get 20% OFF › wp-content › uploads › ... · 2020-06-26 · Eye for Eye 38 “You have heard...

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Transcript of get 20% OFF › wp-content › uploads › ... · 2020-06-26 · Eye for Eye 38 “You have heard...

defunding. But still yet, we live in

this upheavaled society. And here

I am, your local reporter guy, sug-

gesting to express God’s love you

need to show respect to others -

even to criminals as you do what

you can to bring them to justice

and then visit them and preach to

them once they are safely in a jail


The old saying two wrongs

do not make a right brings up

the Biblical concept of the

value of revenge.

The Christian Bible tells us

that “vengeance is mine sayith

the Lord.” This tells me that

revenge is God’s business, just

as forgiveness is ours. But it also

says, “There is a time to kill.” I

think God All Mighty is letting us

know that there is forgiveness in

fighting back to save loved ones

or even to save self, but you still

have to ask to be forgiven to have

it so.

Killing out of vengeance is

never right. Destroying the prop-

erty of others is not right either

and brings up the commandment,

“Thou shalt not covet.” If you are

out to destroy someone else’s

home or business, for example,

then you are not involved in

protesting a wrong in our society.

Instead, you are involved in cov-

eting property that does not

belong to you because some how

you feel that the world owes you

what another man or woman has


If you want things changed in

a free society like ours, peaceful

protesting is a great thing to do.

But carrying it to criminal activi-

ties, such as tearing down monu-

ments that have been there for

years without going through legal

channels, makes you just as

wrong as the police officer who

brutalized or killed someone. Both

of you stepped out of the will of

God and what works to keep a

society going as to respecting

each other and respecting law

and order.

So be respectful, always.

Do it for Jesus. Do it for your-

self. Your life is bound to go a

lot easier in this old world.

After all, the Golden Rule is

true. If you don’t want some-

thing to come back on you,

don’t do it to somebody else.

Cheer up folks. Things are get-

ting better. God has got this.

And let’s touch on racism. I

personally do not believe a man

or a woman should be judged by

the color of their skin or by where

they have come from. But integri-

ty is a big deal in moving up in

our society, whether you are

black, white, red, yellow or some

combination there of (like a lot of

us are in 2020). If you work hard,

respect others and treat others

with love and kindness, you

deserve respect. Your good

integrity, not your appearance,

should be your ticket to upward

mobility, both in this life and the


So let’s learn it here. What

you dish out truly is what comes

back. Love to you all, in the Name

of Jesus Christ.


OTHER CHEEK - Matthew 5:25-

42 New International Version

(NIV) 25 “Settle matters quickly

with your adversary who is taking

you to court. Do it while you are

still together on the way, or your

adversary may hand you over to

the judge, and the judge may

hand you over to the officer, and

you may be thrown into prison. 26

Truly I tell you, you will not get out

until you have paid the last penny.


27 “You have heard that it

was said, ‘You shall not commit

adultery.’] 28 But I tell you that

anyone who looks at a woman

lustfully has already committed

adultery with her in his heart. 29 If

your right eye causes you to

stumble, gouge it out and throw it

away. It is better for you to lose

one part of your body than for

your whole body to be thrown into

hell. 30 And if your right hand

causes you to stumble, cut it off

and throw it away. It is better for

you to lose one part of your body

than for your whole body to go

into hell.


31 “It has been said, ‘Anyone

who divorces his wife must give

her a certificate of divorce.’ 32 But

I tell you that anyone who

divorces his wife, except for sexu-

al immorality, makes her the vic-

tim of adultery, and anyone who

marries a divorced woman com-

mits adultery.


33 “Again, you have heard

that it was said to the people long

ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but

fulfill to the Lord the vows you

have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do

not swear an oath at all: either by

heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35

or by the earth, for it is his foot-

stool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the

city of the Great King. 36 And do

not swear by your head, for you

cannot make even one hair white

or black. 37 All you need to say is

simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything

beyond this comes from the evil


Eye for Eye

38 “You have heard that it

was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth

for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, do not

resist an evil person. If anyone

slaps you on the right cheek,

turn to them the other cheek

also. 40 And if anyone wants to

sue you and take your shirt, hand

over your coat as well. 41 If any-

one forces you to go one mile, go

with them two miles. 42 Give to

the one who asks you, and do not

turn away from the one who

wants to borrow from you.





13 Good News Translation (GNT)

4 Jesus said to them,

“Prophets are respected every-

where except in their own home-

town and by their relatives and

their family.”

5 He was not able to perform


John’s Sermon - Showing respect in all situations is Christian, but not easy. Pray!

(Continued from Page 3)

(Continued on Page 12)

Poetry Musings...

Red Skelton

was right; I too

Pledge AllegianceWhen I was small,

I heard a poem by

a comic named Red.

It told me why I pledge

allegiance to the flag

of the United States

of America. I still buy

what Red said.

I do not believe in this


anarchy of our day.

I really think America,

the home of the free

and the brave will

survive, prosper and

not be dead - because

of men like Red.

I believe in freedom,

freedom of speech,

freedom of choice

as to what job I work,

freedom to choose a

mate, freedom to

compete, freedom!

You can not stop

my America with

your attempt at

zero day. Take your

communist jargon

and cram it

all away... We are

better than that, no matter

what they say.

Our children have

dreams, not back street

riot scenes! And you

had better hold on

because law and order

is not dead. Just ask Red.




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