Get pumped up #1

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Get pumped up #1



+Film Reviews + Rod Piddle + Real Life Stories + Jack Goodyear

ISSUE 01 / AUGUST 2015

Briony puts it through its pacesMONTH


...Guest columnist Jezza

and his top 4 forecourts...Guest columnist Jezza

and his top 4 forecourtsCLARKESON...

04TestimonialHear from another satisfied AdNozzle customer, Claire from Truro.

07 Rod PiddleLet’s see what has got perma-angry Piddle’s gander up this time. 12

Supercar of the Month21 year old student, Briony, talks candidly about her favourite features.

09JackFind out what it took to turn this beefcake into a real man.

05Summer Blockbuster

Grab the popcorn and read how to make your local business explode

with its own epic advertising! 11Nissan Dealer Service

CampaignLearn how the multinational

company brought a truly localtouch to their advertising.

14Favourite ForecourtsNational treasure, Jeremy

Clarkeson, counts down his top 4 petrol stations from

around the world.08KatieOur delightful cover star reveals

the secret of her success.

It’s a brave new world for automotive advertising, and I’m here to take you by the hand to firmly guide you to the finishing line. If you’re like the dozens

of lovely dealerships and garages I talk to every month, expensive billboards or digital displays probably aren’t the best way to reach

out and touch your customers. So instead let me introduce AdNozzles and show you how you can truly dominate your local area. The bad boys of the advertising world, AdNozzles have been surprising clients and customers alike with the impressively cost–effective results they produce. Nothing gets your car and after-sales buying customer’s attention quicker than an AdNozzle.

As I am in charge of excitement and as a thanks for taking the time to read our magazine, I want to make sure you get something

in return. Give our Facebook page a like and I’ll send you a free lollipop. Not bad for a quick click of a button eh? So pull up a chair and

flick though to find out how to achieve results more dramatically than a loving slap from Jeremy Clarkson.

Hi, I'm Belinda

Customer Excitement Manager

Belinda G.Warmest regards,Local Advertising That Works

means 7 out 10 prospects recall seeing AdNozzles

I like #SmartAds I like

Advertising is no science. Why try bigger, bolder or more expensive if you can go smarter? When it comes to advertising your local business

choose the one that delivers cost-effectiveness. Choose AdNozzles.



Claire McDonaldBusiness Owner

“AdNozzles are easy to book and so cost-effective that it was impossible not to book an extra

8 week campaign.”




to grow your local busi



You need advertising! But which one is right for you? Find us on Facebook and watch the CEO of Local Advertising That Works and a model help you.

Join our growing Facebook network of local business owners just like you. We all know it’s a competitive environment out there, and our Facebook community is no exception!

We love a competition, so ‘like’ us to take part in our FREE booze, chocolate AND advertising giveaways.

See AdNozzles in action and hear from the guys who use them to rev up their sales. It’s also the best place to see our promotional videos – which are sure to entertain and engage, as we tell you

all about the power of the pump.If that wasn’t enough, you can also get free marketing tips + tricks from our resident AdNozzle expert, Ben Taylor, who’ll see you right. Give him a call on 020 7633 2859 or drop him an email at

Isn’t it time we got closer?

Visit website to find out more or call us at 020 7633 2859.


Tesco, Sainsbury’s and MorrisonsSupermarket

RoadsideBP, Esso, Texaco, Murco, Jet and others

MotorwayMoto, Road Chef and Welcome Break

We own the exclusive UK license for fuel nozzle advertising, with three types of forecourt:

“I wasn’t convinced that you can sell new cars on AdNozzles, but we gave it a try. AdNozzles helped us reach right into the heart of Aylesbury’s motorists, and sell two cars with an o�er that was not being advertised in any other way.”

Making the moveto AdNozzles

Mari StillMarketing Manager


Chooseyour petrolstations &beat the




72% of the nation's motor fuel is pumped through a Local Advertising That Works AdNozzle, so we cover every town in the UK

Be the only advertiser on the forecourt with your ad on every nozzle!

Area domination - be the first choice locally

020 7633 2859Find out more on ourwebsite or call today


Engaging new customers likeno other local advertising

Motoristshold your advertfor 2-3 minutes

Prospects see your advert for an

average of 52 secs

motorists recall


7 10outof

16,000motoristsevery 4 weeksat a roadside


48,000motoristsevery 4 weeks

at a supermarketforecourt


“I wasn’t convinced that you can sell new cars on AdNozzles, but we gave it a try. AdNozzles helped us reach right into the heart of Aylesbury’s motorists, and sell two cars with an o�er that was not being advertised in any other way.”

Making the moveto AdNozzles

Mari StillMarketing Manager


Tesco, Sainsbury’s and MorrisonsSupermarket

RoadsideBP, Esso, Texaco, Murco, Jet and others

MotorwayMoto, Road Chef and Welcome Break

We own the exclusive UK license for fuel nozzle advertising, with three types of forecourt:

“I wasn’t convinced that you can sell new cars on AdNozzles, but we gave it a try. AdNozzles helped us reach right into the heart of Aylesbury’s motorists, and sell two cars with an o�er that was not being advertised in any other way.”

Making the moveto AdNozzles

Mari StillMarketing Manager


Chooseyour petrolstations &beat the




72% of the nation's motor fuel is pumped through a Local Advertising That Works AdNozzle, so we cover every town in the UK

Be the only advertiser on the forecourt with your ad on every nozzle!

Area domination - be the first choice locally

020 7633 2859Find out more on ourwebsite or call today


Engaging new customers likeno other local advertising

Motoristshold your advertfor 2-3 minutes

Prospects see your advert for an

average of 52 secs

motorists recall


7 10outof

16,000motoristsevery 4 weeksat a roadside


48,000motoristsevery 4 weeks

at a supermarketforecourt





We all love our local newspaper right? Whether it’s the Chertsey Royal or the Staffordshire Planet, they all have a special place in our hearts.

But not everyone feels the same. Most local titles are losing over 13% of their readers every year. So, for example, the Bootle Evening Post had 10,000 readers in 2014. Fast forward to 2015, and that number has dropped to 9,000. Less and less people are taking the local paper, but then again the quality of the reporting is getting worse. Stories like ‘Local Man raises £23.17 for Good Causes’ doesn’t satisfy the public’s appetite for instant gratification any more.

The real story here is that this is old news. In the last 10 years, sales of the local rag have almost halved. What does this mean for decent, hardworking folk in the local community? If you’re a small business owner, it’s harder and harder to get the message out to the locals that you’re open for business.

Imagine if you’re in the motor trade and you use the local paper (with a reported circulation of 10,000) as your main means of drumming up business. How many readers are motorists? 50%? 60%? Being generous, that’s 6,000 readers. Then the big leap of faith is how many of those actually see your advert? 50%? 60%? Let’s call it

3,600 – and the big IF is if they aren’t distracted by adverts from rivals, let alone quality stories like ‘Misprinted Takeaway Menu Sensation’.

What really gets my gander up is that despite selling less and less copies and not even having the common decency to offer a guaranteed relevant audience, these so called ‘newspapers’ haven’t dropped their prices in years. If anything, they probably charge you more for less! Remember how big a Mars bar was 10 years ago? It’s doubled in price and halved in size - they make me sick!

If any readers can let me know of a 100% guaranteed way of reaching local motorists that won’t break the bank, drop me a line c/o and I’ll buy you a beer!



Every issue, Pumped Up readers send us photos of the hottest AdNozzles they’ve seen about town.

Mike from Canvey Island says…

“I saw this at the Jet on Canvey Island High Street. For the fi rst time in my life,

I wish I had 3 hands!”

Tony from

Crewe says...

“Was out doing the

Sainsbury’s big shop

on Saturday morning

and I just had to pick up

this little cutie. The wife

and kids were in the

car too! I couldn’t help

myself, but I think the

risk made it even more


Jerry from

Sproughton says…

“Just had to share this. Finally

got my hands on this at

Morrisons, and I couldn’t take

my eyes off it. I know it’s rude to

stare, but come on…”

Every issue, Pumped Up readers send us photos of the hottest AdNozzles they’ve seen about town.


“I heart AdNozzles because they helped me to achieve my dream. As any model knows, the key to success is publicity, and what better runway than AdNozzles? They put me in front of thousands of people every week! Kate Moss doesn’t dare step foot in a petrol station now.”

Katie Banks


“I love AdNozzles because they helped me become a real man. I stared at that AdNozzle dealership advert for at least 52 seconds then finally it hit me. If I wanted respect, it was time to ditch my mum’s old car and listen to the AdNozzle. I went to the local dealership across the road and now have five girlfriends and a car that has great mileage!”

Jack Goodyear








• Pumps 10 gallons of liquid a fortnight.

• Is looked at an averageof seven times a day.

• Is seen by 3 motorists in a28 day period (if you’re lucky).

• Pumps 10 gallons of liquid a minute.

• Is looked at a minimum of ninetimes in a three minute period.

• Is seen by 48,000 motoristsin a 28 day period.








• Pumps 10 gallons of liquid a fortnight.

• Is looked at an averageof seven times a day.

• Is seen by 3 motorists in a28 day period (if you’re lucky).

• Pumps 10 gallons of liquid a minute.

• Is looked at a minimum of ninetimes in a three minute period.

• Is seen by 48,000 motoristsin a 28 day period.

of car owners who replace their car every 2 years or less have seen an

AdNozzle inthe last week


of car owners who replace their car every 2 years or less

AdNozzle inthe last week



Nissan DealerService CampaignJune to July 2015 Summary

Nissan dealerships around the country

booked relevant local adverts on 7,220

AdNozzles close to their premises


The campaigndelivered an astonishing

impacts in a month

89 million!

of car owners who say they are likely to buy a new car in the next 6 months have seen an

AdNozzle in the last week


of car owners who say they will purchase

their next car at a dealer or garage have seen an AdNozzle in

the last week


Source: Kantar Media TGITGI is the longest running independent marketing and media survey in the UK. Updated quarterly, 25,000 adults are surveyed to discover consumer attitudes and purchasing behaviour.



SUPERCARof the month

Make: VauxhallModel: Corsa 1.2 DesignDoors: 3Miles: 112,453Owner: BrionyAge: 21Occupation: Student/ bar staff / gym events and membership sales

Use: PLG Interests: Hockey (playing and coaching), drinking and clubbingClaim to fame: England hockey playerDream car (aff ordable):Mini Cooper sport thing

Of course you’re used to shiny new buggies: the latest spec Audi TT with the sexy virtual cockpit screen or the planet destroying Veyron, but what about the unsung heroes? Cinderella went to the ball in the exotic carriage but what about a little praise for the humble pumpkin?

This is our opportunity to pay tribute to the daily workhorse that always gets you home and almost never complains about it. Used, abused and often a receptacle for all kinds of unsavoury fillings, it’s time to herald the underdog and plumb the depths of automotive depravity.

Our first winner? The hearty but humble inaugural Supercar of the Month, the Vauxhall Corsa!

• This replaced an immaculate Fiat Punto that regrettably seized after a prolonged period of driving in traffic with all the water leaking out through the water pump.

• The pretty Corsa took two months to find and was economically written off within a week of the new ownership.

• The off-side rear quarter was crumpled like tin foil as a result of a “very low speed” reversing manoeuver that connected oh-so-gently with the kind of stone wall that borders Baskerville Hall. • £100 of Briony’s well spent wedge later and a bit of panel beating by her apprentice panel beater mate (don’t quit your day job as a bus conductor) and hey presto – it’s “beautiful“ again!

This is a particularly fi ne example for the year. Beautifully kept preserving a higher than average trade-in or re-sale value.

Bit of history

of the month

• This replaced an immaculate Fiat Punto that regrettably seized after a prolonged period of driving in traffic with all the water leaking out through the

Bit of history


This is a nippy little runner that handles like a

roller skate. Whizzes around the place like milky blancmange and gets there in an entertaining

way, so long as you’re not trying to hold onto your driving license

after an unfortunate brush with the rozzers and a hairdryer.

The mould is a bit of an issue. The whole interior was

covered in it until the local garage kindly unblocked a drain hole that had been full of mud (for two years) allowing

the stagnant water to dribble out. Many scrubbing sessions later by the lads at the local car wash and with the liberal application of a mould preventer, the fungal mess is now only present on the seats, floor and sun visors. Oh,

and in the boot. And a bit on the roof. Anywhere with

fabric basically.

Not bad unless you’re reversing

it into walls. Then the ride is a bit



Ride &handling

• The additional mouldy items are right at home like the rotting food in the boot and

McD’s chips going green in the bag.

• A spare bra on the back seat is always handy as is the connoisseur’s collection of energy drink tins for

those long drives home from hockey matches.

• The missing front hubcaps, far from being an aerodynamics enhancing feature or make-me-look-

street are as a result of thieving students dreaming of Frisbees due to advanced alcohol abuse no doubt.

• The concourse condition engine bay is a thing of quiet pride and mastery

of automotive maintenance techniques.

Optional extras

My Dad refused to replace it after I smashed it. He’s

not nice.

Owner verdict:

Features &refi nement

Send us your nomination for

Supercar of the Month and any used will win a bottle of wine or 4-pack of a beer-like substance.



A big welcome to Jeremy as he joins the editorial staff in this the inaugural launch edition of Pumped. In a moment of uncommon candour Jeremy recently revealed that it was a privilege to be asked.

“It was a privilege to be asked” he confessed. “I’ve been having one or two problems finding work recently and the idea of expanding my interests to a guest spot on Pumped really does take my mind off things.” Jezzer revealed that not only has he been an avid petrol head for years but that he has a ‘secret’ fetish for petrol stations! “It makes sense”, he proclaims. “Without petrol, cars would be about as exciting as my mother in law on Prozac. I mean, it would be pointless. Can you imagine F1? It would be

the dullest sport on earth; almost as bad as cricket!”Jeremy has been to literally thousands of petrol stations (and a few gas stations too!) in his time and pumped billions of litres of fuel. “I’ve pumped a lot” he says. “I love the feeling that you’re ramming it in and filling something sexy up! And afterwards you can have a smoke with a huge grin on your face.”

He admitted that picking his top petrol filling stations, or “PFS” as he quirkily likes to call them was tough. “It was tough – it was not easy. There are so many great ones”, he says.But here they are and it’s a real kick for us to be able to reveal the legendary Clarkeson’s top picks:


Jezzer’s Top 4Petrol Stations


At number 4: His infamous mates took him on an after work “piss up” having just put on an incredible show and it all got a bit out of hand. One practical joke lead to another and 48 hours later he awoke to find himself gagged and bound at the Burmah PFS in Kettlewell, N. Yorks. “I thought I was in Burma” he confessed sheepishly.

At number 3: “When you come around the corner having been hard at it for hours it’s lit up like Christmas. Really welcoming. All that neon reminds me of a knocking shop at happy hour.” They definitely roll out the blue carpet in Marilyn Munro Boulevard, Al Hili Al Ain near Buraimi Airport

At number 2: “Without it a road trip is as exciting as Formula One. You’ve got to love Peruvian entrepreneurialism. Made me remember to drink plenty of fluids though!” High Street, Huacachina, Peru

At number 1: This is where it all started for Clarkeson. Mum Brenda and Dad Bernardo proudly pose before their business, which is where the love affair started for the adolescent Jeremy. “Her name was Jinny and she used to come into the shop for fags. It was love at first sight. We went together like carrots and peas.” Laurel Garage in Ramsbury, Wiltshire

For those readers who are Jeremy Clarkeson fans, there is still the unanswered question of his recent career troubles. When asked unofficially about the incident Jeremy said, “I have been immensely grateful for the immense support shown me by everyone who knows me, but until the matter is resolved (and the book rights are agreed) I’d rather not let loose lips sink ships”.

Jeremy Clarkeson lives in Swansea and is a well known figure. All copyright acknowledged.






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