
Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Geology


What does Geo mean?


by Eva Hugas

by Eva Hugas

The science that deals with physical history of the Earth

The rocks from which the earth is composed

The physical, chemical and biological changes of the earth

by Eva Hugas


Where have you seen or heard

the word crust before?

by Eva Hugas

Are you hungry???Are you thinking about…?

Pie crust 0r bread crust?

by Eva Hugas

Where do youthink the Earth’s crust is?

by Eva Hugas

Just like pie crust and bread crust,the earth’s crust is on the outside

by Eva Hugas

The region just below the crust and extending all the way down to the Earth's core is called the mantle. The mantle is relatively flexible so it flows instead of fracturing.


by Eva Hugas

coreWhere’s the core of an apple?

What is in the core of a peach?

by Eva Hugas

by Eva Hugas

Where’s the core of the Earth?

What do you think is inside the

core of the Earth?

by Eva Hugas

The core is at the center of the sphere. The inner part of the core is thought to be solid. The outer core is believed to be very hot . When solid substances such as rock or metal become hot enough, they melt into a liquid.

by Eva Hugas

What do you thinkis the differencebetween a rock and a mineral?

by Eva Hugas

mineralA naturally formed , inorganic (not living)solid with a crystallinestructure

by Eva Hugas

by Eva Hugas

rockA solid mixture of crystals

of one or more minerals

or other materials

by Eva Hugas

Minerals can be part of rocks


rocks cannot be part of minerals

by Eva Hugas


by Eva Hugas


Sedimentary rocks are formed from particles of sand, shells, pebbles, and other fragments of material. Together, all these particles are called sediment. Gradually, the sediment accumulates in layers and over a long period of time hardens into rock. Sedimentary rock can break .

by Eva Hugas

Pretend a chocolate bar is a rock.

What happens to the chocolate bar when you put it over a stove or a fire?

What happens when you put the liquid chocolate back in therefrigerator for a few days?

Where would it be so hotthat a rock would melt?

by Eva Hugas

by Eva Hugas

igneousIgneous rocks are formed when magma cools and become hard. Sometimes the magma cools inside the earth, and other times it erupts onto the surface from volcanoes . When lava cools very quickly the rock looks shiny and glasslike. Sometimes gas bubbles are trapped in the rock during the cooling process, leaving tiny holes and spaces in the rock.

by Eva Hugas

So… like the chocolatebar in the example…Igneous rocks are

formedby melting and cooling

by Eva Hugas

metamorphicMetamorphic rocks are formed under the surface of the earth from the change that occurs due to intense heat and pressure (squeezing). The rocks that result from these processes often have layers and may have shiny cristals.

Examples of this rock type include gneiss and marble.

by Eva Hugas

Rock cycleWhat happens to water in the water


What do you think happens to rocks

in the rock cycle?

The three kinds of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous change into one of the other two kinds of rocks

by Eva Hugas

by Eva Hugas

by Eva Hugas