
Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Gerund



Group 13

Atik Sriningsih 1511100003

Trio Verdian 1511100073

Faifta N. Maya 1511100045


• A Gerund is the form of a verb when it acts as a noun by adding “-ing” word.

• So the pattern is :VERB + ing

Kind of Gerund

1. Gerund as Subject, examples : Having a lot of money is

better than having a little. Dropping out of school has

caused him hard to find a good job.

Hunting wild pigs has been done by Balinese farmers for years.

2. Gerund as Object that follows the verb. There are some verbs must be followed by gerund, such as :-Consider - Advice- Deny - Admit- Avoid - Like- Excuse - Finish- Forgive - Keep- Imagine - Mind- Postpone - Miss-Pardon - Practice- Stop - Suggest- Report - Appreciate - Enjoy - Delay ,etc.

The examples : They miss playing

with their friends.

I enjoyed being with you last night.

She delayed telling me about the news yesterday.

3. Gerund as Object that follows the preposition. The prepositions that must be followed by gerund are :- About - By- Of - In- From - Instead of- About - On- After - Without- Apart from - Because of- Before

For examples :

He told the joke without laughing.

She avoided her ex-friend by walking on the opposite side of the road.

I sleep after studying.

4 . Gerund as Modifiers. For the examples :

Cats usually snore while they are sleeping = Cats usually snore while sleeping.

Because he didn’t study well, he didn’t pass the test = Because of not studying well he didn’t pass the test.

After I do my homework, I will play football = After doing the homework, I will play football.

5. Gerund with Possessive pronoun (my, your, its, her, his, their, our). The examples :

We are looking forward to your coming next week.

Before your leaving for Bali next week, my parents are going to have a small gathering at home this weekend.

His writing makes a lot of people happy.


• Please make a sentences from each kind of gerund

• 1. Gerund as Subject• 2. Gerund as Object that follows the

verb. • 3. Gerund as Object that follows

the Preposition• 4. Gerund as modifier• 5. Gerund with Possessive