Geometry scrapbook Meta Thurman

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Transcript of Geometry scrapbook Meta Thurman

Meta’s scrapbookMeta’s scrapbook

By By Meta ThurmanMeta Thurman

November 19November 19thth 2012 2012

Table of Contents Table of Contents

Parallel Lines Parallel Lines

Parallel lines are lines that will never intersect, and will stay the same distance apart no matter how long the lines are. If these lines were not parallel the horse would fall over. Also if the lines were not parallel that would mean the horse has alignment problems.

CongruentCongruent objects objects

Congruent Objects are objects that are the same size. If the crossties weren’t congruent they would not fulfill all of their jobs. Not all of the tack would fit on the sides, not all the horses would fit, and the instructor couldn’t see all of her students appropriately.

Vertical Angles Vertical Angles

Vertical Angles are angles that are opposite of each other when two lines cross. These vertical angles help keep the fence up. If the fence wasn’t up it would be easy for the horses to run away with in-experienced riders who have less control.

Perpendicular Lines Perpendicular Lines

Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect and create a 90 degree angle. These perpendicular lines are necessary because if they weren’t the gate wouldn’t work. If the gate didn’t work the horses either couldn’t get in or couldn’t get out of the arena.

Intersecting Lines Intersecting Lines

Intersecting lines are lines that have only one point in common. In this picture the cross rail is the source of the intersecting lines. These lines must intersect because if they didn’t there wouldn’t be any variation of jumps and difficulty.

Supplementary Supplementary

Angles Angles

Supplementary angles are two or more angles that add up to a total of 180 degrees. This breast plate has supplementary angles to help keep it on the horse. If the breast plate didn’t have these angles it wouldn’t keep the saddle from slipping back.

Different Proportions Different Proportions

Different Proportions means that two things of the same kind are different sizes. These horses are different proportions because they are different breeds. It is important that these are of different proportions because there must be different sizes for different sized people.

Adjacent Adjacent

Adjacent angles are angles that have a common vertex but do not overlap.


Similarity means that two objects have the same shape.

2 dimensional 2 dimensional

Two Dimensional means that the object only has two dimensions (length and width)

Surface area Surface area

The Surface area of an object is the total area of the surface of a 3 dimensional object.

Pythagoras Pythagoras

The Pythagorean theorem is the theorem attributed to Pythagoras that the sum of the squares of the lengths of the sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse.

Diameter Diameter

Diameter is a straight line going from side to side through the middle of a circle.

3 Dimensional 3 Dimensional

When an object is 3 dimensional it means the object has three dimensions (height, length, and width)

Volume Volume

Volume is the measure of the amount of space inside of a solid figure, like a cube, ball, cylinder or pyramid.