Geometric Distribution & Poisson Distribution

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Geometric Distribution & Poisson Distribution. Week # 8. Geometric Distribution :. A trial is repeated until a success occurs. The repeated trials are independent of each other. The probability, p , is constant for each trial Formula:. When it is used:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Geometric Distribution & Poisson Distribution

Geometric Distribution&

Poisson DistributionWeek # 8

Geometric Distribution:

• A trial is repeated until a success occurs.

• The repeated trials are independent of each other.

• The probability, p, is constant for each trial


pqwhereqpxP x 1:,)()( 1

When it is used:

Ex (1) – Prizes are being awarded in a raffle. The tickets get put back into the hat each time there is a drawing. Your name is placed in a hat with nine others. Find the probability that your name will be pulled on the 5th draw?

15)10/9)(10/1()5( P

06561.)( xP

So what happened in Ex (1)

• We were looking for a specific time for our event to happen: Trial # 5

• So, we wanted 1 success and 4 failures

15)10/9)(10/1()5( P

Use on the TI-83

• 2nd DISTR

• Scroll down to Geometpdf(

• Put in the P(E),number of trials

• Geometpdf(prob,# of trials)

• Hit enter!

Tom Brady

Tom Brady completes 65% of his pass attempts. Find the following:

(a)What is the probability he will complete a pass on his 5th throw?

(b)What is the probability of him finally completing a pass on his 10th throw?

Let’s try one more…..

– Coin toss.

a: P(heads) on the first toss?

b: P(heads two times in a row)?

c: P(the first heads that happens is on the third toss)?

d: P(heads will occur on the 5th or 6th toss)?

e: P(the first heads occurs on the 37th toss)?

Poisson Distribution:

• Counts the number of times an event occurs in a given interval, you must know or be given the MEAN (μ).

• The Probability is the same for each event.• The number of occurrences in one interval

is INdependent of the number of occurrences in another window.






Let’s try one….

Ex (3) – The average number of days of sun in the month of December in Buffalo is 12 days. What is the probability that next December there will be 15 days?










0724.)( xP


• Let’s do PRB # 22 from p. 227……

A newspaper finds that the mean number of typographical errors per page is 4.

(a)Find the probability that there are going to be 3?

(b)Find the probability that there are going to be 7?

Using the TI-83


Scroll down to Poissonpdf(

Type in the mean(μ), x value.

Poissonpdf(12,15) for the last problem.

You must be able to…..

• determine when to use:– Binomial Distribution– Geometric Distribution– Poisson Distribution

• See page 225…..