is designed specifically for Professional Networking.

• LinkedIn was co-founded in May 2003 by Reed Hoffman, Allen Blue, Jean-Luc Vaillant and Konstantin Guericke – all Stanford graduates.

• You can find a job, discover sales leads, connect with potential business partners, advertise, find alumni, add new connections, look at who has viewed your profile, look at your peers profiles.

What are you waiting for…….Sign up and get Connected!